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Everything posted by kmm49

  1. I think Francis calling Will not very handsome or odd looking means he sees him as a mere human being where he obviously sees himself as something greater than a human when he looks at himself in the mirror. I have to admit that I was disappointed in Dolarhyde's disguise at the Graham household. What's the point of the teeth? He looked like a common thug.
  2. So Will lives in a remote cabin but Molly just happens to find a guy driving down the lonely, snowy road when she needs him. Plus, she easily outsmarted The Red Dragon! I call BS! Too much of the horror movie element to it. Will should know better than to leave his family there while he's working on a case and The Red Dragon knows who he is! Unbelievable that Hannibal can tell The Red Dragon to kill Will's family over the phone that was never monitored! So the FBI only listened when Hannibal told them too?
  3. Unfortunately, serial killers are rarely found ahead of time. He doesn't communicate. He's obviously a loner. So who else's in his life but Reba to help him and as we've seen she's come across as totally naïve? Now maybe if a psychiatrist like Bedelia could've gotten to him first but I doubt he would've gotten professional help from anyone. I think it's even a little farfetched that he's left Reba this far into his life.
  4. I can't come close to feeling sorry for him. He's crazy and Reba's too naïve for her own good. I can't buy into the fact that he would've never became a serial killer if only he met her earlier. The love of a good woman would've changed his path in life's crazy. I could see if he was working officially for the FBI but that's never been established, right? Will's just coming to get his opinion on the Dolarhyde case so he can get into the serial killer's head. Also, great job by Armitage on the painting eating scene. It managed to be creepy without it being creepy if you know what I mean. It still gave me shivers.
  5. I would've never thought this so some background would've been helpful. My interpretation was he was trying to make himself stronger/continue his transformation. I loved some of the Florence scenes. It wasn't that that I objected to just the dragging out of the storyline. It's now impacting the Red Dragon storyline pace which's more enjoyable/watchable.
  6. It definitely would've helped if the show had more time to explain all this background on Francis and Reba. It feels rushed and it's thanks to the time it took to catch Hannibal and close out the Verger storyline.
  7.  Yes, so did I. Maybe because they don't seem like the martini type. When does he have time to shop for martini ingredients? She sure does know her way around his house after one episode. Are we supposed to assume some time's past between episodes? Especially since he knocked out the woman who showed him the painting. He's getting really sloppy.
  8. YES! Who talks like that? My problem with Bedelia's she's so unemotional and her dialogue's so stilted. She was much more interesting during season two. She's irrelevant and reminds me of the first half of this season's Will. But...I'm loving Will now! I just assumed Dolarhyde bribed the guy some kind of way. It didn't bother me too much that it wasn't explained. I guess I just didn't understand the tiger scene. I'm assuming it was supposed to be sexual but it didn't appeal to me. I guess her feeling around the tiger's mouth made him turned on or has something to do with his easily fixable cleft lip. Just seemed off. Maybe they should've established the Francis/Reba relationship a few more episodes. The blow job scene came off awkward on her part but the bed scene was fine. Eating the art scene plus Will's confrontation was the best parts of this episode. I didn't realize Will got to see Francis before he gets caught or whatever ends up happening to him. Not enough Hannibal and Will just can't stay away! When does he fit Molly and his stepson in the picture?
  9. What the Hell was the point of the tiger scene? I'd rather see crazy serial killer than his strange scenes with Reba. I'm just not interested in them at all. She's still the most trusting woman ever! Too bad they don't have any sexual chemistry. It kind of ruined the Dolarhyde character for me and I don't find him nearly as interesting as I did in the first episode when we were introduced to him. It's so *strange* how easy it is for Hannibal to receive and return calls. They've got him behind glass and are clearly afraid of him but they let him talk to anyone especially since he's not helping the FBI in any official capacity.
  10. http://ap.ign.com/hannibal-1/91280/news/amazon-execs-on-why-hannibal-deal-didnt-happen
  11. Since I don't know where the Francis/Reba courtship's leading I'm clueless so far as to why it's even needed. Is she supposed to represent his human side? Are we supposed to believe that crazy serial killers are human too and can fall for someone and want intimate relations? l'd love to see more on Will's family. I felt what they did with Hannibal's background was rushed and just touched the surface. Maybe that's all the books shed light on but we learned nothing about his parents or much about Mischa. Disappointing.
