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Posts posted by JarlenaFan2024

  1. 11 hours ago, Tulip86 said:

    The government also announced today that gatherings in houses of more than 2 non-cohabiting people are not allowed. Some dumbasses were still having groups of friends over. Going outside with more than 2 non-cohabiting people is also forbidden, except for kids.

    In the US? Hadn't heard that.  I live alone and my Mom lives alone.  I've been spending a few hrs a day over at my Mom's since this started and also going to the grocery for her and me and the same time.  I had to move back in temporarily with her last year when I broke my arm and by the time I was well enough to be able to move back home lets just say that things btwn us weren't "pretty" (they've improved a LOT now).

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  2. 9 hours ago, pinkandsparkly13 said:

    My stepdad went to the store yesterday meorning and finally got some toilet paper for our shop and some of the dog's regular food. When I went last week there was no toilet paper and just a few bags left of dog food. I always go at like 2 in the afternoon. He went at 8:30 in the morning. But he did say there was one lady leaving the store with a basket full of toilet paper. People were giving her dirty looks. They are limiting but I guess no one was around to stop her at that time. 


    I FINALLY found some "off brand" TP @ my local store this evening.  I have a friend that works overnights there in the Bakery and every time I complain about finding stuff she's like "Get your BUNS out of bed at 8am (they have senior time from 7-8am) and get over there!" LOL. (side note: I only bought TWO 6 roll packs and they were both for my Mom).

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  3. 16 hours ago, Tulip86 said:

    Where I live all stores are well stocked and the food hoarding subsided. If you meet up with 3 or more people you can be fined heavily. Heavy measures, but needed!e

    WOW....people are still totally destroying the shelves @ Kroger (Where I go).  We have 2 of them here but the 2nd one is a little further than I really wanna drive unless I have to.  We also have Walmart and Target as well as some smaller, lesser known grocery stores.  I've only tried the Kroger closest to me and one called Price Less (which was severely understocked).  Something I'm watching right now that's helping me feel better. Country singer Linda Davis with her daughter Lady Antebellum's Hillary Scott, husband Lang Scott and youngest daughter Rylee Jean on Facebook Live

  4. I don't know about yall but I'm ready for this "social distancing" to be done.  My favorite ice cream store is going to only selling pints and quarts and not their usual sizes, MOST of the local restaurants that have been allowed to remain open are CLOSING by 8-9pm (I tried to find a rootbeer float tonight and had to go to 2 places), grocery stores are either severely understocked or just plain trashed by the time I get there (a lot of them are implementing early morning hours for "seniors" which I totally understand but still...I can't find anything when I go around 3-4pm or later).  With the local hospital basically on lockdown I've had to give up my weekly volunteering which I really miss.  And on top of all that I got a "rejection" email from a job I applied for over TWO MONTHS ago :-(.

    Sorry, had to vent.

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  5. 33 minutes ago, ATLGirl said:

    If you click on the link in the story about Ashley being considered a “bright light” on the team, it takes you to a Forum post. 😱

    I tried it and at first all it did was spin like it was loading then it finally worked.

    I may need to clean my glasses but I don't see any mention of Ashley at that forum link 🤔

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  6. 4 minutes ago, Holly85 said:

    I’m assuming they are hoping things will calm down in April 

    There was a date in April that's been floating around the media.  Can't remember what the date is or why it's important.  Hmmm....

    That date might just be something relating to local stuff where I live and I thought it was a national date or something.  Who knows. 

    TOTALLY random but has anyone else tried the new Kellogg's Pretzel poptarts?? https://www.kelloggs.com/en_US/products/pop-tarts-pretzel-cinnamon-sugar.html


  7. 3 hours ago, bjo1969 said:

    Speaking of the coronavirus situation, the Denver Broncos Cheerleaders have cancelled all of their prep classes and have postponed auditions until further notice. Auditions were supposed to be next week with finals on 3/22.


    2 hours ago, Holly85 said:

    The patriots postponed there final auditions for the same day!!! 

    Looks like DCC haven't changed audition dates.  Were the other ones that have been postponed before that magical "April 5th" or whatever date?  What exactly is the deal with that date in April as it relates to COVID-19?


    18 hours ago, NinjaMom11 said:

    Did anyone here apply for the job as Kelli’s assistant?  I wonder if they’re still taking applications bc they haven’t announced anything yet and someone said hundreds of people applied. I’d love that job! 

    Where was the job posted? This is the first I've heard of it.  Would this be a job like that Miko person (or whatever her name was that ratted out Meghan Flaherty for being "rude") did/does?

  8. 1 hour ago, DCCFanatic82 said:

    All episodes are gone from CMT.com


    3 minutes ago, jlc said:

    Maybe there isn't  going to be another season of DCC? 😥

    There's still video clips on cmt.com

    I'm thinking they're just shifting the past episodes to Pluto (wishful thinking)

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  9. Watching the last couple episodes of season 6:  There was a blonde TCC that I didn't recognize practicing and I never saw her get cut but I know she doesn't make the final team.  That years rookies are: Alexandra Gandara, Alyssa Torres, Amber Lea, Amelia Smith, Angela Nicotera, Brittney Schram, Cassie Dyson, Colleen Brent, Courtney Cook, Emma Dutton, Holly Hubbard, Jenna Brooks, Kamilah Todd, Katy Fink, Mackenzie Weeks, Meghan Phillips, and Veronica Lind.  Anyone know who she might've been?

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  10. 3 hours ago, Tulip86 said:

    We were pretty much told to not go outside if not needed and not to socialize for a while. So yeah, I'd think appearances (crowds) would be a no-go

    I know this is the wrong forum for this.  Sorry but I just had to vent.  I was supposed to go to a concert in Indiana next weekend and now that entire tour has been pushed back until August 😞

  11. 3 hours ago, H3705 said:

    Dont know if this has been a subject topic yet .... in season 12 at the salon .... is that Tobie doing the hair styling ??? There is just quick camera pans to the ones doing hair ... if not looks like a double 😮

    I could swear I heard somewhere she's a stylist now.  Gonna do some research

    ETA https://tangerinesalon.net/tobie-huff

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