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Boo Boo

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Everything posted by Boo Boo

  1. Totally agree. Not to mention, how would they feel if they weren't ready and the guy was hounding them for sex?
  2. And what she forgets is she basically she's so busy but somehow has time for Heather and Joe, "almost every day." Ha, yeah, you're probably right. It's usually just "not now" vs. not being sure.
  3. Try exaggerated sense of self-worth. Self-centered. Have you never run across anyone where you felt they need to take their love of themselves down a notch as they look down on others?
  4. It's possible she doesn't know yet if she wants kids. But if she really doesn't and she's leaving wiggle room it isn't fair to either one of them to be in this relationship. Of course, this could be another one of those "I hate dogs" and then the expert sets them up with someone who has dogs.
  5. To clarify, there's a difference in my view of having confidence and self-esteem versus being full of themselves. I think confidence is sexy. I just get the feeling that Olivia thinks she's the smartest person in the room, the busiest person in the room. I've yet to see a real sense of humor about herself either. I think Amani has healthy self-esteem. Amelia has healthy self-esteem. These are two confident women who do well in life. They have a sense of humor about them. And their partner. To me, there's a big difference between being conceited and being confident with healthy self-esteem.
  6. I think Brett said all the right words to make it sound like the disparity didn't bother him. And it might not have bothered him at first. I think what did bother him was how she started talking about love of expensive things. You could see his posture change. And then you could see her exacerbation with his comments on cheap wine, going without, we'll cook, I want to build a foundation... anyway, beating a dead horse lol On chemistry, I don't see it at all. I'm waiting to see a fun side of Olivia. Brett thinks he's funny but often he just isn't. They are not a match.
  7. I find it so strange how many women are basically upset that their stranger "husband" isn't making the move to have sex. Is it they are taking that as an insult of their attractiveness level?
  8. Hell, didn't he say he volunteers at the animal shelter? No question. My late husband and I were both simpatico with how we spent, how we saved. If they are truly that different in how they approach money, they should never combine bank accounts if they were to stay married.
  9. Yes, indeed on Olivia. And I guffawed at ChristinA's preview of men telling her she's gorgeous. Babushka, what?! Maybe the guys who booty call her?
  10. Yeah I think that's what is bugging me about her. She talks about having fun, but she seems so wet blanket. Even the monkey bar show of force didn't seem fun. And it seems like she's always "I, I, I, I." Plus I don't understand her. On one hand, all she does is work, come home and sleep but somehow she goes out to dinner all the time, and then hangs out with "Heather and Joe" (who?) "like almost every day." Who is she really? I just don't feel like she's being authentic, but the baby doll voice of her makes people think she's such a sweetie pie. Like she's one of those people that drops "I'm so busy" as though this makes her very important.
  11. That's a good take -- thanks for sharing that! Yes, there's still a lot of weirdness about a woman making more than a man. And maybe that's where she was coming from.
  12. On Miles and Karen, I do understand why she could be concerned about his battle with depression. But it's couching it as not being masculine is what's the disturbing part. Yes, she does have a right to be concerned -- is his depression under control? How does his depression affect his day to day? Has he ever been suicidal? Is this the overly emotional stuff she was concerned about with his online persona? It's stigmatizing someone who was very brave to (1) seek help, and (2) be open about it, is what is appalling to me.
  13. Once she found out his salary, it was all about her lifestyle. She likes expensive wine. She likes expensive vacations. She eats out all the time. That might not be the high life, but the implication was: Oh shit, I got paired with someone who can't afford to do the things I want to do and I sure as shit ain't paying for him. And then when he talked about living within his means, the eye rolls and side eyes. For me, it was all about how she handled that discussion and then the discussion later about how she isn't giving up anything, changing anything about herself at all when she gets married. Let me preface this by saying, no you should not give up your friends and things you enjoy doing. But marriage does involve some kind of compromise or don't get married. I also feel like she's done a 180 since we first met her and the wedding. She does not seem like the same person that I liked. I don't like Brett, but she's starting to make him seem likeable to me! I'm still of the mindset that Olivia knows he isn't into her so she's detaching and making it seem like it's mutual. Also, I'm so sorry Yeah No for the shitty hand life has dealt lately. That's a lot all at once. Cyber hugs! .
