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Posts posted by Maysie

  1. Quote

    I know I'm suppose to feel for Sally, but I was annoyed over how she kept blowing over all of Diana's correct points over how bad Danny had become.  I'm not saying John was right to do what he did, but Danny really did threaten John, Diana, and the family; both subtly and not so subtly; and Sally is already in the process of turning him into a saint.

    That's all true, but whatever Danny's long list of flaws were, the bottom line is he was Sally's son and no matter how fucked up your kid is, I don't think you ever get over that loss. It may be worse for Sally because she knows that Danny was toast as soon as Sarah died. Diana is right - he was a grown man, making grown man choices, and as much as I disliked Ma and Pa Rayburn (and I think they really did a number on their kids in a variety of ways), in the end, as an adult, you know right from wrong and make your choices. But I did get Sally's point and understand where she's coming from, to some extent.

    Boy, those Rayburns are not the sharpest tools in the shed, are they? Meg sat in a depressing, dusty hotel room with Kevin all day. She missed her flight. Did it never occur to her to call her boss and let her know she'd been detained? What the hell? And when I see Kevin, all I see is stupid, miserable loser. OF COURSE he bolts to go after Lowery, which makes perfect sense because everything he's done so far has worked out so well. (Although I haven't seen episode 4, so it's possible he's going to go try to salvage his relationship with his wife). And John couldn't take two minutes to call his siblings in the depressing, dusty hotel room to tell him he got it squared away. If they don't get found out then I fear for the citizens of Key West or wherever they're based.

    Nolan is intriguing to me. I think that little hitchhiking prank was a great touch and it made me feel like that has been the story of his young life - he's probably had the rug yanked out from under him a fair amount. And I want to know what he put in Chloe Sevigny's mailbox. Is that how she knew where her brother was? Anyway, I'm interested in his story.

    • Love 6
  2. Quote

    Classic Kevin!  Cops still investigating what went down with Danny and Wayne, and what do you do?!  Why, you start selling some of those drugs that you aren't suppose to have!  Is there a bigger fuck-up then Kevin?

    Oh my god, yes! I guess he's really missing Danny because I imagine he was the only thing between Kevin and the Biggest Rayburn Fuck-Up crown. I sense that Danny was at least a little smart, but Kevin isn't impressing me with his intellect. No wonder everyone in the boatyard bailed - how'd you like to rely on that for your income?

    • Love 6
  3. I have to say, John deciding to run for sheriff was kind of a "what the hell is this??!!" moment for me. I can't quite figure out why he wants to it right now. I know it's only sheriff, but it's still a political campaign and the current sheriff made it clear that he was not going to go out without a fight. Even in the best of personal times, that would seem a bit stressful. But then add in the recent deaths of two immediate family members, including one of whom he murdered, and his recent cardiac event/scare . . . running for political office doesn't seem like the best idea. So is it pride? Is he believing his own press, meaning the rest of his family who likes to talk about how rock solid he is?

    And Meg getting shit-faced at her work meeting was really a rookie mistake. Is she sleeping at the office because she drinks herself into oblivion at night while she works or because she's just a hard workin' girl who's trying to get ahead? Is she drinking and working to excess to forget her role in Danny's death? I half expected her to take one or both of the potential clients home with her - it just had that vibe about it.

    • Love 6
  4. Quote

    I thought it was strange that Selina would decide to have her eyes done now. Actually, I can't believe that any President would have any kind of vanity surgery during his/her term(s).

    Well, it is Selena after all. I've wondered at times what it is she likes about being president. I don't necessarily get the "I'm in charge" power vibe from her, and I don't sense that she's really tied to a certain cause/greater good. It feels like it's more about the awesome perks she gets and being the most popular girl around - kind of juvenile/high schoolish. So in that vein, I can totally buy off on her having vanity surgery. And really, how better to have it than wearing a surgical gown that has its own presidential seal?!

