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Posts posted by Maysie

  1. Well, as much as I respect Khloe for her dedication to Lamar and his situation at this point -- and I am sincere in that -- she has to be realistic. The fact is, she's one of the people in her family who seeks publicity through the many avenues at her disposal (interviews, paps, social media, the show). Shame on her for saying "shame on you all;" given the endless stream of publicity from this family, she has to expect it at this point. It's the family's created reality at this point. They are, as a whole, a brand. The brand is known as a massive, effective publicity machine, genius, really, at getting their names out there. Even when someone does the right thing, it's still going to be questioned because that's what people have come to expect from a Kardashian.


    Those expectations will change when we're not constantly seeing a Kardashian-Jenner somewhere during the course of the day. No stories on the internet, nothing in social media, no tv coverage, no magazine covers. Give it a break and keep yourselves out of pop culture for a while and then your motives won't be questioned.

    • Love 4
  2. Capes are a thing now and frankly, I'm glad she's embracing the trend. It looks much better than her long duster coats billowing around her and I guess it covers what she considers to be a weak point: her arms. Whatever, however, she looks better than she's looked in a long time. There's nothing wrong with being a big ol' pregnant lady and this goes to prove it's not about her size, but all about how she's styled.

    • Love 3
  3. Well, I truly do hope we have a Lamar comeback story a la Robert Downey Jr. I was one of the frustrated, somewhat disgusted skeptics with RDJ because it seemed that over and over and over again he was relapsing. It was unfathomable to me that someone with so much talent and seemingly endless resources and goodwill would squander it all. Honestly, and I'm ashamed to admit this, I was reaching the point of thinking "oh for pity's sake, just o.d. and be done with it because you're putting a whole bunch of people through the ringer." (And that's a horrible, awful thing to believe about anyone, ever.) However, he turned it around and cleaned it up and mad props to him and everyone who stood by him.


    I reference RDJ because that kind of taught me that overcoming addiction isn't just a matter of checking yourself into rehab and cleaning up; it was a reminder to me about the importance of compassion, as well as a caution about being careful before you write someone off. Yeah, it sounds easy to me but I don't have the problems that have led me to addiction so I have no idea what that battle is like. Hell, I have a hard time denying myself a donut, so how can I understand or judge someone who has real addiction problems? Was Lamar irresponsible and throwing his life away? You bet. Is Khloe taking a risk? For sure. But the fact is, she's going into it eyes wide open. There's no sweeping this under the rug or airbrushing this reality. Everyone knows the deal now.


    If he does pull it off and is able to turn his life around then it could be the greatest Kardashian story ever told. Now I won't tune in to watch it, but I will be happy for him and Khloe if he does come through this as a healthy person.


    I fear this will get the I Am Cait treatment, but I sincerely hope not. I hope both Lamar and Khloe understand that not everything needs to be played out on television. However they both know what they're in for if they take that option. Really, if there must be a "story" in all this, I hope it's that they disappear for a while and Lamar comes back and does the Oprah Interview or some such thing and tells his story that way - a single victory lap instead of going through the whole process.


    Whatever - Godspeed to both of them.

    • Love 5

    I thought the quote in the article from her that being on the show was therapeutic for Lamar was horrifyingly self-indulgent even without 20/20 hindsight.


    Yeah, that grabbed me too. I've never watched the shows and since I'm not really into basketball, had no real concept of how good a player Lamar was. Who knows if Lamar's professional decline was a result of natural aging, drug use, becoming Kardashianized or a combination. But to imply that the show was therapeutic for him in some way is mind-boggling. I suppose it may have been therapeutic for his bank account, but I don't see how living your daily life in front of a camera for the entire world to see is beneficial to any sort of personal growth.


    For fuck's sake: call it what it is -- a giant pay day. To imply that the show provides him some sort of emotional growth is stupid at best and kind of exploitational at worst.

    • Love 2
  5. The way I read the announcement is that they're basically withdrawing from business as usual (i.e., endless self promotion) while this situation is unfolding. And I think it's appropriate that they've put a moratorium on updating their content. I don't think they're telling anyone else they can't speak -- obviously people are leaking/talking to the press to some extent. But the way I'm reading this, we're all going to get a bit of a break from Kim and Kylie's selfies and everything else along those lines.


