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Posts posted by Maysie

  1. I don't get it either. And the facility that's publicizing that Scott was there and bolted? What kind of publicity is that? Yeah, everyone wants to pay a bunch of money to fail at rehab. This story gets progressively worse.


    You know, Kris H and Lamar are looking like geniuses for getting out of this family. I know Lamar's exit was less than graceful, and that he has his own issues, but at least they're not being exploited for the family coffers.

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    ..and I'll just add, did Kourtney know this was one big publicity stunt when she told People mag about how proud she is of him for getting help?


    I'm glad you mentioned that because it crossed my mind too.


    You know, it's reached the point with this entire family that every time they do something for the cameras to capture or to make a headline -- no matter how mundane it may seem -- it begs the question of whether it's for real, the show or for money/publicity. Off the top of my head, the only thing I can think of recently that has seemed for real is Bruce's car accident.


    And fans wonder why haters hate on this family.

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  3. Really? Really???


    Because that sucks. And I wouldn't go anywhere near a rehab facility that stooped to such a crass level for publicity.


    I didn't care one way or another about this asshole but I kind of think he's pretty much as big a dick as the rest of the family -- what won't he do for money? It's all kinds of fucked up to publicize substance addiction and "rehab" to make a fast buck. I don't know if he has alcohol issues or not, but if he really doesn't and it was all just a publicity stunt, then he can just take the money train straight to hell with the rest of the group. And if he does but continues to live in denial then I feel very sorry for his kids. He'll never get help if this is considered a money-making venture by everyone involved.


    Jesus. These people.

    • Love 4
  4. You know, this is the most normal I've seen this family look . . . ever, really. Kanye looks like a dad, Kim looks like a mom coming from the gym and the girls look really cute. I can't rag on Kim for not wearing Kanye's stuff (that's called progress, imo); hell, I don't think she even wears her own stuff, am I right?


    Anyway, these shots are a refreshing change from the norm for them. It's a shame Kim's hair is so fried. I do understand wanting to change your look, but holy mother of god her hair looks like shit. It reminds me of the blonde kids I hung out with at the swimming pool when I was growing up -- they'd spend so much time in the sun and the water that between the sun and the chlorine, their hair got all dried out, with a very faint greenish tint. That's what Kim's is channeling to me.

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  5. There was much I respected about Joan -- her work ethic, her talent and what she brought to the table, fashion-knowledge-wise to FP. However, I got tired of her jokes and the mock shock/horror from the rest of the panel. Fat jokes are cheap laughs, as far as I'm concerned, and I never really found them funny, no matter who the target was. I have to say, when she held Lena Dunham up as a poor example for young women simply because she's overweight, I was kind of done with Joan. I don't understand how a very successful young writer is a poor example simply because she's overweight, and I was disappointed that Joan would use that as a reason to call Lena Dunham out (I can't stand Girls, for what it's worth). Frankly, I think Joan should have shifted in her chair a bit and taken note of the dangerous level that Guiliana's weight had devolved to, if she wanted to use weight as an example for women. IMO, starving yourself is a much poorer example to set. (And I know we don't know that's what's going on with Guiliana, but it sure has that vibe to it.)


    So, while I was sorry about Joan's death because it seemed like it was so unnecessary and early, despite her age, I can't say I miss the cheap shots she took. I didn't watch this version of FP because I'd grown tired of the whole routine and I didn't see how it would get any better without someone with some actual fashion knowledge like Joan had.


    Taking six months to re-boot is a good move. Maybe they'll get someone on that is adept at mixing some humor and fashion analysis. Surely there has to be someone out there.

    • Love 3
  6. I wouldn't be surprised if Doug has killed for Frank before, but I don't consider him a serial killer -- he's kind of like a mob hit man, just doing whatever he's needed to do to keep order. I don't know what the legal definition for that kind of multiple murderer is (not quite mass murderer). However, I absolutely agree that the way the season played out with Rachel in regards to Doug was very creepy/stalkerish that was in stark contrast to how other murders have been done on the show.


    On one hand, I hope it was done that way to give us some insight into Doug and the person he really is/has evolved into because of working with and for Frank. But on the other hand, I hated the storyline and frankly don't give a shit if we ever see Doug again. I was glad when I thought he was dead at the end of season 2 -- it would have made a more interesting season 3 in many aspects. The only way Doug's going to be interesting to me is if he turns on Frank. Because really, I guess you could make a case that much of Frank's missteps/incompetence since he's been in the White House may be due to the loss of Doug. Perhaps Doug's really the power behind the throne? I don't know, but it's worth considering.

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    Frank and Claire. I don't believe Claire has grown a conscience, she's just not happy with her position in the relationship. She does not have the power she thought she would have. The show was hinting at her running for President.


