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Posts posted by JarlenaFan2024

  1. 38 minutes ago, KnyghtRyder said:

    There are so many answers depending on a number of factors. Are you aware of what her citizenship status is? And does she work (I’m guessing “no” on that one since you said she is elderly). She could have applied to be a Lawful (sometimes referred to as Legal) Permanent Resident (previously called a “green card holder”). This is a status for a non-citizen who is going to reside in the US full time. The individual usually has to be sponsored somehow (family, employer) or be refugee/asylum seeker and live in the US for a certain period of time (I think it’s a year) in order to obtain LPR status. What kind of visa they come to the US on during that year depends on a number of different factors though. I know this isn’t an exact answer but without more info, it’s hard to say. 

    She is drawing some sort of US disability so wouldn't she at least have to have "dual" citizenship?  That's pretty much the extent of what I know about her even thought she lives across and up the street from me.  I never see her unless she comes to my Mom's cookouts.

  2. 1 hour ago, Supersimon said:

    what are your thoughts on training camp starting next week?

    Where'd you hear that???? I don't see it on the DCC website (and haven't looked on IG or Twitter)

    • Love 1
  3. I have a question about visas and citizenship. I know the girls that come here on student/work visas have to travel back to their home countries to renew every so often.  What about if someone just wants to come here to live?  One of my Mom's neighbor's elderly mother came here last year to live, supposedly permanently, from Germany.  She's in her 60s (at least) and has to have dialysis every other day.  The Mom lives in my apartment complex and the daughter and son in law live behind my Mom a few blocks away.  How will the visa stuff work for the Mom/MIL?  Would the Mom/MIL have to already have dual German/US citizenship for this to work out?

  4. Question:  On the application for DCC do they list stuff like where they go/went to college or anything like that? Watching Season 9 and it seems like because they featured Melissa Wallace that Kelli was impressed with her for studying Mechanical Engineering with a Pre Medical specialty and a minor in dance.

    Side note:  The only other person I know that has gotten a Mechanical Engineering degree is my MALE cousin.

  5. Episode 303:   When Cassie was talking about learning the jump split and saying how much it "hurt".  There's no reason whatsoever for her not to have had that jump split down from the start if she'd grown up around DCC.


    Erica's office visit:  Dunno about y'all but I didn't get "pissed off" from her.  She looked "upset" but I wouldn't call it "pissed off".  I think Kelli was trying to bait her into saying something that'd get her cut.

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  6. 3 hours ago, EricaShadows said:

    I used to work at one of the local malls a VERY long time ago.  A guy who sagged his pants was caught by mall security for doing something stupid (shoplifting, I think) and was taken to the food court to wait for police.  He was handcuffed behind his back but managed to get them in front of him and bolted.  Security chased him and caught him in a parking lot at the other end of the mall because his sagging pants fell down and tripped him up.  I don't remember what happened to him, but suspect that another charge was added to whatever stupid thing he got caught doing

    Haha this reminds me of a funny story.  My Dad was a Pharmacist with a major grocery store chain for many years.  The store office stairs were right next to the Pharmacy and a bank branch inside the store.  One day the store security caught some guy trying to stuff a pound of hamburger down his pants.  They brought him over to the office/pharmacy and asked Dad to watch them while they went somewhere and called the police.  Dad said that he was trying to decide where to shove the guy if he started running.  He decided to go for the bank since if he shoved him there the alarm would go off summoning the police anyway!

  7. 5 minutes ago, parrotfeathers said:

    I have an instagram question.  I only follow 3 things--DCC, Navarro and Ina Garten.  But it says I have all these people following me.  Is that true or just an Instagram trick?  I've never made a post so I don't know why people I don't know would want to follow me?

    Thanks for helping!

    With Instagram you can fix it to where your account is "private" (You have to approve your followers).  I don't have anyone following me.  I've never made a post either.  I don't post on IG or Twitter (well on Twitter I respond to and "like" tweets and occasionally will private message a specifically news/weather personality).

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