    Is it ironic that they're asking for their privacy to be respected? Hell yeah. I imagine they never dreamed in a million years that some situation would have them in a crisis mode where they don't want cameras on them all the time. I think things such as Kim's pregnancy and the questions over Kylie's procedures gave them the opportunity to say "hey, everyone's so critical of us and always doubting us, blah blah blah" and kind of cry lack of privacy, mean people, etc. But they were essentially harmless bits of promotions that kept everyone talking about them.


    Unfortunately, this is the real deal and now they're really understanding what it means to lose your privacy. This is not about gaining social media followers or click bait; it's a life and death situation and I wonder if they are beginning to grasp the difference. It will be interesting if their approach or viewpoint changes when all of the dust settles on this. I doubt it will for Kris, Kim or Kylie, but it may have an impact on the other K's, particularly Khloe.


    And don't get me wrong; I'm not saying that because they live the lifestyle they do they deserve this. I am saying I bet they had no idea of what a true invasion of privacy felt like until this happened. No matter how much money you have or how famous you are, life isn't all rainbows and unicorns. This is a horrible way to find that out.

    • Love 5
  6. The reports seem so extreme -- organ failure to optimistic recovery (I mean, a thumbs up and "hey baby" sound like an optimistic scenario). I haven't read all that much about the situation, but have any hospital officials commented on his condition? Otherwise, I don't believe anything until he's out of the hospital, one way or the other. There's so much bad and misinformation floating around the internet; even when "legitimate" news outlets, such as the major networks, report something it's often not based in fact but on "reliable sources" that speak to outlets such as TMZ and E!, etc. Fact-checking and verifying increasingly seem to be things of the past and in a situation like this when people who actually know what's going on aren't making statements (because, I don't know, they actually have important stuff to do), the media will grasp on to anything to keep the story alive because it's a big story.


    This is a sensational story and it becomes more sensational if Lamar speaks/moves/breathes on his own. There may also be some positive spin going on; it may all be true; it may be a pack of lies fed to the press by some disturbed person who gets their kicks out of feeding the press a bunch of bs. I'm not ready to write him off as dead yet, however, I'll believe he's in real recovery status if/when an actual doctor connected to the case makes a statement.


    The one thing I do believe in all this is that Khloe is front and center. Though I don't watch any of the shows, I can't say I have any positive feelings about her; it's often guilt by association with this crew, for me. However, I do respect the fact that she appears to be present in every sense of the word in this ordeal, which can't be an easy thing.

    • Love 4
  7. I'm trying to like Justin but it wasn't going his way from the first episode when he was all but weeping over potentially being eliminated because they attempted the fast forward. I understand being upset and all, but it seemed a bit premature given that (if I remember correctly) they hadn't even completed a task. He assumed they were eliminated before even attempting the detour and roadblocks. For someone who's such an expert about the show, he should know better -- never say die! Throw in his constant "amigo! amigo!" this week and it really rubbed me the wrong way. Maybe it's a holdover from his day job or maybe he's trying to get air time on the show but he needs to dial it down a bit. I did find it interesting (and a relief) that when he wasn't rocking the barbecue set up challenge that he quit with the "amigo! amigo!" thing and actually buckled down and got it done. I can deal with that.

    • Love 1
  8. It sucks that there's already discussion about how this will be handled on the show because it shows that most of us assume that nothing is off limits for this family. I guess if this was a real, true "reality" show, I could understand some kind of discussion about the situation because it's suddenly a real situation for Khloe. However, given how much of the show appears to be scripted and the question about how much in their lives is staged for the camera (such as Kim's wedding to Kris H), it seems off to me that this may be twisted into some form of entertainment under the guise of it's part of their reality right now.


    I don't have any faith that E! or the family could handle this situation in a delicate manner, especially reading how I Am Cait has panned out. This is a sad situation, a tragedy for Lamar, no matter how it turns out. To see his tragedy play out on tabloid television would be the final indignity if the worst case happens. As well, I would think Khloe would want this one bit of privacy. I don't doubt this is hard for her but if she ends up consenting to re-enacting this stuff for the show in several months she's as bad as her mother. It's one thing to do an interview or even refer to the incident in talking head interviews on the show (such as "Lamar's situation has been really hard for Khloe and she's been depressed . . . "). Turning it into its own storyline is an entirely different matter. Honestly, I hope Khloe puts her foot down and says no, you cannot use this in the show, for everyone's sake, including her own.