    • Love 4
  5. When Richard started throwing his fit about not being CEO during the opening of the episode I found myself thinking "for fuck's sake: you're never going to be CEO of anything if you keep acting like a dick about everything when you don't get your way." So I was happy when he decided to actually behave like a CEO and take control of the situation. That was smart and I needed/wanted to see that from Richard because his bumbling bullshit only goes so far. It kind of went off the rails for me when he blew it with the reporter. I guess it makes sense because I don't expect him to mature overnight and become a great (or even good) CEO, and I think it says a lot about his character, but it just didn't work for me, for some reason. It seems to be more of the same with all of them - one step up, two back. It's making me think that this show should have a pretty limited shelf-life - probably about the lifespan of one of the unicorns the show lampoons. It's going to get tiresome to see this go on continually.

    Jared had the best lines of the night. It occurred to me that he would be an interesting choice for CEO because he does seem to understand the business side of it in a way that Richard doesn't, and he understands that it's important to let tech do its job. I think that could be an interesting watch - seeing this guy who's sleeping in the garage, etc. become the leader of the pack. I'm not real interested in watching Richard dick around with CEO/CTO duties and all the hilarious mishaps and hijinks that are sure to ensue because the two jobs can be at odds with each other.

    And I know I'm in the minority, but Bighead bores me. It seems his biggest purpose is to provide a reason for Ehrlich.

    • Love 2
  6. I feel bad for both women for discovering that their relationships, however, they saw them, were definitely not what they thought they were. The cheating/longstanding affair was really the tip of the iceberg. Once you dig underneath that, there's a whole bunch of stuff at play - the continual lies, the basic lack of respect, living a life that was basically a fraud, etc. which is what everyone seems to be uncovering and dealing with now. I think/hope the show is taking us to a place where the women come out the other side and realize they're better for getting out of the relationships. But I have to say, as it stands right now, I feel more sympathy for Grace than for Frankie. Frankie has her art, which she's always had, as well as two sons who obviously love her to pieces; Jacob the yam man is the icing on the cake. Grace doesn't have her business anymore and it appears that her daughters, at this point, don't really respect her all that much or feel much attachment to her. Combine that with the realization of what she missed with Phil, it seems that Grace is empty-handed when it comes to the really important stuff in life (which would be especially daunting when you're in the final years/decades of your life)

    I don't really like Grace's daughters all that much. They appear to be very self-absorbed, somewhat shallow women. However, I am allowing for the possibility that the show may allow for some growth there. And that's entirely possible because I never would have thought there was so much interesting, good stuff about Grace, but the show cracked the surface and there's a person of much greater depth, caring, etc. than what I (and from the looks of it, Frankie) initially thought.

    • Love 6
  7. I was referring to


    House of Cards

    , which I'm hiding just to be sure. But I'm firmly on the side of people being able to choose their own paths; I've had enough people I love and care about suffer through an unpleasant death. It takes a lot of courage to do what Babe did.

    • Love 8
  8. Quote

    I thought it was so funny because gavin was just so mad at the dogs very existence!  And the dog was just chilling!

    Perfect description. It's even better that the bulldog is one of the most popular breeds in the country (#4 according to the AKC) and that you'll spend over $1,000 for a purebred - all Gavin sees is a defective dog.

    Gavin is hilarious with how/what he values as important or worthwhile and how utterly clueless he is. And unless I'm mistaken, a lot of this comes down to the fact that Gavin's guru lost his parking space and was about to be cut loose because Gavin lost his mojo. That's some butterfly effect!

    I am so glad that we didn't have an entire season of Jack fighting everyone. It seemed pretty obvious when he was introduced that he was too good to be true and I'm happy the writers didn't drag it out.

    • Love 2
  9. Quote

    I feel the opposite as some of you.  I would like to see more storyline between Robert and Sol and less bickering between Grace and Frankie.  They fight like an old married couple.  It was fine in Season One because they're so opposite of each another and they were trying to get their 'footing' and get along, but it's getting a little tiresome and old at this point in the series.  I was hoping the writers would start to move away from all that.  I don't mind if Robert and Sol have their bickering differences because they're a couple.  It's to be expected.  Grace and Frankie??? ... not so much.  In real life, short of being in a romantic relationship, who would stick around with someone they can't even have a conversation with unless they're both arguing?  

