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Posts posted by JarlenaFan2024

  1. On 1/28/2021 at 11:08 AM, 4evaQuez said:

    I'm still bitter at what a nothing of a character Roman has become. 

    And I think that's why Wayne Northrup left.  He's a much better Roman than Josh.  Josh should have stuck to playing that Chris guy.

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  2. On 8/15/2021 at 5:41 AM, chediavolo said:

    What are these links to old shows ?!😳 where can I find them, I thought they were not streaming anywhere? 

    I sent a bunch of links of Marlena giving birth to her various kids to someone in PM.  Will send them to you.  

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  3. On 8/14/2021 at 2:08 AM, DisneyBoy said:

    I'll message you privately then :)

    Yeah, God only knows horrors they've cooked up for Deidre....

    Happy viewing! Yeah I can't wait to see what TPTB have in store for Marlena.  There are some really good FB groups for John and Marlena.  I'll send you the links privately.

  4. 15 hours ago, DisneyBoy said:

    The rumor is another posession story but we don't really know yet.

    If you ever found that birthing video, message me 😅 I'd want to see it.

    Deidre has just said something along the lines of fans thinking "I don't even know if I can go for that".  Talking about the fans and about her new storyline. Which birthing video(s) are you looking for? I have all of Marlena's birth scenes bookmarked.

  5. 23 hours ago, nilyank said:

    Stefano wanted Tony (really Andre) and Kristen to get married but she was hung up on John so he went looking for dirt. He stole Sami's diary where she wrote about Marlena's affair with John and switching the paternity results

    Wow I've missed a LOT!

  6. 4 hours ago, nilyank said:

    Everyone found out that Sami switched the results at Belle's baptism, thanks to Stefano. This happened after Sami had already kidnapped Belle, planned to sell her on the blackmarket and then decided to runaway to raise Belle as her daughter. If she didn't get punished for that, what is a little bit of paternity switching in the overall picture of things.

    Roman threw Marlena out and John would get penthouse/townhouse for Marlena and Belle. Sami chose to stay with her father but then Roman left town on some ISA business when WN left the show. I think Sami then had to stay with Marlena or she moved into the pub with her grandparents.

    How the !@& did Stefano know???? Of course it's a soap opera 🙂

  7. On 1/20/2021 at 1:00 PM, ajs1615 said:

    I still maintain she had better chemistry with Wayne's Roman then she does with Drake. 

    Did TPTB decide to put her with John as a love interest because Wayne left the show or was there some other reason?  I totally agree that Marlena had more chemistry with Roman than John.  They should have kept John with Kristen.  The ONLY time I think Marlena and John had any chemistry was when John ended up delivering Belle @ the Horton Cabin.

  8. Just now, Holly85 said:

    I was talking abt the players they were caught at a big function with no masks on nothing they aren’t suppose to be going to anything 

    Ohhhhhhhhh gotcha.  Hadn't heard this.  Was it just Cowboys or a bunch of players from different teams?

  9. Don't know about anyone else but I just can't get into watching this season.  I didn't watch the episode live when it aired and couldn't make it through the entire episode online just now.  Don't know if I'm just so over the season/show already or if stuff going on in my personal life is making me just "not care" about the season.

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