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Posts posted by JarlenaFan2024

  1. Here is an excerpt from the Audition FAQs.  I thought this was especially interesting since there was discussion of whether or not there was an "S" on "Cowboy(s)".

    "Please work through the US consulate/embassy in your home country to obtain the proper visa for audition travel, and be mindful of extended timeline should you be selected as a Dallas Cowboy’s Cheerleader



    Was it Charlotte that asked that question of a candidate?

    On 6/22/2020 at 9:43 AM, eyelash said:

    I'm binge watching previous seasons and I noticed several times Kelly told the TCCs they are required to be camera-ready at all times, including when coming to practice.  Yet I see plenty of them coming in wearing shorts, sweats and very casual attire suitable for working out.  Does "camera-ready" only apply to hair and makeup for practices?


    On 6/25/2020 at 12:23 PM, pinkandsparkly13 said:

    Well they're going to change into their pink and blue practice outfits for TC, so I think of course they're just going to come in wearing their regular clothes. I don't think they have a problem with that, but they do have to have their hair and makeup done. 

    Where I live all fitness center and gym locker rooms are closed at the moment.  If Texas is following the same rules I don't see how a TCC could change into practice outfits at The Star.

  2. 10 minutes ago, scorpio1031 said:

    If I remember the podcast correctly, Milan said that K&J had someone friend her to gain access to her account.

    Anyone that falls for that is stupid IMO.  I have my FB so locked down that even family has trouble finding it.  I don't allow followers OR post on my Twitter.  Just use Twitter to follow local news personalities/stations.

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  3. 3 hours ago, Holly85 said:

    The bars in are already being closed down for a month for violations 

    I just don't see any state getting back to anywhere near normal until 2021.  At least restaurants in KY can go to 50% capacity today.  Still no word on when the "temporary visiting restrictions" will be lifted at the local hospital (and until that happens I can forget about volunteering).  Also I don't know why the heck employers are posting jobs online or in the newspaper.  Nobody's hiring due to COVID19.  I've applied to 2-3 jobs since the pandemic began and haven't gotten an interview.  My Mom's office posted a job on Facebook today but they have a rule against families working in the same area (front desk/reception/case manager).

  4. Episode 1209 (the Jenna/Holly mess).  I think both Jenna and Holly should have been shown the door immediately. I wonder if anything "extra" happened between that scene in the office with Holly and the next rehearsal where Kelli says they've accepted Holly's resignation.  Holly is shown walking out the door with what looks like a show group costume after the office meeting.  Wonder when she came back and returned that?  I also wonder which rookie TCC wouldn't have made it if Holly hadn't resigned.

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  5. 5 hours ago, parrotfeathers said:

    Episode 504 Brooke's 4th year.  Why did they make an exception to that lady named Amanda so she could be a DCC for a day?   I don't really understand why there was this "one time exception." What did Good Morning America have to do with it?

    Didn't she win some sort of contest?  There was another "DCC For A Day" (some blonde tv talk show host I can't recall)

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  6. 1 hour ago, Kitkatkitty said:

    Here's a handy chart of the Vets who are going into TCC this year for reference and also because I am bored haha 2113627445_ScreenShot2020-06-16at7_58_11PM.thumb.jpg.5ec3b5f18b756876088cb7ead2a99207.jpg

    I wish they'd announce when in person TC is going to be already.

  7. 3 minutes ago, UK-Fan said:

    Don't you mean "fugly" (mean girls quote)

    Yeah pretty much

    8 hours ago, Maven said:

    One pet peeve about Judy: when the girls are rehearsing and she gives corrections while counting out. Like syncopated speech. Funny and a tad annoying!

    "One, two...it's hard to do...slow, six...seven, eight..."

    A tad???? Try MAJORLY annoying......And it was just as bad in that video of the rehearsal for the Thanksgiving Halftime I posted yesterday.

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  8. 4 hours ago, Kitkatkitty said:

    Ok this one is a lot better! I didn't put Madalyn on it because it isn't confirmed 

    Screen Shot 2020-06-13 at 11.05.02 AM.jpg

    So they're only taking 11-12 rookies???? Are they not going to have a "Training Camp"?

  9. Has anyone heard when they get to start TC? And I'm assuming still no "official" word on a new season of MTT?

  10. 2 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

    My mini Schnauzer never would let me near him with electric clippers, so I bought the manual clippers, and that worked out very well.  

    I also would clip first, and then give him a bath.     That way his fur didn't mat from the bath, and I wasn't washing fur I was going to clip anyway.  

    I'm very glad I let my hair grow out to shoulder length a few years ago, and do my own hair color.      I am really nervous about even going to the chain place I was using for a trim.    After another location (in Missouri, but I'm in Alabama) had two beauticians that exposed hundreds of clients, and co-workers to Covid, I'm not sure I'm ready to go for something optional.  


    1 hour ago, kalibean said:

    My parents live in that town and we were just talking about it this morning!  Of the 192 people they directly exposed, the health department is saying that no new cases were caused from it.  They both had been wearing masks, thank goodness!  Hardly anyone has been wearing them here on the rare occasion we've ventured out.  

    I don't blame you one bit for waiting, though.  The only reason I went last week is because my friend owns the hair salon and I trusted that she would do all that she could to keep us both safe.  It was weird wearing a mask while having my hair cut and colored, but well worth it!  (I also waited in the car until told to come in, doors had been propped open, sanitizer everywhere, temperature taken, masks worn the whole time by me, the two stylists in the salon and the other client.  And I wasn't close to anyone but my friend the whole time.  I still feel really funny about going, though, honestly.  

    I'm not worried at all about going to the hair salon.  When I went last week, the stylist wore a mask the entire time she was doing my hair.  I can't wear a mask for more than a few minutes at a time so she threw a towel over my face while she was shampooing the color out.  Mine and my Mom's pups have an appt to get groomed in about a week (the soonest they could get in even on the first day of making appointments) and I can't wait.  I'm sure my poor Annabelle can't either....poor dog's hair is down in her eyes and I swear she almost ran into something the other day because of it 😞🐶

  11. 2 minutes ago, TexasLonghorn94 said:

    When do the girls find out who makes it through to the training camp?


    Just now, Holly85 said:

    June 8th I believe is what they said on the podcast all abt auditions 

    Do we know if there's even going to be a training camp/football season yet????

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