    Maybe I'm glossing over it, but it seemed like there was less bickering between Grace and Frankie this season than the first. Of course, there was the Big Scene in the Bender, and the subsequent fall out from it, however, I feel like the women have reached a point where they not only co-exist together, but they are fairly supportive of each other. Grace gave Frankie advice on how to work the business meeting, Frankie encouraged Grace about Phil, there was the Vitamix thing, etc.

    In fact, I feel like the relationship that has made the most progress is Grace and Frankie's relationship. Two wildly different women who didn't have much use for each other are, at this point, living together out of choice (because either one could pack it in now) and are now not only friends, but have become significant to each others' lives (and I'd argue that Frankie is probably the most important person in Grace's life right now, given the way Grace's children seem to treat her; I'd figure that Grace is in the top five for Frankie since Frankie's kids love her without reservation and aren't afraid to show it/support her).

    I contrast progress in the women's relationship against the greatest change in a relationship, which is Sol and Robert, who got to transition from sneaking around to becoming "legitimate" and legally married. But I don't see change as equaling progress, and right now, it feels like the guys are still in their honeymoon phase, kind of playing house. It made sense to have some drama with Sol and Robert, given Robert's heart attack and Sol's indiscretion. And on some level, I admit to being curious about how their relationship makes the transition to out-in-the-open, legal marriage they now have. As has been mentioned in the various threads, it could be interesting to see how they adapt to that relationship. But. It's Sol, the man-child (thanks to whoever used that descriptor because it's so apt for him) and I am afraid that any Sol/Robert interaction is going to drive me nuts because it's Sol.

    To me, the title of the series implies that it's all about the two women. I'm good with that because 1) the acting for both characters is excellent, 2) I may not always like the characters but I am interested in seeing what they do next and am interested in seeing them succeed and grow, and 3) I think the series has done a pretty good job of showing the evolution in their relationship. As well, I think their pasts are interesting - particularly Grace's - and I look forward to seeing how the previous 40 years are coming home to roost for them in regards to their sense of self and their relationships with others.


    I think it wasn't so much the bulk buying, although that's way less personal than banking a present with some thought to it. I think it's that he randomly prewrote the cards, so he literally didn't have to think about her at all while he was being 'generous.'

    I also wondered if he even picked out the stuff. I don't know why, but I assumed he had a secretary do the shopping for him, but I could be wrong on that. If it had been me, I'd have been pissed, but I would have kept the stuff and sold it (because that had to be a chunk of change in that box). It underscores that Robert never really thought much of Grace at all - if he ever thought of her. Even when he knew she needed a little pick me up he couldn't be bothered with it; all he had to do was reach into his magic grab bag and give her a pretty, shiny object and all would be right. Jesus; what a condescending prick he is. I bet she would have traded anything in that box for a night at the beach house, including a walk on the beach with her husband, when she was feeling down.

    So in regards to Grace, Robert isn't real good at the giving that counts - which is giving of yourself. It could be interesting to see how he deals with his man-child husband who demands of him at work and at home now.

    • Love 12
  10. Quote

    I think Frankie is the type to go on spending binges. Last season, Sol and Robert mentioned that she has a tendency to blow huge wads of money whenever she's emotional - like buying some extremely expensive yurt when Coyote went to rehab.

    I've known rich ultraliberals like Frankie who have no qualms about spending lots of money on themselves, so long as what they're buying doesn't violate their standards when it comes to the environment, fair trade, etc.

    I could see her spending a whole lot of money on things like art, furniture, organic food, homeopathic stuff, and whatnot.

    Since it was the first season, I don't recall the allusion to Frankie's spending habits, but yeah, I do see your point about her potential for being freewheeling with the $$ when it suits her. I'm sure she's got a boatload invested in art supplies alone. I still don't believe that she would be financially strapped, but I can see how when it came time to pay the piper she was a bit shocked by the reality of the situation. It seems Sol must have handled the money and Frankie went about her business blissfully unaware of finances, which is a dangerous situation for any person to be in.

