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Posts posted by Maysie

  1. I kind of agree that there's not a whole hell of a lot either Bruce or Kris can do at this point, aside from Frost's excellent point about cutting her off financially. However they won't do that and really, they created this monster so at this point in time they still have responsibility to/for her. But there is a point when a child doesn't have to listen to his/her parents anymore. That's not saying they shouldn't, but we all learn at some point that we can say no, and we do. Most of us get some sort of consequence for it (grounded, extra chores, etc). It's part of the process of growing up and it's a give and take between parents and kids. I sense that didn't happen for Kylie and that her "No!" was either met with an "okay" or ignored.


    It appears that there wasn't a whole lot of parenting going on in this family on any level. If you took away the fame and the money, and forced them to live the life the rest of us do, I wonder how many of the Kardashian/Jenner kids would be self-supporting, self-sufficient adults. Kendall seems to have picked it up but Kylie, not so much.

  2. Well, here's the thing about Kim's fame: she has been all over the place and has really forged a name for herself. My take on it is that she has a sizable legion of fans who will love her no matter what. The sex tape, the tv special wedding, nude pictures, vapid statements -- none of it matters, none of it changes their opinion or devotion. So they'll eat up whatever she's selling, including this new airbrushed image.


    People who watch the show with a critical eye and people who see her as just another famewhore will see it for what it is and roll their eyes. And the few people that don't know who she is or have no opinion of her, well, maybe they'll be fooled by her new compassionate persona, but I kind of think they will gloss right over it (because if they haven't formed an opinion about her by now, they just simply don't care).


    So my guess is that it's not really going to gain her anything because part of the problem with her level of fame is people have formed very strong opinions of her.


    If she wants to change the public's view of her, she needs to work for it. That doesn't mean hanging out with J Lo and Beyonce. Nor does it mean attaching your name to a cause. You have to work for that kind of respect, and that means more than taping a psa and writing a check. Kind of like Audrey Hepburn did and Angelina Jolie does. It has to be a passion. And I think just about everyone can agree that Kim's biggest passion is reserved for herself.

    • Love 9

    Of course she was pissed, all the really, REALLY cool kids were ringside.


    God, it pains me to say this, but based on the Met pictures, Kim's in. Consider who was willing to pose and be photographed with her -- Lady Gaga, J Lo, etc. Do they like her? I have no idea. But it seems that she's accepted, at least for now. I don't think that's going to change as long as she's with Kanye or unless he really goes off the deep end. He's going to have to be the one to pull the plug on the relationship I think. My guess is that Kim -- or Kris -- is self-aware enough to know that without Kanye, she can kiss the Met Gala, Vogue and all the other high-end opportunities goodbye. I'm sure they could have been ringside if they wanted to be.


    I think we're stuck with her, no matter what happens to the tv show, as long as Kanye keeps her around.


    God that's annoying.

  4. After reading about the Sears stuff, I went to Sears.com to look at the Kardashian Kollection - it's like a fire sale! There's not much available. What floored me was the dress that was $189 and marked down to $29.99. $189 for a dress at Sears??? The hell! So no wonder it's dying. You can pay less for better quality at Macy's and Nordstrom.


    I'd say if there is a backup plan it probably is Penny's.

  5. Ahh, the Met Gala. Always good for snark thanks to the usual suspects.


    As for Kris, when I saw that dress I had a what the holy hell am I looking at??? moment. It's not just her face (though in that shot she looks a lot older than she should). It's that awful dress she's wearing. I'm sure it's just the way the fabric is draping, but it almost looks as though her dress has two different sleeves on it. I guess we should be grateful that it's appropriate for her age, but the whole thing is off for me.


    Kim, Beyonce and Jennifer - blah. Blah blah blah blah blah. I am so freaking tired of these (and other) young women wearing this sheer bullshit. It's on the red carpet virtually all the time now; someone has to show up flashing lots of skin. Maybe it was exciting and new a few years ago, but now it's just a big yawn. How many ways can you decorate lady parts? Whenever I see a sheer dress now, I automatically hate it, no matter who's wearing it, how she looks in it and what sort of detail and embellishment is involved. It's boring and attention-whorish all at the same time, if that makes sense. I guess "look at me! No really, LOOK AT ME!! I'm almost naked!!!" is the vibe I get from anyone wearing sheer.


