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Posts posted by Maysie

  1. You know, on the right frame and in a size that actually fits, that could be a cute outfit. But Kim isn't the right frame and that fucker definitely doesn't fit.


    The article made a good point: people are watching what people wear during fashion week (obviously). Kim and Kanye are wearing this stuff because they either 1) want to make sure everyone's talking about them and/or 2) they really think it's good. One is as disturbing as the other.


    I'd love to be inside Anna Wintour's head right about now.

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    I was glad that Kiko at least basically told Pablo to go fuck himself if he doesn't trust them after everything that they've put up with from him.


    Yeah, it was definitely gratifying to see that.


    Another reason I don't think they stole the money is because of an earlier scene when one of them beat Pablo at a game of pool; Pablo paid up and then raised their tax. Kiki made a comment along the lines of "wtf not letting the boss win??" That implies to me that they know not to mess with Pablo's money. Of course, that may have added fuel to Pablo's fire that they did take his money - if one dares to beat him at pool, who knows what he's capable of?


    It was interesting to see how it was in prison. During fun and games it seems that the guys would forget their roles and lapse into guy behavior, such as when Poison knocked Pablo down during the soccer game. But Pablo never forgot who he was.



    Interesting that even a luxury jail is still a prison at the end of the day and feels like one to Pablo. He's clearly restless. Still, if I had to do time that would certainly be the way to do it. I cracked up at the roulette table and the chef being there preparing food. Lobster and alcohol, movies, all kinds of visitors, enough people around for variety to play sports--it could definitely have been worse. Pablo had it better in jail than the guys in the movie Goodfellas.


    I was thinking of Goodfellas too - especially Paul Sorvino slicing garlic with a razor blade. Gangsters are the same, no matter where they are, I guess.

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    Why does she look like that? What's wrong with designers? Kendall looks so plain and bland.


    I kind of wonder if it's to make the clothes the main attraction - they're really just moving, walking mannequins. Very well-paid moving, walking mannequins, but that's what it's all about, in the end. Show off the clothes.

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  4. I didn't think they hid the money and I think it was just a coincidence that it was about what was missing from the stolen shipment. I thought Steve's voiceover did a pretty good job of recalling the buried money, the guy who found it, how it found its way to Pablo, etc. (And I'm really glad they did that because I had forgotten about the buried cash). Also, Moncada and Galeano didn't act at all nervous or guilty about the money. I figure they knew exactly what Pablo was capable of and if they had taken his $3,000,000 and felt like he was on to them, they would have been nervous where his line of questioning was going.


    There were millions and millions buried out there and if that money hadn't belonged to Escobar I'm sure all kinds of people would have been out there with shovels. But my impression from the voiceover is that people kind of knew it was out there but no one dared do anything about it because it was Pablo's money and who was going to fuck with a man who took out an entire plane of innocent people?


    Makes you wonder what happened to all that cash. Who dug it up and when? And did they get it all?

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  5. That poor baby! This episode I noticed that I was watching the show all tensed up - almost on the edge of my seat.


    I was disappointed that the ex-President took the position he did, but father of the child before father of the country, I suppose. Plus, his advice had to come back to bite him in the ass.

  6. I listened to an interview with someone involved with the production of Narcos on On Point (NPR) last week. The other guest was an expert in cocaine trafficking. It was a fascinating interview and it's what made me watch the show. From what I took away from the interview,

    I believe the series is going to progress beyond Escobar and cover the major cocaine traffickers up to El Chapo. I don't know if that's a hope or a plan, but my takeaway is that Pablo Escobar is just part of the story in Narcos.


    Another interesting part of the interview was when someone called in who lived in a condo in the same neighborhood as the Monarch when the car bomb went off (making Pablo's daughter deaf in one ear). She wasn't there at the time, but her brother was in the building next door or across the street or somewhere near by. They were giddy with excitement to talk to a woman that used to live in the same neighborhood as Escobar.

