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Boo Boo

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Posts posted by Boo Boo

  1. 14 hours ago, Jax7917 said:

    I found this episode boring and quite honestly , I feel like the only reason it was made was to give Milo some work , as he’s really not needed in the series any longer . I think he’s a good actor but he was killed off early on in the series and in my opinion , every scene with him feels like filler and not something necessary or intriguing . His mom died but it had no bearing on anything because We are nearing the end of the series and Jack’s story is complete . He died . Let’s focus on the characters who are still a mystery to us . Who Kevin ends up with and his journey to get there  , Kate’s divorce and marriage to annoying guy , Randall’s career or kids etc . I like Jack but I don’t think we need an entire episode devoted to him at this point . 


    And how about an episode of how Rebecca and Miguel found romance?  

    I can't stand Jack's character and feel like the writers and producers think we are all enamored with the legend that is Jack.

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  2. Why did we need this Jack-centric episode? We've seen that he had a bad childhood.  Boring episode and more speechifying.  I've never seen someone deliver a eulogy on the fly with the amount of pensiveness that we see on this show.  

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  3. On 1/19/2022 at 2:49 PM, Ohiopirate02 said:

    I also did not see Kate doing anything out of the ordinary. If anything, I saw the fun dad vs. mean mom trope in full effect with Toby and his gifts.  I get Toby wanting to spend time with his kids, but he needs to respect the schedule Kate has set up.  

    Which is one of the problems I have with this show in general.  The men in the Pearson circle, and some adjacent are these over the top, big gestures, romantic fools, doting fun dads, while the women are these complex creatures who sometimes are soooooo bitchy when all the men wanted to do was their big gesture!

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  4. 21 hours ago, watch2much said:

    I still like Kevin because he's like a lovable golden retriever trying to figure things out.  I used to like Randall but he's so self centered it's tiresome.  Love Beth, however, who's able to cut thu all his BS.  I've always liked Toby.  And I don't hate Kate because she's fat.  I like her less than the others because I don't see her do any self reflection that the others have.  I suppose the old boyfriend thing was something and of course we know Jack's death had affected her.  but what's she doing to try to get beyond that? berating her husband at every opportunity?  

    and as others have said....Kevin is rich and more than willing to help Madison and Kate with nannies, etc.  there's no need for either of them being so strung out.  Toby is doing the best he can...and it could be a temporary situation.  Kevin has the ability to assess himself, Randall is exhausting but with Beth's help he can also adjust, Kate is just exhausting.

    People hate Kate b/c she's fat?  I must've missed that. EDIT:  Nevermind, I missed the comment above where someone mentioned people angry at Kate for being fat.

  5. On 1/20/2022 at 6:29 PM, SunnyBeBe said:

    I had my share of eye rolls during this episode, however, what surprised me the most was the scene when Kevin shows up at Madison’s to see the babies.  A part of his behavior seemed way overdone…….I mean more so than Kevin’s usual exuberance over things he loves.  But the kicker was how poorly acted Madison’s part was! Omg….the way she described the vomit and peanut butter in her hair.  So fake! She needed more direction on that scene, imo.  She held up her hair like it was a high school play.  I felt like another student in acting class watching her go.   I haven’t noticed that before with that actress.  

    Also, what is wrong with these two parents that they don’t have an attorney draw up a custodial arrangement?  It’s really common.  It’s not so much the parent’s  right to have that time with the child, but the child’s right to have time with the parent.  Kevin thinks he’s being deprived, but it’s the children who suffer when they don’t have time with each parent.  Regardless of his schedule, there are ways to make it work.  

    The funny thing to me is the pretense here is odd.  He's upset he missed his kid walking.  Join the club pal, a lot of these things happen when parents are at work.  He's not special in that direction.  And if he was still living in the garage (?), he could've very easily missed that moment too b/c he was working.

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  6. I couldn't help but think that Christian's design for Precious would've been something he would've sarcastically berated if it was the design of one of the contestants.  And one which Nina would've questioned the taste level.  There was simply no need for that woman's breasts to be out like that.  Were her nipples taped down?

    Also thought Cristina's design was horrendous.  Co-sign on the macrame -- enough already with the "signature" gimic.

    I wasn't wild about the winning look.

    • Love 5
  7. On 1/13/2022 at 5:44 PM, CrystalBlue said:

    We all realize this but I think the majority of posters here want TIU to be authentic and realistic, especially since, as discussed earlier, there's been the consequences of unprotected sex from other characters.  Perhaps if/when Beth freaks out, Deja will reveal that she/they used something and it just wasn't shown on camera.  I think some of us want our beloved TIU characters to be role models for others, in a sense.

    Last thing I want is Deja Preggers Drama and hells to the no to a Very Special Episode that tackles abortion again or miscarriage.  Adoption has already been covered ad nasuem so I don't need that either.