    Claire's "conscience" bothered me because I felt we were being led to believe she was developing one after the guy hung himself. But then it seemed to disappear and reappear in ways I can't quite articulate. That's one of my problems with the season -- she seemed to be all over the map and frankly, the only thing I could get from her consistently was her own ambition. I don't buy that she has no options (which is what I was picking up from all this) -- after all, she was successful when she was running the non-profit. Yes, she crashed and burned at the UN thing. I think that could have been a viable thing for her to do after Frank's first term, whether he had won or not. All she had to do was get involved in some sort of "appropriate" cause (human trafficking, safe drinking water, disease management -- what have you -- that would have bolstered her credibility in dealing with international issues and aid groups that had political ramifications) for the duration of Frank's term and then moved upward from there.


    When they showed her sitting in his chair in the oval office, it definitely felt like she was trying it on for size. And for the life of me, I don't know why she would think she should be sitting in that chair. Maybe it's supposed to be channeling all the sacrifices she made for Frank to get to that chair, but he'd likely have ended up there with or without her. I think he's just that focused on it. I sense the desire for that kind of power is new for Claire.


    I will say this: when they had their confrontation in the oval office, I really felt like if he hadn't been president and didn't expect her ass out on the campaign trail with him, he'd have knocked her ten ways til Sunday. But he couldn't risk such a thing, so he had to reign himself in. At least that's how it seemed to me.


    The Underwoods were their own worst enemies this season.

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  8. I have to say, it seems a bit quick that the American public LOVES them some Claire. When did this happen? Wasn't she so busy crashing and burning at the UN that the public really wouldn't have much time to connect with her? I feel like I missed something, but that's entirely possible. I'm watching, but the season isn't quite as compelling. Somehow the Underwoods were more interesting before they made it to the White House.

    • Love 7
  9. I can't believe it, but I did watch the entire video and it was spot on. It's hard to know if it really is Anonymous, but given the case they make against him, it could be. There was reference to while the world is burning down around us he's basically just using his power for stupid and evil and not good.


    The Daily Mail's take is kind of hilarious -- so offended for Kanye.


    But seriously, if even one person looks at that and thinks "you know, he's right; maybe I shouldn't be posting a selfie of my naked ass a la Kim Kardashian" then they did their job.

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    I think Claire had to go, really.  The idea that the President's wife could be in that role was always a little far-fetched.  Even if Petrov was playing mind games over whether Claire was manipulated or not - the essential truth stands: Frank's love for his wife clouds his judgment, and she's easy leverage.  He was willing to make ridiculous concessions to Petrov just to keep her in a role for which she is less than suited.


    Yes, yes, yes.


    Claire's appointment is just one example of their various work-arounds this season, which I'm tired of. A bit is interesting, but for fuck's sake, it's really starting to stretch the boundaries of believability for me. For one thing, Claire and Frank spent two seasons outmaneuvering everyone, all the way to the oval office, no less. Now they're like Laurel and Hardy, always misreading and mishandling yet still flying along by the seats of their pants. And the fact that he's able to get what he wants, by hook or by crook, no matter how messed up, it is unbelievable.


    Look, I know they can't have another president resign so quickly. It would be nice to have a throwaway line about that in there somewhere -- that the only reason congress isn't going after the Underwoods more vigorously is because the nation just went through the loss of one president. And I know he hasn't outwardly done anything to force his own resignation (other than be incompetent). But come on. The only push back he gets is "we won't work with you," or "if you don't sign this, FEMA gets no money"?


    And Claire's epiphany in Russia seems a bit short-lived to me. Her "we killed people" seems like it never happened.


    And Doug's warm family Hallmark moments seemed totally forced.

    • Love 3
  11. Good grief I'm tired of Doug! There is nothing remotely interesting about his story to me. I didn't like him last year and his injury has done nothing to make me like him this year. I'm kind of liking the fact he's in pain and feeling shunned by Frank. I'm not sure that's the way it's supposed to be . . .

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  12. So Kim's new outfit is actually menswear. Yep. She's cramming her extremely curvy body into clothes made for men. Probably for men who are ideally about 10 inches taller than her and not much heavier. People without breasts and minimal hips and asses.


    I really can't tell if this is all a big joke for her and Kanye, a way to get constant attention (because it's surely working) or if they're both so deluded that they actually think she looks good. When you look at the large size of the picture, that sweater does not fit her - you can see her skin through the gaps. I know that's never stopped her before, but this is a new twist, to wear something made for the other gender, and to wear it very very badly.


    Sometimes I wonder if Kanye just plays dress-up on her and threatens to withhold her phone for selfies if she won't wear what he wants. She rarely looks all that pleased when she's wearing this crap, but he doesn't either. I just don't understand. I wish someone close to them would spill the beans about wtf is going on with these two. Are we being played?

    • Love 3
  13. I think he's wealthier. The same web site that had Kanye's net worth at 130 million had Kim's at somewhere around 85 million, if I remember correctly. Although let's be honest, she does quite well for literally just showing up someplace and breathing. And it's not like the paps are something that she has to endure with it; I think she likes it.

  14. So Go Fug Yourself has a little bit on the new color change, as well as a second picture which is awful in many ways. The dress she's wearing is awful and her expression is almost unreal -- like seriously, not human.


