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  1. Damn. Came here to see if there was going to be a season 3 after finding this show on Hulu earlier today. My wife and I both enjoyed what we’ve seen.
  2. In 2024, anything that isn’t brain dead drooling is “too negative.” It’s why most of these people never actually get better. We now have to tell people that everything they do is the “best we’ve heard so far.” Your friend’s sister is an idiot.
  3. Figured that would be how it played out. Hope she finds a genre she can succeed in. Big Mo will be fine in country.
  4. We did, so I could be totally wrong. Just not sure that they’d want that sort of thing every week.
  5. I said the same to my wife. I do think she may be a bit….outspoken about her faith for Disneys taste.
  6. The right two are in the final two. Also, this show has highlighted what a talent gap there was between Will/Abi and the rest of the field.
  7. It is. I’ve personally bought tickets to 7 of those marketable events in the last 3 years lol.
  8. I’m curious as to what genre Abi lands in. That’s not a knock; she’s just shown a lot of variety this season, more than anyone else. But that can also be a kiss of death for a career if she doesn’t have somewhere she fits. Her Evanescence song a couple weeks back is one of my favorite 2-3 performances of the season.
  9. Wow!! Woulda bet money on Tristan awkwardly thrusting his hips to the finale. The 3 best vocalists from the top 5 made it. That look on Tristan’s face and his absolute lack of growth over the season is why we need at least one honest judge who will be constructive.
  10. I hope that’s the case. During last weeks episode, the commercial said “with 3 episodes left….” And we had 2 this week. I’d like another full hour to tie everything up.
  11. Next week (May 16) is the end of the series. Only got one left. I woke up this morning and felt like an idiot because legitimately, this was the first thing on my mind. Undoubtedly, it ties into something else that I'm dealing with in my life right now, none of which would matter to anyone here, but a fictional character's death that I knew was coming was immediately on my mind this morning. That is the mark of a well-done TV show, even if it hurt like hell.
  12. I knew it was gonna happen, and it still hurt me. That’s good writing.
  13. Speaking of the salon. She said she needed 90 clients a month to be financially viable? So….3 a day? I know zilch about the salon business, but that seems incredibly low.
  14. And an enormous anus for a father.
  15. Can anybody tell me where this clusterfuck of an idea where we just call everyone a king or a queen came from? The idiot friend saying “put your crown on queen; we don’t act like this” was only making it worse. There isn’t any royalty to be found in this shit storm of a show.
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