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Everything posted by Hanya2

  1. Khloe just asked why dinosaurs are not in the bible and said something about Adam and Eve being cave people. How uneducated is she? Does she not believe in evolution? Is she a fundamentalist? Dinosaurs and humans were millions of years apart on the planet. When the bible was written, 5,000 years ago or so, people were largely agricultural, not living in caves. God created cavemen? I used to think she would be the most fun to hang out with, but now I think she's an idiot.
  2. Hanya2

    Season 8

    I thought they did a great physical makeover with Doreen, hair and clothes. I'm sorry she didn't think the experience was that great. They also made the Kiss guy look about 300% better. I wonder what happened with Gene Simmons that a cameo didn't work out. Scheduling? Or it didn't go that great and they edited it out? I'll miss Bobby, He does a great job. I've wanted him to come fix up my apartment. I hope they find someone equally on target.
  3. I've taught English as a Second Language and studied Linguistics a bit. Overall, the idea of how people speak to each other in a region or subculture isn't wrong. My idea is to teach people to speak and write so that they can get, keep and move up in the jobs and career they want, and won't be ruled out by snotty, classist people, who can't see past a grammatical mistake to what people really have to offer. They can code switch the way they continue to talk to their friends and family.
  4. When my husband tried this crap on me, I told him he was supposed to be the adult, and he had to be the bigger person with our daughter, and set an example of how adults need to behave. Even if our daughter is basically grown. So he needs to reach out to his sons. Why is no one really saying this to Cody? Especially as he is so big on being the patriarch. Does this mean he gets to throw temper tantrums, and act like a toddler, and still expect everyone to follow him.
  5. One part of the favoritism stood out to me. Wayne got to dance to a song he sang on Broadway in Hamilton, Jordin got to dance to one of her own songs, and someone said Mark gets to choose his own music. Yet when they ask Trevor what he listened to in the 90s, and he says Nirvana and Pearl Jam, and they give him the Barbie song, I guess as a tie-in to the movie that is just now coming out. He gave it his best acting skills, but I don't think he was into it, and it showed. I'm ok with him leaving next week, and am really, really relieved they booted Vinnie. Several more talented dancers were kicked out before him. He's had his 30 seconds in the sun again.
  6. Charli is dating Travis Barker's son, and Travis Barker is married to Kourtney Kardashian, is why a Kardashian was there. Although she didn't seem too thrilled to be there, the boyfriend was cheering Charli on.
  7. Sometimes I wonder if "pieces of the puzzle" fall through for some episodes. Perhaps some of the people they wanted to interview for Dan changed their mind or it just didn't work out. Or, for the principal, if the standard places for professional clothing for women who are not 25 and skinny, just didn't want to volunteer their stores or provide clothing. I think of Express as a store for women in their teens and 20s. I would never shop there for work clothes
  8. "Many people - including several on this show - have much more superficial and/or arbitrary dealbreakers." Like eyebrows!
  9. " I’d want someone who’s pro gay marriage too but I don’t believe I’d think of that as something that I’m looking for and include it as one of the first things on my list . Was a little odd. " Personally, I'd put it in the same category as not wanting to date anyone who was racist or anti-choice or anti-gay marriage. Maybe some of the more religious people here, or that this matchmaker deals with, may have led quite insular lives, especially those that live with their parents. So not strange to me.
  10. I'm probably thinking about this more than is necessary, but I don't think this couple is a great match. He's showing up to her fundraiser in schleppy clothes? He knows better, I think he's being passive-aggressive, because of unresolved issues with his family expecting him to be a professional. I come from the same kind of family, it's a lot of pressure for some people. But I think he'd be happier with more of a salt-of-the-earth person who accepts him for who he is, and she deserves some kind of executive who she can brainstorm with, and who will happily show up for her in the way she deserves.
  11. As an English teacher, I loved Bobby helping Michael with his letter about himself for graduate school. I'm glad they let him do something outside of decorating, if he could be of help. I guess they didn't have enough space for his segment with Antoni, but this was an excellent episode, so ok. Also happy, per the Instagram links above, that he is still with his girlfriend.
  12. Maybe they could have rounded this out by including other people around him besides Cara and her daughters. How about the people who work for him in the deli? Does he have any poker buddies? Any family he's on good terms with?