    To be sure, this is a situation of Lamar's making. The Kardashians didn't give him the drugs. Lamar is apparently an addict and that's an awful thing for him and anyone in his circle. His battle shouldn't be fodder for a Very Special Episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashians.

    • Love 3
  9. This is horribly sad for everyone involved. Though I wouldn't want any of the Kardashians at my bedside, I do believe it's right and appropriate for Khloe and her mother to make the trip to Vegas. I didn't watch the relationship unfold since I don't watch the show, however, from the accounts I read, it did seem that Khloe was truly invested in this relationship. Divorce or not, it doesn't always turn out that your feelings shut off after the papers are signed. They may not be allowed to see him, though if I were making the call, I'd let her in.


    I don't have any issue with the family's presence, nor would I have a problem with them showing up for any memorial services because they were family. What I would have an issue with is for any of this to show up on the show. Whatever storyline they had with Lamar needs to end now. My feeling is if the family and E! try to exploit this for ratings that the public won't take too kindly to it. There's a fine line between offering support and using the situation to advance/promote your own personal famewhoredom.


    It will be interesting to see what effect this has on Khloe. If there was ever a come to Jesus moment for her, this would seem to be it.

    • Love 6
  10. Wow, but Danny sure did turn a corner in episodes 8 and 9. He went from a kind of fucked up ne'er do well to full tilt creep pretty fast. I think I blame Det. Potts and his tapes for sending him over the edge. (Only half kidding; my initial impression was he was sincere in his desire to change. I had no idea how messed up he was, but it seemed like that little walk down memory lane really did a number on him).

    • Love 4
  11. I'm on the "Robert raised me" train too. Even if it's common knowledge within the family that Robert isn't Khloe's dad, I think it appropriate and fitting that she goes back to her father's homeland. I look at it like this: if Khloe had been adopted by Robert and Kris, no one would say shit about her going to Armenia (nor should they) as she goes back to a place that was important to her adoptive parent. Just because she may not have an actual blood-tie to the place doesn't mean she shouldn't go there with a historical/emotional perspective. If Robert Kardashian matters to her and Armenia mattered to him, she absolutely should go on that trip.


    Khloe's a public figure and fair game for the speculation that comes with her fame, however I think it would suck for people to look at me and always wonder "who's your daddy?" If she's satisfied with Robert Kardashian as dad and wants to stick with it, I totally understand it. He may not have actually fathered her, but he's the dad she grew up with.

    • Love 8
  12. I totally understand why all the kids lied. They were children and not really able to comprehend everything that was going on and the ramifications for it. Consider that their sister died and then they watched their dad beat the ever-loving shit out of their brother. Perhaps they were terrified they'd be next or perhaps they knew that the world as they knew it would be wrecked beyond the loss of their sister -- losing their father too. And if Mom's going along with the program, chances are they're not going to buck the trend.


    It also makes sense that the four remaining kids are slugging their way through life with the baggage left behind. Since the first episode, I've felt like everyone in this family painted a picture about their family that they strive to maintain. Aside from Danny, it seemed almost too perfect -- the parents especially seemed very concerned about appearances, what with the memorial pier or what the fuck ever was getting the family name. I really picked up on a We Must Keep Up Appearances vibe from mom and dad and everyone except for Danny looked to be playing the role. Given all that, you know that whatever happened to Sara and Danny was never going to be dealt with in a healthy manner for anyone.


    Danny's family picture, however, is very dark, almost to the extreme. I was sympathetic to him until this episode. As much as I haven't cared for Kevin, he did not deserve that beatdown.


    There's no one in this family who wouldn't benefit from some good therapy, that's for sure. I feel like by the time you're in your mid-20s it's time to stop blaming your family/parents/upbringing and start taking responsibility for your own choices. It seems like Danny never did that. For sure it sucks that his Dad still metaphorically kicked him around until his dying day, but he needs to get out of helpless victim mode (and yeah, despite Kevin's beating, I still believe that Danny views himself as a victim). At this point, John seems to be the one who's trying the hardest to be honest with himself and face the past.

    • Love 4
  13. Oh for fuck's sake. On one hand, I get what you're saying Fostersmom. Yes, the paps are on the lookout for any unflattering pictures of any celebrity they can find. And yes, those shots are click bait because it does humanize celebrities and make the masses feel better about themselves. I admit it; if I see a picture of some beautiful celebrity looking like shit or even normal, it does make me feel a bit vindicated for not taking the time to do makeup and hair. I don't know why, but it does. So yeah, there is some "pressure" to keep up appearances when they go out (and it's not just the Kardashians) because they become tabloid fodder when they go about the daily business of living.