  7. Well, I know next to nothing about golf, and it may be as simple as Cait wants to maintain the challenge of playing the men's tees, which I do kind of understand because otherwise the challenge and enjoyment of the game may be diminished.  And, I'm sincerely asking, is Caitlyn going to be playing golf with her old golfing partners (I'm assuming they were men, which leads to yet more issues of a woman playing with men if this is course has gender separated tees). Ideally the tees would be separated not so much according to gender, but to ability/degree of challenge, which would likely naturally separate the tees into male/female, but allow flexibility for cases such as Caitlyn without making glaring exceptions.


    It's bigger than golf to me, however. From my perspective, it's feeding into this feeling I get from her that she's been somewhat naive about transitioning and that she's approaching it with an air of entitlement. Sometimes it seems like there's an element of "I've been waiting for this moment for 65 years and I should have it all because I sacrificed for so long." And yes, I'm sure it was difficult to live a lie but the fact is, everything has a price and sometimes you pick and choose what you give up for getting what you want.


    I think the Ellen segment highlights this dissonance. This is a person who has known for years that she was meant to be a woman, wanted to transition for decades, if we're to believe everything we've been told. The struggles that others have had to deal with regarding gender identity and sexuality apparently didn't even register as a blip on the radar for Caitlyn, despite the fact that she identified as a woman while still living as a man. The fact that fear kept her from transitioning for so many years alone should have been some sort of catalyst for empathy for others going through the same or similar struggles to be seen as humans worthy of fair treatment. But it did not, apparently. And even as she transitions, she's still apparently hesitant to advocate support for people who have struggled similarly to her. And that's my problem with the whole thing. I could give a damn where she plays golf or if she gets any penalty for the car accident but I am disturbed that she can barely muster support for gay marriage because of her "traditional" view. She, more than most, should understand that there are a lot of gray areas and who you are and who you love aren't always so cut and dried. And though I haven't seen it, I have to wonder if her show is more "reality" a la Kardashians and less documentary as sold.

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    “The media wants that picture, don’t they?” the reality star mused. "That is the worst-case scenario."

    “I don’t know, we’ll see, " she added. "The men’s county jail. That’s the scary part. It is an enormous problem that they would put trans women in a men’s county jail.”


    Yes, the media does want that picture because you and your family have been spoon-feeding images to the media for years. The monster you helped create, and continue to perpetuate, sometimes turns against you.


    And I don't know, but there seems to be a bit of gender identification fluidity going on with Caitlyn when it suits her needs. The male golf tees work for her when she wants them too but the county jail is an entirely different story. Just about everything about her smacks of hypocrisy.

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  9. I haven't watched her show because I'm not all that interested in her transition - it's playing out publicly enough that I'm getting the idea without turning on the television. Plus, I think what she's putting out in interviews, such as the Ellen piece, is as likely to be "real" as what she's showing on tv.


    She can think whatever she wants about gay marriage but I do take issue with her speaking for a movement that has fought long and hard for that right if she doesn't support one of the basic components of the movement. I know she said that she supports it now, but I wonder how true that is; does she feel pressured to say she feels something she doesn't really believe in?


    I'm coming to believe that any "caring" she does for anyone in the transgender movement is all made for television - particularly if she's falling back on using her male name if it means she'll get what she wants. As long as she lapses into that habit of pulling whatever string she has access to, she'll never get what it means to go through the transition as a normal person would.

  10. I know she's changed her appearance a lot, but can someone please tell me that there's some enhancing going on in that shot as a joke? Please? Because otherwise it's awful how much a previously attractive 18 year old girl has altered her body so that she now looks more than twice her age. She's going into Charo territory.


    With Kim's transformation into Cher, I wonder which senior pop icon Khloe's going to morph into . . .

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    Depending on the age difference, I don't think it's so unusual for high school girls to have a boyfriend in college. And I don't personally care what race the Kardashian/Jenners or anyone else chooses for their partners. It's the person's character and the appropriateness of the relationship itself that counts. But their choice of "type" does get a lot of very ugly commentary on some of the more hateful sites out there.


