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Posts posted by JarlenaFan2024

  1. 52 minutes ago, go4luca said:

    Not sure where to put this so hope this is the right place.  I don't wish an injury like this on anyone. 

    Can't imagine how painful this felt on so many levels.



    47 minutes ago, Holly85 said:

    Just in it’s a compound fracture and a dislocation of right ankle 

    Was just coming here to ask about this.  Was the game televised? I never could find it.

  2. On 9/25/2020 at 12:54 AM, 123DCCWoooo said:

    I'm right there with you.  Today, I went back through the seasons and figured out who started and finished finals during the show's run.  I blame COVID boredom.  🙂

    For anyone interested:

    Season 1: #1 - Lynlee Allen; Elizabeth Davis

    Season 2: #1 - Megan Fox; #85 - Nicole Hamilton

    Season 3: #1 - Nicole Hamilton; #89 - Kandi Harris

    Season 4: #1 - Justine Phillips; #74 - Nicole Hamilton

    Season 5: #1 - Trisha Trevino; #73 - Brooke Sorenson

    Season 6: #1 - Ally Traylor; #69 - Sunni Cranfill

    Season 7: #1 - Whitney Isleib; #79 - Jackie Bob

    Season 8: #1 - Jackie Bob; #86 - Mia Greenhouse

    Season 9:  #1 - Jenn A; #85 - Jacie

    Season 10: #1 - Jacie; #82 - Melissa

    Season 11: #1 - Erica; #71 - Holly (she actually DID end solos one year - I was wrong!)

    Season 12: #1 - Jenna; Cersten

    Season 13: #1 - Lacey; Maddie

    Season 14: #1 - Amy; #80 - Maddie

    Edited to add info for seasons 1, 12, and 13. 😊

    What year was Holly Powell's wardrobe malfunction?

  3. On 9/22/2020 at 4:46 AM, Deweymom said:

    1)  This is a great year to change up choreo to thunderstruck...and change the song too for that matter.  ACDC sux!!  Change to baby I'm a star by Prince. Or something about a Ciwboy.  IMHO.

    They've danced to "Baby I'm A Star" before.  I've seen video but don't remember where.

  4. 55 minutes ago, Stfarris said:

    I do not have CMT either. I do the freebie every week by entering a new email. It is always a fake address; I just change the number at the end.  beuhler1@, beuhler2@, beuhler3@, etc. Got in each week.

    Where do I try that? I can't find any link but the one that has all the cable providers on it. Thx

    ETA- WOOHOO! I got it to work! Thanks!!

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  5. 1 hour ago, 88Keys said:

    That's the same one we've been discussing.  Check out her Instagram.  She's gone sort of Kardashian these days.


    19 minutes ago, BluegrassDCCFan said:

    Ahhhh ok I wasn't sure if it was her or the current DCC Brianna.  What's her last name/insta name?

    I got lucky and found her insta (https://www.instagram.com/briannawilhere_/)

    Wow she's changed (for the better)!

  6. 11 hours ago, DCCFanatic82 said:

    CMT.com should have every episode up the next morning... about 6-8AM Dallas time.

    Problem is once I dropped CMT from my cable package I can't watch MTT on CMT.com either.  Somehow when I log into CMT.com with my cable provider's info it "knows" I don't have CMT in my cable package.  The only things I can watch on the CMT MTT page are the extra/bonus videos.  Definitely NOT going to re-add CMT to my cable.  I went from almost $180/mo down to an estimated $95/mo (I haven't received a bill since changing packages) dropping the package that includes CMT.

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  7. 5 hours ago, KickPretty said:

    And YEEHAW!  They finally announced season 15.  Let the $hit show commence 😂😂

    Of course they did AFTER I cancelled that part of my cable package 😠.  What're my other options for watching and which do you guys think is the best? Of course I more than likely wouldn't have been home on Friday nights when the show aired anyway.  Just started a new job (very long story).

  8. 18 minutes ago, BulaKitty said:

    No they haven't. They have taken down all of the dcc takeover highlights from lockdown on the instagram though, so maybe there getting ready to.

    Thanks.  I'm absolutely ready for 2020 to be OVER.....especially after tonight (had a flat tire on my "new" used car 😞 )

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  9. On 9/7/2020 at 10:05 PM, parrotfeathers said:

    Episode 104 Kelli's assistant told Kelli about  RIP Meagan not participating in line dancing and other activities because it was hot.  Not sure why this was such a big deal?

    Tuna Sandwich with anchovies?

    You're expected to participate in everything and be happy about it.  That Mikko chick (the assistant) seemed stuck up and snotty to me.

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  10. On 9/2/2020 at 11:29 PM, sugarplum said:

    Is this the one you are referring to?

    *not sure why the thumbnail is Kelli with Queen’s star...that definitely isn’t what is linked or what comes up when you hit play. 😂

    Willing to be this is an "unpopular opinion" but that's actually not half bad!!!  Was Kelli on Show Group during her time as a DCC?

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