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Posts posted by JarlenaFan2024

  1. 8 minutes ago, Shady580 said:

    Can we add Anne Hathaway. I dont even have a reason, I just dont like her.

    And to keep it DCC. There was something about Brooke S. Ally Trailer, Immature Taylor, Vivian, Chelsea, and Victoria that I just dont like either. It's a vibe they give off. And Lexie. I met Lexie. She had that vibe.

    Who was this? Picture?

  2. Not sure if this has been shared here before and I'm not going to share the IG link because it's private.  I googled former TCC Kalli Fullerton and found this was her name now:  Kalli Fullerton Doubleday, PhD.

    Did NOT know she was married OR had her PhD.  I'm pretty sure it's the same Kalli cause she's followed by Cassie Trammel and Kelsey Bond.  Is this really little Kalli that auditioned for DCC if so, this is NEAT!

    • Love 4
  3. Watching Episode 204:  Brittany D'Alesandro didn't know trivia two nights in a row.  Should have been cut WAY before she showed up to uniform fittings looking like she did.

    That girl Victoria shouldn't have been brought into TC at her weight.  She wasn't "overweight" but there was no way she was going to get where she needed to be as fast as they wanted her to.  Ratings.

    Who was the girl that wore the cat suit/mask for her solo in season 2?

  4. 3 hours ago, ByTor said:

    Here is your thread to discuss/speculate on who may be auditioning for the 2020-2021 DCC squad.

    Do we include current cheerleaders in this discussion or is the discussion on if they'll reaudition to be in the "Current" thread?

  5. 38 minutes ago, scorpio1031 said:

    I can't even post an IG story:)  

    We need to get you lessons then 🙂

    39 minutes ago, Pksbena1 said:

    It was Brittney Evans. Jordan is shown hugging her dad. Brittney’s husband said, ‘I’m married to a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader!’ Jordan and Brittney sound alike and are very close friends. 


    Ohhhhhhh geez.  I can't believe I thought she was Jordan C.  Thanks! ETA - is it me or does hubby look younger than Brittany?

    • Love 2
  6. 3 minutes ago, scorpio1031 said:

    It's Brittney.  They are both blondes with Minnie Mouse voices🤣

    I still love Brooke getting ready to make fun of the DCC who had family there in bright pink t-shirts until she realized it was her family:)  

    Ha! I remember the part with Brooke's family! Do you have any way of getting a screenshot of Brittney and hubby? That'd be really helpful 🙂

    I gotta go to bed but I'll check in ASAP in the AM

  7. 3 minutes ago, scorpio1031 said:

    Maybe you're thinking of Brittney Evans?  She was married when she made the squad.

    No. And I wish I could show you the scene in MTT I'm thinking of.  Jordan Chanley's husband was all excited at the Meet The Team event her rookie season "I'm married to a Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader!!!!"  Anyone else remember this? I know I'm not mistaken but I can't find any pics of the meet the team event Jordan's rookie season to reference.  It was the same season Jordan Baum made it her rookie season and she and her mother were shown either right before Jordan and her husband or right after.

  8. 27 minutes ago, CrazyMoon said:

    I recently updated, which did take for damn ever to install! I've been away for several days, we'll see if it gets bigger, better, faster!


    I just looked up the update contents of the one I got last night.  Absolutely NOTHING I find NECESSARY to the operation of this PC whatsoever!!!!! 

    Here's another link with info on it.  Again....NOTHING I can't live without!

  9. 1 minute ago, go4luca said:

    One hour.  Can't remember if Netflix offers a week trial but if so, you could maybe do that and binge the show since it's only 6 episodes.  I watched the entire series in 2 days.

    They do (they offer a month I think) and I've done that so I might not be able to do it a 2nd time (the free trial).  I'll just try to catch it at my Mom's sometime.  Thanks.

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