    The theme of the gala was "China Through the Looking Glass" or something along those lines and all three women showed absolutely no imagination and took the "looking glass" theme literally (and the easy way out). Frankly, we should expect more from people like Jennifer and Beyonce who are supposed to be creative artists. I'll give Kim a bit of a pass because I don't think anyone's ever accused her of actually having an imagination or a creative streak. I expect some outlandishness at the Met Gala, but sheer gowns aren't outlandish. They're becoming old and tired. I don't like SJP's getup, and Solange's is crazy, but at least they put some thought into what they were wearing. Kim, Beyonce and Jennifer took the easy route.


    Kim does look bigger in that dress than she has in recent pics when she's been covered up, so I'd say this is literally revealing her use of spanxx and corsets.


    Regarding Beyonce, the ladies at Go Fug Yourself summed up my thoughts about her pretty well ("unoriginal"!).


    And Rhianna was a wow! Totally over the top but man, she owned it and looked beautiful.

    • Love 4
  6. I love the fact that both of the Veep's weddings included "Every Breath You Take." That's such a creepy song. Kind of beautiful, but really stalkerish.


    I'm wondering if Teddy/Veep is behind the data breach.


    I thought the episode was a bit confusing as well re HIV girl and the mailing list.

    • Love 1

    The fact is Hayley is smarter than Blair thinks. The fact is Hayley is smarter than Blair. Period. (She got that rebus puzzle, which puzzled all the rest of them, really quickly).

    Well, hell, I guess I'm smarter than Blair too because I got the puzzle really fast! ;-)


    The only fact I know is that Blair and Hayley are partners on a race. I don't know one is smarter than the other. I don't know how much one has or hasn't apologized. I know what I see on tv and then I build some opinions around it.


    My opinion is that Hayley's at least smart enough to be an ER nurse and Blair's smart enough to be a doctor, for whatever that's worth (which isn't much, imo). I don't know anything about their actual character, but based on what I see, I see a woman who seems to abdicate responsibility for race decisions to her partner and then berates him for his choices. I also see a guy who appears to be tuning her out because of her never-ending litany of comments, complaints and criticisms. Now that may cost him a million dollars -- or rather half a million -- but perhaps he values his sanity more than that half a million.


    I absolutely understand that there could be a whole mess of editing magic going on here, however the caveat is always the editors work with what they have. Hayley's coming off in a poor light (too me) because she gave them plenty to work with. I guess we'll find out at the end of the race when everyone is free to talk if the editors took a lot of liberty or if they were pretty accurate. But for now, team Blair.


    And if Hayley is that much smarter than Blair then she ought to be smart enough to know she needs to reel her bullshit in and start racing as an equal. And that means paying attention when your partner's getting directions. And it means at least carrying her own fucking pack if she's going to constantly criticize her partner. It's a bit disingenuous to bitch and moan at him while he's literally carrying your shit.

    • Love 13

    Why is Kim the one who is giving interviews? Out of everyone in the family how did she become the family spokesperson?


    Well, she is the one that's most talked about in the family. Love or hate her, everyone talks about her so of course the media outlets want to talk to her about it because she's the one that makes the headlines.


    She really can't take the lead on navigation (she wasn't sure about the H-- street in Amsterdam either). Her only way to function is to let Blair decide and then nitpick him to death.


    I don't think she can take the lead on anything. I mean she couldn't even deal with a tent that was already set up. I have a sneaking suspicion that it allows her to always be right and if they lose, it's because Blair did something wrong.

    • Love 7

    But Blair CAN'T listen to her.  he has to tune her out.  Her one little "hey, is that the street?"  is buried in a constant screaming/complaining/blaming barrage, so it would take a lot of concentration on her words to pick out the relevant information, while reading the signs, following the directions and bicycling.

    Yeah, I'm feeling about the same. God and Blair only know if it ever ends with her, but I can tell you after what I heard during that bike ride I was tuning her out. It's not just the fact her voice is shrill but it's her constant criticizing and complaining. I'm thinking it's becoming a survival skill for him to get through the race at this point.

    • Love 8
  11. Oh for fuck's sake. Hayley is insane!!!! Blair was maybe a bike length or two in front of her and she was bitching about not being able to keep up with him? It's been a while since a racer has irritated me as much as she has.


