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  1. Like how Ice Nation secretly knew how to build concrete floors? [sarcasm]
  2. I suppose the answer is whatever will suit the plot^^. It's hard to care anymore. I'm OK with Shedheda killing all the sanctum people that were left. The less morons there are, the better, honestly.
  3. And I didn't say he did, I said it was what the religion said. Big difference.
  4. Why didn't Clarke and the rest first suit up before jumping to planets they know nothing about? I suppose the suits also deliver oxygen and heat. And since the wormhole seems to be a two-way street, which it wasn't on Stargate, why didn't they send one person first to go check the planet and tell them if it was safe for them to go? OK, maybe that part they didn't know. So this "religion" is about a shepherd who supposedly saved them from the fire on Earth. And he's pissed if you don't rest on the 7th day of the week. Like mighty pissed. 5 years of imprisonment is not a joke! And their technology is super advanced compared to what we've seen so far. I really feel like I'm watching the last seasons of Stargate, with the Ori and the Ancients.
  5. Same for me. SomeTameGazelle, I see what you mean, but it doesn't work for me here. I feel like I'm being told that they're in love, but I don't feel the actual love between the two characters. I see respect, admiration, understanding, wanting the best for the other, all those elements, but no love. I don't know why, they're both excellent actors, and K. Bell has made me believe in many other relationships in her career, but not this one. I keep seeing two best friends.
  6. God, me too. I wonder if anyone on set ever mentioned it. IRL, people would make him repeat all the time. Yeah, I'm amazed at how unfazed everybody is. Especially Matty. I get it, she's like Veronica, she's pissed instead of being sad, but man she's cold. She lost her dad in a gruesome way and you would think it happened years ago, she seems so over it.
  7. OK. I was just asking, cause I see nothing weird in the way she holds her fork.
  8. Yes, they're clearly showing that Veronica's traumas are getting to her as an adult in various ways. I'm not bothered by the drinking or the vaping weed, but shooting a gun while high or almost having sex with Leo (cause that's where it was going if Matty hadn't been there), that's disappointing. It's like Weevil said, she has all those degrees but she's not using them, she stays in Neptune which she hates and where she can feel superior to everyone else. Veronica is afraid of confronting who she is. So I hope it all leads to something at the end of this season, cause Kristen Bell said she did the show for her daughters, so they would live in a world where Veronica Mars exists, and all I can think is: this Veronica? Really?
  9. What weird way?
  10. Maybe she went back to the ship to wake up all those very nice people they have in cryo... The way the actress played it during the hug with Josephine (hugging her without much warmth and with her eyes open) could indicate that she knows it wasn't Clarke. Maybe. And talking about cryo, I'm envious of the lush curls and beautiful highlights it gave to the girls' hair. So shiny! It even gave Raven lipstick! Magical! That's got to be the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. Oh the time anomaly (already a big WTF) wants to talk to us. OK. Sure. And it tells you this by ageing you with a flare, cause why not, and then making your hand turn in a spiral. This makes total sense.
  11. Glad to see Stromae's music has survived multiple apocalypses and space travel! Alors on danse ! I'm enjoying this season while simultaneously finding it incredibly confusing and bad. It's not exactly a fresh take on themes that have been done over and over again, and yet I'm along for the ride. It's all thanks to the characters, really. No one is at Tatiana Meslany's level. No one. OK, maybe Jodie Comer on Killing Eve is not far behind.
  12. Disappointed about Penny's pregnancy, but sadly, not surprised. I was already tearful, but when Sheldon said "astronaut Howard Wolowitz" I lost it! And Buffy, so random!
  13. Trevor!!!! I'm so happy! It's gonna be so fun! Simone is great too. Michael's reaction to the Pizza Hut/Taco Bell was almost exactly like mine the first (and only time) I went to one. Chidi's French is terrible, and glaringly so compared to his colleague's... I too wondered how Eleanore is paying for her stay, but that's a minor nitpick. Jason's dance moves were really good! Trevor!
  14. That one patch of Earth left wasn't believable to begin with, so I'm glad we're done with it. I think the oceans all evaporated after the second apocalypse? I'm not even sure the atmosphere would still be breathable after that (I could be totally wrong though).
  15. Ah, thanks. Well that's lucky. Frankly, I don't remember anybody's last name, since no one is using them (and why would they) so I was surprised to see them written on the screens of the cryopods. I found that a bit weird and unrealistic. Like how many Octavia are there anyway? And what did they type for the grounders? Echo kom Azgeda? Murphy's the best, it needs to be said as often as possible. I can't believe how sexy and interesting I find him now, when I (well all of us, I suppose) hated him with passion in season 1. I'm OK with them moving to another planet, because how many times could the Earth come back from nuclear apocalypse? But they'll have to be very creative with next season, if they don't want to rinse/repeat the same old story. They'll have their work cut out with what's left of Prisonkru, for sure. It could be a very interesting story to tell, Skykru and the grounders starting a new civilization somewhere else, after all they've been through. But I don't trust the writers. We'll see.
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