    But a glam squad? Is that level of makeup really necessary? In my opinion, no. There's a middle ground between looking like shit when you go out and looking like you're going to a red carpet event. Neat clothing that fits, combed hair and a washed face can go a long way for someone young; older women, such as Caitlyn, can add in a little lipstick or mascara if they want to look a little less "tired."


    I'm rapidly moving into a strong dislike of Caitlyn. I cannot shake the feeling that a large part of this transition for her has been about playing dress-up and the ability to be glamorous and beautiful, something she feels she was denied all of her life. I do understand that but I could actually respect it a little if she owned it. To say she's "forced" to wear makeup all the time is disingenuous (Kim is right; it is a choice). It would be more palatable for me if she said "you know, I haven't been able to experience the fun part of being a woman, the dressing up and looking pretty and getting attention for it and I'd like to see what that's like." (if that is indeed the case).


    Caitlyn's chosen to live her life in front of cameras and is part of a family who perpetuates their fame and cash stream by alerting the paps to every move they make. I feel like there is a way she could strike a middle ground, if she wanted to. I just don't think she does. I think she wants to go glam squad and I think she wants the attention she gets with it.


    I'm also beginning to wonder if Caitlyn didn't have the ability to go all glam whenever she chooses if she would have made the transition. Chances are she won't really know what it's like to be an invisible senior woman in our society, but I sense it wouldn't be her cup of tea.

    • Love 6
  14. I'm just now watching this and my first comment is that when Dad dropped dead I thought "good." I am not crazy about Mom, either. Don't get me wrong -- love Sam Shepherd and Sissy Spacek, but I find their characters to be really unlikable, which I think is on purpose. Two things stand out for me: one is that they seem to be caught up in maintaining this picture-perfect life (which the kids seem to buy into); everything all seems to be about appearances. The other impression I have is that they abdicate a lot of responsibility to their kids so they don't have to accept the consequences of their shitty choices (such as the kids had to decide whether or not Danny could stay - wtf?). Neither parent wants to make a decision or be the heavy and they seem to leave the heavy lifting to the kids. Granted, they're adults, but it makes me wonder how long that dynamic has been going on.

    • Love 2
  15. lovetowrite, I am sorry if you are offended by my comment. I am the last person who believes that anyone who is raped "brings it on herself" because of what she wears, how she behaves, etc.


    That comment was made over a month ago in regards to Kylie's porn offers and I still stand by it. The fact is, Kylie is purposely leading a very public life and frequently calls attention to herself in a fairly provocative manner (butt and boob cream anyone?). She's appeared in her boyfriend's video for a song that's pretty debasing to her, in my opinion (I mean, "She a big girl, dawg, when she stimulated"???) As well, her older sister is one of the most famous people in the world, getting her start thanks to Paris Hilton and a porn tape. When people see Kylie behaving in a similar manner to Kim, as well as altering her appearance to resemble Kim, then no, it's no surprise that people think she's Kim 2.0, and like it or not, that includes pornography.


    What you put out there matters to your prospective employers, especially given the influence of social media. Kendall chose a different route and she's carved out a promising career as a runway model. I don't think that would have developed had she made the same choices Kylie is making.


    Who knows what Kylie can or will do? She's only 18 and she could be in a great position to do wonderful things with her life. But the fact of the matter is, she is objectifying herself, which is sad (on a variety of levels, including that her family encourages it) and it will invite additional offers for her to objectify herself, such as pornography. I take less issue with it with Kim and Khloe because they are grown women who, I think, should have a better grasp on the decisions they're making and the impact it has on their lives.


    I sense that Kylie wants to be famous like Kim and she's merely taking the road already traveled to get there. So yes, her behavior has in fact invited porn offers. However it's also given her a top-selling app, so I doubt it bothers her much, if at all.

    • Love 9
  16. Well, Grace is almost 75. And honestly, if she pulled her hair back she wouldn't look all that bad, imo. I think her face is still pretty but her hair overwhelms her. Plus, she is an old woman and short of plastic surgery or early death, it's where we're all headed. It's kind of refreshing to see someone keep it real.

    • Love 5

    How is North there? Anna Wintour banned kids, & there she is right next to her.


