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  1. Well, if you’re like many of us, who have been getting the runaround for years nay, decades about mysterious symptoms or you are diagnosed with something but then getting no aftercare instructions or any follow ups then using Google correctly is a godsend. WHAT does Joyce see in Sanderson? She really is too smart to be stuck with this useless boyfriend.
  2. For sure.
  3. You’ve got to be kidding me it just goes to show what little taste people have. I only put it on in the background in case there is one minute of actual actual comedy. Barf
  4. I hope this is the SERIES finale!
  5. I was sure she said there were still socks in the drawer and she found the watch way in the back. I guess it’s possible but it sure does sound ridiculous . She didn’t take her socks with her when she left? Her parents left her room exactly as it was for 40 or however, many years? Boyfriend came back and got his jacket and rifle and forgot about a Rolex watch? She didn’t say he stole it, but it just sounded like he did. He gave it to her to hold. I think many of us know what hold means!😄 And she just left it in the drawer for decades? He forgot to retrieve his ROLEX watch? she never got rid of it in any way? Who puts a Rolex watch in a drawer & forgets about it? FISHY. I hope the show realizes what they did and they are checking into that serial number because quite frankly, I am shocked that they aired the segment.
  6. as far as the most recent Antiques roadshow, I call bullshit on the first session with the woman who said her boyfriend went to jail but before he did he left some things at her (parents house), including a Rolex watch. And she just recently found it in the back of her sock drawer. First of all the woman looked old enough that she probably did not have parents with a house anymore and really? she left the room exactly the way it was when she was young? With socks still in the drawer? And who forgets about a Rolex watch? I’m surprised she had the nerve to go on TV and tell this tale. Do they check any of these things serial numbers? I have a feeling somebody is missing it.
  7. That was Brock? Besides the arm he does not look anything like he did. I never would have known. Sad about the stroke. . Reba looks almost the same. Thanks to cosmetics and wigs I’m sure.
  8. Agree because God knows it doesn’t work that way in real life! Family can be the worst people to be around
  9. Thank you. That was gracious and uncommon in todays world. ❤️
  10. Whatever! Not going postal😅
  11. Oh my God. She made “art” out of the black adhesive crap that was on the floor?🤣 Grasping at the art straw, we are! I already deleted house hunters from my recordings because I am sick of looking at these entitled people and their exorbitant budgets for homes, including the first home. And now it seems this show is following though not quite as bad, but it’s still out of my reach and it just makes me depressed. Don’t bother telling me that I am jealous or whatever what I am is a realist. You just get to the point in life where you become sick of seeing how easily people can spend money and get exactly what they want.Seems it’s either one of these grand renovation shows/home buying shows or something along the lines of a this old shack renovation also, I hope that couple was not thinking of releasing those balloons into the air and endangering wildlife with their baby reveal, which is the new excuse to have one more party.
  12. is this show coming back?
  13. This crap was renewed, and they canceled the incredibly funny Bookie. 😡
  14. Well, a waste of money for this. Agree, they definitely should’ve had some captions giving some information Just thought of this. No clip of Father Guido Sarducci.
  15. That’s being very generous. I had to ff.
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