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Everything posted by Prower

  1. He was also sleeping next to Lyra. He could have screamed and woken her up. It's unlikely Asriel would do anything to him while she was there and even if he tried, Lyra has a good connection to a bunch of bears, as you said.
  2. Well, it wouldn't be a Moffat- Gatis- colaboration if the whole thing didn't fall off a cliff towards the end. And this time they managed it in record time! I really liked episode one and two, but once it got to modern times, yikes. First I was bored with the focus on all these new vapid characters, then really annoyed by how stupid all of it played out and then the ending was just pseudo-deep and really dumb. And I think the idea to bring it to modern times in the later half of a season/show had a lot of potential. But this was certainly not the way to do it. The german was also pretty good, I have to give them that. Not flawless, but pretty good.
  3. We weren't. We were saying that the doctors overreaction was stupid. I'm reasonably sure that the director told Whittaker to act it like she had just seen Gallifrey explode in fronnt of her eyes. Well yeah, that was a fun retcon. But that was subconcious. The master seems to have picked this appearance though. I think it was kinda implied before that timeladies can pick their appearence after a regeneratiion and the master was a timelady last, so... The timelords are back, btw. But that wouldn't have any influence on regenneration.
  4. I like this show and liked this season in general. But the second half of the season seemed way too hectic and like it skipped over a bunch of things, or didn't flesh it out, like all the bear stuff. Could that be the result of them using two books? That's not how betrayels work. You have to intentionally fuck somebody over to betray them. That's not stretching thhe definition, that's breaking it. I hate when authors do this and pretend they are sooo clever. Roger also suddenly turned into a massive idiot. He remarked that Asriel looked at him like a wolf, like two hours earlier and yet suddenly he was totally fine following him out to the fucking north pole with nobody around and leaving Lyra behind? Oh please. That was some bad writing. Was this also in the books? They didn't really explain anything about dust, since they don't know anything. They all just throw out half bbaked theories. And yes, to the Adam and Eve stuff.
  5. I mean, shocked yes. But never this shocked. With Simm it came close. But there it was warranted since the Doctor thought that he was the last timelord. But even then, no wide eyed hand biting. I think this one could have worked, if we actually had seen O before, maybe as a quasi-companion over multiple episodes. Instead we were told, not shown (a big problem of the show at the moment), that the doctor met O like once for 5 minutes. Big whoop. In general I think it's way too early to bring the master back. Moffat waited multiple seasons for a reason and even with RTD it was at the end of season three. But that's beside the point.
  6. Which made the doctors reaction all the worse. Whittaker acted that scene like somebody just told her she had super-cancer and the moon was made of chocolate. When the reaction should have been more "Damn that asshole tricked me again". (which was probably not her fault but the director's, who, we established, hates humanity) "Mrs. Doctor, I'm afraid you have super-cancer and... dun dun dun... the moon is made of chocolate"
  7. Well, usually the Doctor drops people off shortly after leaving, barring any accidents that are convenient for the plot. I'm pretty sure it was also Amy and Rory that talked about that people started to notice that they were aging faster than they should. The master didn't run to some random plane. The CEO remarked earlier in the episode that he had a passanger plane. It's just dumb. If you want real proof that it was just because they had the set left over: (these kinds of) Passanger planes don't have cargo hatches in the back.
  8. Okay, who directed this episode and why do they hate humanity?! Director: "Let's establish this scene with a wide. Very nice. Now go into a close up, now extreme closeup, closeup, and 5 more extreme closeups! Okay, now let's do a shoulder shot, but so close up, you can barely see an inch of the other persons shoulder!" Camera man: "Should we maybe shoot something in between wides and closeups?" Director: "I don't understand, what in between?! That reminds me, even in quiet scenes with people talking, remember to film handheld and shake the camera around a bunch! I also can't forget to tell the editor to cut every 2 seconds! You can't let anything breathe. Otherwise people might notice how shit the script is!" After finishing Mr. Robbot recently and marveling at the gorgeous cinematagrophy there, this dumpster fire was quite a shock. It was so bad in some parts I couldn't even concentrate on the episode. But maybe that was a good thing... Most of the characters are still annoying and the acting is still mostly bad. The writing is way worse than the acting. The cinematagrophy sucks... Why am I doing this to myself? So Unit is just gone? Well that's kinda dumb. I hope the next showrunner reveals they were just underground. All of the Tardis team should have died 10 times over, when they got shot at and I was so rooting for it. We all know that a billionair wouldn't have a passanger jet, but a private luxury jet and they just used it because they still had the set from the first scene. Right? Right. That was probably the worst master reveal ever. Character gets introduced pretty much exactly half way through the episode, 30 minutes later "Yeah I'm the master btw. and now I'm way crazier than Jon Sim on his worst day, right off the bat!" I literally said "Oh, fuck you." out loud at my screen. Why slowly tease and reveal a new master, when you can just throw him in. I want Michelle Gomez back pronto and throw in a bunch of new writers while you are at it! 99% sure that was about them aging faster than they should. Precisely because the doctor would drop them off a minute after pickup. These writers have just no idea how doctor who works...
