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Posts posted by Maysie

  1. I have never taken Guliana Rancic seriously, so while the gushing is annoying, it's par for the course for her. And I watched about ten minutes of their coverage. Even if I hadn't been put off by Khloe's presence, I would have changed the channel, but the Kardashian stank just made it happen faster. Not only was Khloe poor at the job, I was distracted by her duck lips. I couldn't tell if she was pursing them on purpose or if she's had so much crap put in them they're like that naturally. It was very distracting when she was in profile.

  2. I was pleasantly surprised by Lady Gaga last night, and when I met my 70 year old friend at the movies today (for Still Alice; I cannot argue one bit with Julianne Moore's win) she was raving about Lady Gaga. It's hard to know what Shonda Rhimes meant, but I don't care. If she's trying to diss LG, then it shows her to be petty and mean-spirited. If it's a poor choice of words, it's a poor choice of words. I guess it will play out on twitter. But I don't think anyone can argue with LG's performance.


    I liked Joan Rivers' comedy and I don't know what the appropriate venue is for a remembrance, other than the Emmy awards. I don't think her red carpet commentary at the Academy Awards should be what gets her into that memorial tribute, however. Look, I like to look at the pretty dresses and admire the glamor as much as anyone else, and I like to hear what people think about it, to an extent. But the red carpet has morphed into its own entity and I don't think in a good way. The women are dissected on their wardrobe choice, how they wear it, their hair, their makeup, their jewelry, their shoes . . . it's really gone over the top. It's almost like "and oh yeah, she acted in this movie." And that's why I changed the channel from E! to ABC -- I wanted to see the pretty, but I also liked actually hearing what some of the people on the red carpet had to say about their films. Ironically, when I changed the channel, I went from the E! people blathering on about I don't know who to Robin Roberts talking to Chris Kyle's widow -- a definite 180. Joan tapped into something people are interested in, and she was good at it, but I don't know that it really had much to do with the Academy Awards so much as it did pop culture and fashion's place in it. Really, given her red carpet stuff, she could be honored at just about every award show's "in memory" segment if that's the criteria.

    • Love 2
  3. I don't watch the Oscars all that reguarly -- I'm a bit surprised I'm sitting here watching it now -- because it is basically dull and somewhat pretentious. I think I gave up after Jon Stewart "bombed." It was interesting that the same people who clamor to go on his show were stone silent when he threw some of that humor back at them. It's a group that takes itself way too seriously, imo, and I think it makes it tough for anyone standing on that stage. For shit's sake, it's supposed to be fun. If not, skip it.


    I remember watching when I was a child and I don't recall this type of severity. It seemed like everyone had a grand old time, but then I don't think it was so important to be so sophisticated and above it all back then.


    I'll never forget the streaker dashing across the stage when David Niven was up there -- who made a crack about the guy showing the world his shortcomings. That was a show to remember.

    • Love 15
  4. I was watching E! for a bit and as just about always, I'm thrown by the irony of them critiquing people's makeup and wardrobe choices. I was a bit perplexed by their discussion over the fact Margot Robbie had no makeup other than lipstick -- it sure as shit looked like she had makeup on to me. Granted, compared to some of what I saw (Guilianna and J Lo, specifically) it's not too much, but I swear I heard one of them say it looked like Robbie hadn't even put on mascara.


    Lady Gaga looks like she's going to go clean a toilet with those gloves and Scarlett Johansson - yowsa! She fills the hell out of that dress. And yeah, Patricia Arquette's hair is kind of wild right now, but it endears her to me. She seems so real and I dig that about her.

    • Love 1
  5. So, I like the quotes and all, but this "on tour" thing . . . what exactly does he do? Does he just go sit there and people pay to come see him?


    I'm genuinely curious. I can't imagine what the draw is, even if they get to party with him.

    • Love 3
  6. Yeah, Kanye makes interesting choices in his female companionship.


    I don't care one way or another about Amber Rose, but it sucks that she had to do what she did to support herself. It's an interesting contrast to privileged Kris who actively pimps out her kids. Some get to keep their clothes on, but she's definitely selling them. In my opinion, none of them have any right to call out anyone for stripping until they stop exploiting themselves for publicity and money.