    Ha, other than the dialogue between teens that sound like 40 year-olds, two teens jumping into bed unprotected is more real than anything I've seen on this show!

    • LOL 4
  8. 13 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

    The reason the awkward dinner seemed "real" to me is the number of times I've experienced, "stranger on a plane" occasions when my seat mate and I tell our life stories and share things we would never say to anyone we were going to see again.

    It  starts with the moment at the door when Sally doesn't recognize Nicky and then  Nicky's reminders reveal that they barely knew each other before their one night stand.

    Nicky, who never had a gating system, blurts out the info about deflowering, then Sally says the very common expression of "I must have early Alzheimer's," and it's then that I think Rebecca thought, this can't get any worse, plus we'll never see these people again, so she started telling the truth about her illness and after that the spirit of total honesty caught on with everyone.

    I've been with people when that started happening, and I really enjoyed seeing it with this group. 

    Sally and her husband might split up after this or it might be a turning point for better understanding between them.

    I've had seat mates too where I talked a lot of stuff to a perfect stranger I normally wouldn't have.  But if my (late) husband was in the aisle seat next to us, I would not be arguing with him and airing out our dirty laundry next to a perfect stranger.


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  9. 6 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

    Count me with the ones who aren't interested in the Deja/ Malik story.  Why, on a show known for great casting, would they bring on a young man who not only looks too young for Deja but is too small for her and, well, let's face it, not nearly as good looking as she is?  You just don't see that big a difference in real life very often.

    Shallowness aside, why didn't they do something with their "first time" story?  When Malik was sitting on the bed looking nervous, I thought sure he was going to say he just couldn't risk getting a girl pregnant again.  He, of all people, should have been shown reaching for a condom.

    On the other hand, I thought the awkward dinner at Sally's house was some of the best writing I've seen them do.  It was all so unexpected and real.  At first I thought it was unlikely they would have stayed for dinner, but then I thought, they must have figured, "we came all this way..."  I was happy for Sally getting a little romance in her life and for Nicky getting closure and Rebecca had lines that made her more real to me than ever before.  the first few seasons she just seemed like Jack's object of worship and I hadn't liked her as much.

    Funny because I thought the awkward dinner at Sally's was not real at all.

    I mean, your former partner shows of what, a nanosecond, shows up at your door, remembers things about the time you fucked, and you're now so touched by that you air out dirty laundry between you and your husband?  In front of virtual strangers Rebecca and Miguel?  

    Maybe the "real" part of the convo to me was the aging talk between Sally and Rebecca, but everything else to me was just the usual This Is Us man syndrome.  Nicky, the romantic fool as every man in the Pearson circle seems to be, does a big gesture, does the Pearson "I remember everything" stuff!  Then intended romantic target falls all over herself comparing her husband with the romantic fool Pearson, but realizes she's stuck with her slug husband that isn't a Pearson who pays attention to every last detail!  

    • Love 6
  10. 16 hours ago, Blakeston said:

    When Kevin was driving like a madman to be by Madison's side when she gave birth, there was a moment when Rebecca said something that Kevin couldn't hear because the phone connection briefly dropped. She said something along the lines of, "As much as I loved your father, the truth is that there were times when..."

    That makes me suspect that they're going to explore Jack's flaws at least a bit more before the series ends. In the episode before this one, there was some acknowledgement that Randall's savior complex is unhealthy, so I'm hoping they'll explore how Jack had the same issue, and passed it down to Randall.

    This is a good observation and I hope that's the case.  


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  11. 24 minutes ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

    The show was going there with regards to Jack not being the perfect husband/father/brother, but pulled back.  I really think NBC put some pressure on the showrunners to ease up on showing Jack Pearson's clay feet.  Networks listen to the fans on Facebook or Twitter more than those of us on snark sites.  And people love St. Jack over there.  The network used random Twitter users in their promos for this season.  That is their audience.

    YES.  Then there was the nauseating need to produce a tear jerk episode.  IIRC, the TIU used to play up the "Making you cry" stuff.  

    • Love 2
  12. 4 minutes ago, watcher1006 said:

    Is it possible for a character to be overwritten? I've never heard that adjective applied to a character, but I sometimes get that feeling about Milo Ventimiglia's Jack. They use him so much in the constant flashbacks to motivate or put in context what is going on in the present that his character feels overbuilt and forced. To me anyway.

    YES.  I completely agree.

    His character is overwritten, overwrought.

    And really, other than a couple of episodes where he was drinking too much, too jealous, isn't nearly every scene with Jack one in which he's right about something.  Or the people around him marvelling about how he was right about everything.  The God-like qualities they give of Jack are irritating.

