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Boo Boo

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Posts posted by Boo Boo

  1. On 11/25/2021 at 11:41 PM, Blissfool said:

    I don't think they act like a couple. I think they act like mean-girl besties that like to shop together, brunch together, and giggle at inside jokes together.

    Yes, that is true.  But Myrla's constant touching of him is way too intimate.

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  2. 1 hour ago, kristen111 said:

    I may be mistaken, but when Brett went on the dating scene, wasn’t it after Ryan slept in another room and was done with her?  It seems like her going on was in the end of this farce.  He smiled in the very beginning, then all of a sudden changed.  It was clear  he was done with her.


    If she started getting numbers after he moved into the spare room, why would she care about download of a dating app?

    Again, that's my problem with this.  She has zero leg to stand on but was happy playing the victim never admitting she also stepped out.


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  3. 5 minutes ago, glitterpussy said:

    Yikes! 0-5!

    My theory on Gil and Myrla's monetary discrepancies is that he sends too much back to his family and wasn't going to stop. She wasn't kind, but he was playing a role IMO. Oh poor Gil, so in love, such a victim. Nah, not buying it. He's playing to the all the girls lining up to comfort him ;)

    Rachel gained back all the weight she lost, and lost the loser husband too--I think she came out ahead. She needs a makeover though, and a good facial.

    We knew Brett wouldn't let us down with her boobie display! They are a disgrace, but I can't blame her for dating or whatever happened. Ryan and his sis trying to act all victimized, give me a break.

    Can't wait for the end of Z&M. I believe Zack, as we've seen Micheala straight up lie and rewrite history, but his world salad does him no favors.

    I agree on all of this with the exception of Brett.  She played the victim the entire time while she was okay with collecting phone numbers.  She could've admitted her role in not waiting until decision-day to start macking on other men.


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  4. 7 minutes ago, Stella Rose said:

    I have to say I did a 180 on Myrla from the start to the decision, then whoa - nellie....  Right back to the original opinion.  She actually had me fooled for a while.  Shallow note, for all her 'diva pretty pretty princess' BS,   I think she needs some serious makeup tips, she always looks vaguely like a Wayans in White Chicks.  She has no color at all on her face.     And the boots...  Chile!  Money does not buy taste.   Not sure what Gil was going for either.  If you can't beat them join them?  Oddness all around.

    Brett....  oh, Brett...    I know a lot of ladies hate bras.  I get it.  I am barely an A- so I can go without, but still I don't.  However, they make these awesome reusable nipple covers now - some even with a tab that will help hold those girls in a perky and upright position.  My humble opinion is that some of those could be her best girl's friend!  I do wonder a bit about her mystery man.  She got kind of oddly bitchy about the whole thing.  She seemed so open and cool throughout the show, her change in personality and tone there was jarring.  I wish if she was seeing someone she would have just owned it and said "Hell yeah, I have someone!"  instead of continuing to martyr herself as the long suffering wife of a giant bump on a log.

    The less said about Z and HurriKay the better.

    What a waste of a season.  Seems each one gets worse than the last.


    Oh man, I agree with Myrla's makeup.  It's horrendous.  I also think the fillers she has in her face at such a young age don't look good.

    On Brett, for some reason, I just wasn't on her team from the get go.  I think she puts on a good face and most people would meet her and think she's a great, nice, normal girl, but I just had this feeling she's not being genuine and we aren't seeing her true personality.  

    And those boobs...yikes.  It's pretty clear that she thinks they are her best feature.  I'm' sure they gave her the most attention throughout her teen and college years.  But if she really wants a man, most aren't going to want to have their GF/wife with her tits out like that all the time.  I mean, she won't even be demure on her wedding day -- the bodice of the dress was almost cut to her navel.


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  5. 5 minutes ago, kristen111 said:

    You are right.  She grew up poor and vowed never to be poor again.  So simple.  She wants a man with money to get the finer things in life.  Gil didn’t fit the bill.  She chooses money over love.  It’s done all the time.  There are many beautiful young women who choose money over love.  Some people can do it .. some can’t.  The picture of her as a kid with a boy’s shirt on speaks volumes.  Imo.

    The irony is I could see Gil being tapped to do something that would pay well on TV.  It would not surprise me if Gil ends up being far more successful in terms of money earned in the future.

    I'm not the biggest fan of Gil but he does have a fan base and the way he conducts himself almost as though he's an interviewer tells me he may end up being a Jamie Otis-like personality of moderating some reality show segment.  Or take over Unfiltered from her.

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  6. 1 minute ago, kristen111 said:

    From Gil to Johnny?  No effin way.  Johnny is a crying machine, baby and nuts.  Is she kidding us?  Besides his house, car and money, what attracts her to him?  Curious minds want to know.

    Not to mention there's ZERO chance Johnny isn't a pencil dick.

