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Posts posted by Maysie


    I don't have a problem with how Kanye and Kim dress North even though it's not the norm and eccentric in America.  I actually like it when people don't follow illogical societal standards and illogical traditions.  It's refreshing for me to see people go against the grain when it comes to innocuous things.  I'm not sure how Beyonce and Jay-Z are getting away with anything, as Blue dresses like a typical privileged child.  Her hair or North's hair being pulled back into a bun isn't controversial, so I don't see why it would be an issue for anyone.


    People can dress their kids the way they want, and I'm fine with that. I do believe kids should be dressed practically for their own comfort and movability, but honestly, color, designer label -- go to town as long as the kid's okay with it and feels good in it. I didn't like the matching sheer dresses at the Givenchy show, however. Aside from the fact it looked like crap on Kim, it's mostly because Kim looked like she was stepping from the club into the bedroom -- it was a very adult look that was putting Kim's assets front and center. Putting something on North that matched that was a bit creepy, imo. I don't think Kim was overtly trying to tart up her daughter but instead took the matchy matchy thing too far. Maybe the outfit would have been fine on its own, but in the context of wearing it with and while her mom looked like she's headed out on the stroll, it was kind of messed up. That may just be me, however, because I find all glammed up little girls dressing like adults disturbing on so many levels. I used to get the willies when I saw Suri Cruise marching around in her little high heels -- probably one of the few who didn't find it cute, and that's how I felt about North's sheer dress.


    For what it's worth, North, Blue Ivy, and pretty much most of their counterparts are all being dressed as privileged children, which is their parents' right. No matter what standard or tradition Kim and Kanye aren't following, make no mistake: chances are very high North is wearing something that a child of privilege wears, meaning an expensive, high end, designer label. It's just a little less mainstream.

    • Love 4

    Kourtney and Scott have been together for 8 years I think they deserve credit for that. The fact in Hollywood in general that they have a 5 year old and a newborn by the same relationship is special. They've already lasted longer than most Hollywood marriages.


    I do agree with this, though I wouldn't put them in the same category as Hollywood marriages such as Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, which (no matter what you think of them) have a whole level of scrutiny that most people can't even fathom. But I do think it's kind of telling that after watching marital train wrecks up close and personal, Kourtney seems to be avoiding that trap like the plague. I think that's more noteworthy than the kids out of wedlock portion.

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  3. I can't stand Taylor Swift. Ugh. But at least she does something for her notoriety, even if I don't care for her or her work. So yes, it is pretty damn funny that Kanye's bff was at this party. And didn't I see something where Kendall was hanging out with Taylor Swift too? Like in the last few days?


    As for Kim's outfit at the Rhianna thing, well, the girls at Go Fug Yourself managed to snark on the outfit and the big, over-sized coat. She is like fish in a barrel for them.

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    "When I was 13 my father wrote me a letter. I was unhappy with my body—I developed really early. Every night I would sit in the bath and cry, I prayed my boobs would stop growing. He told me I had a body not many girls have, that later it would lead to attention from men, but that the most important thing was that I was a wonderful girl and I had to understand my self worth."


    Somehow I doubt the lifestyle she's been living the past ten years or so is what dear old dad had in mind. It seems to me she finds her self worth in her body and her men, which may explain why gaining all that pregnancy weight was hard for her to cope with. She's perpetuating a vicious cycle by exploiting herself via her body: she's creating an almost impossible standard for herself to live up to, which invites the criticism, which makes her act in even more extreme ways to show us all we're wrong (Paper!), which invites more criticism and comment and so on. Nothing she does implies that she feels she has self worth beyond her body, and as long as she believes that, she'll continue to be vapid and shallow, never pushing herself to try to be and do more.


    All my opinion, for what it's worth.

