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Everything posted by mac123x

  1. Actually, no, the show never clarified when CeCe transitioned, and it's completely relevant to discuss when she had surgery because it's pertinent to the hash they've made of a plausible time line. As far as the part I bolded -- AMEN. There have been a couple of dozen suggestions in this thread alone which would be a better explanation of why CeCe was A that didn't require her to be transgender. Surely the writers who can come up with something amazing like the PLM scenes from last week could have done the same.
  2. Were there any M Butterfly allusions this season? Maybe Jason and CeCe did do it but she never removed her clothes and he was so high all the time that he didn't notice. I'm grasping at straws, but I really don't care. After the TobAy back track, I gave up on this show being at all coherent.
  3. I was thinking something similar: Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia. Charles could have appeared to be a boy at birth, only for his parents to find out later that he was genetically female. Explaining something this complex in an already exposition-heavy episode was probably too much to handle, but at least it would make the Charles-becomes-Charlotte timeline more plausible and sidestepped offending the transgender community somewhat.
  4. Lots of "oh bullshit" reactions from me as this unfolded, most of which have been listed by others so I won't reiterate, but this one really pissed me off: I complained about how it's really shitty writing to introduce a new character in the last few chapters of a book who turns out to be the villain, and they fucking did that. Also, Sara was Black Widow? IIRC, Black Widow showed up at Wilden's funeral, then the A-tag on that episode was her removing the veil and taking off a burnt / partially melted Alison mask. Tonight, in the flashback she got into the Limo with CeACe, whipped off the veil to show her regular face. Why the hell did she put a crisped Alison mask on after that? Fucking stupid. In general, this felt like a second unit episode. I'm guessing the main cast only had to do 2-3 days of filming, since most of their scenes included exposition and reaction shots. In the first tag, as they're leaving for school, Emily said that Sara got out of the hospital. Umm, why isn't she in prison? Last time I checked, planting a bomb with the intent of destroying a building and potentially killing several people is called domestic terrorism. I honestly don't think they decided to make Charles into CeCe until this season started. The Dollhouse prom recreation was set up for a male antagonist -- "Charles" was wearing a freaking tux. Another random observation: CeCe evidently spent a good part of the summer at Cape May with the other DiLaurenti. I don't know how to ask this delicately, but had she already had surgery at that point? Because summer at the beach = swimwear, and if she still had male plumbing, someone would have noticed. But given the timeline presented tonight, I don't see when she could have had reassignment surgery unless it was after Charles' "death" and before "Charlotte" was recommitted, which was when she was what, 16? I'm pretty sure surgeons won't do reassignment surgery on someone that young. Jessica had time to bury Alison (alive), call Wilden and get him to take CeCe back to Radley. How long was Ali in the ground before Grunwald rescued her, half an hour?
  5. This episode surprised me. Usually Sxx.E08 is when the expository flashback infodumps start, and when the plot flies off the rails. This show does a fantastic job setting up a creepy atmospheric mystery, but generally when they start resolving stuff it becomes less coherent (Kanima season being an exception). Maybe next week. I guess the Desert Wolf got chased off after shooting Malia's mom's car and couldn't finish the job, otherwise why wouldn't she confirm that her daughter was dead? Sloppy assassin. Or, she was lying to Deaton and never intended to kill Malia, though that makes no sense either. Tiny baby wolf Liam has magical kissing powers, because Hayden's wounds no longer hurt. They needed Hewey Lewis playing in the background. I sympathize with the sherrif wanting to treat the latest murder like a murder. He went through a lot of crap a couple of seasons ago getting investigated and losing his job because of all the unsolved crimes in Beacon Hill. What I don't get is how Scott's house wasn't barricaded off and treated as a crime scene. No CSI types taking fingerprints, etc. Instead, the pack was using it as their base of operations. I laughed out loud (and I'm sure it wasn't intentional) at the bad-ass pose each of the deputies struck when they assumed their positions in the hospital. I thought the "fang" that Deaton held up in the opening scene looked remarkably like the talon that vulture-man had in episode 1. Reused prop. I'm hate-watching the hashtags now. Whoever is writing them has no creativity; either they're bluntly obvious #slappedbymelissa or trite #layden. As far as Scott's asthma, I'm betting it's psychological, a manifestation of his self-doubt. His entirely valid self-doubt because his actions as the nominal leader of this pack have been pretty questionable. I do admit to cheering when he jammed his claws into Corey's neck. Finally, Scott's using some of his Alpha powers! Except that it was dangerous and lacking in consent, and he didn't have any remorse.
