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Posts posted by JarlenaFan2024

  1. 1 hour ago, scorpio1031 said:

     I can easily see a group leader, an alumni, a family member of TPTB, etc, friend request a TCC to get the info needed.

    That's why I don't accept friend requests (on FB especially) from people I don't know personally outside of that particular Social Media.  I don't allow following on Twitter (but I don't post things either - only tweet to certain followers).  I also don't post ANYTHING on IG (just use it to follow).  I did a "view as public" on FB and there's nothing that shows up to the "public" on my profile except my featured photos.

    2 hours ago, scorpio1031 said:

    On the podcast Milan did, she said that K&J had someone friend her to gain access to her FB account.  I can easily see a group leader, an alumni, a family member of TPTB, etc, friend request a TCC to get the info needed.

    Again, I would never accept a friend request on FB from an "unsolicited" source (definitely from someone I didn't know or someone I wasn't expecting to receive a FR from).

    • Love 2
  2. 29 minutes ago, MrsEVH said:

    I think Kelli was giving Brandi a chance to correct her look. The 2nd time she was called in she didn't fix it plus Kelli found her questionable pictures on Brandi's Myspace.

    I have Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.. The ONLY way anyone's going to see more than just my profile picture and possibly the "featured photos" on Facebook is for me to add them as a friend.  I often wonder why the TCCs don't set their privacy settings that strict when they KNOW TPTB are going to be looking at social media.  Of course my privacy settings have taken me years to perfect.

    • Love 2
  3. 7 minutes ago, scorpio1031 said:

    Does this mean Julia is trying out again?


    She's delusional if she thinks she'll make it past prelims after that F Bomb last year (unless they string her along until the interviews and confront her about doing that)

    • LOL 2
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  4. 12 hours ago, NinjaMom11 said:

    I really like the new podcast.  It gives some lighthearted insight into their true  personalities (whether you like them or not)  instead of just what CMT chooses to show us. 

    Do you have to have a special "player" to see the podcasts? I don't know where to look or how to find them

  5. 14 hours ago, ATLGirl said:

    It wasn’t Yuko’s fault that she had visa issues, that was not something she could prevent. The Minschew sisters knew up front that their pageant commitments were going to be a conflict from the start. But I think they somehow thought they could get away with it. 

    Yuko only missed maybe one/two practices and picked up the field entrance quickly. Had she not, I think Kelli might very well have cut her. 

    And her being from another country probably saved her hide too

    • Love 1
  6. Watching the 2nd to last episode of season 11.  Did they take 37 this year? I can't remember and I may not be able to watch the rest of the season tonight.  WHY did they allow Yuko to miss so much TC and cut her slack for it and not extend the same courtesy to the Minchews (even though we all know they were just in it for the "exposure")?

    • Love 1
  7.  Watching Episode 308:  K&J told the girls on the practice field that they would join them in the studio after calling some to the office.  I know they "reveal" the locker room to the girls after the squad announcement.  Wonder what happens if one of the ladies has to use the restroom or something while they're "waiting" for K&J join them in the studio.  The locker room is being prepared for them while they're rehearsing so if they go in there they would "spoil" the squad announcement.

  8. Season 8 (in general):  Does anyone know if rookie Paige Elaine dumped her husband for that football player  or vice versa (he dumped her then she started dating the player)?   I know she had just married someone in the military when she moved to Dallas and auditioned.

    How many times did Kelli pick on Kim during this season? WHY did she seem to have it in for her?

    • Love 1
  9. I know I'm skipping ahead in what's being shown on Pluto right now.  Does anyone remember what Colin Sarvis wound up getting cut for?  Was it her solo (I remember Kelli or somebody saying something about her taking her hair down)?


    UGH Chelsea Chaney in current episode "I'm supposed to be here"....I wonder if they shouldn't have cut her right then and there.

    That "staged" visit to the coffee house with Jasmine, Danielle, Emily, Collin, Ashley F and I can't remember who else.....ugh

    • Love 1
  10. Watching Ep 406:  Are all of the TCCs/Vets allowed to stay after and wait in the studio with the people called into the office? Noticed that Abigail Klein (sp?) I think - was waiting with the TCCs that were called into the office and I don't ever remember her being a group leader or 2nd.

    Episode 407: WHY did Kelli not cut Zoe or whatever her name is right on the spot for not knowing who the freaking HEAD COACH of the football team was?  She waited until the end of the rehearsal.  I think I'd have told her to go wait in the office.  That's just unexceptable!

  11. 33 minutes ago, Holly85 said:

    I know who they are playing this season actual dates will be released in april I can tell yuh going to a Preseason game is a lot cheaper then regular season especially if you want to sit close 

    Yeah I think I found that list too,  Like I said, daydreaming.  Couldn't afford it if I wanted to even though the round trip flight would be $11.20 (rewards points with Southwest).  Was daydreaming about going to a game and staying @ the hotel @ The Star (ha!!!).

    • Love 1
  12. Watching Ep 708 when that nutritionist crashed Jennifer and Kim and Nicole B's refrigerators.  If it wasn't a "planned" ambush wonder why Kim and Jennifer were both in Cowboys shirts?  Nichole B looked a little more "surprised" and wasn't wearing a cowboys branded shirt.  These visits were supposed to be surprise ambushes and they both really looked "staged". 

    I'm not gonna be able to watch the rest of the episode right now but I just saw a preview of show group rehearsing with Big & Rich for an event and I think the rehearsal outfits they're wearing are probably my favorite.  Random thought:  They're performing at the STADIUM and not in their own locker room???

    Rant:  WHY do people call the cheerleaders "The Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders"??? There's more than one Cowboy!!!!

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