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  5. Well, it would be foolish for her to be jealous because most people in the world know they're never going to meet the future king and queen. Unless I happen to be in a community center or whatever place they're visiting, chances are very slim I'd get to shake a paw or share a glance (and then I'd go buy a lottery ticket because the odds are probably about the same). But then I'm not famous and don't feel entitled to things because I exist. Who knows if she's deluded or simple-minded enough to believe that she'd actually have a chance/reason to formally meet a member of the royal family. If she does, it's because she doesn't get that people who actually do something get an audience with them. Reality television and marriage to a talented rap star with questionable judgment isn't going to cut it, especially when you mix in that sex tape.


    Of course, she may be able to catch Harry on a wild night, though I don't think she's young enough for him at this point. If she wants to hit up a royal, Prince Andrew might be more reasonable because he's got quite the history, including one in the adult film industry (if my memory is correct).

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  6. At this point in time, I feel kind of sorry for this kid. Seriously. She may be, and probably is, an entitled brat, but I try to give anyone a pass who's not really an adult yet. Yeah, she's definitely living in an adult world and making adult choices, but she's not an adult. And she's obviously not one of those special case kids that is wise/mature beyond her years.


    It sucks for her because the people who should be guiding her are absent (such as her father) or aren't doing so with her best interests in mind (her mother). She's always going to be K____'s little sister (Kim, Kendall - hell, all of them) and it seems she's stuck living in their shadows. It's obvious she can't follow in Kendall's footsteps with a real modeling career, so it seems like it's been decided that she'll model herself after Kim because, well, it's worked out pretty fucking great for Kim. Most of us figure out who we want to be or how we want to be during the process of growing up (and high school and college and jobs and all that play a big role in that, in my opinion). Kylie doesn't seem to understand that if she wanted to, she could actually be her own person.


    Kylie didn't look to be an ugly teenager -- she looked like a cute, average girl -- but it seems she hasn't had a chance to see what she'd grow into. I don't know if she's had surgery or if it's crazy, wild makeup tricks, but the end result is that she looks far older than she is, and not in a good way. I saw a "who wore it better" with Kylie and Kendall from the AMAs and seeing the two of them side by side was startling. How could anyone close to her look at her and not tell her to lay off whatever it is she's doing? I guess if it's okay that she drops out of school and it's okay that she's out clubbing til all hours in the morning, radically changing her appearance is really no big deal.

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    For someone who is so anxious to be taken seriously, she continues to make a joke out of herself.


    Yeah, this is kind of the mystery to me, but I guess Kim really is that stupid. Serious question: has she said she'd like to move beyond her sex tape? Because if she has, then I don't know, accepting money to be some old man's date (while you're engaged) and nude photo spreads don't really do much to help you move beyond your sex tape image.


    I saw something on Instagram yesterday -- it was a split screen with Beyonce and Kim's Paper cover and it said something like "why Bey won't ever let Blue have a play date with North," or something to that effect. Every time Kim does something like this, there's a lot of talk about the artistic quality/value to the shoot (such as that very strange one she did when she was pregnant) because that makes it less trashy in their minds. But if she really wants to elevate herself, she needs to keep her clothes on and not dress like she's actively trying to be a MILF. Maybe I'm off, but instead of "artistic value" I see "desperate need for attention" whenever she does this stuff.


    I think her need for attention overwhelms her desire to be taken seriously and to be "respectable." And if that's what she wants, then fine, but don't whine when people don't take you seriously. Maybe it's like DollEyes said upthread, that she can't tell the difference between "attention" and "respect."

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  8. Well, hats off to her because she does own the internet for the day, though I wouldn't exactly call it "breaking the internet." The magazine wins because now virtually everyone has heard of it -- how many of us knew or cared about Paper before today? -- and of course Kim wins because she's the trending story of the day again. And you can bet that some other magazine/website/what the hell ever is taking note and weighing the value of whoring themselves out with Kim in the interest of being the flavor of the day.


    It doesn't matter that the images are so obviously photoshopped (because no one -- even Kim, I'm sure -- believes she naturally looks like that). It doesn't matter that she's getting slammed and mocked by people for the shot. All that matters is that she's got all the attention she seems to endlessly crave.