  11. Quote

    One small quibble is that I would have preferred that Frankie be portrayed as a better artist. I thought those horrible tacky paintings diminished her.

    Good lord, yes. I feel like the writers aren't quite sure what to do with her sometimes. I sense that they like to use her wacky-hippy-earth mama-crazy self for hijinx and laffs - the whole "I want NINE MILLION DOLLARS!!!" shtick, and it felt like those awful paintings were an extension of that. Yeah, Frankie's a bit of a flake and I know a person or two like her (Including an artist), but I feel like in those moments where they try too hard to go for the laughs that they exaggerate her characteristics too much. As a result, it kind of loses the impact it should have when we learn in this episode that Sol never really took her seriously/had faith in her ability as an artist. Because really, when we see things like Frankie doing her act in the business meeting with "blood" everywhere, when we see her awful paintings, when we see her do her hippie trance stuff, I don't take her seriously. I'm not saying she has to dump the colorful personality, but it would help if they dialed it down a notch and not go for the obvious laugh with her.

    It was kind of the same with Brianna in this episode. Was it supposed to be funny that she was all about that jewelry? Because all I got was selfish, entitled brat. It's puzzling to me that somehow Grace has earned her daughters' disdain yet Robert gets the pass, at least on the face of it. Why? What did Grace do to them that was so wrong that Robert didn't do? I sense that they both probably put a lot of pressure on their daughters to perform well (whether it be academically, socially, etc). Maybe we'll see what that's about if there's a next season, but after watching this episode, I felt way worse for Grace than I did Frankie. Grace is an alcoholic, basically pushed out of her business by her daughter, gave up the one person she really loved/connected with for her family and was cheated on/lied to by her vacant, absent husband for decades. In the end, she really doesn't have much to show for her choices beyond a comfortable life. Frankie, on the other hand, at least has some pretty good kids that have her back. Her life was a lie in the end too, but her kids at least acknowledge her value in their lives.

    I hope the show comes back and we get to see where Frankie and Grace go, with less of the husbands in the mix. I don't care about Robert and Sol and what happens to their relationship. The children are mildly more interesting, but I hope the focus remains on the women. Knowing where they're set up now, it could be interesting to see how they navigate coping with the fact that their marriages - most of their lives, in fact - were definitely not what they thought they were and now they have to reclaim their lives for their own.

    • Love 8
  12. Quote

    I think the majority of the time prosecutors look the other way, assisted suicide is generally not a winnable case unless you're broadcasting what you've done to the world. I imagine its because the jury is so sympathetic and looking for any possible way to not convict.  It would have been better had she not asked Frankie for help, but I'm assuming she fed herself the pudding, and just wanted Frankie to be there to hold her and support her.  If she fed the pudding to herself, knowing what was in it, than I don't see how Frankie is a murderer.  

    There was another Netflix show with a character dying of cancer. Someone else actively dosed her with the morphine to kill her, which seemed off to me. I understood it was for character development, etc., but when someone is able to make the logical decision to end his/her life, and is still able to eat, drink, swallow, etc., it seems unnecessary to have someone else do it for you, such as in the other show. I also figured Frankie's role was to hang on to the pudding until the time was right (I figured Babe didn't want to chance someone at the party inadvertently eating poisoned pudding) and be by her side when she ate the pudding (and maybe do the dishes!). Babe didn't need any of them to do anything, really, but they were a source of comfort for when the time came.

    Overall, I thought it was a good episode. I felt like Frankie and Grace started in a realistic place, fresh from Grace's nasty outburst. It made sense that as they dealt with Babe's situation and passing that they were able to put a few things in perspective and move forward - learn from Babe's attitude and example, as it were. The fact that Babe could appreciate and love each of them independently had to have some impact on each of them.

    • Love 6
  13. I love Jacob too.