  9. It was the phrase gay men identified themselves with to each other, specifically because it was not known to your average Joe. So accidentally telling a straight guy that you were "a friend of Dorothies" would only get you a bewildered look or a "do you mean Dorothy so-and-so?" instead of a lynching if you told them that you were a homosexual. Like I wrote before, even the NIS was too dense to figure it out, as late as the 80s.
  10. The only thing people need to get told is if the building they are in is on fire. They still get told lots of other things. As I'm telling you: Tyrell is a completely different person from Elliot. He doesn't look like him, he's not an alter, he's just another character on this show. Cop-Dom didn't say that. She said "this person is nothing like you". She specifically didn't reference looks, but personality.
  11. It was for people in the know, but not for your average Joe. There was no internet back then. Even as late as the 1980s the Navi invested a ton of money, to find the elusive "Dorothy", who was a known associate of many gay men, to get her to spill the beans on her friends. I wish I was kidding: http://www.todayifoundout.com/index.php/2017/01/u-s-navy-hilarious-multi-million-dollar-fruitless-search-wizard-ozs-dorothy-friends/
  12. Except she didn't. We look at it from a modern perspective and think that, but you have to see it in the conetext of the times. You mentioned Liberace. He wasn't gay he was eccentric. Same with Elton John, not gay, just eccentric, Freddy Mercury, not gay (or bi), just eccentric. So I can see why those jokes would have hit a bit too close to home for Shy, but I can also see why Midge wouldn't have thought anything by it. The audience also didn't seem to react shocked or disgusted or anything. They laughed. They all knew Shy was eccentric. It doesn't seem Midge told them anything new.
  13. This was a very good finale. All the personal stuff around the characters was pretty much perfect. The story was also wrapped up pretty nicely in most regards. I also still love that we are treated as a part of Elliot and get called out from time to time. Especially this time by head-christa. The only thing I do not like is everything around White Rose's machine. As Sam Esmail always said, Mr. Robot is not Scifi. So the only machine that would have made sense (and would have fit into the themes of the show) would have been virtual reality. So in physical terms, a massive server farm, that needs so much power, it needs a nuclear power plant to run it. I still think that was the original intend. But it doesn't fit with White Rose's actions at the end. You wouldn't cause a meltdown, if you want to run servers. I think Esmail wrote himself into a corner and threw out the original plan for something cryptic, he himself doesn't know the answer to, and something like this always irks me a bit. I guess you could fanwank this as a women completely off her rocker, but white rose, while clearly somewhat unhinged, never seemed particularly delusional. But the main thing that doesn't fit here is that she showed Angela something that made her believe in White Rose's plan and Angela never seemed particularly gullible before. So I think there must have been something tangible planned at some point and the ending we got was not it. Still, I'd say as far as wrapping up a show with a show-spanning story arc goes: 9/10 PS: - Tyrell was never an alter of Elliot, That was shown in multiple instances. A lot of people just need to get over that theory already. - Alters don't have to look different from the core personality. We saw core Elliot in the loop looking like the mastermind, so Elliot probably just looks like the mastermind. That we didn't see his face in the last scene wasn't to obscure anything. There are two reasons. First and foremost, we are part of Elliot again. We got integrated like the other personalities in the cinema. We can't just walk around outisde of him and take different perspectives anymore. We can only see through his eyes. Second, Darlene's reaction was the important part here, nothing else. I think she has been killing it since season one. Only knowing her from suburgatory before, I was blown away by what she can actually do.
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