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Everything posted by ChelleGame

  1. They did. I'm sorry I left that out. They asked about all the husbands. I should've used etc in my post. One of the questions specific to Kelly was "Would you be interested in a storyline following Kelly and Michael in therapy trying to repair their marriage?" I voted no. Another question was "Would you be interested in a show about Jimmy, Meghan and their friends in St. Louis?" I voted no on that too. Full disclosure here. They asked if I'd like to see more of Tamra's son Ryan, or Brianna's husband Ryan. I voted no on both of those. They also asked if I wanted more stories about Heather and Terry and their side businesses. Nothing about Heather's house though. Another. If Vicki was to return would a storyline involving her relationship with her new boyfriend would be interesting. That cracked me up.
  2. This is an aggressive trend on TV. Made me stop watching about four shows last season. Affair is coming close to losing me with the shithead kids. Other reasons as well but that one just grates.
  3. Breezy, this made me remember another section in the focus group Q&A. There was an entire page devoted to the type of housewife you'd like to see if they added a new cast member. Options were things like -- wealthy, interesting job, married, single, family, no kids, children, friend of current housewife (specify which one), someone with no connection to current housewives, etc.
  4. Can't wait! Just read two books in a trilogy set in that era (by Patricia Bracewell) while waiting for the return.
  5. Just got a new survey (posted link in previous post) and it was all about RHOC. It's obvious from the questionnaire that they are considering ending the show. The questions weighed heavily on whether or not the show has run it's course. They also seem to be considering spin-offs of either Meghan and her family in St. Louis, Vicki and Brianna, and/or Shannon's family. They had pics of former housewives and then asked if any of them should return as full time cast members or guest stars with minimal appearances. What else? They asked if Sarah (Tamra's daughter in law), Brianna, Mia (Tamra's trainer) or Shannon's crazy friend who set off the 70s party should be added to the cast. Asked if we'd like to see more of Eddie, Terry, David. They also broke down story lines from the season and asked if any were worth carrying into the next season if the show came back. And it really seemed like they were considering getting rid of Vicki and Kelly if the show came back. The questions were blatantly slanted that way. If I remember anything else I will post.
  6. For once I'd like to see them take a different tack with these shows as they are now and bring them back to what they once were in RHOOC season 1. With all the baggage the cast brings they would need to recast the entire show. You know, there is really room to say all that in the questionnaires. You don't always get Housewives questions but it's pretty involved. You can be really specific or vague and there's often early clips of shows.
  7. He said he was from Scotland but had lived in Somerset at one point. They were kind to each other. I liked them. Village was adorable. Loved seeing the Bishop's Private Chapel at the church they visited. Liked first house the best but was way too over budget.
  8. Also, if anyone is interested in signing up for the focus group - that I mentioned in the post above - this is the link. http://viewervoice.tv/ I got another survey this evening about RHONJ so I suspect there will be another OC one post reunion part 3. The questions are usually so specific you can really tell who they're thinking of keeping, firing and what pairings they're considering.
  9. [1]: Bullshit. At him not you Chellegame. He loves the reunions because it puts him on tv and keeps him in, what is at least the perceived, helm of a good portion of BRAVO's programming. And I bet the jockeying for that seat gives him the longest erection he has short of going to the emergency for a prick of little hard dick. And by these women? Women he plays with and make mockery of and belittles even as he draws his pay and success from them? Yeah. Bullshit. Without the reunions, Cohen would never have gotten his talk show. [2]: He really is a piece of shit. Because the show did everything they could to provide hints and then made sure to cloud the issue. And then brought her back for this season. He simply hoped her notoriety would lift the shows ratings, his earning and his level of public attention as he tried to play serious journalist with interviews that in the end only clouded issues even more and let the show appear to be blameless by having someone back who tried to commit fraud with lies about cancer. He is nothing but a self-serving turd with the same lack of morals and values that lets Vicki stay and the Lying Cheating, Thieving Disgusting Giudices. The difference is he figured out a way to benefit from the crimes and attempted crimes of others. I don't argue that one bit. It's the only horse he beat repeatedly in the book which is why I included it. He was stingey as hell with any housewives tidbits. The other two books had way more dish. This seemed to be more about his loneliness, fighting aging and how many people his dog bites. Not kidding. That dog probably bites one person a week. The book was distracting while I was battling some serious blues but, ultimately, a waste since I was looking specifically for Housewives dish. Wait, he did also talk about shows he was pitching around town, or shows that were pitched to him. There was not a single one I wanted to watch. A lot of lazy, obvious ideas. Hopefully, my post saves folks from spending any time on it. Better to just let tidbits leak out. Not much else to it. But I did take a poll through a focus group and it included RHOC and ODD MOM OUT. The questions seemed to really skew toward whether or not to keep Vicki. The questions were worded in a way that made me think TPTB read all the message boards. Lots of specificity about her and her behavior. Not as much on Kelly as I thought but it did ask if there were any former OC Housewives we'd like to see again. That's all I got.
  10. Just finished Andy's new book. Not as much Housewives dish as I'd hoped. Only thing that seems to be consistent is that he dreads the reunions, and the jockeying for the seat next to him starts months in advance. OC is the only one I watch consistently but it's also the franchise he talks about the least in the book. Does not seem overly fond of any of the OC ladies but he does seem to have a real soft spot for Theresa and NeNe. A real outside-of-business friendship with Carole and Bethany. He appreciates Sheree and soothes Vicki by calling her the O.G. but not much in the pages. He said that there was serious lobbying by Heather and Shannon to get Vicki removed from the show before the Xanax reunion last year. They presented a ton of evidence that she was lying about the cancer and his response to them was that it would be more interesting to see her defend herself. Overall, not as gossipy (about the housewives) as I was hoping for - but a distracting trifle. He talks a lot about loneliness and aging. A lot about loneliness. Oh, and he's constantly listening to show idea pitches from the husbands/boyfriends of housewives. Almost all were stupid.