    Grace's bender was interesting - I guess it really shed a light on her problem, because she does have a problem. The fact that she has booze stashed all over the house surprised me a bit. I don't have enough experience with serious alcoholics to know if they hold up as well as Grace does - you'd think that all that drinking would show a bit (I mean, Jane Fonda does look fabulous). I agree with AuntiMame that it would be nice to have some kind of acknowledgment that she is at least struggling with that issue. I don't want to have Very Special Episodes dedicated to it either, but it's a little jarring to have her alcohol dependency be a funny plot point.


    How do you accept a new man in your mother's life after "the nicest guy ever" broke her heart?

    I'm kind of over Sol being "the nicest guy ever." That hovel he chose to live in as a form of self-punishment made me roll my eyes. "Yes, I'll eat cereal out of the box and endure the guy upstairs playing loud rap music early in the morning so I can feel better about myself being a liar and a cheater." Sol's that guy that punishes himself so that everyone, including him, can know what a great guy he is.

    So when they sell Robert and Grace's house, will Grace get anything out of it or will Robert and Sol get everything since she got the beach house, which she's sharing with Frankie? Somehow it seems Grace keeps coming up with the short end of the stick. No wonder she drinks. Don't get me wrong - she's doing just fine - but Robert got the house. Sol and Frankie got to sell their house and I assume at least split the money. Grace got a house that she's forced to share with Frankie?

    • Love 8
  14. I really liked Frankie in this episode - when she's being a mother, she's great. As for Bio Mom . . . I don't really have an opinion about what should have happened/how it should have transpired. I can say, however, that I bought the premise that for her, this was a fact-finding mission. I imagine she just wanted to meet her son and see how he was/know he was okay to make herself feel better about the decision. If she's put together a life that didn't include him in the narrative, I can see where, in her comfort zone, Coyote doesn't have a place, even all these years later. People are freaky about secrets and the past and all that. I do agree that she should have clued him in on her intentions, however. There's also the possibility that she entered the meeting being at least open to the potential of having a relationship with him and introducing him to her family, however after meeting the freaky family decided she just couldn't go there.

    • Love 4
  15. Frankie's been all over the map on this lube stuff. She demands to be taken seriously, but she doesn't read the legal forms, paperwork, proposals, etc. She doesn't offer a viable alternative to the palm oil. And then she pulls an embarrassing, theatrical stunt, potentially alienating someone who could be a great ally. I was team Brianna all the way.

    I've been back and forth all season on Frankie. I go from liking her to almost hating her. I don't know if it's on purpose, if it's poor writing, an acting choice or what. I get that she's a free spirit and all that stuff, but like AuntieMame pointed out, I can't believe that someone in her position would behave so foolishly. In fact, I have a hard time believing she's at all hard up for money. I can't see Sol not providing for her (especially with his guilt) and Frankie isn't the type to go on spending binges and burn through money. I can see that her lube business would be important for the sense of self, sense of worth it would give her, particularly during this transition, which is why it's even more difficult to reconcile Frankie's awful, immature behavior in regards to her business.

    • Love 12
  16. I may have misheard, but did Brianna refer to Mallory now having two sets of twins (she's pregnant with twins again, or something like that) in the first episode? The kids seemed to be at least close to the same age in this episode, but I didn't think Mallory had twins last season. It's entirely possible I misunderstood what Brianna was getting at in the first episode but based on Brianna's comment I was assuming Mallory had twins already and there was nothing in this episode to make me question that.

    Although, Mallory specifically mentioned Madison's christening in her conversation with Grace, so I must have misunderstood Brianna's comment and there's at least a bit of an age gap between the two kids. I guess it doesn't matter: Mallory has two young kids and she's going to have a couple of more and Grace is a very different kind of grandma than the other grandma - the kind that brings vodka (or gin) to a tea party and differentiates between a stomach and a womb, which is not a bad grandma, in the end.

    Edited to add: What the hell was with Frankie's insistence that she needed NINE MILLION DOLLARS!!!!! What the hell was that all about? How am I supposed to take her seriously as a business woman when she marches into the office demanding NINE MILLION DOLLARS? It was kind of funny the first time but it wore thin.

