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Grifter Lives

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Everything posted by Grifter Lives

  1. Worse is that Christine had to put on her "adult panties" to have a safe, but serious, conversation with Janelle. Christine explained that she doesn't like heavy conversations, but, with 4 adults in the family, polygamists must have serious conversations (unlike, say, extended monogamist families, or many business meetings). The conversation was so heavy that Christine spoke in her solemn, low-voice whisper as she repeated, "It's so awkward," and, "I'm so nervous, "I'm nauseous," and "I won't have equal voice, because I won't." And that conversation, of course, had to address the fantasy plyg palace on Prairie Dog Plague Flats, which voiceless Christine shot down 3 months earlier, and which Kody declared infeasible at the start of the episode.
  2. I think that was the same Zoom call from an earlier episode. Meri was checked out, with Mosby on her lap. It was her only appearance in this episode.
  3. Christine said that Sedona was the first place that they met Nancy, but I thought that she was based out of Utah - one of the few places where she could specialize in polygamy. Then, she followed them to Las Vegas and swung a few vacations to Texas and Arizona. Robyn has her late-night visits from her spirit babies, and Christine gets the spirit of Nancy in her anniversaries.
  4. After talking about how he and Janelle had never been separated as long as 5 weeks, except in COVID (which is a lie), and how hard it was, Kody said that he would not return to Janelle's for the first two weeks of Hunter's visit from the Air Force Academy. Presumably, Hunter would have had to shown his negative COVID test and attested that he did not display symptoms to travel. And, he may have had the most access to those tests, PPE and monitoring through the military. But that was not good enough for Kody. Kody can wait to see his son, especially after his son's major accomplishment. Also, it looks like Kody went directly from Christine's to Janelle's on or around Christine's birthday and then returned to Christine's for her postponed birthday drive. They made his stay with Janelle and the postponement sound like more than a few days.
  5. From Christine's Instagram, at Tony & Mykelti's baby shower.
  6. They need to either coordinate and write the follow-up to their NYT best-seller and negotiate the movie rights or race to be the first to do a real tell-all. If they actually do it together, the revenge upon Kody and Robyn would be multiplied, not divided.
  7. He's Janelle's, and 1st-born, and the 1st-born son. He graduated from UNLV with an MBA, and elsewhere, it's been reported that he's in Seattle. On the first episode of this season, Kody casually said, "When I had dinner with Logan the other night. . ."
  8. Christine has 3 cars in her driveway, including some hard-top, 2-seater car in her driveway. And, what is with her eyebrows in her talking head? It's from the eyebrow-joke-on-Meri-in Hawaii.
  9. Keeping him up at night and messing up his hair, which he's talking about now! ("My blonde hair really comes out on all of the children," like the OG wives weren't blonde, too.)
  10. Kody to Robyn: I want to have a life with you that's just not all about our kids. The 3 OG wives must be ripping their own hearts and brains out in envy.
  11. She ignored it, until more and more of her audience expressed their concerns. Meanwhile, Kody goes to the family doctor - in the midst of a pandemic - for advice on how to quarantine and socially distance. He really is the god and leader of that group.
  12. He was in a hard-top car (full of clothes, bags and junk in the backseat) as he drove to Christine's, and they got into the new two-seater convertible in her driveway. Maybe they rented it for the birthday celebration. But, if they did, it's one more example of the stupid ways they waste their money.
  13. Christine got a better celebration for her postponed birthday than Meri did for her 30th anniversary. (Her anniversary - not Kody's and her) It even included a destination. The visor must have protected Kody's hairplugs.
  14. Now that Robyn has inexplicably visited Janelle's non-quarantining house, their quarantine has failed. What about King Sol's health? Whoa! Robyn's eyebrows are so bad that they distract with whatever is going on with her hair and throat.
  15. This is a new take on the Brown flat-tire drama.
  16. As an introvert with little to no visible motivation for anything, Janelle should be embracing quarantine.
  17. This conversation is about 2 months into the pandemic - after all the PSAs and health guidelines blasted repeatedly on all media. Their stupidity is not limited to COVID and polygamy.
  18. Where are Kody and Janelle? And is Christine in front of a shower curtain?
  19. So the Brown family doctor - who has the worst job in America - tells Kody that the family should stay apart. But, he's with Janelle, lives with Robyn and rotates to Christine. Does that mean that Kody must kick Meri to the curb under doctor's orders?
  20. Does Andrew still get his $1500 or whatever they pay? You know that he'll be back next week.
  21. That was her after-truck talk while they were driving to visit the grandchildren. On the way home, she told him that he is not allowed to divorce him, after he ordered ice cream and coffee.
  22. Sequim hair. Hot tubs. The tell-all's a time warp.
  23. Andrew's strategy was to pretend that he wasn't there alone.
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