  11. The wood technique was pretty cool and I loved the final look of it. Those guys were also super nice. Liked all the contestants. They really showed early episodes in L.A. The prices were way higher (maybe because they could do large items for L.A. apartments) but the prize money was lower ($1500). Interesting to see all the changes that have been made. But I could tell the L.A. version was loaded with actors posing as buyers. Looking at you man who bough the conga drum table.
  12. So true. I am late and just binged this. I caught that same look. These young kids were beyond fantastic and talented. Nice to see the relationship that each had with their families. The love and support was really something special.
  13. I'm very sorry for your loss. Glad you shared such a good laugh with your daughter.
  14. This blew my mind. All kinds of wrong. A friend of my husband's showed up years ago with his "chick on the side." I didn't know his wife but I knew he was married. I opened the door to find them both on the porch stopping by for a visit. I just stood there staring at them and not opening the door. He did a nervous laugh like I was joking. I was not. My husband came walking up from the back of the house took one look at the two of them and said: Are you out of you f*cking mind? The girlfriend just turned around and walked back to the car. My house is not the scene of the crime. Nope. If my in-laws did something like that I would be hurt to my soul. Foul business. Regarding the previews...what in the world made Tamra spin out like that? She was hyperventilating and shaking. They're going to embarrass the shit out of America, aren't they? Cringing in advance but I'll be watching.
  15. Just remembered Danson licking the sweat napkin. That cracked me up too. The Good Life creator did an interview that discusses the point system. http://www.ew.com/article/2016/09/16/good-place-point-system-afterlife-ted-danson-kristen-bell?xid=entertainment-weekly_socialflow_twitter
  16. The scene where they turned on the audio of hell made me laugh hard enough to cry. That one tiny gag of people screaming and glass breaking just ruined me. I am laughing again. "I kicked your dog into the sun." That got me too. It shouldn't. Two dogs asleep on my legs as I type but it cracked me up. Eleanor unable to pronounce her soul mates last name just tickled me. The actor playing Chidi is just a real find. He is selling every bit of that character. Well done. I'll keep going with this one. The cast is stellar and Dansen and Bell are just such pros. Both are perfectly cast. It's silly, sometimes obvious, but I'll give it a chance to work out the kinks.
  17. "Tell her to text Brooks." Died laughing. Typing this from the afterlife.
  18. I forgot about their visit. That seems like a different show.
  19. Everything looks pretty in pictures or when typed up like that :) Like I said we go when it is cheap and we split it 12 ways. But, thank you, it's a nice time and all the other couples shed their kids for a few days. The Griffin estate really is gorgeous but I was shocked as hell that none of those clucks knew who he was. How is that possible? Or...am I really that old? I shouldn't be, but I am always surprised by how little intellectual curiosity exists across this franchise. I know they aren't casting for smarts but it is surprising how few of them have even passing knowledge of the most basic things. Like, I don't know, not hollering the c-word in a crowded restaurant.
  20. We live in L.A. and spend summers there. The heat makes it the off season and we get some of those big beautiful houses for cheap and bake ourselves all day and go to dinner at night on the main strip. We also spend every wedding anniversary there (got married in Palm Springs) in a big house with six other couples. When we first started to go it was much cheaper. Prices have risen quite a bit the past 15 years. It's also been really developed but it still feels like a sleepy small town after the L.A. sprawl.
  21. Good lord, this made me laugh. Kids tell all their parent's business. I went to a friend's house and her four year old insisted on giving me the house tour. As we passed the guest room he said, "This is where my daddy sleeps. My mom has the big bed to herself except when he goes in there for his wrestling matches with her. I think my mom hates losing cause she screams." I almost died. My girlfriend was scarlet red. But she has the best sense of humor in the world, and we've been friends since we were twelve, so we both just lost it. Her husband found the two of us sitting on the floor laughing until we couldn't breathe. Her son was laughing too but he told his dad he didn't know what was so funny. And the explanation was simple. Her husband worked night shift so he slept in there so he wouldn't disturb her. Now the family uses "wrestling" as a code word for sex. Anyway, loose lips and baby interpretations and a deadly combo. And I love how little kids translate what they see to wrestling. Anyway... Back to show. Who knows what the future will bring for Shannon and David but they seemed to be having a really good time in Mexico. Again, I just don't think any of them are skilled actresses so (for now) I believe that they think the marriage will work after the work they put in.Their laughing and silliness seemed genuine and a stark contrast to the Donn/Vicki "cow renewal" which Vicki brought up. Seeing that footage again, you can see the low energy between them and strain in their relationship was obvious. Also, the way Vicki hangs on her son-in-law is so attention seeking. Michael is just perpetually horrified by his mother. He seems like a nasty sarcastic dude. He can't be decent to anyone for a single second. He reminds me so much of that guy on the edge of a big group of friends who is always ready with the sarcastic, negative and shitty comments. Just a drag. He might be totally different off-camera but he has never come across like a nice guy.
  22. I've been to two weddings at the Merv Griffin estate. It's a beautiful property. Kelly is gross. That's about all I got.
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