    Yes, yes, yes.


    Also, I don't know that I'd describe Tyga as a "predator." I guess in the strictest sense of the word he could be, because he sure seems to be exploiting the relationship for his gain. However, I don't get the idea that he's constantly searching out young blood; if I remember correctly, Blac Chyna is about his age, yes? (Of course, they're all about mentally/emotionally Kylie's age, which evens it up a bit). But I can't call him a predator at this point.


    He is a creep, however, just as Don Johnson and Jerry Seinfeld were for having relationships with such young (too young, imo) women. And Anthony Kiedis of the Red Hot Chili Peppers can't seem to date anyone over 21 and he's well into his 50's now, which is definitely creepy. I'll consider Tyga a predator if Kylie is one in a long string of young conquests. Right now I see him as a disgusting opportunist who's exploiting his immature girlfriend, all with her family's blessing.


    I think that's what disturbs me most: the whole family not only signed off on the relationship but seems to be actively encouraging it and Kylie's exploitation. Tyga's an asshole for what he's doing, but Kris is her mother and is twice Tyga's age. She's every bit as bad as he is, I think.

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    The Complex cover girl sat on her calves with her thighs slightly parted and had a blank blow-up doll expression on her face.


    Really, doesn't this say it all? Khloe (and Kylie) have devolved into Kim look-alikes with the enhancements or whatever you want to call them. I know they do it because they truly think they look hot (otherwise, they wouldn't be instagramming themselves all the fucking time) and because it gets them attention but I think they look absolutely awful.


    The sad thing is, there are people who really dig this look. I was on instagram today and came across a someone who is going for a human Barbie look. Her boobs are HUGE, she just had the butt lift and is working on getting her eyes widened (she also does waist training); her instagram hashtags include "plasticfantastic" and "plasticproject" so it's pretty obvious she's digging the plastic surgery. I think she looks horrible, but there are plenty of people telling her how beautiful, hot, sexy, etc. she looks. So the Kardashian-Jenners are definitely tapping into a popular look. However I have to wonder what they'll look like in 20 years. I envision Catherine O'Hara's character at the end of the film "For Your Consideration." (Google "marilyn hack" and you'll get the idea . . .)


    And given how much the women in this family emphasize/focus on their appearance, it's no wonder no one seems to be bothered by Kylie's situation; I guess it's part of the end game.

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  13. Wow, what a difference three years can make!


    As far as the weight gain, not having more children, etc: I have to wonder how much of it is being fed to the tabloids for show/publicity purposes. I say that because not all that long ago (I'd say less than a month), she was in New Orleans and instagramming shots of the beignets she was eating (twice in a day). If you're unfamiliar with a beignet, it's a delicious deep fried pillow of dough served with about a box worth of powdered sugar. Now I don't count calories and I do love me some fat and sweets, however, when I go for beignets (which is basically when we have company), I usually stick to one or two (three per order). Two stops in one day would put me in a diabetic coma.


    I bring this up because multiple stops at the beignet place (and Instagramming them) is not the behavior of someone who's trying to minimize pregnancy (or any other) weight gain. I'm not criticizing her for eating them, but I have to believe any angst over pregnancy weight gain is at least somewhat manufactured. Kim ain't the sharpest tool in the shed, but even she knows that eating crap like that is going to make her gain extra weight.


    My feeling is enjoy your pregnancy as much as you can, and if eating makes you feel better and gets you through the nine months, go for it, as long as you're safe. For someone like Kim, it's especially easy because after she delivers, she doesn't have the reality of day-to-day life that can impede losing pregnancy weight. With the money for a personal chef and endless hours to work out on any given day, there's no reason why she wouldn't drop her pregnancy weight relatively quickly compared to the average person. And of course, the inevitable plastic surgery will hasten the process.


    So I think it's a lot of bs, so she has something to talk about during and after pregnancy ("people are so mean!").