    At some point, she's going to become a caricature of herself (I think she already is, but let's face it: she does have a fan base, somewhere). There will come a day when no one is going to buy what's she's selling. However, in the meantime, the internet is going to be her vehicle to relevancy, which means she's going to keep popping up like shit on your shoe whenever you least expect it and want it. Every time I wonder how she can outdo herself, she does and in the end, the only thing I can think is poor North. I say that because whenever Kim's shelf life finally comes to an end, North is going to be her vehicle for attention, much as Kim is for Kris.


    I have seen the "how can she do this to her daughter"/"she's a mother" comments, and truthfully, those arguments don't move me too much. People have short memories and by the time North is a teenager, this will be a footnote in Kim's long list of "accomplishments." My main issue with it where North is concerned is that this illustrates that Kim will do anything to get noticed. She exploits herself constantly and I hate to consider the likelihood that she'd exploit her own child. But as someone upthread noted, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Otherwise, this is an eminently mockable photo. Like her ass, it has a life all its own.

    • Love 7

    There are so many pieces of shit saying something negative about Kris's new relationship strictly because of race or they are harping on it because of their own racial hangups as if something is wrong.  People like that are the cancer of our society.  I wish they all could be rounded up, put on the edge of the world's tallest cliff and knocked off.  People swear they aren't racist or don't want to be called racist, yet they continually say racist things.  Like Oprah said, the racists just have to die.  Those will be joyous days.  If Kris wants to have fun with a younger man, more power to her.


    Well, there will always be racists; even Oprah can't change that.


    I have absolutely no problem with her relationship. Two consenting adults are two consenting adults as far as I'm concerned. I haven't seen comments about race, but I haven't looked beyond my initial look at the story. Dating a younger man doesn't make her look like a fool, nor does dating a black man, in my opinion. What does make her look like a fool is the obvious need for attention (see the Minnie Mouse get-up) and her desperate attempts to be young. She ain't young. She ain't old yet either, but let's face it: she's got more time behind her than she does in front of her. The only thing creepy about that relationship to me is that she appears to be trying to live a life like her daughter. Kris appears to be having a hard time accepting the fact that she's not young anymore, and I do understand that - it's a shock to realize your youth has suddenly evaporated. But it doesn't mean your best days are behind you and there are a lot of elements that are quite freeing with the experience that comes from actually living a life.


    It's not just because it's Kris Kardashian/Jenner that I'm put off by it; I see plenty of people who run around acting like age is a disease to be avoided. Everyone gets old and everyone dies, but it seems few want to acknowledge it. The constant obsession with youth and beauty is becoming alarming, in my opinion, and I think it's damaging. It leads to young, beautiful women altering their appearances so they meet some bizarre standard and ruining themselves in the process. Kim is a great example of this -- she was truly beautiful five years ago, and she had no reason to change her looks. Kris is not only embracing this trend, but is setting what I think is a sad example for her own children.


    As for Minnie Mouse, my first reaction was "well, it's kind of cute and thank God she didn't do Sexy Minnie Mouse," because you know she wanted to go there but someone had the sense to talk her out of it (or her own sense prevailed). But again, it smacks of a "hey look at me and take my picture!" Because it keeps them relevant and it keeps the money rolling in.

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    She's trying so hard to be Kim, that she needs mental help.


    You know, as a middle aged woman, I kinda applaud the women of the world who do what men get away with daily. If this was Bruce, no one would think much of him dating someone approximately 20 years younger than him -- it'd be backslaps and high fives all around from the guys. (Although I'm sure there would be plenty of comments wondering why a young woman would want to be with a dude who's had more plastic surgery then her . . .) It seems to me many of those couples look ridiculous because one half often ends up trying to look right with the other half -- and it's usually the older dude/woman doing something to make themselves look younger and more relevant, and in the end, they end up looking like an oldster trying desperately to look and be young again (Donald Trump and Hugh Hefner anyone?)