    What I had really hoped from the show was that while the characters speak glowingly of him as the super hero husband, super hero dad, super hero friend, best guys ever, that the show would make it clear that these are people that are mourning the loss and therefore glossing over Jack's issues -- you know the not speaking ill of the dead, everyone becomes a saint when they are dead.  Instead, they gave us a couple of episodes of him dealing with a serious problem, a very short separation, and then it's back to being super dad Jack who conquered alcoholism in a very short period of time.  

    Jack's flaws on the show only seem to be that he had an awful childhood so therefore he was once a drunk!  Or that he tries too had to make everyone happy.  

    And also annoys me that aside from a couple of episodes, the Jack and Rebecca love story is far too perfect to be believable.  

    • Love 7
  13. 6 hours ago, Shermie said:

    Diane Keaton has been hiding her neck behind scarves and turtlenecks for 30 years. It's because older women are invisible in society. When the hair is grey, they're considered old hags, unlike grey haired men who are called silver foxes. Again can make the complexion more sallow so they add some colour with lipstick. It's not about being focused on appearance; it's about wanting to be seen.

    I don't understand the hate for Jack. He's an integral part of Rebecca's life, as well as the three kids. Her memories are going to include him.

    I do agree that I'd like to see how Rebecca and Miguel got together, how they went from friends to lovers and got past the notion of "betraying Jack", which would be a common thought.

    I find Milo's acting and voice irritating, so that's part of the reason I can't stand seeing Jack scenes. 

    The other reason I hate Jack scenes is I know it's going to be some big, romantic gesture scene;  some super hero dad moment; or some long speech.  He had what, a couple of episodes where he wasn't super human?   '

    I feel like this show often portrays men as these romantic fools whose biggest imperfection is they'll do anything for the women they love!  Or they help people too much!  Women of the show, however, are such complex creatures.


    • Love 9
  14. Ella looked ridiculous in that blonde wig.

    I would bet that Johnny really digs big women and he has no interest in making her diet, but that's the storyline they were told to go with to create some sort of drama when he gets here.

    Meanwhile, his fat friend making jokes about Ella?  That she'd suffocate him during sex?  Fuck that guy he looked almost as fat as Ella.

    • Love 14
  15. 3 hours ago, Drogo said:

    I’m going to say Caleb is an atypical dude bro with fboi tendencies.  Every word out of his mouth is accompanied by 150 other stupid useless words.  Has anyone even asked him why he raided the 1992 World Wrestling Federation storage unit and stole their pants? 

    If he thought enough to get her a baby carrier and he thought enough about sex to bring a bunch of condoms with him, a reasonable guy would’ve thought a little about the physics, and considered Maybe I Should Ask Her To Enlighten Me On How This Works. 

    He’s a shit who thinks this makes him look good.  There’s probably an in-person douchebag aura  that made Elijah and Maria instantly dislike him.  

    I don't think he's a fuck boi, but I do believe he thinks by being with her, people will view him as some sort of enlightened man who looks beyond a person's disabilities and want to cannonize him. I'm sure that's what he gets off on.

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  16. 13 hours ago, Adeejay said:

    Caleb is a typical dudebro with f-boy tendencies, but he is not the cruel asshole some are making him out to be. Unless I missed it, I don't think he ever said that he is aiming to make a full-on commitment to Alina upon meeting her. I believe he just wants to see if their online connection translates over into "real life".  Alina and her friends seem to be expecting something that Caleb never actually promised her.

    I honestly don't think a typical dudebro with f-boy tendencies would be with Alina.  

    He may have a savior complex. 


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  17. 2 minutes ago, Stuckathome said:

    I forget which season, or his name, but remember the guy who went to Colombia and teh girl barely wanted to give him the time of day? Like, they met once, she bounced and stood him up all the other times he wanted to meet up. So, he contacted a second woman who he had been chatting with online who was also Colombian, conveniently leaving out that he originally was meeting up with the first lady. The second one traveled like 2 or 3 hours by bus to meet up with him and yeah, they banged the first night and she went on an on about OMG he is so serious about me! he flew all the way here to meet me! LOL....he did eventually come clean


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  18. On 1/5/2022 at 1:26 PM, Ohmo said:

    I disagree.  I think he does love Madison but he now realizes that he's going to have to work to win Madison.  He and Sophie were young love.  They just kind of were.  As an adult, Kevin's always been able to "turn on" Kevin Pearson and impress people. Now he's realizing that's not going to work in this situation.

    I think what's happening now is Madison is no longer the neurotic Madison that he knew when the character was neurotic.  Now that she has shown she's a different person by not marrying him, wanting and expecting more, he's got a new found respect for her.  Confidence is sexy.  Maybe this time he really is falling in love. 


  19. 13 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

    If anything, I think it's the middle Randall that is most off.  I can totally see either Kindergarten Randall  or teenager Randall growing up to be adult Randall.

    Yeah, it's middle Randall that's so off.

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