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Everything posted by Linarina

  1. Brett actually said, "Goodbye, gorgeous!" so you can't say he didn't try. We saw more hidden camera footage of them spooning and such. I just don't know what the hell her problem is. Oh, and I think Brett knew it was over during his chat with Cal, but he blamed his cat because he's a gentleman and didn't see a need to drag her name through the mud, and he's secure enough in himself to just take the fall and not care what Cal thinks about him. He shrugs and looks like he doesn't care, and people take that as cockiness, but I think he's incredibly chivalrous. Olivia wasted her chance and wasted Brett's time.
  2. Idle MAFS thoughts while plucking my eyebrows: Miles may hang in there with Karen, even if she never fulfills him emotionally, just because she's so pretty. But if that's still the dynamic 20 years down the road, that situation seems ripe for Miles cheating on her (wouldnt blame him) with someone who actually does shower him with the affection he craves. And then...lightbulb moment...I wonder if that's why Karen's ex strayed. Don't get me wrong -- I have no idea, cheating is always wrong, et cetera. But we've been fed this story that she's cold because she's been hurt...but what if she's been hurt because she's cold? 🤔
  3. I'm betting there's an easy explanation for Bennett procuring the blender, but I wish we'd been told. I'm guessing Amelia wanted one, Bennett learned that a neighbor or even castmate happened to have an extra, so he struck a deal and got her a thoughtful gift within his nonexistent budget. At least I hope. (I'm trying to romanticize a blender here, folks; work with me.)
  4. Me too! This is my favorite season ever. At the end of each episode, I can't believe I have to wait an ENTIRE week for the next. 😭 I'm finding the city itself to be an intriguing backdrop, and I've never seen so many emotionally intelligent, creative, successful people on one show before (Miles, Woody, Amani, Bennett, Amelia, and imo even Brett). Karen is boring and uptight, but still chic and eloquent, so I don't mind watching her. Olivia, Henry, and Christina can get lost, but that's still batting way above average for a reality show. Like, how beautiful was Amelia's song?! and we haven't even talked about it on here because we already take their talents for granted! I am completely smitten with this entire season and truly wish I could be friends with some of them.
  5. On the topic of Miles' openness getting tiring, I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt that these are the topics production suggests. And since it's a show about their relationships, I can see how they'd think they should discuss those relationships. They don't realize that the viewer then assumes that's ALL they talk about 24/7. (I cannot imagine giving over control of how I'm portrayed on a tv show!) Edit: But then again, he was open on his social media before the show too. I too wish we knew to what extent.
  6. I'm not a Christina fan, but given the mute lump of a person she's been cruelly matched with, one could also read her smirk as an empowering "I'm tired of pretending you have potential, confidence in a mate is not too much to ask for, screw you for wasting my time," and I would totally get that.
  7. oh, oh, OH! What the HELLLLL?! Did Bobby actually projectile SPIT on Danielle's face after her ultrasound?! Like what the fuck did I just watch?!?!
  8. Christina also got veneers to straighten her teeth. You can see that in the side by side pic.
  9. Like the spanking discussion, I fully expect Amani to bring him into this century and set him straight. 😄 I did find it adorable though how he empathized with dogs communicating with their barks and thought it'd be cruel to silence them.
  10. It's funny how divergent and ardent the views are on Olivia and Brett. I feel like, with what we have been shown, 90% of the blame lies with Olivia. Others are saying Brett must be a jerk off-camera, but even she's not saying that! She referenced their long, intimate talk the night before, where she would've expected him to give her that smile compliment. So it couldn't have been a bad convo. I almost wonder if she's just too insecure to take him at his word that he genuinely likes her. Yes, he's a sarcastic guy, but she can't read his tone and intent. Olivia: Do you like me? Brett: Yes, very much. Olivia: Why are you lying? Brett: I'm not lying. I've told you all along how much I like you, and I'm sincere. Olivia: So you're not going to admit you don't want me? Fine, Brett. Be that way. Brett: What do you want from me? Olivia: The truth! /paraphrasing Anyway, I find her exhaustingly bitchy.