  6. I really don't like any of the options for Charles. Wren, Wilden, Ian have all been off-screen for so long that the reappearance of any of them will just seem out of the blue. Maybe it really will be Andrew as a sort of double-reverse Red Herring. "You thought it was me but I convinced you it wasn't but it was HA ha. Now here's my sob story". Actually, now that I think about it, that wouldn't be so bad. The Liars {and the cops} actually did identify him correctly, but being the superior intellect that he is, he managed to weasel out of it. The Strangers on a Train aspect is mildly intriguing. Maybe Charles and Black Widow are the Strangers (Red Coat being some sort of go-between / administrative assistant to them both.) Charles wanted his family tormented, Black Widow wanted the PLLs tormented, so they've been doing the dirty work for each other. Charles' motive is that he hates his family (and who could blame him). BW's motive is revenge for the Jenna Thing. So my guesses are: Charles -- Andrew Red Coat -- Sarah Black Widow -- Jenna's off-screen mother, because nothing says "bad writing" like introducing the ultimate villian in the last 10 minutes of a mystery.
  7. Yeah, I don't understand how they can fit in all these answers in a 44 minute episode. 1. 20+ minutes of expository dialog -- too boring for this show 2. a question-and-answer scene like they did in 4.01 (I think, after the fire at the lodge) where they debriefed Mona 3. a montage of flashbacks 4. off-screen. ChArles (or Red coat or whoever): "I'll tell you everything" [commercial break] "Now you know why I did all the things I did". PLLs: "we forgive you!" Actually number 4 would be kind of gutsy, acknowledging that the writers have spun a web so intricate and 4 dimensional that they'd never be able to give an adequate explanation, but Marlene King would have to go into hiding to avoid some irate fans.
  8. I'm pretty sure the Rosewood police arrested Pepe the Dog for tampering with evidence when he dug up Jessica's body. He's in the Big (dog) House.
  9. When Veronica decides to confront Kenneth, Pam (I think): "You can't do that!" Venonica [grabs her keys]: "Watch me." Ashley (I think): Did anyone close the door? Pam: I'm not leaving my fingerprints on that!
  10. Forgot to mention my hate for the hashtagger who, during Stiles' monologue about how Scott wouldn't be his friend anymore if he confessed to killing that dude, decided it was a good time to put up #sciles. Stop it, hashtagger!
  11. I haven't seen the episode yet, but that had me chuckling. Was the BGM during that scene was an instrumental rendition of "One Night in Bangkok"?
  12. I liked the images the Dread Doctors chose to immobilize their enemies: Malia the formerly feral animal gets caught in animal traps, Scott gets impaled and choked by the girlfriend he's afraid he can't trust, Lydia gets her ability to scream taken away. Nice way to play on some subconsious fears. Someone last week called it that the chimerae would all be transplant patients. I'm glad Kira's mom finally showed up, but I guess she's just as much in the dark about what's happening with Kira as the writers are. Anyone know the significance of "115"? I really enjoyed Parrish fire-punching Theo. Though he really should have yelled "Flame on!" I still don't know if he's being controlled by the Doctors or doing it on his own.
  13. I thought Marwyn also. "Savage" isn't the first word that leaps to my mind when describing Walder Frey. Cunning, sly, manipulative, calculating, sure. The Red Wedding was brutal, but it was part of a cunning trap, not the unthinking act of a savage. Just my opinion though. If it is a Frey, I'm guessing its an amalgamation of Ryman (technically his grandson) and Merrett (father of Fat Walda and Gatehouse Ami).
  14. I thought Ali looked really nice in that sweater until she turned around and I saw the old-lady lace back. It looked like one of those doilies my grandmother used to have on the arms of her couch.
