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Everything posted by TheGenuineBeauty

  1. My thoughts on Episode 3. I have a lot of thoughts this week folks. 1. It's Charm La'Donna Week lol. I like her and I like that's honest and straight to the point. I also loved her choreography. I would LOVE for her to be a part of the permanent team, because her opinions are valid and you can tell that she loves DCC and the girls. 2. Armani and Elli KILLED IT with Charm's routine. 3. Marissa's group was the weakest in Charm's routine and frankly she was kinda right when she said that she could cut the group right now. Sorry Ashlinn 😞 4. Claire W? Floating? I disagree but ok. 5. The same thing that Charm said about Alora-Rose's dancing I would say the same towards Marissa as well. OVERDOING IT AND ALL OVER THE PLACE!!!! 6. Marissa has some moments where she shows maturity and other moments where I am like just shut up. Her confessionals sound fake and forced. I am kinda warming up to her, but sometimes she's just annoying. 7. Even though Claire D's audition video was better than most girls, I understand why she got cut. Her facial expressions were off putting. 8. Personally I would have cut Annabelle and Cassie along with Claire D. 9. I don't think they should have aired Armani's graduation mishap and use it as drama. 10. Ugh I love Lily. She's just so likeable and has this aura of kindness every time she talks. It's refreshing. 11. Oop looks like Meredith's no longer Kelli's favorite. Rightfully so, that girl should not have made the team last year. 12. I am still not a fan of Sydney's dancing and her audition video does not do her justice. She's good in the DCC style, but not great. 13. Kelli sure has some weird favorites. Meredith and Shannan are very much alike, pretty but weak dancers. I mean you're telling me, that compared to girls like Elli, Claire W., McKenzie, Kelly, your favorite was Shannan? Ok I guess. 14. Ooooo Sheridan just got on Kelli's bad side. Yikes. I love her accent and her personality though. Personally I don't mind it but I don't know southern hospitality. Anyways here's my current line up as of Episode 3 Armani Ashlinn Claire W. Dani Darian Elli Jada Kelly McKenzie Sheridan Tori I removed Alora-Rose and replaced her with Tori. Even though there wasn't that much screen time of her, she did get complemented by Charm.
  2. Two VK photos. Jeez Kelli, we get it, VK's your favorite. Keep in mind this is out of 10 photos. At least the first photo of VK looks good. That's....an improvement.
  3. STILL NOT OVER IT!!!! Nah but for real, this just makes more sense than just "her pom technique is weak." Come on let the girls wear their masks in peace.
  4. Rookies That Made My Team: Alora-Rose Armani Ashlinn Claire W. Dani Darian Elli Jada Kelly McKenzie Sheridan Rookies That I Am Cutting: Amelia Annabelle Cassie Claire D. Jessica Marissa Shannan Sydney Tori Veterans That Made My Team: Alanna Amanda Amber Ashlee Brennan Brianna Caroline Chandi Cici Erin Gina Hannah Jalyn Kelcey Kristin Lexie Lily Maddie Madeline M. Rachel A. Rachel W. Savannah Taylor Tess Victoria Veterans That I Am Cutting: Daphne Kat Lisa (for weight) Meredith I am on the fence on rookies like Marissa, Jessica, and Tori. Jessica and Tori because I haven't seen more from them and Marissa because she is a good dancer but she is way too young and too immature. Veterans that I am on the fence about are Taylor, Cici, Kristin, Madeline M, and Savannah. Cici for weight and the rest for being weak dancers. In terms of Show Group, I do think that rookies should not be in Show Group and have the All-Stars who were on Show Group at one point fill in if someone on SG has to step down. But in terms of who I'd pick, girls that come to mind are... Alanna Amanda Amber Ashlee Caroline Chandi Cici Erin Gina Hannah Jalyn Kelcey Lexie Maddie Rachel A. Rachel W. Tess Victoria
  5. My thoughts on Episode 2: (Took me a while to watch it as I was completely busy, this week has been a trainwreck lol. Also my mom DELETED my recording of the episode. WTF MOM???? Thank god for on demand) 1. I didn't think that Jada's kicks were slow but what the heck do I know? 2. Cassie, Shannan and Claire D. did not impress me in terms of kicks. 3. All the rookies looked good while doing the Thunderstruck dance. 4. Wow the fact that Elli had rehab for her shoulder and can still dance like she's a veteran, makes me like her even more. 5. I'm sorry but I still don't like Sydney. 6. Alora-Rose's speech to Kelli felt very...fake to me. Like she was trying to kiss ass to Kelli. 7. YAAASSS Evan likes Kelly and Elli. We stan talent!!! 8. Marissa's dancing to Evan's choreography was WAAAAAAY over the top. Too much power!!! 9. I would have cut Cassie right then and there instead of giving her more time. So far it was a good episode. Not that much to write about which can be good or bad I guess. My list of rookies that I would choose to be on the team is still the same. Alora-Rose Armani Ashlinn Claire W. Dani Darian Elli Jada Kelly McKenzie Sheridan
  6. I don't know....to me it looked like she was trying to hype up the crowd. But I don't know anything about the sideline dances so I could be mistaken.