    • Love 8

    I believe Kim will go along with Kayne until it no longer is of advantage to her or she lines up another sucker of higher or equivalent status (chances of that are slim to none). So far her association (I refuse to call it a marriage) with him has given her almost everything she has ever wanted. She got to reset her famewhore clock and get yet another 15 minutes which is probably the real world equivalent of decades, her coveted Vogue cover, she now rubs shoulders with Anna Wintour who once openly reviled her, sits front row at top fashion shows, can go to most award shows without people going WTF is she doing here, cool with many top designers, now wears haute couture even though she looks ridiculous in them, etc. He opened doors for her that were firmly shut.


    This! I guess for me the question becomes if she's smart enough to understand this stuff is happening because of Kanye and is happening in spite of her. If she gets that, I figure she'll hang in there for as long as she can and ride the gravy train as far as it will carry her. I don't think it's the money, because she has plenty of that on her own, but I do think the status of being Kanye's chosen one has absolutely paid off and will as long as she stays with him (and as long as he displays some sort of musical talent that his peers respect).


    I think it may be why she lets him dress her as he pleases. I don't know if it's why she claims to agree with every damn thing he says -- I'd kind of like to see the inside of her head to see if there's any independent thought in there.


    However, if she's deluded enough to really believe the bullshit he spouts about her -- and that she's so awesome that with or without Kanye she'll have all these benefits -- she may get bored and bolt.


    I guess time will tell.


    And I thought it was hilarious that Kanye claims that Beyonce records with pictures of Kim on her wall because Beyonce is inspired by strong women. I laughed and laughed at that.

    • Love 3
  8. Yeah, this feud is all made for television, but really low-brow television, which is pretty on point with the participants. No wonder Kourtney is MIA in all of this.


    I read Kanye's remarks about Kylie and Tyga and I was frankly appalled. I know she's had to grow up fast and is living in a more sophisticated, adult world, but she is still a child. And I think she's probably actually immature for her age, instead of being one of those 17 year olds who are old/wise beyond their years. Every goddamned person in this family should be ashamed of themselves for the path she's taking.


    One of the things that disgusts me the most about this whole crew is how they objectify women -- themselves -- and the message it sends to the people who (for some mysterious reason) like/respect/admire them. And all of Kanye's talk about fucking Kim this or that way and Tyga getting in early and smart, etc. is incredibly disrespectful for those women. You'd think someone who makes getting respect a personal mission might get the hypocrisy here.


    Fern Mallis may be my new best friend. Her very short, simple statement obviously got under Kanye's skin and nudged some deep insecurity.



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  9. Well, what little I saw looks like anything I could pick up off the rack at the local Goodwill store. And sleeves? Too long.


    Kanye's outburst obviously didn't do anything to affect his relationship with Beyonce and Jay Z, so I don't expect any changes from him. And looking at those pics, Beyonce certainly didn't mind Kim's presence next to her. They didn't look chummy, but she didn't looked repelled, either. Anna Wintour, on the other hand, was angled toward her other neighbor, which I find hilarious.


    For me, this underscores that Kanye has a strong core group of supporters that are powerful in the industry. Let's face it: Anna Wintour is the top of the fashion game and Beyonce and Jay Z are the top of popular music (with a side of Rhianna thrown in there). Maybe he's a great friend, maybe they feel his talent is worth his bullshit, or maybe they don't even find it to be bullshit. Whatever, he ain't going anywhere soon, which means neither is his wife and the rest of her succubi crew.

    • Love 1
  10. I don't know if even he knows what he's saying.


    In all seriousness, I sense there's a shitload of stuff racing through Kanye's mind. I've known people who just blather stream of consciousness stuff that is passing through their mind at the moment and I dread talking to them because I have no idea of where it's headed. That's what Kanye's quote reminds me of. I've tried to parse it out, and it simply makes no sense. If I had to guess, this is the kind of shit that races around in his mind 24/7 and when he gets the opportunity to educate the rest of us, it just pops out based on where it is in the loop, which is probably influenced by whatever environment he's in.


    I won't call him crazy, nor will I call him a creative genius because I don't know what's going on up there. I will say he's damn lucky he's made it in the music business because in the real world, with the rest of us worker bees, he wouldn't be nearly so successful.