  13. I enjoyed that they had an educated, successful woman, and they spoke to her on her level. I think many women will relate to her insecurities, and how easy it is to fall into a rut. A good haircut and a little color made such a difference! But I didn't like Tan's clothing choices. There was an ill-fitting, oversize beige suit, with a white knit top underneath. It wasn't flattering, and Tan was taken aback that she didn't like it. Also, a miniskirt and some very short, flouncy dresses. Maybe she said she didn't like colors? The flouncy dresses were ok for a party, but as someone in the same basic demographic as this woman, there are way more elegant, stylish and professional choices. How about a sleek, stylish suit, or some colors and interesting prints. And why didn't she get to shop in a store like their other heroes?
  14. I think the professor from Vermont deserves a brighter, more intellectually sophisticated woman, than the CalIfornia girl with an apartment full of unicorns. And that mama's boy is a total douche. The Israeli actress is way out of his league. I wouldn't go out with someone who lives with their parents, unless they were taking care of a sick parent.
  15. I read the book. It was a while ago, but what I liked best about it, was that Daisy was a groupie at first, writing her own music. It talked a lot about her creative process, that she really wanted to be an artist, and worked hard at it, and it was important to her. Here it was just all about the romantic tension between her and Billy. The book gave her more of an interior life, and I think her part was underwritten. The series was just substance abuse and romantic yearning. Riley Keough did a good job with what she was given to work with. I enjoyed the last few episodes better than the beginning, which oversimplified her. Sebastian Chacon reminded me of a Latino Ringo. Kind of a nice guy, not a brilliant one, not a jerk, who was thrilled to marry a glamourous woman.
  16. I love that Truely is a reader, and didn't bring pajamas, but did bring several books to read to pass the afternoon at Cody's. It looked like one of the books was The Maze Runner, which is a great level Young Adult science fiction book for her to be reading. Sorry, I just jump for joy when I spot fellow readers who don't go anywhere without a book.
  17. Well. they wanted a virgin, so that precludes most women older than 19. The royal family does a monstrous job with modern women entering their family. Even though Diana was a fairly traditional young woman.
  18. I believe Prince Phillip and Penny could have been having an emotional affair, an intellectual attraction, especially if they were both a bit lonely. It didn't have to be actually sexual. But there was no need to be cruel about it to Elizabeth. I did love the blue jewels. I always thought of Nicholas and Alexandra as the Marie Antionette's of the early 20th century. They were out of touch with the Russian people. The slaughter of their children was brutal and unforgivable.
  19. Would Diana really be trashing Charles to someone who wasn't a close friend? I would think she would be very formal to the Prime Minister. That seems like strange writing, unless it's just a plot trick that all the royal family is unloading on the Prime Minister.
  20. It was inexusable for the male judge to throw his book down and throw a temper tantrum, when he didn't think the clothes were good enough, And then he sat there and glared at the next guy who had to get up and do his pitch. It's not "passion," it's anger management issues, and no one should have to deal with this. The contestants handled themselves with dignity, unlike this jerk.
  21. Nadia may really want a partner, but maybe she needs to grow up a bit or do some internal work. I had periods of my life when I was like this. Just saying. I like Nadia, we're imperfect. She may also want to be a reality TV star.
  22. From Aulty - "I wonder whether the American-Indian people they cast have they wrong, or at least a slightly skewed, idea of what matchmaking is. Like they can outsource finding 'The One' rather than finding 'A One'. Thats why Sima kept banging on that fulfilling 60-70% of their criteria should be enough." I think this is a huge cultural gap or divide. I believe the idea of arranged marriages is that two suitable people marry and learn to love each other over time. And the Western ideal is all about chemistry and physical attraction. The Americans and maybe all of them, are not willing to give this up. Of course the downside of this is what happened to Nadia, you can be extremely attracted to the wrong people. Or the physical attraction burns out for one of the parties.
  23. Still think that the jewelry maker and now restauranteer is gay. His new wife seems like a cute, bubbly doll for him to dress up. Hope I'm wrong and they are genuinely in love. I agree that two of the women really look alike, although I know one is younger. The younger one was so OCD it would make me want to run in the opposite direction. With the Miami guy, he rejects the cute, bubbly girl from Brooklyn who totally charms his parents and puts up with a double date with his brother and brother's wife, but then the ice cold, distant but beautiful woman is the one he wants. She wasn't into him. He only cares about looks, no matter what he says, although he himself is not gorgeous. And Nadia, she dropped the nice guy to pursue pure physical attraction. I think he told her whatever she wanted to hear so she would sleep with him and then met someone else while she was away on business for a few weeks. And Aparna is just cranky and unpleasant. She seems extremely set in her ways and self-centered.
  24. Yes, Ashkay is wealthy, there will be a very traditional young woman's family who only care about the money and prestige.
  25. With some of these people, I wonder if they just wanted to be on TV.
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