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Posts posted by JarlenaFan2024

  1. 3 minutes ago, scorpio1031 said:



    OK for some reason the board is not quoting the posts correctly.  When did Heather announce she was moving/has moved back to Az?

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  2. 58 minutes ago, EricaShadows said:

      I suspect that Kelli has essentially released the squad to do what they will until Finals, partially because of Heather moving back to Arizona

    When did we hear this?  Sorry I'm behind (as usual)

  3. I haven't seen this posted anywhere and if it has been apologies:  Looks like prelims and semis are video submissions and Finals is "in person" in Dallas TBD.

    Based on the last time I saw Ky's Governor (I know he doesn't have anything to do with this) and President Trump speak, I don't see how the country can be at the point to allow in person auditions ANY time soon.

  4. 1 hour ago, Holly85 said:

    Football season isn’t starting until September he addressed sports today !!!! We are basically at the mercy of our governors in each of our states 

    Then I can pretty much forget about the 2 concerts I have tickets for this summer/fall (one in Indiana and one in TN)

  5. Do we know if Texas governor is going to be OK with restarting the economy? I can't see them being able to have TC in any form unless that can happen.  I'm also not holding out much hope for my home state of Ky (I think our Governor is going to dig his heels in about restarting the economy).

  6. 4 minutes ago, Tdoc72 said:

    Those two ladies came from North Jersey, which has a lot of cases, & drove to KY for church. He was the one that chose to have services but I got the impression he wasn’t happy about those ladies. 

    Yes! That's the incident I was talking about.  Are you in Ky?

  7. 1 hour ago, dreamcatcher said:

    I don’t think the us is actually on lockdown? All european countries that are on lockdown require some sort of permits for every trip outside of one’s home. If she was able to travel, I assume it’s been requested to shelter in place but it’s not required by law? 


    1 hour ago, DCC-UK said:

    Are you allowed to travel? We're only allowed out in the UK for exercise once a day, for food/medicine or to travel to work as a key worker. Going around to visit friends and family is the worst thing to do as it spreads the virus quicker in enclosed spaces.

    Where I live we're allowed to travel locally (governor says don't travel to other states but I don't see how he can enforce that.  He also said that people that came in from another state to attend a church service yesterday had "brought the virus in" which is wierd) and visit "essential" businesses like grocery stores, pharmacies and pet supply stores to name a few (everything else is closed).

  8. 15 hours ago, ByTor said:

    I'm pretty sure that her rookie year.  Wasn't that when Kelli found pictures of her wearing caution tape as a Halloween costume?  I wonder if she knew people on the inside, someone like Ika was "the girl last night", but at least she was wearing clothes in her "party-girl" pictures.

    Yeah I think that's what she was wearing.  I really couldn't get a good look at it.

    20 hours ago, Gingi1976 said:

    Think you’re talking about Kandi Harris. I believe she was injured, but don’t know the details.

    Any idea what her injury was? Was she sidelined the entire season?

  9. Was season 3 Whitney Isleib's rookie season?  Still trying to figure out how she got on the team with whatever picture Kelli had found of her.

    ETA - who was that that said "Vets have been cut before but we're not thinking about that now cause that's not gonna happen" then she got cut?

    How many years did Joannah Liad audition before she made it?


    During the first rehearsal the exact same girl that was sitting in street clothes in a later rehearsal was sitting in this rehearsal in the exact same street clothes.  Who was that again?  It wasn't Sarah Gourley who I thought it was at first.

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  10. 20 hours ago, Kimrs said:

    I am working from home, so I have the DCC channel on Pluto on in the background.  I am trying to imagine how they would cut a vet at finals and not invite them back into training camp using digital tryouts.  Can they even have Prelims, Semis and Finals?  So many questions.

    I hope CMT makes up its mind if it's going to have MTT this year soon so I can drop that part of my cable package if not.  I barely have the tv on for "news" and only have the cable package that includes CMT so I can catch it in reruns online (on a "normal" Friday, I'm supposed to be at our local hospital volunteering, but even THAT might be still on hold this fall due to #Covid19).

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  11. 48 minutes ago, KickPretty said:

    Where did her IG go?  



    47 minutes ago, Holly85 said:

    She deactivated it 

    Hmm wonder if that means she's not reauditioning?  Or if people were being stupid on there? I don't even find it in a search.

  12. Just saw on Twitter where Sam Finglass is graduating from college in May.   Anyone know what she wound up majoring in? 


    On 4/2/2020 at 7:56 AM, parrotfeathers said:

    I hate to ask this ignorant question but -- can a person use Instagram on a computer?  I've never been interested before but now I learn Ina Gartin is using Instagram and doing cooking and recipes by it.  I really like her ideas.

    I hate to admit this (because I used to despise instagram) but it's actually easier to use the IG app on iPhone or Android (for me)

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  13. 1 hour ago, scorpio1031 said:

    I think the issue with Brittany was showing up to something that was being filmed, and not being DCC ready.  But these days with social media, the girls and Kelli, for that matter, are pretty casual when at home.

    She showed up to uniform fittings still dressed from working in a daycare or someplace with kids.  No makeup, hair up and sloppy clothes.  Surprised Kelli waited to cut her until the next practice.  Was it the next practice that she didn't know the answer to a question Kelli asked her as well?

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  14. On 4/2/2020 at 5:55 AM, dreamcatcher said:


    I’m not sure what the situation is in the US, but we are currently on lockdown. However, when the first measures where implemented when you had to have a good reason to be out, having a gathering at home of 8 people max was just fine. Having a small gathering with friends at home is hardly irresponsible, especially when all of you are self isolating and even if you give it to one another you’re not going out to spread it more. 8 people was a bit much to me, but it sounds like Julia only invited 2 people?I understand things are uncertain but I think this hardly qualifies as a reckless behavior. Tell that to all these people who don’t believe this is a threat and refuse to stay home or refuse to close their business/stop working. Ooor maybe the head of states who refuse to take drastic measures....

    Here in Ky we're not on "lockdown" but all restaurants that can't do carryout are closed.  Stores and businesses that aren't "essential" are closed.  Grocery stores are either trashed or just plain understocked.  I've been looking DAILY 2-3 places for toilet paper and only yesterday found some at my regular grocery.  Stuff that you wouldn't normally think of people hoarding they are.  Not sure I can take another month of this but according to what I've heard it could be "months".

    Just seen on twitter (putting it here because it's about auditions)




    26 minutes ago, rungirl46 said:

    Does anyone know where I can watch seasons 1 & 2?  I apologize if this question has been answered previously. 

    They'll cycle around on Pluto eventually.  Unless you buy them (and I'm not sure where they're available for purchase) Pluto is the only place to see them unfortunately 😞 .


    ETA - I just looked and iTunes starts with season 3.

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