    As for fixing the Grammy voting process, I think his position of "giving back to the masses" is a bit arrogant. I have a few friends who are actually members of the Academy who vote. They play, and listen to, a wide variety of music. I have no idea who they vote for, but I know they take the privilege seriously. Even though they are accomplished musicians, they aren't making millions but they make a living. It seems to me the difference between them and some of their more "talented/pretty" counterparts likely has to do with luck and connections. And here's the difference between them and Kanye: though they don't care for him on a human-level, if they felt he made a bangin record, they sure as shit would vote for it because it is about good music to them. Every musician I've known takes their craft seriously. And that is why I said earlier that Kanye is disrespecting the voting members of the Academy (which should include him, if he's paying his dues, by the way).


    So in addition to getting Kim that star on the walk of fame, he's going to fix the Grammy awards now so we'll all like what he likes. I will say this: dude likes a challenge.

    • Love 3
  11. Talented Tenth, I've never professed to be a fan of Kanye, and he's certainly been a goldmine to make fun of, however, for me, he absolutely crossed a line with this whole episode.


    Prior to this he was merely annoying -- a person who consistently prattles on about being denied respect, about how great he is, how great is talent is, how great his woman is. And I was raised that if you have to talk that much about your accomplishments, if you always have to point them out to people, you're spending more time talking about them than doing them. Now I won't deny that he has talent, however, he's not the only one with talent -- but he's one of the few that will never let you forget it.


    If this latest episode had ended with him running up on the stage and then turning around and sitting down and keeping his mouth shut, at least until after the event was over, then okay, we'd all have a good laugh and be pleasantly surprised at the thought he might, just might, have a sense of humor about himself. (FWIW, I don't think he went up on stage as a joke, I think somehow he thought the better of it, perhaps getting the stink eye from someone, and turned around.) But he could not -- or more likely, would not -- control himself. He had to insert himself into someone else's moment, something that Beck earned, whether anyone agrees with it or not, and confirm that in fact, no Beck, should not have won and then launch into a ridiculous rant on the lack of artistry and respect at the Grammys. (And I know it was said at an interview after the award, but for fuck's sake, give it 12 hours; let the man enjoy his goddamned award for more than an hour.)


    And he lost me when he started throwing around the "disrespect" word. He can disagree with Beck's win all day long. He can even give an interview later and say "you know, I haven't even listed to Beck's album, but after hearing Bey's I don't know how anything can top it," and I'd be just fine with that. But he disrespected Beck, he disrespected all that voted for him (including his fellow voting artists, by the way) and he actually disrespected Beyonce yet again by taking up some bizarre battle in her name to air his personal problems/complaints.


    And for icing on the cake, he attacks the commercialism of the E! network, who does plenty to line his wife's pockets.


    The nicest thing I can say about him is he's a narcissistic hypocrite. Whereas I didn't care much one way or another about him prior to this, I now loathe him, probably more than I do his troll of a wife.


    You obviously have a favorable opinion of Kanye and the Kardashians and that's fine. I don't understand or agree with it in most cases, but hey, it's yours and you own it. However, I'm not going to pile it on and "disrespect" you and criticize you for it. And different opinions allow for some interesting give and take in all forums. However, Kanye doesn't do that; it's his way or the highway. And he did a lot more than state an opinion. There are far more appropriate ways to make his point. Beck's win isn't about Beck's album anymore. Beck's win is now about what Kanye thinks of Beck's win.


    I haven't listened to either album, so hell, I may actually find I agree with Kanye. But whether I agree or not, the fact, for me, is that Kanye hijacked a moment, inserted himself into a situation where he really didn't belong and in the height of hypocrisy, was disrespectful to all involved. I, for one, have had enough of his bullshit antics; he's an asshole and can fuck off as far as I'm concerned.



    • Love 22
  12. I say let's give Paul Stanley and Shirley Manson Grammies right now!