  11. Olivia is just awful. What a sourpuss. When Brett made the corny "jawsome" pun, would it have killed her to laugh? That's him trying, girl! What's a guy gotta do to get some positive reinforcement around here? Damn. Just stay frigid and single then.
  12. In what way is Amani's nose different on Unfiltered? It looks the same to me! But if so, maybe she could slip Olivia her surgeon's deets?
  13. When she came down off the rock wall, that was the perfect time for a quick kiss or a hug at least. She didn't even give him a high five. In fact, she moved away from him, sensing he would lean in. She is so uptight and cold -- and that was when she was having fun!
  14. Well, sure, of course if he really, truly wants kids, no one should try to dissuade him. But so many people say they want kids just as a default position, when they haven't really considered the alternative. Given his money anxiety and desire for a low-stress life, he might be brought over to the dark side, muahaha.
  15. I was going to say this! They could be such a good match if they readjusted their preconceived (no pun intended) visions of their futures a little. Without the expense of children, they can vacation AND pay their house off. Ask me how I know! 😁
  16. I'm wading into dangerous territory here, but a scene from a previous episode has been bothering me -- when Karen was having basically a "stranger danger" conversation with her little girls about how to STAND. THEIR. GROUND. and say HANDS OFF to all the evil racist people whose hands will inevitably be magnetically drawn to their hair. I do feel like I understand the "hair issue," but that scene made me sad because it's priming them to feel victimized and to have their guard up. Micro aggressions like "ooh, can I touch your (different) hair" do add up to macro-level racism, but I'd want to give my child the gift of assuming the best in people. I imagine being taught at age 5 that others see you as different puts an unnecessarily heavy burden on that child. They will inevitably experience racism in their lives, but I felt like Karen was stealing their innocence. I'm also curious whether they would've had that conversation if the cameras hadn't been there. Like, was she just using the stage for her own venting or to give a PSA to viewers. Another, less controversial example of Karen passing down her own negativity is a clip where she was saying she drills into the kids that their siblings are the ONLY people who will ever truly care about them. Like, geez, way to raise a bunch of paranoid hermits. I'm an only child; however will I survive?
  17. What did Miles wipe off the end of the lighter? Weed...residue...? lol, I know nothing about drugs, so I'm not sure that's a thing. But it was definitely something he didn't want the cameras catching, and Karen then realized what had happened, and both of them got wide-eyed and giggly before Miles abruptly changed the subject!
  18. I hated pre-wedding Brett, and now, much to my surprise, I find myself crushing on post-wedding Brett. I seem to be alone! He seems genuinely attracted to Olivia (a shock to me). He has been funny and witty and quite open about his past experiences and his fears, showing vulnerability. When he refused to give a rating, I thought douchey pre-wedding Brett was emerging, but then the next day he gave a sincere, heart-melting explanation and apology. As a result of growing up with all those jerks in his family, he uses sarcasm and dead-pan humor as a defense mechanism, and in the beginning it seemed like Olivia could appreciate that, but increasingly his jokes seem lost on her. When one person is deadpan and the other is dour, things get tense quickly. For all her talk of "I'll take the nice guy!", she hasn't been very nice herself. No suitcases on the bed! Once-a-week sex on her day off after she's FaceTimed all her friends and family! These computer monitors better not be for gaming! DEBT! He seems comfortable with himself, which is a turn-on to me. I thought he handled himself really admirably in the face of Olivia's yokel parents' "ARE U A CHRISTIAN, BOY?" grilling. He stood firm in his beliefs while also being respectful of theirs, which is a difficult line to walk. He has a job that requires skill and could be well-paid; he just does it for local government, which can't compensate him well. Maybe he can apply for an IT job in another, higher-paying sector, so he has more earning potential. He just hasn't needed to, because he's content with his ancient luggage and box wine. Like Bennett, I think it speaks to his maturity that he's not interested in keeping up with the Joneses, and increasingly Olivia seems materialistic and irresponsible with money. At the start of their marriage, I was bracing for sweet Olivia to get her heart broken by Brett, the shallow player. I kept waiting for Brett's kind, invested, earnest "act" to drop, but it hasn't, and instead it's Olivia who's mucking it all up! Don't ruin this, girl!
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