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Everything posted by norahs99

  1. Couldn't agree more with all of this. Meanwhile, I almost jumped on a high-speed launch back to the barge during the Carly/Jason nonsense at the end of the episode. Ugh. Especially since next week will likely feature the 'apologize to Carly' tour featuring Olivia, Sam and anyone else who DARED suppose that Jason was indeed the one who shot Dante. Keeping the launch on standby with the motor running just in case.
  2. Based upon some of the comments here about the writing on this show ticking up recently, I returned from my trip to the barge last week. Overall, things do seem to be getting better. That said, anyone else burst out laughing at Joss' reaction to learning her boyfriend, the mob boss' flunkie, admit to being ready to carry out said mob boss' order to murder someone? Boy, was that some clunky writing.
  3. This is BRILLIANT! I humbly beg of you to do these daily.
  4. Looks like it might be time for me to spend some time on the barge. Despite the despicable Carlys and their enablers, for a while I was able to find enough to interest me, but not anymore! But the insane treatment of Nina, not to mention Jason's impending return, It's just all so unwatchable. I'll keep checking back here from time to time and hope that at some point something will happen to bring me back. In the meantime, keep up the good work here, y'all. You're thousands of times more entertaining that what passes for General Hospital these days.
  5. I didn't see Nina's request for forgiveness as entitled. She was asking, not demanding. And as hard as it was for her, she expressed a willingness to forgive the woman she feels played a part in Nell's death. Instead, in typical fashion, having truly heard nothing Nina said, Carly threw it back in Nina's face.
  6. So many thoughts. Kristina is the WRONG person to be the surrogate if she's going to provide the egg. She's never experiences pregnancy, as Sam pointed out, but for her to be the biological mother would be disastrous for all concerned. I was never a fan of the actress playing Kristina when she was on Days, and I don't like her know. Something about her gets on my nerves. Shut up, Joss. Shut up, Portia.
  7. I guess I'm pretty alone in this (what else is new?! 🙂), but in no way do I think Curtis not telling Portia about kissing Jordan is on the same level as Portia keeping the secret about Trina's paternity for 20 years! They were on a break! And while he did move back into the house, he's sleeping in the guest room, a clear sign that all is not well just yet. I have no problem with him wanting to wait to tell her until he had a better sense of whether or not he wanted the marriage to work out. Now if they'd kissed and made up without him saying a word, that would be different. Anyway, just my opinion.
  8. I used to like Portia, but between her desperate attempts to salvage her marriage and trying to sabotage Sprina. Plus, she provided aid and comfort to the woman who tried to send her daughter to prison! I get that she had to give Esme medical care, but she didn't have to give Esme ideas about putting something over on Spencer. I just can't with her anymore.
  9. Yeah, the anvils were dropping HARD today. The Sonny-Snarly reunion is coming. I suspect they'll be back together in time for November sweeps.
  10. But no one practically genuflects in her presence, they way the do with Carly. Ave doesn't have a posse of enablers who act like she's never set a foot wrong in her entire life. Everyone in PC know who Ava is, what she's done, and her only friend is the woman who forced her into labor. She may not be any 'better' than Carly, but the show doesn't pretend that she is the way they do with Carly.
  11. I'll root for Ava's downfall when this show finally stops allowing the Carlys and Sonny to get way with all of their BS instead of letting them swan around Port Chuck like their stuff doesn't stink. Which means I'll never root for her downfall. Actually, Ava is a perfect example of how to write for an imperfect character. She's done some awful things, but she's also had some horrible things happen to her. She may not have dealt with direct consequences for her actions, but she's not skated by and now treated like a beloved icon of truth and beauty.
  12. Sure, but remember this is the same show whose main 'heros' are criminals and the 'heroines' make excuses for their criminality.
  13. My thinking exactly! What lazy writing. Nina is too smart to do this. She should have gone to them and told them to get Willow to accept her or she'll turn them in. Andy only go the SEC if that didn't work. What seems about to happen is stupid.
  14. Yes! That's what made the most sense to me too. Stupid writers.
  15. If the Nic storyline is going where it seems to be, I am NOT here for it! Lazy writing all around and doing this to Ava AGAIN after 'killing' Esme a few short months ago is just... stupid.
  16. The only reason I'm not on team 'die, Willow, die' is because i'm looking forward to the day when Willow and Nina reconcile, and Carly has to stand there and take it!
  17. I suspect that after the initial shock wears off, the members of the Carly cult will her as heroic for revealing the secret once the truth out about Willow’s leukemia. Carly will never face long-term consequences for her sins.
  18. I find this show pretty boring now so I'm going to stop watching until it gets interesting again. I'll read recaps so I know when to start watching again.
  19. I co-sign all of this. Kristen is at the top of the list of heinous characters on a show choc full of them. At least the writers give some of the others like Zander some small glimpses of humanity, while Kristen is just pile of vile.
  20. I find this show so unpleasant right now. First and foremost, I'm at a loss as to why TPTB thought that I'd want to root for Zander and Kristen?! They're both so unlikable, and I don't care about their 'pain.' That said, Zander has show some shades of humanity, while Kristen is just a walking ball of crazy vitriol. Abby and Chad are... zzzzzz Sorry I dozed off, much like the actor who's play Chad is sleepwalking through his performance. There's NO ONE likeable to root for (other than Gabi for whom I'll ride or die with from now 'til kingdom come!) Watching is just so unpleasant.
  21. Stepping off the barge to ask if anyone mentioned to Carly that Nell and Brad kept Michael away from his child like she did to A.J. No? Going back on the barge to find a lounge chair by the pool and order a cocktail.
  22. I love Dianne, but isn't this something she should have anticipated?
  23. Try the NBC app. I watched the two episodes that were pre-empted there.
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