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Everything posted by kmm49

  1. I turned it off. I'm from New Orleans and this show's insulting!
  2. He's not as sharp as the rest! Look how long it takes Jen to do anything at work. She's never there! Did you see the messages she accumulated? ;) But isn't EJ leaving the show too? I'll miss Sami and EJ a lot. They're two better actors with decent storylines. I see them going off together. Days is going to feel their loss.
  3. Eww! That's what I was thinking yesterday!
  4. Yes, he's very handsome. Probably after Eric I think he's the cutest. But he doesn't belong with Hope. I'm not a huge Bo and Hope fan and I don't mind Hope having a love interest but get someone that works. I feel the same way about Eric and Nicole. They just don't have the chemistry. Does anyone think Rafe and Hope might have some chemistry? Also, even though I can't stand her character I think Theresa's the prettiest woman on this show. I'm always making fun of how much free time these people with jobs have. Also that they can come and go like they want. I wish I had a job like that. Hope and Jen never work...especially Jen!
  5. Wow! The couples on this show have no chemistry. I don't know who's worst Rafe/Jordan, Jen/Daniel, JJ/Paige, Abigail/?, Hope/?...The guy for Hope's too young. Are they putting gray in his hair to make him look older? Also, the guy they're trying with Abigail gives off an effeminate/gay vibe. It's just terrible! Are they even trying?
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