  7. Here's the full quote: At the end of training camp, Hannah Anderson, who was a DCC for two seasons, wrote on Instagram that she was cut from the team and alleged that the reality TV show was prioritized over the safety of the women. Brennan Cook, who was a DCC for two seasons, also wrote on Instagram that she was cut and that she didn’t agree with that decision. Finglass says she understands and admires the women for speaking out. “I understand that it’s an emotional environment at that point,” Finglass says. “There is success and there is disappointment and I respect that they want to and deserve to express themselves. I respect that. Their former teammates even reached out and expressed themselves. I understand and I admire that. I think part of being a leader is inspiring others and how they treat other people. It’s emotional, but they deserve that. And that just means that they were strong teammates and at the end of the day, I think that speaks volumes in itself.'' I think that what she's saying is BS and that it is not what she really believes. If she really understood and admired the women for speaking out, she should invite them back to the team for next year. I wouldn't be surprised if the other teammates that did speak up about this got a stern warning from her, that if you don't stop talking about this that you would be next as well. As Abby Lee Miller always says "Everyone's replaceable"
  8. Marissa is a good dancer and I will never take that away from her. She has the power and the technique that the DCC is looking for. Sure she overdoes it sometimes but K and J mostly like that in a girl (for some reason) The problem that I have with her is that she looks too young, she acts too young, and she is too young (move over Maddie, there's a new Shirley Temple in town) Girls like her and VK make me be in favor of raising the minimum age from 18 to 21 for DCC. But then again, we wouldn't have girls like Holly P. (who's an amazing dancer, way better than Marissa and VK combined even though she did get into that whole debacle) or Lacey (who was mature for her age when she tried out for DCC) Also I was looking at the little bit of screentime that Kelly got in this episode and besides a wobble at the end pose, in my opinion she was good. Of course not as good as girls like Claire W. Elli, and Jada but up there as one of the best (Dani and Ashlinn were good too) So unless she messed up on one of the 17 routines that they showed K and J, then there is no way that Kelly is considered a maybe. Also I dug up my list of TCCs that I would pick for the team if I was K and J, based on the audition tapes. Alora-Rose Armani Ashlinn Claire W. Dani Darian Elli Jada Jessica Kelly McKenzie And based on both the audition tapes and Episode 1 this is who I would choose: Alora-Rose Armani Ashlinn Claire W. Dani Darian Elli Jada Kelly McKenzie Sheridan So I kicked out Jessica for Sheridan. Sheridan stood out in this episode and Jessica was somewhat forgettable for me.
  9. Exactly. Why pick them if they didn't do their best during the audition process, where they could have done the routine over and over again until they had it down perfectly and then post it. So if the videos that they posted are their best and they are still getting criticized by K and J, then why pick them for training camp? The world may never know.
