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Boo Boo

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Posts posted by Boo Boo

  1. On 1/5/2022 at 11:53 AM, gonzosgirrl said:

    Did I dream the opening sequence of Kevin with two hot women fawning over him? If not, where is the jealousy over Madison coming from? And if so, wow, I may need help. :O

    Count me in as not getting the Kate/a-hole British guy thing. How does one watch him treat that ex-girlfriend that way and think, hmmm, yeah, gotta get me some of that. I know we saw Toby alive and well in the flash forward. I hope he is with someone who deserves him. I like Kate, but she never seems to appreciate what she has once she gets it.

    Please, not another season of St. Randall. Let it end with me liking him again as I did at first.

    Little Jack is adorable. The five year old little Big 3 are so well cast and also adorable. Little Kevin crawling into bed with Little Kate was the best moment of the episode for me.

    I feel like they get Randall wrong though.

    He goes from this kid:



    Then we get this Randall.


    Then teenage Randall


  2. On 1/4/2022 at 11:36 PM, ams1001 said:

    They were born in 1980 (I am five years older than them). The little ones certainly didn't look like third graders to me. We had individual desks in kindergarten (though our classrooms also had a lot of open space for group activities and free play; there were two kindergarten rooms in my school separated by a big open area in the middle) so that didn't make me think they were older.

    So I was ten then and while I do remember it happening, I don't have clear memories of how I felt about it. I'm sure I was upset at the time, but it's not like a vivid thing that I've carried with me or anything. 

    Noooo! How about a spin-off of Deja in med school? (Because there aren't enough hospital shows out there.) This Is US Healthcare.

    I was 12 when it happened and you'd think I'd be much more affected than the Big Three, but I wasn't.  I was sad by it, but I felt more like going into space is a potentially dangerous activity and it's not something that would happen within my own family.  So I side-eyed this being a huge storyline for TIU.


  3. 4 hours ago, Kid said:

    I don’t think you still being a single person has anything to do with your opinion! I agree with you completely and I have been married twice!   At her age, she is not going to find a pure virgin man. You would think she was a male heir to the throne that had to find a queen that has been untouched.

    Mike and his mother were so horrid I never understood the criticism of her behavior. I do now.

    Funny, the first season we were introduced to her, I thought she was a hurtful, terrible person.  I couldn't understand how people seemed to forget that season and viewed her as some sort of victim Season 2.

    On 1/7/2022 at 12:09 PM, Kdawg82 said:

    Ugh please get Jesse off the show. He is so annoying and disgusting.  Not handsome. Not suave. Nothing redeeming here. He hasn't had sex with anyone but himself in probably 20 years. Admit it. 

    Natalie,  I have no words. Just crazy. Not a model so give up.

    Big Ed's new makeover is working better but there's nothing to be done about his short....comings...? At least looks like he's not going for 25 year olds exclusively.  

    Why are we following mother Debbie's dating adventures?  She's not a 90-day'er. Better than Coltee I guess?? 

    Stefanie- annoying. 

    I personally love watching her dating adventures.  It's nice (well, also horrifying) to see what a 69 year-old goes through on the dating circuit.   Plus, I love an older woman who says fuck.  The "I want to be in the fuck zone" comment was reality TV gold.

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  4. 3 hours ago, candle96 said:

    You know, for all of Heather's "I'm smarter than everyone" attitude, she sure doesn't seem to have learned much from her past appearance on this show. She went after Shannon before (when Shanon was going through a legitimately bad situation in her marriage), and the audience largely took Shannons's side. Heather came across as cruel and mean, and if I recall, ended up apologizing to Shannon at the reunion.

    She's doing it again - Shannon was ripe for being edited as the villain, and instead Heather has completely overplayed her hand and looks like a mean girl again. 
    Even Terry seems to not entirely buy what she's selling. That speech was ridiculous. Shannon should've laughed in her face or told Heather to get over herself..

    And, maybe I'm a party of one, but I can't help but root for Shannon. She is her own worst enemy and her self-esteem is obviously in the toilet, which influences too much of her behavior. If she took a moment to realize, "Hey, this lady tried to gaslight me a few years ago - why is SHE the one acting like she was wronged and I'm the one not to be trusted???" she might find a backbone. As I've long said, Shannon is too emotionally raw to be on a reality show. 

    i'm with you on Shannon.  She needs to get out of her own way, but i like her and her kooky ways.  Heather to me is an absolute phony.  I didn't like her the first time around and i don't like her now.

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  5. 2 hours ago, eleanorofaquitaine said:

    So because Shannon did not "cater" to David, he should be able to ignore his kids?