    Which is where this falls for me. Kris looks utterly stupid. She's trying way too hard to not be 58 years old. The shredded jeans, the sheer over-sized top, the high top tennis shoes -- did Kanye clean out her closet? Because that's what it looks like. And that outfit is not flattering on her.


    Listen, I don't think she should be wearing sansabelts and orthopedic shoes, and I certainly don't think she needs to cover her body up either. However, there's a happy middle ground somewhere that she could look good, fashionable and not so much like grandma. Helen Mirren, Anna Wintour, Julianne Moore, Michele Obama -- all women who are 50, 60, 70 ish that look great, fashionable and age appropriate when they walk out of the house. There is absolutely no reason Kris couldn't dress similarly; she's got all the resources in the world at her disposal. And I'd have looked at those pictures of a nicely dressed Kris Jenner and thought "hmmmm . . . she looks good and has a nice looking boyfriend" instead of doing a "what the ever-loving motherfucking god in heaven has she done to herself?"


    The whole series of pictures -- the outfit and the guy -- all make me suspect Artsda is on the money on this. And that's fucked up for everyone. You gotta wonder if she resents her daughter on some level.


    And this guy's age seems to range according to various reports, from 34 to 41. So he may be Kim's age which makes it even more interesting.

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  11. I wonder what Anna Wintour thinks of this tribute? That Vogue cover is just the gift that keeps giving and giving. Maybe they'll get North a pet guinea pig and name it Anna Wintour! Perhaps the Kardashian Kollection will get a very special line of clothes -- the Anna Wintour Line. The ways to honor and thank Anna Wintour must be endless.

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    Notice the phones in front of all of them? North doesn't do "lunch"? Not even for granddads Bday?


    Well, how on earth could they Instagram selfies of themselves at lunch if they didn't have their phones out? Seriously, it's an example of how people are so fucking attached to their phones they can't even put them away long enough to eat a meal. I won't blame an entire generation because I see plenty of people my own age out in a restaurant with other people, eating and staring into their phones. Hell, I've even watched people text while they're on dates. I think it's extremely rude and I have no problem calling out my friends if I notice them texting while we're out together having drinks or eating.


    I don't have any problem with a North-less birthday lunch, particularly since the other grandchildren are absent. And if North had been there, it would have meant even more reason for the paps to be involved. I think this is one occasion it was best to leave the kid at home. Aside from the phones at the ready, it's probably one of the more appropriate gatherings they could have had for him - lunch with his K daughters. Perhaps he did something with the boys later -- no mention of that.


    I'd be curious to see how they all interacted after the camera went away. Did they all talk and engage with each other, or were they each glued to their phones throughout the meal. Not for snarking purposes, but basically because I'm truly curious!

  13. The fact that Kim attempted to draw a comparison to her show and I Love Lucy made my head explode. I've read a few books about the making of that show and the work the writers put in to come up with creative, unusual and hilarious storylines. That was a groundbreaking show in so many ways: a woman who was the guiding force behind it, the use of the camera and live audience, one of the first openly mixed marriages and an early pregnancy on television (though they couldn't say the word "pregnant."). To compare having a camera crew follow you around all day on some invented storyline that was laid out to make your glamorous life more interesting to the work professional writers and performers did over the course of six years is shameful. Especially when the show can still stand up over 60 years later -- it's still fun to watch on a cold Saturday morning while you're stretched out on the couch. There ain't nothing Kardashian holding up after 60 years, no matter how much they nip, tuck and pull. Get the fuck over yourself and your stupid show.


    If reality tv wants respect, it needs to back away from people like the Kardashians and the Honey Boo Boos. Even if her shows were on a higher level than some of the other ones, she has to consider her genre and what she's lumped in with. They signed up for it, they make money off it and they need to accept that even if they're not actually trashy, they're still lumped in with a D-list category of television -- a very popular category, of course.