  10. I always keep forgetting that there was a Megan Fox on the team. I was sitting there like "What does Megan Fox have to do with DCC?" lol Also I remember there was a Starr Spangler too. She was on the Amazing Race and won. Like I am all for the patriotism but calling your child Starr Spangler was kinda weird. I liked her in MTT though.
  11. I don't know if somebody posted this but the new DCC website has this Looking Back section under the History tab and there are some posts about former DCC members. So I clicked on Sara Fulghum's tabs and I kid you not they are using photos from Pompedia. I am like do you not have a photo archive from the past? Why use sh***y photos with low resolution from Pompedia? I just found this hilarious and frustrating at the same time. https://dallascowboyscheerleaders.com/news/sara-fulghum/ https://dallascowboyscheerleaders.com/looking-back/ I looked at the other girls and it just looks like they found photos off of Google and used them for the posts. Some girls don't even have photos. Like I would understand if you don't have photos from the 60's but at least by the 80's you would have an archive of all of your DCC photos. It just goes to show you how messy this website is.
  12. I think that was Amelia, not Alora-Rose. Alora-Rose is the girl who moved to New York at 18 to become a Rockette.
  13. Here are some of my thoughts during Episode 1: 1. I am so sorry but there is something about Sydney that just rubs me off the wrong way. I am sure she's a lovely person in real life but I haven't seen it yet. Also in my opinion she looked sloppy in the pom dance video she submitted. 2. Same thing with Marissa except she's sounds immature and annoying. Also her reaction video to her making Training Camp, even though it was one second it was the weirdest thing. I guess she has a lot of brothers, plus her boyfriend. But her being around so many guys was kinda off putting for me. 3. I like Jada's story. Even though I am not a fan of the sob story segments of the episode, it made me like her more. 4. Annabelle is the highest scoring rookie? X to doubt. 5. Kelly is the lowest scoring rookie, and they don't show her pom video? Another X to doubt. 6. During the first night of TC, Marissa dancing was all over the place in my opinion. 7. I loved Elli and Jada. I think they were powerful without overdoing it. 8. I don't like that K&J are having doubts about Kelly without actually showing us her making mistakes. From the little screen time she got I thought she was good. We'll see what happens. Anyways that's it for now. Can't wait for Episode 2.
  14. Do you smell that???....It smells like complete and utter BS....I'll just leave it at that. Also whoever SP and NM are...I am coming after you for not choosing Amanda lol
  15. Wow showing Meredith and Brennan when there are no longer on the team is just....sad. Not for Meredith but for Brennan, Lily and Hannah STILL NOT OVER IT!!!!
  16. So I am currently re-watching and re-watching all of the audition tapes (cause its 5am and I can't sleep) and these are my thoughts Alora-Rose: After watching all of the videos, I am starting to like her more. Her audition video is not the best but I can see the potential there. Plus she's a stunner Amelia: I am not wowed by her and I am not surprised that she was the first one to get cut at TC (as per the rumors and speculation) Cute outfit though. Annabelle: There's no doubt about it that Annabelle is Kelli's pet project for the season. She usually takes one or two girls every season and most of the time they never make the team. (Karissa in Season 6 is one that comes to mind). Her dancing was all over the place but it was enjoyable. Armani: I am going to have to see more of her. Her audition video didn't wow me but it didn't offend me either. It was just, meh. Ashlinn: She is one of a couple of girls who's audition video I liked. I think she has the DCC look, and the dance technique. If I had to guess, the reason why she was cut was because she lacks power in her dancing. If that's the case, then I would love for her to audition next year cause I think she can be a DCC. Cassie: I think she has that dance style that DCC is known for. I don't know why she got cut. If I had to guess it would be because of flexibility or weight issues. She has a little bit of tummy fat, but we'll see. Claire D.: Now this one I am hell a confused on why she didn't make it cause her audition video wowed me, plus she has the experience and the DCC look. Maybe its because of the kicks cause it looked like she was having trouble with them (is that what Kelli means when she says the kicks look tight?) Claire W.: She has the complete package. 