  12. I totally agree. She's not needed for the continuation of storyline. Sometimes it's best to leave dead people dead. I agree. I'm not loving Molly per se like some people are but I love the playful, smiling Will she brings out. That's all that's important right now.
  13. I totally agree that the number of victims during season two got crazy ridiculous but things I think got crazier this season with nobody being able to catch Hannibal. Implausibility's fine for a while if they could keep the plotlines going. Only Hannibal managed to stay interesting to me which was disappointing until the last couple of episodes when we finally got Will back! I like the whole Will consults with Hannibal to catch a serial killer scenario. As long as the characters remain interesting and relevant. Since most people watch the show for Hannibal and Will and the fact that most of the supporting characters aren't interesting and well developed I agree. I would've been more than happy if the Verger storyline lasted about two episodes. I just could never get into it this season.
  14. Can you imagine the greatness if they would've had the FBI or even the Mason Verger goons catch Hannibal in the first episode and move quickly into The Tooth Fairy storyline? Would've never bothered with Bedelia or Chiyo because they went nowhere. I'm loving Will now! Having Hannibal behind glass isn't hurting the show because of his mind palace. We might've actually gotten more plot developments in the new secondary characters.
  15. I could've done without the dead Verger baby and the Bloom-Verger baby storyline! Just gross and not an appealing aspect of the show for me. Yes, most serial killers are usually loners and I see Dolarhyde that way. I didn't expect him to want to connect with a real person. Hannibal on the other hand thrives by manipulating people and getting to know his victims more...intimately thanks to his cannibalism. It's kind of strange to go from a great and quite powerful performance last week from Armitage to a meh one this week...crazy serial killer to crazy serial killer falling for innocent blind girl and showing his softer side. I hate those relationships added for romance reasons too and I'm feeling it for this relationship. Plus the strange casting just isn't clicking with me. I just don't see Dolarhyde as a guy who needs companionship. Maybe I'll change my mind next week about Reba but I doubt we'll get much character development from her or Molly. It's hard to care about them since there are only like five crucial episodes left to the whole series. With that little time left I want my storylines mainly staying focused on Hannibal and Will with great Armitage scenes on the side. http://collider.com/richard-armitage-hannibal-tv-performer-of-the-week/ - Armitage was underplayed this week. His character and acting possibilities are too great for mediocre performances.
  16. Me too! I'd like to see more interaction between Dolarhyde and Hannibal and Will. I'm not digging the blind woman. Just seems kind of out of left field but supposedly it was in the book. They just seem soooo...mismatched! Maybe that's the purpose. How creepy was it that Alana carried Margot and Mason's baby? Why????
  17. I didn't like this episode as much as last week. Back to being slow. Great job making Hannibal look creepy in those jail scenes. I hope Alana's just hanging around so Hannibal can kill her this season. I know some people like her but she's become superfluous to me. Loved the murder husbands! The best thing Freddie's contributed to this show. Killing a cat before you kill the family? A dog, yes, but cats could care less about intruders. Most cats I know anyway. Was an African American woman originally played by Reba in the books? She's very trusting for a blind woman. Anyway, so far she has no chemistry with Armitage. Where's this relationship supposed to go? Very strange casting. The Molly and Will phone call was cute. It's always nice to see a playful, smiling Will. What a cute smile Dancy has! Funny that Hannibal can get phone calls in the cell. What's next a cell phone? From one crazy serial killer to another... Me too because I couldn't believe how much blood he took out of her. Was that supposed to be all her blood?! He's just too damn cute that's why! I'd say they all were in Hannibal's head. What else does he have to do in his cell but think up stuff?