    Because of this latest episode I have absolutely no use for Kanye. However, I can't/won't compare what he did to what Chris Brown did or what Bill Cosby has been accused of doing (which is heartbreaking to me). In this instance, acting the asshole you are is not in the same realm of violence against women. The only person(s) I would expect to say something to/about Kanye's behavior besides him, Beck or Kim is Beyonce and Jay Z. And honestly, their silence says a lot to me. It'd be nice and classy if Beyonce would issue a statement along the lines of "blah blah blah I appreciate the nomination and blah blah blah, it's an honor to be nominated. Blah blah blah I appreciate Kanye's support, but Beck produced an outstanding album, blah blah blah blessed to have a great family, interesting career and supportive friends, blah blah blah let's move on."


    But Beyonce's not saying anything and I don't expect she will. My guess is we won't see anybody really high profile, black or white, say anything for fear of dissing the first family of popular music. I'm guessing Beyonce and Jay Z have a lot more outright pull and power in the business than Beck does.


    So while I'm all for the piling on that Paul Stanley and Shirley Manson are doing, it'd be more meaningful if someone like Madonna, or Sir Paul, or Rhianna showed some support for Beck's win.


    I'm also willing to bet people in the music industry know exactly what kind of asshole Kanye is. But he's a rich, well-connected asshole with powerful friends and sells a lot of records, so they deal with it.

    • Love 2

    Her dress is way too big on her, from the sleeves obscuring her hands, to the droopy shoulders, to the length. Why would it not be tailored for the Grammys?? The whole thing makes her look short and squat. I don't understand.


    Even as meant to be on the runway, I still don't care for the dress, but it looks a hell of a lot better as intended. The ladies at Go Fug Yourself referred to her as "Kimerace," which is my new favorite name for her now.

  14. I don't know what Kanye's thing is with Beyonce. If I didn't know better I'd say he has a thing for her and kind of wishes he was in Jay Z's shoes. I know it's not Beyonce's fault, however, I have to think that if either she or Jay Z took their good buddy aside and said "you know, between you and me, stop this, please. It doesn't look good for anyone and it's okay if we don't win all the time. We basically win at life anyway, so it's no big deal." Really, I think it's the only thing that will make him stop with all the "that award belongs to Beyonce" bullshit.


    Of course, it wouldn't stop his other ass-holish behavior, because there is no force of nature strong enough to do that.

    • Love 6

    Kanye and Taylor Swift.  If they're over it, I think everyone else should be too:


    Yeah, I'll give you that. Especially since it was years ago -- I say move on from that anyway because time passes, people change, blah blah blah.


    However, when Kanye pulls essentially the same shit in real time, well, he can go fuck himself. I don't care how talented he is. I don't care if he's well-respected within the industry. He's a fucking horses ass who has an insane need for attention which causes him to trash other people and their work in his desperate attempt to grab a headline.


    I have no idea whether he realizes the hypocrisy he spouts on a regular basis. Bitching about E!'s brand, while it's the reason his vapid, narcissistic wife is relevant -- while somehow managing to pimp his own "fashion line" -- is insane and it's a very low form of opportunism.


    I don't care that much about Beck, and I never liked Taylor Swift -- too much of a whiny pop tart, imo -- however, (and I know it's not fair) the result of all this is I'm totally over King J and Queen Bey (listen, they can fight their own battles; somehow I think they're up to the task) because Kanye insists they're the greatest. I have new found respect for Beck for ignoring Kanye's presence on stage and God help me, I am starting to warm to Taylor Swift. She's light-years ahead of Kanye, in terms of composure and grace; he should have learned better by now.


    Kanye insists on respect, and up to now, I would grant him his artistic due. But last night underscores that he's a shit of a human being who cannot, or worse, will not,  acknowledge the talent of someone he doesn't get or care for. So right back at you buddy. Right back at you motherfucker.

    • Love 17

    Another widespread photo showed full frontal nudity, which has become a Kardashian calling card.


    And she's proud of this. Seriously. She has nothing else to offer anyone, anywhere, other than her body? And this is why people mock her - how can anyone ever take her seriously when she doesn't take herself seriously? In a way, I feel sorry for her because it seems the only way she sees herself is as a prop, a blow-up doll.


    It'd be one thing if she stripped down once in a while - like every year or two - but between selfies and "artistic" photo shoots, it seems like the last several months have been nothing but naked or nearly naked Kim. Hell, it's not going to be news anymore because as the quote above says, it's becoming her calling card. Keeping her clothes on will become the news.


    I hope Anna Wintour is happy with her naked cover girl.

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