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Sam Spayaid

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Everything posted by Sam Spayaid

  1. This woman he's got on today? "We certainly didn't expect to have 5 KIDS!" Duh! Maybe somebody outta explain to Miz Mensa about how this whole thing works. Amazing how many fucking idiots don't know how birth control operates! If I had to contend with kids...no, let me rephrase..even "one kid" would be too much right now. I know the police would figure into it at some point. Where do they find these bloody people?!!
  2. Guess he should have stuck with his original findings. Just wait a few more months....he'll be clawing the walls. WTF is on Mags' head?!!! She looks ridiculous. Is that supposed to hide her roots?
  3. Did Mags just refer to bringing a GUN to a protest rally, as a CULTURAL SYMBOL?!!!! CULTURAL?!!!! REALLY?!!!! Gawd! What a silly little twat she is! Her talking points are not only shockingly ignorant but so stupid and redneck that I wonder where she originally heard it from; a tractor pull, monster truck rally or on one of the many Rush Limbaugh broadcasts that I'm sure she faithfully listens to? And to anyone with any connections to mass shootings should be extra offended.
  4. Boy! They really pulled out all the D-Listers on their list this week didn't they?! Gawd no!!! That guy gave me a headache! These people who only operate at one setting - maniacal - are to much to take right now.
  5. Chronologically or intellectually?
  6. Thankfully for me the show crapped out, as our PM has come on to give his daily address and as boring as that is, at least it spared me from Saget who I NEVER, EVER find the slightest bit funny.
  7. Obviously. And the only reason this thing got renewed is because due to the fact that right now NOTHING NEW is getting made so they are all scrambling to fill voids that normally, new shows would do. This thing is too shitty even for fucking cable access!
  8. Move over Sunny. You don't want to hear what I was shrieking at my TV. It was a level of profanity that even shocked ME!!!
  9. Was that before or after he tried to drown one of them? Vile old prick!
  10. And here I thought Mike was going to shoot Lalo for wearing that shirt. If Kim weren't so fast on her feet, Jimmy would be in a morgue. He owes her. She was amazing in that scene!
  11. Or can't pronounce! I am not only smiling but will soon move into hysterical laughter. The weight gain should be interesting. She's so short and all boobs as it is!
  12. Yeah but once those pregnancy hormones kick in, look out Ben!! And I'd hide those guns if I were you! And her feeble attempt to even try to put the press on Trump's level of rudeness was laughable at best.
  13. Maybe that's how she got preggers - she was doing the sexy librarian thing with Ben. Or pretending she was a scientist. Dr. F's backpedaling was a MASSIVE disappointment. I know he did it to appease the Obese Orange One but I really thought he had more stones. And sense.
  14. "As a life long Conservative...." and there it is. And is it just me, crazed from too much at home time, or was she not defending Trump's appalling rudeness at that press conference? If so, is that because she sees herself in him? I mean, just imagine how unbearable she'd be in a room full of reporters?
  15. It's the stuff nightmares are made of.
  16. That's why I was so surprised she even got knocked up. Perhaps it was just one of those nights.....the bourbon was smooth and so was Ben.
  17. As you can see by the date, I started watching this show very late, On Demand because I am, as most people are now, SUPER, SUPER BORED so I am watching anything and everything! Seeing as no one will likely see this, what the hell. Remember...I'm bored. Okay. Very quickly in I wondered if I would even proceed because the son was such a horrible character. An obnoxious, sexist, obviously narcissist entitled little prick who also appears to definitely "be on the spectrum". I recall Bunchy on Ray Donovan always getting asked that. I mean look at this guy! He makes weird contorted faces and he gives the impression that he's as dumb as a bag of rocks. And didn't Mom say he was IN PRE MED?!!!! And of course, when he moves to collage, she does EVERYTHING for this lazy asshole, down to making his fucking bed!!! But I had a friend who was like her exactly with her surly son so I guess it does happen. He's bad enough but then there's Mom,who was married to a massive asshole - like Father? - on his second marriage and ends up with a real autistic kid to have to deal with and No 2 is knocked up so he's not thrilled about that either! Does this Eve chick do anything else other than wank and watch porn? Oh..wait a minute..she did have a threesome with a TEENAGE BOY and her work buddy which was witnessed by her son. Obviously, I am missing something here. I thought this would be about a single empty nester, opening up all sorts of new possibilities. Instead I got a drab doormat of a woman who can't seem to stop watching porn and rubbing one out. Hope this shit doesn't come back for another season. Okay. What can I binge now?
  18. Don't know if I'll even bother this week at all. What with the weird Brady Bunch feed complete with audio issues and only getting half a show most days, is it even worth it?
  19. This wasn't cable either. It was on our "National network" CBC, which is the equivalent of the BBC. We're pretty raunchy up here in the true north!
  20. Yes, yes and yes but adding the contentious Mizz McCain to the panel certainly did NOT help either! I don't know why this show has never even bothered to try to pick a co-host who would blend in with the rest of the panel? Like a revolving door, they go through person after person who should never have been there in the first place! I guess nobody at ABC has ever heard the expression "good fit" because the whole concept seems beyond their scope. Ever since Disney bought ABC, they are have imposed more ridiculous bloody family values stupidity, behaving like prim proper Victorian prudes. There is a show here in Canada called "Workin' Moms" and the first episode showed bare breasts AND there was a generous sprinkling of "F Bombs" and assorted other profanity. And guess what? Nobody's HEAD EXPLODED!!!! ABC treats their viewers like children.
  21. It'll be right up there along side all your other perennial and much-quoted favorites, including such gems as: My father was a war hero My father was a POW My father was a senator My father got cancer My father died I'm a political commentator/pundit I'm a pro life, gun-loving Republican Come on! Embrace your silver fox!!
  22. Kim, Kim, Kim. I get it - you love Jimmy..you really do.....but now?!!! To say that this woman has put herself in mortal danger, peril, the path of really, really bad trouble, would be a massive understatement. For a woman who appears smart and capable she made one really terrible decision. Seeing as there is no Kim in BB, it would be safe to guess that she and Jimmy parted ways.......OR. I really like the parted ways outcome better. I like Kim. And her ponytail.😪
  23. Can you imagine how much fun you'd have hanging out (if you could) with Ana? Down in Miami - ah..feel that heat after that long winter and in MY fantasy, we're sitting outside, gazing out over the ocean, sipping on some Margaritas that Ana whipped up and we're snacking on shrimp cocktails. We are having an amazing time - listening to some cool tunes (Classic Rock because remember..it is still my fantasy!) and of course, we are bashing Trump, the language growing more colourful with each cocktail. <Sigh> Sounds perfect. I'm still pretty much only getting half a show what with either Trudeau or Coumo doing daily briefings and when you factor in the wonky Wi Fi issues or whatever else in not working with this Brady Bunch View version, it really feels disjointed and muddled. And I don't just mean Whoopi!!
  24. Due to Mags now being stuck at home and bored, her constant and excessive petting of said hair extensions have caused them to escape one night in what was a very well executed plan worthy of a military operation along the lines of the D Day Invasion. They were last seen travelling under an assumed identity, heading south.
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