    I saw a guy who cheated on his wife while she was on a national tv show and now I see a guy who is apparently ignoring his children because he is getting what he "needs" from someone else. Not exactly husband or father of the year material.

    As I've stated, I don't particularly like Shannon. But the fact that she is flawed, which I made clear I believe she is, doesn't excuse him of his own character deficiencies. And their bad marriage has absolutely zero to do with the way he functions as a parent. That's ENTIRELY on him. 

    I take what Shannon says with a grain of salt, too, but I don't see David rushing to the media to counteract her statements. And I don't see her daughters, who are surely aware of who is paying what, contradicting what Shannon said either.

    I think Shannon should have negotiated the college payments because that is how things are done. But that's a legal argument. A moral argument is that David shouldn't have to be legally compelled to pay for his kids' college educations. I see zero reason to give David the benefit of the doubt that he's not paying because of some principled stance - as stated above, David showed himself more than once to not be a stand up guy in most any sense. 

    Totally agree.  

    That said, I did notice a key thing Shannon said --  "I have to pay for Sophie's college right now.  Then I have twins who will be in college...that can add up IF I'm responsible for that too."

    So I'm guessing they are currently in discussions on how to work out the college payments.





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  6. 17 hours ago, eleanorofaquitaine said:

    Exactly. Why SHOULD Shannon have to negotiate that? (I mean, I do understand that is often a part of negotiated divorce settlements). But still, why is it being framed as "if it was so important to Shannon, she should have negotiated it" as opposed to "if his kids are important to him, David should be willing to put something towards their education"?

    College payments aren't some sort of reward for Shannon - they are a way for a parent to take care of the needs of his children.  If David is unwilling to pay for his kids to go to school, that's on him (and says nothing good about him as a father), and not on Shannon. 

    As you said, college is often negotiated through divorces. 

    Maybe he is that parent that thinks a kid should pay their own way for college -- that maybe they'll work harder in school b/c they are on the hook and Shannon disagrees and is paying. 

    I don't think parents who feel like adult children should pay their way through school are the devil.   There are reasons for me to dislike him and I do, but that's isn't necessarily one of them.  

    I know people that pissed away the parent-paid tuition, flunked out of school.  Then when school became important to them, they financed their own educations and graduated. 

    Shannon loves to poor mouth, so I take everything she says with a grain of salt.

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  7. 21 hours ago, albarino said:

    Seriously, why would she need to negotiate that?  Isn't David their father? Is he a deadbeat Dad?  But, yeah, pay for their school.

    In her talking head, she mentions things they didn't "negotiate" as if she were surprised about college.   Divorces often negotiate college expenses.  

    I truly think Shannon was more worried about the dollar amount number and didn't take into account real life expenses, especially when you run to the quack Dr. all the time. 

    I also would not be surprised if she's poor mouthing and David has paid $$ towards tuition.  If they both agreed to pay and she's on the hook for the full amount, yes, that's pretty shitty of David.  I'm just not sure that I believe her.


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  8. So Anna inserts herself into the argument, telling Bones not to use bad words, but had nothing to say when Woke Meg was telling Kenneth "Fuck you, dude.  Fuck you"?  

    Also if you don't have an original idea, then use Christian's, acknowledge it wasn't your original idea to the judges.  I also thin Christian shouldn't be that specific when giving pointers.  

    And really, macrame?  Maybe interesting once, but all i'm seeing is one of those 70s plant hangers.

    Also does Elaine know what the word "speechless" means?  Bc she was def not without speech. 


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  9. 1 hour ago, tranquilidade said:

    Heather really came off as a psycho the way she handled the entire conflict and she played right into Shannon's hands becoming the villian and making Shannon appear sympathetic.  Had she shown a little restraint, things would have been different and Shannon might have come  off as the mean girl instead.  Heather failed big time bringing out the nuclear war heads way too soon.  I do think Shannon found the whole thing funny and I don't think she likes Heather either but now that doesn't matter any more since she took such a beating.  Shannon poked Heather and Heather exploded.

    Shutting down a party and kicking everyone out before they eat is disgraceful.  What kind of hostess does this?    Most of the guests had nothing to do with the idle gossip that  damaged NO ONE.   Shannon did NOTHING to harm Heather's family,  and the story was true and harmless.  The  sit down showed Heather cannnot accept an apology and she is not gracious.  She wants a feud with Shannon and she is going to have it.   

