1. But it is a dues ex machina. Cece has literally been in like 13 episodes in the entire run of this series and they didn't start until maybe season three? HOW have we known her from the beginning?!
2. Sorry, but everyone has been suspecting Cece for seasons now regardless of her being a character in the book or not.
That's what's really getting me at the moment. Our big, bad, all knowing A has been in little more than TEN episodes. Granted, at least it wasn't Clark or Rhys, both of whom showed up like five minutes ago, but still. She's no one. Even if Radley is the worst sanitarium on the planet (which, it is), we have to make so many allowances for this to even resemble making sense. I'm just so mad, but I knew going in that I'd be let down so really I shouldn't be.
Another thought: why was Leslie bugging that the liars got her file? What was the point of that and her eight hundred pairs of glasses?