    • Love 2
  17. Quote

    They do…sorta.  There is a recap in the "Episodes and more" section of the show, I believe the recap clip is just above the trailers.

    Thank you! I had no idea. This will help a lot.

  18. Quote

    Rita Moreno FTW. God I love this show so damn much. Lily and Jane are so wonderful together and the best part was when they were in Robert and Sol's house.

    That was Rita Moreno!!! I had no idea. Love her!

    Question: Frankie was stuck in the upside down thing - whatever that is called. So she finally gets herself upright but can't get her feet out of the restraints. She goes back to being upside down and sees the crackers under the bed, which apparently has some multi-purpose tool with it because of Sol's crazy little (annoying to me, wonderful to her, I'm sure) idiosyncrasies. Can someone please tell me how she was able to reach that box of crackers to get the tool to extricate herself while still being fastened to that machine??? It took me out of the episode for a while because if she could somehow finagle her way to a box under the bed while she's strapped in the damn thing . . . I mean, if she was able to reach the cracker box, then she probably didn't need the help, unless I totally misunderstood that scene.

    Please tell me I'm missing something because stuff like that drives me nuts. It smacks of trying to be cute on purpose to drive home the point (yet again) that Frankie knows Sol so well she knew the box of crackers would somehow help her get out of the situation. I got it before she was stuck on the machine: the eyeglasses, the sweater: even in someone else's home, Frankie understands Sol so much she'll know where his stuff is better than he does.

    • Love 3
  19. I think I was lukewarm on this partially because it's been a year and I feel a bit out of touch. It would be nice if Netflix did a very short "previously on" reel when they start a new season of anything.

    While I appreciate the premise of Sol wanting to start his marriage without the burden of a lie (especially considering that much of his marriage to Frankie was basically one big lie), I am not on board with him confessing the one night stand with Frankie to Robert. I've never been one to support the premise of confessing to a one night stand to relieve yourself of guilt or absolve yourself of your bad decision. Serial cheaters, long-running affairs are a different story, imo.

    I haven't re-watched the first season, so I may be wrong, but what I remember is Frankie and Sol had somewhat spontaneous, consensual sex. I cannot remember if Sol initiated it or not, but the bottom line is he made the choice to cheat on Robert, for whatever reason, because ultimately, it made him feel better about things. It seems to me that confessing the infidelity will make SOL feel better (I'm such a good/nice/honest man that I had to be truthful about my bad judgement and take whatever nasty things my partner will say about me), but all it'll do is piss Robert off/hurt him and cause a lot of grief.

    Of course, the entire family knows at this point (does anything stay private with this group?), so that may be a reason to come clean. Otherwise, my feeling is Sol made the mistake (with Frankie) and if it doesn't affect his feelings about Robert, Sol and Frankie should have to live with it.

    • Love 10
  20. You know, in thinking about this cover, I think it would have far greater impact to have a fully clothed Caitlyn - wearing whatever she feels comfortable, confident, herself in - the medal around her neck and holding the picture of Bruce accepting said medal/doing the victory lap/whatever. I think it would get the point across beautifully and it wouldn't devolve into the Kardashian trick of undressing when it's time to get attention. But no, it has to be nude. It's taking on a side show aspect because of it, too. The emphasis becomes what parts does she have now instead of her journey from the greatest athlete in the world to the world's best known transgendered person.

    Epic fail on everyone's part, including SI.

    • Love 12
  21. Boy, what a piece of sensationalistic crap (specifically meaning SI). First of all, I'd bet everything I own that she won't be "naked" on the cover. From what I understand, if SI wants to be considered non-pornographic (and is it willing to make that leap for Caitlyn Jenner???), it can't show nipples, genitals or full ass on the cover. I don't think SI could actually do full frontal and sell the thing as it normally would, unless it's wrapped/treated like other garden variety porn. 