    And it probably is hard work for her, which is also a little mind-numbing for me. She'll never understand what it's like to have to actually work work -- like physical work, or getting fired or laid off, or having to prioritize how you'll spend your money or time because you don't have enough of either, work with people you don't like or don't like you or all the myriad of ways real people actually work in the real world. Kim wasn't raised to do real work, and I'm sure this is what she considers hard work. I also think if it was too hard, she'd stop in a minute simply because she can.

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    Right! 12-14 year old boys, with the rare exception, still look VERY MUCH like children. They are all awkward limbs. That kid playing Tommy was 20 years old, at least. Just made an already unbelievable storyline even more unbelievable. Or at the least, that the writers didn't even do us the service of thinking about something as simple as logic.



    My biggest problem with the finale is the casting of a 23 year old actor to play the (in canon) 12 or 13 year old Tommy Darmody.  He should have looked the same age (or younger since women mature faster) than Young Gillian and just didn't.  I would have liked it better if Joe Harper just reminded Nucky of Tommy, or more likely Jimmy since he barely knew Tommy and wouldn't have thought about him in years, but Joe Harper was actually just a random Depression-era thug going for survival the best way he knew how.


    Yes and yes! For a show that paid such attention to detail, this is a little mind-bendingly out of whack for me. And then when you add in all the issues of Tommy and Gillian and how and what Tommy knew . . . I won't say it ruined it for me because the series had a great run, but it sucks that it ended like that. I understand the beauty behind Tommy killing Nucky, but it seemed very forced and rushed, and one of the good things about the show is they didn't rush stuff. I remember the two seasons prior to this one I came close to giving up on the show (particularly during the Gyp season), but after about the fourth episode, everything really began to gel and come together. I realized I had to be patient and let them tell the story.


    So maybe it would have been different if they'd been allowed another four episodes, but I have a hard time accepting a grown man playing a teenager. Even if they soap-opera aged him a couple of years, it was still a mismatch -- that guy wouldn't have passed for 16; the youngest he would have had would have been in my mind is about a senior in high school.


    I do wonder what's up with HBO and the abbreviated final seasons. They did that to Treme, True Blood and Boardwalk Empire. I gave up on True Blood so I can't say how the shortened season affected it, but I really think Treme and Boardwalk Empire suffered from the shortened seasons. I'm sure it's tough for writers who are used to a certain pace in story-telling to have the season cut down by a quarter or third. In both cases, I kind of think the series would have been better-served by calling it done in the last full season. But maybe HBO is reacting to Carnivale outrage (but I doubt it).

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  15. Well, I'd hazard a guess my jeans were ripped before Kanye's were, though I didn't take the scissors to mine. And I have yet to see other men wearing whatever the fuck that was that showed off his rack in Paris. I may be wrong, but I'm not noticing famous people emulating his style. I guess you could make a case that the people that go to his concerts, buy the t-shirts and wear them out are emulating him because he does seem to wear a whole lot of Yeezus shirts. But baggy pants, leather, ripped jeans, over-sized t-shirts and hoodies are not anything new. They may come and go about how in and out they are at the moment, but they aren't new anymore than Fonzie wearing a leather jacket was new.



    Some people think that fashion is about one making his own rules and wearing what he wants with confidence.  Some people think it's boring to go along with the status quo.


    I see what you're saying here, and on one hand I agree. My take on it is Kanye thinks he's being "adventurous" or "rebellious" and "taking risks," where I see someone who's actually not very creative when it comes to dressing himself and lazy. Though it's definitely a statement to show up looking like shit for a nice event; whether it's a "fuck you" statement or a "please look at me statement" I don't know. For me, Lenny Kravitz pulls off the not boring and confident thing much better. I do have to wonder if Kanye was built differently if he'd be less inclined to wear the big shirts and hoodies. There's a lot of stuff he can't pull off and I don't think he's quite brave enough (or large enough) to go all Andre Leon Talley on us (another guy who dresses against the status quo, makes his own rules and pulls it off).

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    André Leon Talley is a friend of theirs, he was at the wedding, & he's a contributing editor at Vogue. He's not going to go against Anna Wintour & say anything different.