  14. Did Hubby ever make you feel like shit b/c he makes more than you do? Did he talk about how he likes expensive wines, expensive vacations when he found out your salary? That's where the rub is really for me. I get that she didn't want someone who made significantly less than her, but hey, if you've ever watched this show and then sign up, you know they aren't going to abide by your wishes. For me, it was her comments directly after finding out his income and her talk of all the expensive things she likes and then the eye rolls, turning her head to the side when he was talking about cheap wine and going without. I'm sure there have been a lot of MAF men that have made a lot more money than their spouse but never made that salary difference a problem. She may not live outside her means, but when he talked about living inside his and building wealth, it was her eye rolling looking off to the side that I found shitty. I'd rather have a guy who was responsible with the money he makes than someone that blows what he makes. If they are in a partnership with no kids, seemingly they could do some of the expensive things she likes. But she already strikes me as what is hers is hers. "I" "I" "I" and not changing anything but mysteriously wants to be married.
  15. I wasn't referring to "healthy self-esteem."
  16. Amelia has a great voice! I typically hate the indie girl talk/sing but Amelia didn't over do that at all. I really like her a lot and I'm enjoying watching two people really crush on each other.
  17. @Soup333, I'm not sure why I reacted so strongly to your comment asking me if I share DNA with Brett and his cat. Usually I have a sense of humor, especially when you mentioned his cat. And now I'm chuckling at it. I'm sorry I snipped earlier; blaming COVID-19!
  18. Seems more likely that Olivia inflated her income than he makes $40K as an IT professional.
  19. That's definitely a huge difference. That said, it's possible he has some amazing benefits. Good health insurance and retirement package could make up for that income loss. I'm surprised he makes that much less than she does though. I mean, in some IT specialties, he could earn a lot more than her.
  20. I'm doing the rewatch of this and I'm so baffled by Oliva. She facetimes her BFF almost every day. She calls her mom every day. She said she hangs out with Heather and Joe (whomever this is). He asks how often she hangs out with them. "like Every day." I thought this Nurse Practioner was so busy. How do you spend that much time with Heather and Joe? I thought she was so busy she comes home, showers, goes to bed. And then she works a lot at night?
  21. Her eyes are beautiful. But you're right about "dowdy." She really does have that matronly look.
  22. In the context of her blurting out "How much money do you make" to me, the inference was, "I make this, you make that and this is a problem b/c I like the finer things in life, like travel, expensive wines." She also mentioned what she asked from the experts. So to me, she was not happy about what he made since she specifically mentioned what she asked of the producers. At the end of the convo, they talked about spending habits and that involved a lot of eye rolling to the side when he said he likes cheap wine, and building wealth. I think she was exacerbated by his joking around, but I think he was generally embarrassed and was joking his way out of that. If she asked the producers that her husband make the close to, the same, more and they didn't I get being frustrated if she thinks his income affects her lifestyle, but seemingly she's seen episodes of MAFS before signing up so she should have been prepared that her wants and desires are going to be sacrificed for ratings.
  23. YES, I forgot about that "big boy pants on." I sincerely hope that the next time she runs off to the bathroom he tells her she needs to put on her big girl pants.
  24. I hated him the first couple of episodes. I totally thought he wanted a supermodel despite that he's not all that great looking and that he played up the fuckboy stuff too much. I totally thought he acted like an ass at the bachelor party and also thought if he was actively dating, he shouldn't be MAFS. That said, I appreciate the fact that he has *some* personality. Does Olivia even have a sense of humor? She's got that soft, baby doll voice, but where is this supposedly fun-loving person? She wasn't even fun-loving on the monkey bars -- just extremely competitive about winning like she's had to prove that she actually works out.
  25. Right and it's so odd to me given her personality of the first couple of episode was wanting to share her life with someone. The way she's talking now, why get married at all? Or hey, maybe you shouldn't get married at first sight and instead date the people that are going to be high earners who don't want kids. What I think is really going on is that she sense he isn't into her and has created this whole new persona of jetsetting high income earner.
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