    Terry's face when Heather read her text showed he was  horrified with what she said even though  he did not  criticize her.  He knew it was over the top nasty vitriole.   I don't think Terry wanted Heather to create so much drama and he knows it made her look bad.







    I think Terry wants the drama because he wants money.

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  10. 4 minutes ago, Real Housewife LI said:

    I follow David and his new wife as well as Shannon and her kids all on Instagram and there is never a crossover post so to speak. Never a pic of the older girls with their new baby sister, David never brags on his older kids nor does his new wife. That to me is very telling. He has moved on…and not just from Shannon

    I tried to find David Beador on IG and couldn't find.  I wouldn't necessarily expect his new wife to feature the older girls. Maybe they don't have a good relationship given how they got together?  

    Still he may throw money at his children towards college.  Or he thought his children of privilege should pay their own way?  Whatever the case, if college was that big of a deal to Shannon, why wouldn't she explicitly negotiate that ahead of time?  it's not like her kids were infants and college was a long way off.

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  11. On 12/22/2021 at 9:35 PM, Mindthinkr said:

    I forgot to say early in the episode when Heather went to Jenn’s for a drink (bringing Dom champagne no less for a daytime gift. At $150 a pop it’s out of my league of gift giving.) she finally gave us n explanation of why she wears her hair in that severe top knot. To tighten her face 🤣

    Scared of going under Terry’s knife Heather? 

    The most hilarious thing was her only copping to a "little botox" when that scary face 100% has fillers in it.  

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  12. If you're a stoner, you have to watch and rewatch Meg and her defensive rants.  I laughed so hard.  

    She's just that white liberal woman who is such an ally that she can't wait to show you the ways she's actually racist.   She couldn't just tell Kenneth no for fear of being considered a racist.   Performatively wokeness was hilarious to watch.

    Also reminded me of Martin Short's "I"m not defensive, you're the one being defensive" in this 60 minutes parody.


  13. On 12/8/2021 at 10:44 PM, Baltimore Betty said:

    After losing her shit over the news that Gina spilled, she takes it out on Shannon.

    Heather may know how to call the caterer for a party but she knows nothing on how to have a party, she reacted like a high school girl, shutting down the party and making everyone uncomfortable.  Heather yells at Gina about the timing of the news, Heather did the same thing, made a scene during her own party, part of being a good host is to make your guests feel comfortable, Heather did the opposite.

    In spite of Heather walking upstairs and telling everyone the party is over all of her guests remained, I noticed security standing around, why didn't they clear out the house for Heather?  Who puts velvet ropes up in their house? 

    Why was Terry and Heather so eager to forgive Nicole?  She cried a few tears and all is forgiven but Shannon is the target of Heather's ire.  Nicole should have told Heather about the lawsuit even if it was dropped and it was a hundred years ago, I really cannot figure out why Shannon is the bad guy, she didn't run all over town telling anyone with ears about the law suit, she told two people, one of which could not keep her mouth shut.

    I still cannot get past all the women smushed up sitting in that little area instead of one of her cavernous living rooms.

    I could not believe my ears.  You're friends with someone for what 6 years and find out they sued you and it's over in seconds?  But Shannon's the devil?  Although i feel confident the Dubrows decided they would need the good PR of being just oh so accepting of the friend who lied through omission about suing him.

    And how fucked up is Nicole's face that Terry didn't remember her at all?


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  14. 1 hour ago, snarts said:

    Would not have guessed it, but Gina's become my absolute comedy gold, She's like an everyday person thrown in with rich pretentious women (Emily a bit too but she's not as quick or funny).

    Gina's muttered comment after Heather described the eggs etched into the window denoting her unused embryos was the highlight of the episode for me.  

    I fell in love with Gina her close to the end of her second season.  She has a great sense of humor.  I admire how she handled her assault.  She looks freaking amazing too!

    • Love 21
  15. 18 hours ago, endure said:

    And Humble Heather was really taxing her brain trying to count how many rooms she has, excluding the screening or movie room of course!?!

    And it reminded me why her acting career fizzled.

    Anyone else almost wishing that she ends up in an Erika Jane sitch?  Not defrauding widows and orphans but ends up having to have a lowly rental and have to put the old dermal filler up Doc on hold and her face falls apart?

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  16. Heather used to seem like the epitome of class.  Now I think her house looks tacky (not all of it, but most of it) and she's dressing tacky (the I dream of Jeannie hair) and looks cheap (the makeup looks BAD).

    And I can't help but wonder how much money it takes to maintain that house, to pay the taxes on that house.  Does Terry really make that much dough? I guess he does but I could see a couple of bad investments and that house needs to be sold.

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