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  14. This whole thing just makes me sad. She turns 18 and has porn offers rolling in and then her "boyfriend" writes a disgusting, disrespectful song about her. And she just goes around taking selfies and getting her new car tricked out. She has no fucking clue what this means. I sense it's all just fine with her because 1) she doesn't know better (and whose fault is that?) and 2) it's more attention.


    My guess is any outrage we see is going to be as fake as the stories on their fake shows. If anyone in that family -- and that includes parents and siblings -- really gave a shit about where Kylie is in her life right now they would have made some sort of effort to be a positive role model. But no, it's all parties, all selfies, all makeup/plastic surgery and dressing like a $2 whore all the time. They participate in that shit with her, so my guess is at the heart of it, everyone's just fine with this. It's only because a good portion of the public is going to be disgusted that they'll show any negative reaction.


    Listen: this entire family debases itself on a regular basis for television, ratings, publicity and money -- I mean what the hell else can you call Kim's "marriage" to Kris H? I'd bet everything I own that there's no real reaction to this, no real consequence, unless it's all manufactured drama for the show. The day that Tyga is quietly out of the picture -- no fanfare, no announcement, just gone -- is the day I'll believe that anyone's truly upset about this.

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  15. Eh, I'm certainly not going to criticize Kourtney's body. For sure, the beach shots are a different look from her Twitter post, but she still looks fine, especially considering she's got three kids under her belt. I have no idea what type of surgery she may have had -- or not -- over the years, but at least she looks real. Honestly, if I wear the right thing, pose the right way and the lighting and shadows are right, then I can look a hell of a lot better than I do in most other instances. And of course that's the shot you share.

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  16. I sense this was shot before it was renewed, hence the tidy ending. I'm okay with it, however, because it was a bit of a surprise that Spencer and Joe sticking with Anderson. I don't know where they'll take the storyline next year, since it is so wrapped up, but I imagine there are always more football players coming through, allowing for different storylines.


    I don't think the botched pitch was on purpose, just a cheap way to get a laugh.  (It was funny, but I also hoped the poor cameraman got some medical attention).  But most importantly, because the crowd loved it, it gave Dan the feeling that he never got as a pro.  I couldn't quite tell what Spencer's final expression was about - understanding what Dan meant about that moment, or missing the cheers for himself.


    I thought it was on purpose. Despite the confessional, Dan is human after all and we've seen how hard it is for a lot of the guys to transition from the field to the reality of day to day life. I felt like he saw it as his chance to be relevant again. Nailing the cameraman probably didn't worry him too much because things worked out pretty damn well for Spencer, despite the fact he purposely tried to hurt Dan with that hit. So I didn't think it was a wild pitch. I'm not sure what Spencer's look was about either.


    You know, I like this show much more than I thought I would. I figured it'd be the Entourage of the sports world and thank god it isn't -- at least not yet (I didn't mind the first few seasons of Entourage). I realized after this episode that Ballers is far more subtle than Entourage ever considered being and the cast is able to pull it off. I expected far more T & A and was afraid Rob Cordry was going to be used as Ari Gold 2.0.

  18. Initially this porn bidding war made me laugh. After the initial chuckle, however, I quickly felt a bit sorry for her because she's seen as nothing but a blow-up doll. To be sure, most of this is her own doing, what with all the pictures she posts, how she carries herself, the way she dresses, the things she does to her appearance and the company she keeps. I keep coming back to the fact that no one really guided this child (and yes, she's still a child to me even though she's still legal; my 15 year old niece has a much higher level of maturity, greater foresight and better ability to reason than Kylie apparently does).


    I would be insulted if I turned 18 and discovered that all people were interested in was filming me having sex. Look, it was obvious that she wasn't be going to packing her bags and going to college -- or any higher education -- but it's telling that she's not a week into 18 and the porn offers are rolling in. The most interesting aspect of this will be how the rest of the family responds. In most situations it would lead to an AHA! moment, but though I don't expect any of them to encourage her to take any of these offers, I don't expect any change in behavior, either.