100% completely and utterly earned that uniform. Can't wait to see more from her. Dani: Another one who's audition video was good. Not as exciting as other girls, but totally has the DCC look. Darian: This was the girl that I was most excited for and not gonna lie, I was kinda disappointed with her video. The camera work was bad and I don't think that she showed her best. Especially considering she has experience in both the NBA and NFL. She's still gorgeous though. Elli: I love her. Her kick was a little on the low side, but she's stunning and I don't know why but I like watching her dance. It's not the best, but it's enjoyable. Jada: I did not like her introduction but her dancing made up for it. She's got legs for days and those kicks...those are some Gina, Lacey, Holly P. level kicks. Amazing. Jessica: Meh. It was good, but I wasn't wowed by it. Kelly: Oh come on Kelli, how could you let this one slip under the cracks? Seriously her and Claire W. probably had the best audition videos and Kelly gets cut? But what do I know I guess. Marissa: Good dancer, but she's too young and too immature to be on DCC right now. Maybe in four years after she goes to college and matures a little. McKenzie: Another girl who's got legs for days and a good audition video. She's one to look out for in my opinion. Shannan: Another meh girl. Also she looks too old to be 22. It must be the makeup and if that's the case then the DCC makeup would only worsen her look (I mean look at VK) Sheridan: I don't think she has enough flexibility for DCC, but she does have the DCC look. I think she should audition next year. Sydney: She must have gotten on the team because she was a Pro Bowl cheerleader cause her dancing....yikes. I am only missing Tori's video, but based on the audition tapes alone, this is who I would pick to be on the team. Keeping in mind that... 1) 8 vets retired 2) 4 vets got cut 3) The team must be 36 girls, so there are only 11 spots to fill. Alora-Rose Armani Ashlinn Claire W. Dani Darian Elli Jada Jessica Kelly McKenzie Now if it were up to me Lily, Brennan and Hannah would not be cut and instead I would have just cut Meredith and Kat for being weak dancers, and Lisa and Cianna for weight (by DCC standards) I'll update this post when Tori's audition is uploaded and see if things change. Update: Just saw Tori's video and tbh it doesn't change my opinions about who I would choose for my team. She's a good dancer but she's average compared to the other dancers. Also she's bottom heavy, which is good for everything else except for DCC (I hate the body standards for DCC but it is what it is)
  17. I personally would have switched Kat or VK with Kelcey. I would love to have the solo photos for each girl in different poses, so that we can create our own squad photo, since the photo this year's photoshopped
  18. Not surprised that Rachel W. is the center of the squad photo. Personally, and this is just my opinion, I would have put Maddie at the center since she's a fifth year veteran and it might be her last year. Unless it's Rachel W.'s last year as well, then in that case I would put her in the center of the photo.
  19. 1. Claire W. 2. Dani 3. Claire D. 4. Ashlinn 5. Elli 6. Jada 7. Cassie 8. Armani 9. Darian 10. Alora-Rose 11. Annabelle 12. Amelia
  20. Not gonna lie, these audition videos are disappointing af. But here's my ranking so far based on the audition videos. 1. Claire W. 2. Dani 3. Claire D. 4. Ashlinn 5. Elli 6. Cassie 7. Armani 8. Darian 9. Alora-Rose 10. Annabelle 11. Amelia
  21. FINALLY!!!! 1. Claire W. 2. Claire D. 3. Ashlinn 4. Cassie 5. Armani 6. Alora-Rose 7. Annabelle 8. Amelia
  22. Kat looks good in that picture. Waaaay better than her cameo photo from last year.
  23. Oop video unavailable. Dang it I am late to the party.
  24. I am impressed, I can see why she made the team. Wait HUH??? She didn't make the team? WTF IS GOING ON??? lol. Nah but like someone said on this post, looking at the TCC's audition videos so far, I am SHOCKED that Kelli cut Brennan, Lily, AND Hannah (Meredith needed to be cut last year imo) I was expecting Holly P. levels of dancing if you are going to cut 3 vets. 1. Claire D. 2. Ashlinn 3. Cassie 4. Armani 5. Alora-Rose 6. Annabelle 7. Amelia
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