  18. Totally agree. I hated Jodie Foster's interpretation of Clarice Starling (that accent!) and can't think of Fuller making her more interesting. He doesn't write female characters very well so I'd have no hope in his reimagining! I enjoyed the first episode mainly because of Dimmond but it just didn't go anywhere. Too bad the possibilities weren't explored more. Wasted opportunity in my opinion. And there's the crux of my problem with Italy. Wasted opportunity! Especially now we know this is the last season. Hannibal totally would've gotten the death penalty if he was tried in Texas where I live! He wouldn't be sitting in a big cozy cell either. His attempted killing of FBI agents would've been more than enough. He would definitely have a better case for insanity than Hannibal. Hannibal knows exactly what he's doing.
  19. He might snap. Afterall, he's hitting the bottle. This is thanks to Jack though. Seeing how happy Will was with his family why bring him back in? The luxury stuff's definitely his imagination! But he still has it made. I can't get used to Hannibal's prison haircut or Alana's 1950s hairstyle. Where did Will's dogs actually go? He didn't board them for that long did he? I'd hate to see that bill.
  20. Welcome back old show. Best episode this season by far! THIS is the show I missed so far this season. The hour flew by. Richard Armitage was awesome. Wow! Armitage/Dancy/Mikkelson - best male casting on TV ever! Let's not forget Jack and Dr. Chilton too. How did Will meet Molly out in his snowy deserted cabin? Not crazy about Molly but I'll give her a few more episodes and wait and see if they actually develop her character or if she ends up dead. Don't kill her son! Now that Will's got a family and The Tooth Fairy kills families...ah oh!
  21. It definitely left the ball park this season especially the first four episodes. I'm okay with most of the plotholes and extreme horror movie elements but what doomed the first half of the season for me was the gullibility/stupidity of the FBI and Will. I mean come on...Mason's goons can capture Hannibal but Jack and Will couldn't. The writing made them look like fools. I believe Hannibal turned himself in because he knows Jack and Will are just too stupid to keep him caged. It's just another challenge for him to see how far he can continue to manipulate them before he manages a fairly easy escape. Totally agree! Every scene between Hannibal and Will's been extremely well done. The strongest part of the first half of the season. Their chemistry's amazing! Very badly underwritten but then again Bedelia became a mess in the writing too. Her and Chiyoh were just there to support Hannibal. I think Fuller should just stick to writing male characters because he can't seem to flesh out any of the females on this show.
  22. Bad writing? Fuller distracted with his new show? Even though I didn't particularly care for this last episode the last two episodes at least had a lot of plot development that held your interest! Anyone think this show could've been saved if they would've done this a lot sooner? Probably not but it's so frustrating! This is what people were looking for this whole season and they wasted the whole first part of the season with nothing! Looking forward to the Red Dragon a lot and getting Jack and Will back in the FBI with Hannibal doing his craziness behind bars. I'm not too worried that Hannibal will be boring behind bars because we've only got six episodes left but I hope this season ends with a great finale since we're probably not getting more. I suspect maybe we'll see Hannibal escape. I get that he wants to capture him and he was his psychiatrist once whom he trusted but why did it become an obsession that took our real Will away and made him for about four crucial episodes act like a zombie doesn't make sense at all. Another lack of cohesiveness to this season.
  23. I half expected Hannibal to say..."Will, are you breaking up with me?" With tears in his eyes of course.
  24. This episode was way too wacky for even my tastes in wacky shows. I loved the Hannibal/Will bedside teta-a-tete even if it was too anti-climactic. Damn Hannibal for coming across so caring! This bromance has saved this season so far for me. I'm just not sure I care about most of the characters on this show and what they've evolved into except Hannibal, Jack and Will. Chiyo was boring and a totally waste! Another female character written just badly! Was that Will back at the FBI next week? Finally! I totally think this is why he turned himself in. You can see the disappointment on his face when Will was going to let him go and said he wouldn't bother chasing him. Still I just can't see Hannibal going down without a fight. That's disappointing. Totally! This season's been too disjointed for me. Now that Hannibal has turned himself in we can get to business as usual. They wasted too many episodes without any clear focus at all. So glad Mason's dead! He lasted way too long.
  25. This looks fantastic! *Very* promising. Too bad the writers couldn't have gotten to the Red Dragon/Armitage story a lot sooner this season. I think the show's pace would've benefitted from it.
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