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Everything posted by kmm49

  1. They ruined the best two characters with movie-cliche craziness. I feel sorry for Cumberbatch/Freeman. They did what they possibly could with the mess this show became after Mary became a full-time character. It went downhill from there. It got away from mysteries to babies and relationships I could care less about and James Bond nonsense. If these actors ever return to maybe doing these characters every now and then in TV specials they need a total reboot.
  2. I thought that Cumberbatch did a very good job with what he was given and he and Freeman's chemistry's still wonderful. Freeman wasn't given much to work with though. I'm getting tired of Moriarty but felt we would get a bigger payoff than we did other than finding out he's really dead but is he really? I wouldn't mind a new villain because I think Moriarty's finally played out. Also, I think Mary's a waste! Why's she even hanging around because she wasn't really important to the story? Sorry I just think Mary should barely be heard or seen not another sidekick to Holmes and Watson.
  3. Too confusing and I agree just pointless. What a waste of Moriarty. Totally underused. I also hate the mind palace. I thought I was seeing a simple 1800s Sherlock which I was enjoying for about the first 30 minutes but I feel sorry for those who tuned into this show for the first time tonight. How lost must they be. They showed what happened on the series since 2010! Anyway, wasn't hating 1800s Sherlock at all but they lost me with the whole back and forth. Plus it just wasn't that interesting.
  4. I agree with those who say GV was wasted after Serena. They're just using him as a plot point to kill people off and eventually get rid of him. I think he had more potential that wasn't tapped into. He's better than all these new people they brought in anyway. What happened to John and Marlena today? One day they were at the runway party and then they disappeared. At least I didn't have to look at their weird facial expressions today! This shows writing has become so uneven with all the changes. It's crazy and so many explanations are being dropped like how Ava knows Nicole or even Joey. What's her and Joey's past? I think she's trying to seduce him or did seduce him but not sure what's her motive. Anyway, just a lot of bad acting going on here. Hoping 2016 will get some things back on track!
  5. Abigail's more concerned with telling Chad he's the baby's father instead of worrying what's wrong with her baby?! Crazy!
  6. Who decided Marlena looked good in that way too low cut dress and put Kayla in that frumpy green dress with a black sweater?
  7. I'd like to see a follow-up movie leading up to WW2 to see how the biggest war in Europe would've finally affected Downton once and for all. I'm sure by then a couple of the older characters would be dead and it's possible the little ones would still be too young to participate but it would be interesting anyway to see that disruption in their lives. The show really hasn't been the same for me in quality writing since Matthew's death so I'm not upset it's ending at all. It was time. I still say they left it open so all the characters can return for a reunion one day but they could've had Carson or even Robert die in their sleep, etc. I understand they didn't want a cliffhanger that would've never been followed through with but one shocker would've been okay with me. Since the hairdryer came with no instructions on how to use it Daisy attempts to use it in a bathtub full of water.
  8. I hated this season and could've skipped the whole season because it was pointless but the Christmas episode saved it! Very nice if a little too conventional, pat and rushed. It leaves it open for hopefully follow-up movies, etc. one day. My only regret's Tom. Everyone's happy but him. What a waste of his return! I didn't buy Mary's salvation. She's still a bitch but her salvation at the end fit into the mold. I also dislike the married couples because they've all become so boring! This goes especially for Anna/Bates. I wouldn't have been too disappointed if Edith found happiness being a single mother/businesswoman in London but I knew the show would marry her off for that of course is the typical 1920s happy ending. Anyway, such a wasteful season for Daisy, Dinker, Moseley, Spratt, Isobel and even Barrow. Could care less about these storylines. Some were just dropped and never followed through with or thrown in at the last minute. Anyway, this season could've been more interesting but the Christmas episode brought everything full circle. Too bad I was expecting more though. My family's going to watch it when it airs in the U.S. I want to tell them to skip the whole season and just watch this episode because you won't be missing much before it.
  9. Anyone wanted Edith to shoot Mary on her wedding day? Oh, damn, no! Then we'd have a long, unbearable court/prison storyline. What a rushed mess! The writers have always favored Mary over Edith. Therefore Mary gets the happy ending instead of being the miserable old maid she deserves to be and Edith gets to be unhappy in love but a successful, single mom businesswoman. Anyway, I can see Bertie coming back for Edith eventually. Also the writers were basically saying screw you to the Mary/Tom fans. Personally, I hope Mary isn't happy with Henry. I don't see it working. I also don't buy she's in love with him. Eventually I can see Edith getting married and Mary divorcing. The Barrow suicide attempt was lame and rushed. I could care less. This season could've been so much better. I would've liked to seen Edith happy and Tom find someone. Carson/Mrs. Hughes and Bates/Anna potential was totally wasted. The rest I just don't care about.