    I suspect it's the only show she'll make an appearance at. It is, after all, Kanye's show, so I'd say it's more up to him whether or not his own daughter can be there. I don't think even Anna Wintour can forbid designers from having their own children at their shows.

  18. I have to wonder if Kylie looks at Kendall and finds her beautiful or feels sorry for her for not being more in line with the rest of the family. And I wonder what Kendall sees when she looks at her sisters' altered appearances. It's rather jarring to see the difference between Kendall and everyone else. She's the only non surgically-enhanced woman in the family at this point, isn't she? I hope she can stay away from the plastic surgeon's office.

    • Love 2
  19. Eh, I can't feel bad that Kendall was in the second row. In that capacity, she's there as a sister; the fact she's a high-demand runway model doesn't matter much in this instance, in my opinion. Hell, she may have been relieved to be in the second row and a little less front and center, where she'd have to act all impressed by what she's seeing.


    I can kind of imagine the scene: a massive fight over who gets the second row; Seth Myers drew the short straw (although I'm still kind of wtf'ing over why he's even there in the first place).


    I haven't seen any images of his creations, but I am wondering just how much different he can go with nude bodysuits again (if that's really what it was again).

    • Love 2
  20. I think a breather would be wise from many angles.


    Honestly, I think it would have been far wiser for her to wait 6 months or a year before she started I Am Cait. I understand wanting to strike while the iron was hot, however transitioning is no joke for anyone involved. It takes time for everyone - including the family members - to sort through the mixed emotions. It would have been one thing to film a bunch of stuff now, as she learns to navigate life as a woman and then put it together a year or so down the line so that she could offer some perspective.


    As it was, there was immense pressure on her to perform a certain way, to feel certain things, to act in a certain manner. Cait didn't know what it was like to be a woman and yet she was suddenly in the position to speak for an entire group of people (mainly due to her own actions). I think a lot of people expected her to be an activist along the lines of Chaz Bono, particularly in light of the Sawyer interview. I wonder if after it was all said and done everyone's wondering the wisdom of that expectation. I also wonder if the Ellen interview is at least a little in play here; it seems that Caitlyn showed a different side of herself than what's been presented - evidently a decidedly less sympathetic side.


    It may be that she needs to deal with the reality outside of her own show that not everyone is on board with supporting her particular journey if they don't feel she's reciprocating. Or it could be that she's tired and ready to withdraw for a while. Or maybe she's really going to go through her "real" transition, away from the cameras (because seriously, I don't know many people that could really go through such a significant life change so very publicly).

    • Love 1
  21. I also feel a bit bad for her, though I can't stand her and the rest of the family. It's like she's the only one who isn't in on the joke and I swear, it's like shooting fish in a barrel more and more these days.


    Kim's in an interesting spot now. She's aging (and not handling it well, based on how she's altering her appearance) and her "fan base" is aging and moving beyond her. Let's be honest: teens and 20 somethings that are into that kind of thing -- the whole Paris Hilton kind of fame -- aren't going to be into a 35 year old mother of two, particularly when there's a younger version of her all over the place. It doesn't matter how young or hot she thinks she looks; there's always going to be someone younger and hotter now. She's kind of peaked for whatever it is she does, which is kind of sad given she's still a young woman.


    I don't think she'll dump Kanye because he's her ticket to relevance -- it's different for actors and musicians (people who actually do something) because they produce something that ties them to their fans, kind of a tangible link. For example, 20 year olds may not give a shit about Elton John, but he'll always be relevant to me because I'm tied to at least some of his music. He'll always maintain some level of fame simply because his music will always be there and will outlive him (Kurt Cobain, John Lennon, Buddy Holly, Marvin Gaye . . .) Whether you like his work or not, Kanye will also have at least a modicum of fame.


    It will be interesting to see where she ends up in 5 or 10 years as her fame becomes more connected to Kanye and being Kylie and Kendall's sister, because that's where it's headed. I imagine Kris knows this; I wonder if Kim gets it and these ridiculous outfits and plastic surgery are her attempts to fight it.

    • Love 7

    Did he really think he could be in Congress or even President, while running a huge cocaine racket? The mind boggles.


    Yes, I believe he did. It's a matter of believing your own press - in his case as the modern day Robin Hood of Columbia. Don't forget the people loved him before they hated him because he essentially bought them off with housing and such. Consider that modern day terrorist organizations do the same thing in the middle east, such as Hezbollah. It's part of a strategy of buying support.

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