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Everything posted by Safadao

  1. Some thoughts - andre always is threatened that his masculinity is being threatened and lashes out. - Natalie is crazy. Mike and her deserve each other. 😂 - michael needs to get his penis back from Angela - jovi and yara are both behaving instinctively - Jen (Libby’s sister) is kinda hot with her thiccness. She’s the most attractive person on the entire show. (After chuck of course 🙄) - Asuelo’s family must be the worst worst worst family in the entire world. -so not surprised that Stephanie and Magda on Pillow talk are for Natalie. To them a woman can never be too crazy - because they themselves are just as nuts and unreasonable with their expectations
  2. Just finished this episode. Tiff and Ron - what a train wreck. Even if these two toxic people were to meet normal healthy people - Tiffany’s impulsivity and pathologic denial and Ronald’s douchebaggery would pollute the healthy folks. These two therefore are PERFECT for each other. Mike & Nat - she is nuts but compared to momma boy and Annie Oakley - she evokes sympathy. Mike is so mentally immature to be an adult let alone a husband. I think Mike and his mom are now the most hated people on this show. Maybe ever. Brandon / Julia - Joel osteen needs to grow some balls and learn to defend his wife when someone is accusing her of marrying him just for a green card. Julia - if I were you - leave the wimp as soon as your green card comes. andrei / Libby - Andrei is a douchebag on steroids and also demonstrates a wussy “victim” complex. Libby’s family members are taking turns showing how evil humans can be. Also, all this focus on plastic surgery is on Angela but it’s so obvious that Libby’s sisters are routinely getting work done. Probably for this show. Angela /Michael - clearly Michael has no power as a husband or a man. His financial dependence on Angela basically has castrated him. Angela - go get all the work that money can buy but stop thinking that you are a person that is open minded. You always do what you want and find ways to justify it. Your smoking is clearly a sign of this. lani/usuelo - just get divorced already. Please. jovi - I don’t know why but she annoys the crap out of me and I can’t even remember her name. She is so all about herself and is a constant victim. I personally can’t stand her more than even mikes mom. 😱
  3. Amira behaves like a woman who is abused and is having post traumatic stress. Andrew is one of the most selfish self-centered immature douche this show has ever had. He’s a fat f*ck and makes Colt look like an angel. Rebecca is trying to re-live her twenties. But she is as insecure as hell and will be miserable and will ultimately drive zied away. She has cute eyes but the rest of her is a mess. Zied is meh. He’s genuine. Likes video games and likes his sugar mama paying for things. I can’t respect guys like this (like Ryan and Harris) Yara has the unfortunate habit of sounding like she is whining with everything she says. She was hard to listen to all season. Jovi is learning how to pay attention to her. I think they may work out in the end. The baby does help them stay together. Hazel looks as if someone has given her anabolic steroids as her head is getting bigger and bigger everytime I see her. She is not an attractive woman. And she wants a girlfriend? I can’t think of a worse way to start a relationship. Tarik will get bored of Hazel quickly. Mike is not sure if Natalie is the right woman for him he should have done the right thing and stood by his decision not to marry but he wussed out and now is married to the high IQ vegetarian insecure nut job. Oh well, he will learn Natalie will cry a river of tears over the next several years as she will be upset with every drink that Mike drinks, every piece of red meat that Mike consumes and every pound that mike gains Julia is young and naive I find her genuine. She was my favorite person this season. Brandon needs to grow a pair and cut the cord
  4. Michael deserves everything coming to him: 1. the constant yelling and berating 2. the “you can’t ever look at another woman” yelling 3. the putrid smell of cigarettes when Angela sticks her tongue in his mouth 4. his spine getting crushed whenever she is on top 5. the aroma of old sweat that was trapped between all the skin folds - especially when her breasts are lifted up 6. the constant manipulation and shaming and controlling he deserves it all because he is a 100% free man to make his own decisions and he made them I have not one bit of sympathy for this loser of a man. He is not a victim.