    My feeling is if/when there's a porno, it will happen "by accident" and get leaked to make money. I have to believe even this family understands that making a sex tape specifically for the pornography market will put Kylie in a level she probably doesn't really want to be in. I'm sure it's one thing to "get caught" when you're having your fun and quite another to get paid up front to get filmed fucking your boyfriend.

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  19. The Vanity Fair article is kind of a catch 22 for me. On one hand, props to Caitlyn for being honest in the article because it would have been easy to be less than honest for the sake of burnishing her image. However, when I read it I was struck with how incredibly selfish she came across and that's precisely because she was truthful about her thoughts/feelings about the situation and how she expected/hoped others would deal with it.


    The family as a whole has been so good at airbrushing the truth and reality to make it palatable for the public and advertisers and propping up the brand; it's one of the things I hate about the whole lot of them. Caitlyn was frank (a welcome departure) and I have to say, it made me really dislike her because she seemed so detached and insensitive to how the people closest to her may be feeling with it. Kind of a quandary: damned if you do and damned if you don't.


    I think for me, Caitlyn probably does realize the things she said were hurtful (and Kim -- or whoever -- is giving Caitlyn a lot of credit there); I don't think she cares that they were hurtful. I suppose it's the price of honesty.

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  20. Somehow there's a bit of irony in the "my work is done" comment given that Caitlyn's mom was just part of the show a few weeks ago. I cop to not watching it, but from what I gathered in the forums, there was a bit of "rolling out" of Caitlyn to her mother and I got the sense there's a bit of pressure for mom to be supportive. My point is, when you're a parent, there is always the opportunity for more work to do. No matter how old you or your kids are, there's usually some point where you need to lend support, a helping hand or some cold, hard truth.


    I hope that Caitlyn's "my work is done" comment was only in reference to the magic number of 18 and that she really doesn't think she's absolved of any parenting responsibility she ever felt she had. She may not have it officially, but chances are, the need will never go away entirely, imo.

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  21. I guess Caitlyn had to send out some such tweet. I mean really, what's anyone going to say? "Happy birthday to my beautiful 18 year old daughter who has altered her appearance so much she looks old enough to be her own mother!" or "Happy birthday to my incredibly talented daughter who's banging a third-rate rapper who's best career prospects hinge on making it with a teenager!" Really, the list is endless.


    But "my work is done?" I'm kind of wondering exactly what kind of work she's referring to, other than writing checks for credit card bills.

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    You don't have to give off a warm and fuzzy vibe IMO to determine whether or not a woman would want to be or make a good mother. I never found her to be cold, heartless, mean, nor without warmth, just extremely guarded and to me that's a completely different vibe.


    Well, I don't think warm and fuzzy = good mother; I have a few friends who are good mothers but don't put off warm and fuzzy. I also didn't find Ani heartless or mean, but I do cop to feeling that she could surely be cold, but cold doesn't necessarily mean she's not mother material either. But that gets into an entirely new direction I don't have the energy for.


    I can't articulate my problem with Ani/Ray/baby, but it doesn't work for me. What is most unrealistic to me is how quickly it became so intense. Again, I do get/accept that they slept with each other and though it was a bit cliche' for my taste, it wasn't unrealistic. And though implausible, I'll sign off on pregnancy after one night and I'll accept that she had the baby. (Because seriously, with all the fucking around Ani appeared to do I have a hard time believing she wasn't using birth control). The pieces stand alone but putting them together somehow doesn't work. It may simply boil down to Ani's thunderbolt of realization that Ray was dead. It leads the relationship into territory I just don't buy based on what I saw.


    I'd say the same thing about Paul's girlfriend too: hell, she didn't appear to be really on board with marrying Paul, though she was committed to having his baby. Of course, she too gets the thunderbolt of realization that he's dead. I can't decide if it's lazy writing or if that's what NP thinks happens in significant relationships -- you don't have to wait for word that your partner is dead; you're so connected you just feel it in your very being. That's just  . . . I don't know. Like dime store romance novel bs.

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