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  7. 5 hours ago, kristen111 said:

    A shout out to Brett.  She was pretty nice even tho Ryan’s sister threw her under the bus when telling the world she was dating during the marriage.  What about her Brother on the dating site?  And his Sourpuss demeanor?

    Well, if you knew your brother's new wife was exchanging phone numbers with someone and then watched they hypocrisy of her being upset about the dating app, you're probably going to throw her under the bus.

    She collected an enormous amount of public sympathy with the doe-eyed crying about mens that always leave her and turns out she went one step farther than Ryan apparently did.  Brett was perfectly happy having Ryan be the bad guy and fully downplayed the inappropriateness of her actions.

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  8. On 10/28/2021 at 1:20 AM, Yeah No said:

    Is anyone seeing a pattern here?  Wasn't it just a couple of seasons ago that someone's "friend" was getting a little chummy with her husband and threw them under the bus saying negative things about her?  Wasn't that Mindy?  I almost believe the show will pay the "friend" off to Ydo this and if they're that desperate for the cash they'll do it.

    Also, there's always a "friend" late in the season that claims they saw one of the wives' husbands on a dating site and informs the wife.  This has happened a couple of times before in previous seasons on this show already.  I think the "friend" is probably someone working for the show that's paid to keep tabs on all the participants' online activity, perhaps a computer hacker snooping on their web browsing.  It is just WAY too coincidental that this keeps happening again and again.

    Yes, I feel like this whole dating app is producer driven.

    If this really happened, sure, he should've waited until decision day.  

    That said, I'd be done as soon as hearing the passive aggressive letter to herself which sounded like a teenager whining about the latest man in her life that she's given her heart to and was rejected.  

    She really strikes me as the person you are friends with on Facebook, er, Meta, that is always posting mantras about empowerment and vaguebooking passive aggressive someone done me wrong stuff.  I mean, her comment during couples therapy said it all, the tearful "it's always..Brett, you're a nice girl but..."  Everyone gets broken up with often, but I guarantee you all she does is mope about it.



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  9. On 10/27/2021 at 11:56 PM, ChiMama said:

    Funny - I just assumed it was HER car because of the brand & the flashiness and he was driving because they were going to visit his childhood neighborhood. It’s definitely a Myrla-ish “I deserve an expensive/luxury brand” type of vehicle & not Gil’s style. I bet it’s hers. 

    Myrla on Unfiltered definitely threw shade at Bao - wonder what the story is there? 

    To them, Johnny is a good time guy with the smile and Bao is the serious one.  He gaslights the gang just like he does Bao.  

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  10. Going against the grain here, but Brett's letter to herself was so passive aggressive == all about the man who done her wrong!  I'd be downloading a dating app too. Would wait a week, but these marriages are a farce anyway.  

    (And I'm not sure I even believe this wasn't producer driven).

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  11. It's hard for me not to believe that Jennie and her husband cooked up this storyline.  Maybe she's a good actress and worked up some tears for the camera during the ridiculous Sister Wive discussion where her husband is clearly not a good actor.

    But whatever the case, this storyline is gross. 

    [Edit: I see others here also think this is a fake storyline too and it isn't just me! I should read the entire thread before commenting!]

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  12. On 10/21/2021 at 8:18 AM, 65mickey said:

    Why didn't someone on that set ask Erika if she gets a paper paycheck?? I don't know anyone in this day and age who receives a paper paycheck. Maybe these Hollywood folks do and I don't know any of them.  And if it is a direct deposit her name has to be on the account for the check to be deposited. She is tring to portray Tom as her pimp who takes all of her money and then "takes care of her." My problem with Andy and his questions is that he get so close to hitting a home run but never manages to get the ball over the fence. 

    That's because this is Bravo's attempt to rehab her enough that viewers aren't pissed they are giving a con artist another season.  

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  13. On 10/21/2021 at 12:08 PM, Yours Truly said:

    I know,

    Kathy cries when thinking about her mom who is no longer here. I don't see that as proof that Big Kathy screwed them up. It was a pretty straight forward reaction. Now do I find it a bit curious that Kathy is still that emotional about the death of her mother after all these years and being the age she is now? A little, but different people have different emotional thresholds so it's not for me to act like she ISN'T supposed to be this emotional. At any rate it was absolutely genuine and sweet and I didn't find the display at all related to anything but a daughter that misses and loved her mother. Nothing more, nothing less. 

    People still love their parents who screwed them up.  They also love their drug addicted, alcoholic parents who screwed them up.

    A child -- even an adult chid -- will love still love a fucked up parent and they'll mourn what could have been.


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  14. 18 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

    Much as Dorit hasn't been a fave of mine this season, she's beautiful and her nose, natural or not, suits her perfectly. That surgeon really thought she needed to get it done? I would never go to him. 

    Other than her overly plumped lips, whatever she's had done -- if she's had something done -- it's really good work.  I loved her dress too.

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