    My bet is that she'll be wrapped in/covered by/draped in the flag, with the medal somewhere prominently displayed. I bet there will be some cleave showing, as well as other body parts (the ones she feels will look good or photoshop well, such as a toned arm or leg). She and the magazine know that literally wrapping/draping herself in the flag would generate a TON of publicity. Everyone would talk about it - people would be offended that a) the flag was used to wrap up any naked body; b) that the flag was used to wrap a transgendered person's naked body and c) that she's not really naked as sold, because let's face it: SI is pimping this as a naked Caitlyn.

    The other option is that she may do a bit of an old school Demi Moore thing, where she really is naked, turned strategically with her hands/medal/flag placed just so, so part of her ass and boobs are showing, but not enough that you can call her full frontal nude.

    My cynical self says that everyone wants to know how far Caitlyn has gone in her transition and I feel like SI and Caitlyn are playing to that curiosity. I find that creepy and exploitative by all involved, including Caitlyn. And of course she'll trot out the Empowerment claims, and the True Self claims and all that bullshit. I see it as opportunistic, particularly coming up on the summer Olympics (are we at Jenner's 40th anniversary or something?).

    If Jenner wants to show her pride at winning her medal and move the transgender cause forward, she'll keep herself clothed. If no one involved can think of a classy way to beautifully/flatteringly photograph her with a flag and her medal, it seems to me that SI needs another creative/art director. I don't see how being any degree of naked on the cover will promote the transgender cause. It will promote anger, defensiveness, divisiveness, headlines and clicks, and I think that the last two are what she and SI are really after here because it's money in the bank for both of them.

    God, she just gets worse. I don't like any of this family, but I have to say, at least the Kardashian side doesn't pretend to chase their fame in the name of some greater good. They like being rich and famous and they own it. I'm not getting that vibe from Caitlyn Jenner and shit like this is why I feel that way.

    Wake me when it's over.

    • Love 11
  22. Quote

    E! kind of dissed her a bit. I don't think they even showed her dress below the waist. She certainly didn't seem as enthused to be there as she has in the past. Kanye seemed like he'd rather be somewhere else. Maybe the friendship with Anna is getting strained.

    I think the friendship is just fine; I read somewhere that Vogue named them best dressed couple. In fact, from the horse's mouth.

    Listen: this is miles above what Kim does normally in these situations; this is downright restrained. But - I don't know. What other couples did they beat for the honor? There is something about Kanye that really really does it for Anna Wintour. So she pimps and props him plus the 600 pounds of baggage he comes with (the Kardashian-Jenners). What is this Svengali-like hold he has over her? What??? Seriously!

    Fortunately I'm not one of those fashionistas that waits for my monthly bible to tell me what to wear.

    I'm beginning to wonder if he/they dealt her in for a cut of the action. There's no denying the credibility she gives them.

    • Love 1
  23. Quote

    In one pic it looks like Kim is missing a tooth.  

    You know, I've been looking at that since I first saw the pic. I thought it was my screen, so I wiped it and nothing changed. And I saw it on Go Fug Yourself and it's there too. I wonder if there's some sort of "jewel" in her mouth/on her tooth or something that's part of the costume - kind of in keeping with Kanye's freaky eyes. But no one has mentioned it so it just may be something weird with the shot.

    Out of the family, I thought Kendall looked the best, Kris was appropriate (thought I didn't find her dress all that flattering on her) and Kim did better than expected. I thought Kylie's dress was actually too old/too much for her. The illusion netting or whatever - the bare spots - actually looked kind of fake and she just seemed to be too small to really pull it off. She seemed weighed down by it.

    I'm still surprised that Kim wasn't the disaster I expected. Her dress isn't to my taste, and yes it's tight, but it seems to fit her and she's not showing off all her bits, so that's a giant leap forward in my opinion. Kanye was Kanye.

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  24. Wasn't sure if this was the right thread to put this in, so correct me if I'm wrong . . .

    Justin, from Top Chef New Orleans won his James Beard award for best chef: south. James Beard Awards

    Also, judge John Besh's protege, Alon Shaya, took one of the big ones for best new restaurant. It would be interesting to see if he ever competes on Top Chef; I imagine with all he has going on here he'd be too busy.

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