  5. Theme of this show: women discover too late that they cannot change their husbands
  6. This show never fails to make me feel better ... because of the trashy lowlifes that they show on the screen that is why we all watch ... it makes us feel better. We can’t be as bad as the trash they show on the screen. 😂
  7. Because of this show, I will forever see Samoans as born moochers. It must be in their blood. to the point that grandparents want grandchildren to be discarded for their well being.
  8. I agree with everyone who thinks Rose is a scammer. Ed is a scumbag as well. Maybe they were perfect for each other
  9. Steph’s obnoxious friends tells me a lot about Steph herself. That she can be friends with these miserable cretins
  10. Steph is the most toxic person on this season. I feel really bad for Erica. Erica will one day find happiness. Steph will be miserable her whole life because as in her own words, “this is not how I expected It to turn out”
  11. Darcy - if she ever got a ring and got married, she would become so depressed afterwards because she would not know what to do with herself. She has nothing more to chase. She is a black hole of insecurity - nothing will fill that. No diamond, no boob job, no amount of Botox or man candy will fill that hole. I feel bad for her but she will never be happy with that black hole. Tom - he is a narcissist. He is on this show because he wants to be on TV. He has his motives and goals and he actually is quite “normal” because his narcissism explains all his behavior. (on a side note, it is just me or does that lady in the cat meme look like Darcy? Do all people who get plastic surgery end up looking the same?)
  12. Evelin is a stupid superficial heartless selfish beyotch and Corey is the stupidest man on the earth. evelin wants Corey to get a six pack before she wants him. I can’t wait until her boobs sag and her belly hangs over after the baby and she starts getting wrinkles and gaining weight. By her own standards, Corey can demand that she look beautiful for him or he will sleep with someone else. and this crap about the man providing and buying everything - yep that is correct but you better be home and be willing to have sex and do whatever I want when I get home. She’s a piece of garbage if there ever was one. god I hate the whole country of Ecuador because of her
  13. I would ... Fuck Jennifer Kill Rebecca and Tom Marry Avery’s mom
  14. Rebecca = drama whore. She loves triggering people and then loves to criticize how they react. She’s an emotional parasite - lives off the juices of human misery and anger.
  15. Akini looks like Lebron James clean shaven and with a braided weave
  16. Tom - what a buffoon!! He totally looks like a white man trying to do a Latin dance. He thinks he looks good but he isn’t good. (Real salsa dancers - please back me up.) And the sweatier he gets the more ridiculous he looks. what I can’t stand is that he clearly brought Darcey here to show off “his dance moves”. He clearly was not hugged enough as a child and he needs his ego massaged regularly. Once was cricket and tonight it’s salsa. What a dick move to bring a woman to a dance club and then leave her alone most of the night. I can’t this narcissistic attention starved insensitive unmasculine bum
  17. Rebecca and Darcy are the worst because they are manipulative. Rebecca more than Darcy. angela is genuine - extremely crude but honest. So she’s above Rebecca and Darcy. bikini is clueless. So is Avery. Avery is stubbornly clueless. Bikini is just a box of rocks. Jennifer seems genuine except I don’t understand why she would be attracted to a flaming guy like Tim. So it makes me think she has another motive but for now she seems legit.
  18. OMG! English people are so creepy. Tom, the cheesy narcissist and his 300 lb sister who puts on makeup like a circus clown along with the alien faced boyfriend can easily be a freak show all on their own.
  19. And Jennifer is really unattractive. I am picturing Jamie Foxx playing the ugly girl with fat pouty lips.
  20. Rebecca is the person that annoys me the most. For me, she started annoying me with her stupid filtered childish pictures. Everything about her is about deception and hiding. She shoves her obese body into tight clothes but of course we can obviously see that she is still very fat. She cakes her face with layers of makeup to hide herself and her age. She hides the fact that she is still married. she wants to find “true love” but has no idea how to be genuine herself. Now everytime she talks I want to smack her humongous underbite chin. God she annoys me to death.
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