  10. I think the writers are also aiming to put Hope and Rafe together which I'm not totally against but I can't seem to care after all this Bo/Hope/Aiden craziness. Plus, Aiden will be dead and Bo will leave so is Rafe just going to be there to pick up the pieces? How stupid was it that Hope was acting like a virginal 20 year old on her wedding night and didn't even wonder where Aiden was?
  11. Can't stand Carson and Mrs. Hughes! He's insufferable and they're boring! I liked them before they got married. Maybe they should've just ended the show with them getting married or they should've remained friends. Tom could've given Mary an innocent hug. I really don't want them together but they've a nice relationship. Also, was I the only who thought Henry killed his friend so he wouldn't win. Why? I don't know. I want someone to be evil. I thought he ran him off the road or some such nonsense.
  12. That was so bizarre! Why couldn't they've just given Robert a heart problem? For one thing he never mentioned he had an ulcer that I can remember only just indigestion yet the doctor knew immediately that he had an ulcer and that was what caused his coughing up blood. Did he never prescribe anything for him or was there no medicine for ulcers in the 1920s? Just seemed so out there. Glad he didn't die though. Would an ulcer rupturing really cause that much blood?
  13. Good God after six seasons this was the best they could come up with for a first episode to a series finale season! Boring! I so loved this show the first two seasons and have been bored ever since but can't seem to stop watching. Actually I've been bored ever since Matthew's death. Why didn't they just age everyone and make the series finale about WWII and kill off half the male cast? Or they could've just died from old age because most of the male cast's over 50 anyway. A WWII series finale would be fitting for this show because they can't figure out where else to take it. Mary's the most insufferable bitch. Is Mrs. Hughes for real? Her future husband might not want to bone her? Huh? I know it's 1925 but how embarrassing for Miss Patmore and silly for us to have to watch that display! Anna and Bates have been ruined by the inexplicable murder stories that no one ever cared about. Edith has the only potential as of now to move on in life. Good for her! This show definitely misses the younger cast. The current cast's just too old! This show needs more of a mix. I so miss Matthew, Sybil and Tom! Looks like Tom got out of the country at just the right time. Of course I'll stick to the end but I'm glad it's ending.
  14. It was crazy farfetched because why did Hannibal and Will think Dolarhyde was so hard to catch? He never proved to be that cunning. He definitely wasn't near as smart as Hannibal. Also, Will had already seen his face. I think the show just lacked the time to show Dolarhyde's smartness. They had no problem showing his craziness but maybe I would've bought the plot more if they stopped his stretching in front of the mirror and showed his cleverness. Plus, the whole season made the FBI look stupid anyway. YES on both points! Who's going to let these police officers deliberately be murdered to further Hannibal and Will's scenario to catch Dolarhyde? Jack would okay this? Also, why show Will having a loving wife and son and then make us believe he'd commit suicide and leave them behind? Maybe Fuller should've left off Molly and her son completely because they didn't contribute much and then he could've justified his ending better.
  15. Yes! I love 60s/70s songs and for a second I was like this would be a great James Bond song even for a new James Bond movie today. Who's the singer? I know the title's Love Crimes. As someone who's very picky with her TV time I doubt I'll give another Fuller show a try but I'm so glad I stuck with this show even though I wish season three could've been differently in the beginning. The biggest stink of the season for me was Bedelia and thanks Fuller for ending with her! Yes, I'm being facetious. The cliff ending would've been enough. I look forward to following Dancy and Mikkelson's careers. Also, I was a huge fan of The X-Files and I know they're remaking the show but I doubt I'll watch it since Fuller has ruined Gillian Anderson in my eyes! For shame!
  16. I agree. At first I thought Bedelia was eating Hannibal and Will but anyway how the Hell could Hannibal survive that fall?
  17. The main characters of importance on the show have always been Hannibal and Will. I really could've cared less about what happened to anyone else. Some people might see a bromance, romance, etc. but even though the ending might've been a little overdone depending on your view of the Hannibal/Will relationship I still think it showed the amazing chemistry that the actors had together and ultimately that's all that matters to me. In my opinion they were just two hurt men holding on to each other for comfort. In my opinion a kiss would've been pandering and I was *really* worried that was going to happen and thank God it didn't!