    Yeah, I know that. But Ralph Lauren? And Kim is one of Kate Moss's favorite people? I know it's Kate Moss, but still . . . And honestly, he doesn't have to say anything. And then there was chatter because Anna Wintour wasn't cozying up to them during fashion week, so I don't know that Anna Wintour has much to do with Andre Leon Talley in this instance. Perhaps ALT just wants his name out there on the interwebs.


    I guess it feels like these two are cockroaches. I thought she was done after the Kris Humphries debacle, but she came back with a vengeance with Kanye. Community service, questionable fashion choices (to include their daughter), paid dates and audience shaming/harassment at concerts don't make a dent in them or evidently their reputation.

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  17. I think North is a cute baby, but I think most babies are cute. I can think of one ugly baby I've met over the years and one beautiful (and I mean beautiful!) baby I've seen -- they're babies. It's like puppies and kittens: they're just cute (until they start with the temper tantrums). I don't think it's right for people to actually snark on a child's looks, but unfortunately, right now, North's clothes are kind of up for grabs as far as I'm concerned. She's not making her own fashion choices but her "fashion forward," in-the-know parents are, so I don't feel creepy about commenting about North's clothes. When she's old enough to make her own choices and hits that strange age when kids start putting the strangest stuff together, I'll cut her slack.


    As far as physical looks, I don't tend to comment on that unless people start messing with what they were born with to the extremes that people such as Kim and now Rene Zellweger (holy moly!!!) do. Their transition is literally part of the public record (especially Kim, given how much she works to keep her image out there) and it leaves the door open for comments.


    And it's true, Kim can't win when it comes to taking the kid out or leaving her at home. I don't have a problem with the kid jetting all over the world with her parents, but I do think adult settings, such as the front row of a fashion show, is not cool for a variety of reasons. My sense is that Kim and Kanye have no idea what they're doing/how they're raising their child and that it changes according to whatever is going on in their lives. It's interesting to me, however, that there are now stories appearing about North's pampered life (no pun intended), including the chef, etc and that Kim is dressing her child to match her, which is downright creepy in some instances (black see-through dress!). So it kind of gives the impression that North's appearances are often more for publicity than your general "we're out chilling with our kid." Kim and Kanye have such a "hey look at me!!!!" history that I can't help but be suspicious when they bring North out. That's what drives a lot of my criticism.

    • Love 5

    Kanye: " we'll go to the movies, so the paps can get pics and by the time we leave I bet we have tons of emails from those top designers who have been dissing my stuff. My billion dollar company is just a pair of scissors away!"

    Correction: according to Kanye that's a TRILLION DOLLAR company.


    Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. These two are so awesome for all the laughs they provide. The gift that keeps giving and giving.

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    Kanye looks just as bad.


    You know, I was going to post something to this effect yesterday. I'm all for being able to chill out and wear what's comfortable in your down time -- sweats, jeans, shorts, t-shirts. Whatever floats your boat. But Kim's get-up does not look comfortable at all (I mean, how does she even sit in those pants?) and while Kanye does look comfortable, that is an unflattering look on him. After seeing his moobs in Paris and now this, it seems like he's dressing to cover his expanding torso. Seriously. I went through a phase in my 20s when I thought that large t-shirts would minimize and they surely didn't. I only looked like I was trying to cover it up.


    Normally I don't care what celebrities wear when they're out and about and just being themselves (whatever that is for these two), however, considering Kanye holds them both up as fashion icons to be emulated and admired, I have to call him out on this look. Of course, he'd just say that I'm an ignorant hater who doesn't get it. Which I guess I am. I suppose if you sew the right label into your leather jogging pants, oversized t-shirt, too-tight jeans and trashy shirt it doesn't matter how bad they make you look. As long as it costs a lot to look like shit, it must be fine.


    I have to add I'm grateful they left North behind for this because I couldn't comprehend the matching outfit in this case.

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