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Everything posted by Goldielocked

  1. In my opinion, none of these women appear to be happy.
  2. Perhaps this is where the idea came from that you don't have children?
  3. Every season it seems there is a "break out" singer, one who you just can't help but root for--this year, however, not so much. They all seem mediocre to me. Dexter and Caleb are by far the most consistent but I don't really like either one. I had high hopes for CJ, but unfortunately, he is struggling. Is it just me or is anyone else having difficulty hearing/understand most of the girls when they sing? It sounds like they are either not loud enough to be heard over the band or they are singing underwater. Especially Jena.
  4. Two thoughts as to why Sarah Hyland hasn't changed much--she's 23 years old now, making her what--18--when the show started? Probably not as many physical changes at that age than the two younger actors you mentioned. Second, she's had kidney disease all of her life and had a kidney transplant a few years ago--this probably slowed her growth and makes her appear younger than she really is. Just my opinion, though!
  5. Sounds like it will be good news if Jen gets to "ring the bell!"
  6. I recall reading somewhere that Bill Klein said when they adopted Will that as long as he (Will) functioned normally with cameras around, they will continue filming, and will do the same for Zoey. However, he added that they will take all aspects into consideration as the children get older and decide accordingly. I may be naive, but I think the show will help the community get to know Will and Zoey and aid in their acceptance by other children. If theirs is a close knit community, I think they will tend to embrace the family and maybe even become a little protective of them. I hope so, anyway. I also think their advocacy in adopting special needs children as well as foreign adoption may encourage others to consider doing the same.
  7. Maybe I misunderstood but I thought Ryan Seacrest said that only 0.07% of the votes separated the bottom two singers.
  8. Apparently there are two groups here watching two different shows. One group sees a show with Jen as an argumentative, cackling, self-absorbed, cold woman who either feeds her children too much food, not enough food, food that is too healthy or food that is primarily junk. She repeats what Bill says, demands to help the pediatrician assess her child and lets her poor husband wait on her hand and foot while she seemingly enjoys milking her cancer diagnosis. A role that literally begs the viewer to "snark" and criticize, all based on snippets of life that are presented to the viewers in a short span of time. The second group sees Jen as a loving mother who is doing her best to meet the needs of her growing family while trying to deal with having cancer and adjust to being the new mom of 2 toddlers from other countries. The second group has been described as putting Jen on a pedestal and drinking the "Jen kool-ade." To tell you the truth, if I hadn't started watching the show before coming to this website, I would think Jen was either a Kardashian, a Momzilla or one of the "Real Housewives From Wherever." Maybe we need to have 2 separate threads, one for critics of Jen and one for supporters because frankly, reading all this negative input is offsetting and frustrating (speaking just for myself, of course).
  9. You are absolutely right, mollybygolly! For every 6 hours of filming, we see approximately 23 minutes of their lives--and most likely 23 minutes of what the producers want us to see. With all the trashy reality shows on TV, I am happy to watch The Little Couple for the entertainment that it offers--they do not try to shock us with revelations of their sex lives, infidelity or their bathroom excursions. We shouldn't be picking apart their parenting skills based on a few minutes out of their lives (unless, of course, it is outright wrong). And if Will is starting to act out, then it is exactly what is expected in the growth and development of an almost-3-year-old.
  10. I saw that as nothing more than one doctor showing courtesy and respect to another doctor. As for weighing and measuring at home--for this particular visit--which was to show progress since Zoey has been in the states, they probably had to be done in the doctor's office and documented in the records accordingly.
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