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Posts posted by JarlenaFan2024

  1. 3 hours ago, SamShmam said:

    OT: Is anyone else seeing the freaking Siesta Key commercials 24/7 on Pluto? If I hear "You think you did nothing wrooooong, think about what I SAW" and "I have so many QUEST-YEEEUUNNSS" one more time I'm going to go bananas. Like bitch, WHAT DID YOU SEE?! AX YO DAMN QUESTIONS! Give me some peace!


    7 minutes ago, aeroluv327 said:

    Those are driving me NUTS!  I watch the Pluto MTV channel once in a while (sometimes they show old episodes of Real World) and the other day, Siesta Key started right after the RW episode I was watching.  I was busy cooking so I didn't change the channel right away, but OMG it was the most boring 10 minutes of a reality show I think I've ever seen.  It was just rich kids sitting around asking each other, "Did you hear that so-and-so is going out with so-and-so?" I think I lost brain cells.

    AMEN.....stop with the Siesta Key commercials Pluto.  Also, I hate to admit it but it took me FOREVER to realize those 2 blondes weren't twins.

    *Gets back on topic*

    Does anyone know how long training camp last this year?

    • LOL 3
  2. 2 hours ago, UK-Fan said:


    The thing that annoys me about that was Judy was the one who TOLD Cassie to say in front of everyone what her (Cassie) problem was and everyone forgot that and gloats straight over to what Cassie said. When Judy told Cassie "if you got something to say, say it in front of everyone" Cassie's face and reply was "really? in front of everyone?". Judy even admitted in the talking head she saw Cassie itching to say something when she (Judy) was giving Taylor her corrections. In my eyes it was Judy's fault for telling Cassie to say so in front of everyone. Yes Cassie would have said it to Kelli and Judy anyway but would she have said it in front of everyone if Judy did not tell her to do so?


    I personally believe that if Judy had not told Cassie to say in front of everyone what her problem was Ally wouldn't have made her comment because why would she?

    Ally's comment was "if everyone gave one excuse..." right?  I still think Ally would have commented because that's just how Ally was.  Of course it didn't help that Kitty was there that night.  "Well that was awkward, wasn't it?"  I haven't missed Kitty at ALL.  I hope that some of these girls that think about auditioning  watch past seasons and see stuff like this happening and decide not to audition.  Talk about "toxic".

  3. 34 minutes ago, BluegrassDCCFan said:

    Was just watching season 1.  They were doing a Jay fitness activity in the practice facility at Valley Ranch.  Does anyone remember when the tornado hit VR/the facility while there were players inside?


    21 minutes ago, kalibean said:

    Yes...spring of 2009.  No tornado IIRC, but a microburst with crazy high winds. Dallas has had its share of weird shit happen with a microburst, including a plane crash in the 70’s, the crane that collapsed in uptown two (2) years ago, etc. I swear, so many people asked me if I was worried about Tornados and storms when I moved to Kansas City a couple years ago, but Dallas has the worst of it  between the wind and the tornados and the mother loving hail. 

    Anyhoot, from what I can remember, no veteran players were there, but rookies and free agents that had been newly signed. No deaths but some severe injuries. 

    Thanks!  I'm thinking one of the severe injuries was someone on the coaching staff now that my memory's jogged a little bit.

    • Love 1
  4. 6 hours ago, Kitkatkitty said:

    I have the chart in microsoft word and you can insert a clip-art star, I then screenshot my word document and upload it here. I'm not the best with computers but that's what I've been able to figure out lol.

    I used to do social media for a local restaurant for a living and used clipart and screenshots a LOT and even I didn't think of that! Thanks!

    • Love 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Holly85 said:

    It didn’t work

    Is this the post you were trying to link to?

    You can PM me and I'll explain an easy way to do this.  I may not be around for a few hrs but I'll get back to you. Have a good one!

  6. 1 hour ago, Cruisegirl said:

    I know she mentioned she was having trouble wearing a mask, so this is better than nothing. I wonder if Kelli will match her mask and dress. I can’t talk because I have different masks for different outing 😂

    Where did she mention this? (I really have no idea).  I can't wear a mask for very long at a time myself.  Especially if I'm in the grocery store.  I'm just waiting to get asked to "mask up" or be asked to leave a store.

    1 hour ago, 5678Pixie said:

    Thousands go to proactiondance every year and they dance on carpet.  There is nothing unusual about TCCs dancing on carpet this year.  lots of auditions are held at Hotels and they dance on carpets all the time.  

    What's the difference in dancing on carpet and dancing on TURF? Didn't the candidates dance on carpet the year they had to audition at the Gaylord Texan due to the stadium not being ready? I would have KILLED to have had carpet or some other flooring during the years I was a part of The Nashville Autofest car show on CEMENT 

    • Love 1
  7. Tweeted by Charlotte Jones and the Official DCC twitter 

    So do the girls have to live sequestered somewhere while in TC this year?  This is starting to sound like "Big Brother" on steroids.


    And once again I see I'm behind in posting....apologies

    1 hour ago, scorpio1031 said:

    They are in a bubble at a hotel for a bit.

    Wonder if they're going to be able to work or go anywhere outside Training Camp???

    • Love 1
  8. 4 minutes ago, DCC-UK said:

    I think the one I wished I'd seen the most make the team who got the boot for not fitting the uniform was Megan with the 'thutt'. She had the whole package if I remember; just needed to improve her kicks a little. 

    If she had that "thutt" when she was going through auditions, why the hell was she even taken to camp?  Seems like there are a few girls each year that are taken to camp solely to be cut for the show.

    • Love 5
  9. Episode 606:  The infamous Cassie/Taylor confrontation.  I wanted to slap Cassie back into last week.  I think it was wrong and mean for Judy to let Cassie embarrass Taylor in front of the group.  Then Kelli telling Taylor she had "diarrhea of the mouth"...I wanted to slap Kelli as well.  Who were Taylor's GL/2ndGL?

    The Kaitlin LeGrand situation:  once she missed a rehearsal and her uniform fitting size up she should have been let go.  And who's gossiping or reporting to Judy that Kaitlin was working, going to school and doing TC at the same time?  And why should it have been anyone's business what Kaitlin did outside of DCC unless it was (in the case of Karissa and the photos) something that could damage the precious DCC reputation?

    The social media seminar:  Does anyone know if the girls are required to give TPTB access to their social media accounts or if Kelli just has someone "checking up on them" to see what all can be seen and maybe friending/following the girls just to try to catch them doing something wrong/stupid?

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