  18. Wow! Very mixed emotions on this finale but overall I enjoyed it but less than season two. I wonder how Fuller would've written a next season with Hannibal and Will's death?! Did they fake their deaths? How? Anyway, wonderfully acted overall especially between Dancy/Mikkelson but wow to Armitage as he really stood out! Loved the chemistry between these people! The best part of the episode. I really got into the intense scene with Francis and Reba in the beginning. Well done. Questions, questions, questions... Could Dr. Chilton really survive in that state? Unbelievable. Did the FBI know Francis was going to overtake the van in a police car and let it happen? I know Hannibal and Will were bait for Francis but why did they let him shoot and stab them? Seems excessive. He could've really killed them. Farfetched but I knew we would get a bloody finale. Was Will's intention all along to kill himself and Hannibal? Why? He has a wife and son he loves! I'm surprised NBC's letting this episode show with Francis wanting to film Hannibal's death after the horrible TV deaths this week. Those who benefitted the least from this episode were Alana, Jack and Margot and it showed this episode. They're just filler and nothing more. I'm sad about Jack but not Alana and Margot. I HATED the Bedelia scene. It was totally not necessary and it ruined the episode. Fuller must love her character but I disliked her a lot this season. What was the point? It was so out of left field. Also, I would've hated Fuller if he caved into those who think Hannibal and Will are in love and throw in a kiss. It would've been ridiculous! I just enjoy watching their incredible scenes together because they do have chemistry and since they're the stars of the show that's very important. Great show that I'm going to miss a lot! Hopefully, eventually, we'll get something more.
  19. He went from a confused, gentle lover to an abusive asshole. This is why I could never buy them as a couple. Who couldn't see this coming after all? I couldn't see him with a lover. He's a crazy ass serial killer. I know it was in the books but I just don't think it was done well on the show. I didn't buy it from the start. I don't see that happening. I would be disappointed if it did. I'm just satisfied when they have scenes together. I think the last great scene they had together was in the museum. I'd be happy if we have one great scene like that between the two of them that'll end the show on a high note for me. How the Hell did he su​rvive that? It's hard to believe. He'd definitely be better off dead. But Chilton's one of the secondary characters I actually like.
  20. The previews for the finale sucked! Thanks Canada! I wasn't thrilled as some with this episode. I can't see how this finale could top the season two finale mainly because I just don't care about Reba. I'll assume she gets rescued for now and Francis gets killed. I still feel Armitage's full potential wasn't reached thanks to the hasty end of this season. I miss the Hannibal/Will scenes! I hope we don't go through the whole finale without one scene! I'm confused. Did Will set up Chilton? Why? I don't have to know that Hannibal and Will are in love with each other. I don't need it thrown in my face. Most of their scenes show their great chemistry! So what's the deal with Bedelia's out there question to Will? Afterall, Will's a very happily married man.
  21. Yes, but not necessarily a bad thing after the first half of the season. My main concern's even though Armitage has done an amazing job with what he's been given I'm slightly disappointed his character isn't more scary. I guess scary's the word. The first episode he was introduced was amazing and then it went downhill for me. His scenes with Reba aren't potent and the best scenes he's had so far are with a painting and Will. Maybe my hopes were raised because I kept hearing how great The Red Dragon book was. I just think we're probably not getting the full story due to time constraints. Not sure why we're supposed to care about Francis and Reba. Their scenes are just okay and has taken the monster out of Francis which's much more interesting than the trying to be human side of him. I knew Molly and her son were only going to be used to be put in peril. It's hard to care what happens to them. BUT they make Will human in the few scenes they have which is what I care about. Hannibal's constrained too much now that he's in a sanitorium but I was hoping we'd get more mind palace scenes but yeah the food scenes I miss. His scenes with Will in the last couple of episodes have been just okay. They've previously been great.
  22. She's so lonely. Where are her family and friends? He might be the only person who has shown her any interest in a long time and even though she can't see him she sure can feel him. He's fucking hot! Armitage has a great body/face!​
  23. Yes. Mine too. It was very abrupt! If Hannibal escapes at the end of this season I wonder if Fuller would've written another season of Hannibal on the run. I don't think I could've taken that. Now that Hannibal's behind glass it's best he stays there.
  24. Didn't Hannibal say kill them all? Maybe that meant even the dogs. Will's making the second half of this season for me. Usually I watch for Hannibal but Will's trumped him. Hannibal hasn't been as interesting during The Red Dragon storyline but he had to get caught. I guess I just want more Hannibal/Will scenes. The focus of the show's always better when they're the focus not Will/Molly or Francis/Reba but they're still much better than the Verger baby and Alana/Margot craziness. After looking at the last couple of episodes I'm wondering where Fuller could've gone if the show wasn't cancelled. I can see an end of the road now unfortunately though. Too bad this last season wasn't cohesive enough. It was too slow and rushed in places and too many plotholes.
  25. From the conversation I thought Hannibal was sending him to kill all of them including Will. I didn't gather from the conversation that Hannibal wanted Will excluded. Did Hannibal know Will wasn't home? I guess that's the key.
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