    The comments beneath are interesting and one or two people noted that the blonde hair was a bit Amber Rose-like (which is what I thought when I first saw the pictures). One of the interesting things about the comments is the number of people who seem to be becoming concerned for Kim - a host of comments about how she looks out of it, zoned out, etc, as well as a lot of gabbery about Kanye's controlling ways. Also a lot about her increasingly human-Barbie appearance.


    Who knows why she did it, but I'm guessing it won't last long because the feedback is so negative. I'm sure we'll hear about that from Kanye.

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  15. Yeah, she wrecked it. I actually liked her hair much more after she got it cut -- it looked sharp on her. This just looks like crap. I wonder if she knows it and that's why she looks so miserable. They both look kind of dead-eyed.


    If I was wearing that jacket I think I'd look happier. I can't see the whole thing, but it looks kind of nifty.

  16. And this is the problem I have with all of it. I can't feel sorry for Bruce if this is how he's handling his transition. It's not like he needs the money for pity's sake.


    I'm fine with what he's doing as far as the transition thing goes; his life, he should live it as he sees fit. And I do see the value in telling his story so that people can learn more about transgenderism, etc. However, when it becomes part of a bad "reality" series . . . I'm at a loss. I can't have any sympathies for any hurdles he may have in front of him because it seems to me that he's really exploiting not just himself, but really, a serious issue for money or attention. It's not like it's going to be treated with any dignity, or even get a "very special episode."


    This is really what I feared with all this. It'd be one thing if he'd done something on another network, away from the Kardashian brand, but as it is, it will seem staged like all the other crap they put on tv. Maybe in 10 years we'll be able to make light of the whole transitioning process -- the living in secret, the making the choice to live how you are, etc. -- but to have a real situation effectively rolled out to the American public on Keeping Up With The Kardiashians seems to minimize the struggle that a lot of people have gone through in the past.


    "Transparent" is fiction, but I think it's doing a great job of presenting the issues that come with the process. It's sad that a real life story is going to be the cheap, sensational version and that the fiction will probably be more worthwhile when it comes to actually dealing with the issues.


    I’ve always assumed that designers welcome North at their shows because she’s the most popular member of her family.


    I love the catty snark of that.


    Look, I don't think North belongs at those shows. I think it's asking too much of her and the designer. But seriously, Anna Wintour makes the call? I know all she has to do is look at someone/something cross-eyed to make her point, but seems to me it's ultimately the designers' call. And if I remember correctly, wasn't North welcomed to the Alexander Wang show with one of the Wang kids? And if Kanye wants his own screaming baby at his show it's kind of his choice (to his own detriment, although let's be honest, the crying North was probably a welcome distraction to the crap he had on the runway...).


    It's nothing personal against Anna Wintour, I suppose, but I tend to have little use for people like her who take themselves way too seriously and believe all their own press.

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    Or he is not into urgency of any kind. He seems just that kind of a guy - biding his time, not rushing to do even things he knows he needs or wants.


    CJ seems super mellow. I think their elimination was one of the most "whatever..." eliminations I've ever seen -- Phil included. I might have missed it, but I didn't get any "I'm sorry to tell you . . ." and CJ and Lebya just seemed very blase' about it all. (which kind of makes me think they were really far behind the pack and knew it was over)


    I hate selfies. I hate selfies on this show. It feels a bit like the show is jumping the shark here, between the blind date shenanigans and the selfies.

    • Love 4
  19. So I was watching a recording of the Saturday Night Live Anniversary Show and I had a couple of thoughts re Kanye.


    One, I ended up fast-forwarding through the song. It just wasn't grabbing me, though I tried (I really did). It might have been the live version and the fact that he was all hunched over. I don't know, but it wasn't doing it for me.


    And of course during the Wayne's World segment there was a bit about Kanye/Beyonce and it cut to him laughing about it, though trying to look stern. My immediate thought was that his stage-storming episode is actually working out fairly well for him. And it was interesting, seeing him genuinely smile because he actually is good looking when he bothers to smile and seems happy.


    I guess that's what got me -- his wife was nowhere in sight (thank God), but it really underscores the point that they really do look forced at best and miserable at worst together. You gotta wonder what they'd be like apart at this point. I mean, I think they're both assholes at the heart of it, but together . . . let's just say I don't think they bring out the best in each other which is kind of a shame. I think the best marriages/partnerships bring out the best in each other and I don't think that's happening in this case.

  20. I posted in the media thread that I think part of the problem with Giuliana's comment is that she stepped outside of her role. It used to be Joan's job to make those jokes -- if she'd made the joke, I'm sure Zendaya would have the same response, however there would be no apology (nor one expected, even if there should be). I think the perception is that Kathy's supposed to be making these cutting jokes now and Giuliana and Kelly are supposed to keep playing the aghast straight man.


    Giuliana isn't known for her sharp humor; she's known for sucking up to celebrities. That's her shtick and I think it's part of the problem now.

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  21. Well, Joan Rivers is known for the funny and her cutting wit. And Kathy's supposed to be filling that role now. Giuliana stepped outside of her straight-man role and she got called on it. And really, given that Giuliana is traditionally a huge suck-up to celebrities I can see where her comments are problematic.

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