    Blair's really putting up with her bullshit quite well; I have to wonder if he carried a prescription pad with him on the race.

    • Love 8
  12. I think Kendall's the only one that looks good in that shot. Her clothes fit well and it's stylish without being slutty. Khloe is taking a page from Kim's book with her girls just busting out all over. Kris looks ridiculous in that get-up and Kourtney is passable, though it looks like she's also channeling Kim with her long sleeves. Kylie's get-up speaks for itself.


    It kind of puts me in mind of Kendall playing the role of the successful city girl enduring a visit from her country bumpkin relatives.

    • Love 3

    Yeah I don't think this is all for the show. I mean maybe it is for everyone but Rob but there does seem to be a real legit issue.


    And that's the problem I have with this. Even if he agreed to have this stuff on the air, you'd think someone in this vulgar, famewhoring family would care enough to say "no, I think Rob should be out of bounds while he works through his issues." But no one is. Not one of them. And so it's pretty obvious money, ratings, fame is more important than any single member of this family. They are truly loathsome.

    • Love 2

    As much as I realize this family lives for exploiting everything I do not believe for a 2nd what Rob is going through is something made up so he has a story on KUWTK.  If they plan to address it on the show thats one thing but I really do believe hes got some major problems. Call me naive but yeah, not buying it. Hes been a recluse for months and faking being depressed just so this could pave the way for a mention on the show? I dont know what came first his weight gain or the depression but I'm sure they go hand and hand. IMO he started going down hill when Adrienne broke up with him, then whatever the hell went down living with Khloe and Lamar.


    And for me, if this is true, it makes this "storyline" worse. I can't imagine how on earth putting it on tv to be dissected by his family for millions to view is going to help him. I do feel bad for him if he's fighting depression, but, if he's actively participating in playing out the drama on tv, then I don't feel quite so bad. And I have to think he is participating on some level, given his Gone Girl instagram. The timing is entirely too coincidental.


    Listen: Rob is never going to be poverty-stricken, living in rags, camping under bridges, eating beans out of a can. He does not have to participate in something that likely does nothing to improve his mental health. It seems to me, if he really feels the way he claims he does, he wouldn't be a storyline on the show. And that's why something doesn't feel right. I wonder if he has a contractual obligation to appear and if the family's holding him to it?


    I can see a possibility that the weight gain happened and he kept to himself because of it, but then it was built into something more for the show -- "Rob's Depressed." Just spitballing because it's still fishy to me.

    • Love 1
  15. I have to wonder about his "condition" being part of an actual storyline. It seems kind of fucked up to me. Is he allowing this to be part of the show as a way to get compensated for it? Is it all fabricated for the show? Is it exaggerated? Something about this is weird to me because it seems to me that if he were really in a true depressive state, there wouldn't be so much staged discussion about it. And I find it odd that he's conveniently making statements comparing Kim to Gone Girl a week or two before the episode they talk about him.


    Maybe I'm way too cynical about this group. However, you can't argue with the track record -- a lot of Bruce's transition stuff hit the tabloids right before the season kicked off and now Rob's suddenly back in discussion after months off the radar; they're both storylines, it appears, to some extent. So what the fuck? Either way it makes them look bad, imo -- they're either exploiting someone's life situation (albeit willingly) or they're making it up for tv.


    On a shallow note, both Kim and Khloe look horrible in that clip, imo. Both Kim and Khloe have some really awful lips going on and they both look quite plastic.

    • Love 2

    E! should just go ahead and change its name to K!  If Kris was really a boss she would own E! by now.


    Is this to make us think the Kardashians actually work? Are we supposed to see them being real and nice to "the help?" I know that ultimately, it's just another means to milk the E! cash cow (because you know the Kardashians now own a piece of everyone that's going to appear on this show). I guess I have to hand it to Kris; she must realize that there's a shelf-life even for the Kardashians and this is her way of making sure they can get their piece of the pie, even when the Kardashians themselves have finally outlasted their welcome.


    Well I don't put my kids in things that they can chew on like fur so maybe we differ on that.  Sure she probably will survive adulthood but I would never put my child in clothing they can choke on like the fur. I'm sure your brother wasn't dressed in spiders to eat, right? She's dressed in fur she can chew on. It would be the same with having buttons for her to chew on as well.  Don't dress a baby in clothes they can choke on is what I say. My opinion though. I'm probably wrong though. I grew up that way and my kids too so who knows.


    I was seeing this from the chewing perspective; I never imagined a child would choke on a fur coat. I totally agree kids shouldn't be wearing, or playing with, stuff that presents a choking hazard, but I don't see how fur meets that standard. Yeah, she may chew on it, or even pull on the hair, but I sense these aren't furs that shed/pull out in amounts that's she's going swallow enough to choke on or cough up a hairball. What little experience I've had with fur (I knew a fur designer) is that the hair doesn't pull out of the coat; it wouldn't be wearable if it did. Dollars to donuts if she chews on the fur she won't be allowed to wear it long because it'll get all spitty and disgusting and I doubt that would be tolerated. Frankly, Kim's dagger-like nails are more of a hazard to North than the clothes she's wearing at this point, imo.


    And no, he was not dressed in spiders! I don't even think he dressed as spiderman for Halloween, which really, was a missed opportunity. ;-)


    Does Kim/Kanye have some photos/secret on Anna? She's named an It Girl and it's for the ugly, child friendless clothing they put her in.   Not only friendless the designs were ugly.   A child in fur that they can grab on to and chew on the fur (lets face it the dimwit mom won't watch her unless it's a photo op) or having your child in a bullet proof vest. Yes that's being It Girl worthy......Wow.   Vogue you  are beyond laughable now.


    North chewing on a bit of fur isn't going to kill her - kids pick up stuff and put it in their mouths all the time and most survive into adulthood just fine (my brother ate spiders, for example). Though I think most of what they've paraded North in around is crap, what I take offense with is when they had their toddler daughter in the black sheer thing. I understand part of Anna Wintour's job is promoting fashion, and there's a whole area up for debate about what's fashion and body image and all that stuff. But who in God's green earth thinks it's right, cute or appropriate to put a child who's not even two years old in trashy lingerie? Who??? Anna Wintour, that's who. I don't care if North had otherwise been the best dressed baby on the planet; that little move right there should have been enough to make her a Definitely Not It Girl.


    Listen, if Kim wants to dress cheap, if she wants to look like a two dollar whore, that is her business. She can look like shit all day long. She can show off her breasts, she can flash her bits, she can show her ass all day, every day if she wants. She's making that choice for herself. Kanye may influence her or he may not. The point is, she can say no. At North's age, she doesn't have a choice. She wears what they put her in. And frankly, I'll take the fur (even though I'm against that) or the bullet proof vest any day of the week over a negligee. For fuck's sake, she's not even two. Maybe I'm old fashioned or maybe it's my inherent feminism coming out, but I see that fashion choice as sexualizing a baby. I have a problem with little pageant girls and I have a problem dressing a toddler to match her tarted up, prostitute-channeling mother.


    And don't get me started about trotting the poor child out for the paps. I think a lot of North's "wardrobe choices" are made with the paps in mind; they need something to say about them beyond "Kim and Kanye walked to the car with North."


    As far as Anna Wintour goes - what the fuck ever. I don't know if Anna Wintour genuinely likes Kanye or if she feels she needs to appease him to stay relevant -- I guess we'll never know. But I hate that in doing it, she's blessed them for essentially dressing their child akin to a stripper.

    • Love 4
  19. Ehhh, they're Calvin Klein ads. Honestly, they all look alike to me, which makes her a good choice, I suppose. Brooke Shields was controversial because of the "nothing comes between me and my Calvins - nothing" statement. So hard to believe everyone got all up in arms over the implication that (gasp!) Brooke wasn't wearing any underwear!!! Oh how times have changed.


    I can't argue with Kendall doing what she's doing. It's actually refreshing to see someone in this family make a living that's independent of the stupid tv show and isn't fucking with her natural appearance in pursuit of a random standard of beauty and relevance. Perhaps if she stays busy she'll avoid a lot of that mess.

    • Love 2
  20. TC New Orleans news in Nola:


    Justin opened a new restaurant which is wonderful. The only thing meh for us was the shrimp croquettes, but everything else was really excellent. The man knows how to prepare shrimp and he's ruined me for anywhere else now. The neighbors went and said there were some service issues but they didn't care at all because the food was so delicious (but if that's a thing, they need to fix it).


    And Nina is opening a restaurant in Nola -- woohoo!

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