  15. Spencer gets hit in the head with a golfball and wakes up in bed with Suzanne Plechette.
  16. Ali wore the Red Coat as part of her Vivianne Darkbloom disguise which she was using prior to her disappearance. The dude who flew her back to town early the morning of the Night of a Thousand Yellow Tops mistook Aria (who put on the red coat for inexplicable reasons) for Vivianne when they first ran into him. IIRC, the first time any of the PLLs saw a nefarious Red Coat figure was Emily's drugged out encounter at Ali's exumed gravesite. So I think Ali was the originator of the outfit, and A adopted it to screw with the Liars. Alternatively, Red Coat Limo Driver could have been written to be the Black Widow, but the production team realized it would look really stupid to have someone in a veil driving around town so they swapped in the Red Coat
  17. Nice long humorous post gets eaten by the computer. Oh well. I appreciated that Hanna snapped a picture of the Jason Doppelganger. Now take it to Tanner. "Yeah, I got this mysterious scholarship from a shady company that Jessica DiLaurentis used to give money to. The dude who works there is the spitting image of Jason, almost like he could be his older brother or something. Might want to check that out." I'm sticking with my theory that Charles is a patsy for Uber-A (potentially Red Coated Limo Driver). I could feel some sympathy for him if it's revealed that he has been manipulated into doing all these horrible things to the girls for the past 2 seasons. I still want him locked up though. I blurt laughed at that bolded part, though I'm referring to him as Rhys Herring. Introducing a new character in the last 15 minutes of the movie who turns out to be the villain is just bad writing.
  18. I can see why he wouldn't tell Malia, mainly because she'd be too accepting of it. She's still part feral-girl who doesn't completely understand how human emotions work. I don't thnk she would understand why he feels guilty. Her reaction would likely be "it was him or you. I'm glad you chose you." If only Stiles had someone to talk to about it, someone who has had to use lethal force in similiar life-or-death situations, like, oh I dunno, a law enforcement officer or an ex-soldier who is now a law enforcement officer... Speaking of, I'd love it if Stiles told Parrish. "Yeah, don't worry, no one will find out because I'm pretty sure I incinerated the body at the Nemeton while in a fugue state."
  19. I was really confused by the burial spots on the football field. That seems a really conspicuous place to incubate your new chimerae. Were they occupied? They looked like mounds of dirt, not holes in the ground, so were they supposed to be pre- or post-transformation? Cody Christian is looking fine, but the best part of his work-out scene was that he blatantly hit on Malia and she shot him down. That seemed to be a running theme for this episode: scenes where, in a typical high-school soap opera, a budding couple would realize their attraction to each other get interupted by supernatural events. Lydia / Parrish, Theo / Malia, Liam / Hayden. I thought it was interesting that all three halucinations dealt with the loss of a loved one. Okay, maybe not "interesting" but "plot relevant". Including Malia's from last week, all of them have been about a childhood trauma. I hope they're not going to say that the Dread Doctors have been messing with them for years. I really hope that they're not going to retcon Stiles' mother's illness as a supernatural occurance. Minor nit-pick: I thought the club that Hayden worked at was an illegal, occasional rave. Now it seems to be a weekly if not daily event. It's sort of stretching my credulity. I know it's a silly thing to get hung up on in a show about werewolves, but that old saying keeps coming to mind: "A plausible impossibility is better than an implausible possibility". Great points. 1. I thought Theo should have blue eyes also, but I think he's going to turn out to be a successful chimera, so the previously established rules won't apply to him. His eyes aren't blue despite having killed, and he's able to go full-wolf despite not being super-special like Talia and Derek. 2. It's not clear to me, but last week it looked like Desert Wolf shot at the car but didn't kill anyone. Presumably Malia transformed and killed her family after the car ran off the road. Still no idea why DW was shooting at them, and why she didn't go grab Malia after the wreck (if it was her intent to recover Malia). 3. I thought Lydia heard "Aiden" also, especially since he appeared in her hallucination in the season premiere flash-forward. 6. That bugs me too. Also Theo blackmailing Stiles doesn't work for me at all. Theo is trying to ingratiate himself into the pack; blackmailing Stiles pretty much guarantees that Stiles will be against him. "Get me into Scott's pack or I'll tattle about Donovan" doesn't seem likely to work. Unless they derail Stiles completely, he'd be much more likely to confess to Scott or his dad.
  20. That reads "Great Jon Umber" to me. so one of the other Umbers (Crowsfood / Whoresbane) I guess. I'd love to know if Natalia Tena has been spotted in the area; maybe Osha and Rickon will reappear since the last we heard from them was they were headed towards the Umbers. Alternatively, it's a Nothern Lord (Umber or otherwise) from the past, occurring during a Bran-o-Vision.
  21. Evil twin robot clone space-alien impostor. I wouldn't put it past this show. I'd have a serious problem with Wilden being alive. It's just too comic-bookish. Ali not being dead was bad (the coroner couldn't correctly identify the body) but somewhat excusable as it was central to the plot for 4 season. Mona's faking her death was much more believable, because a) it's Mona and b) no body, witnesses, autopsy, etc. But Wilden? I'd need all the cables on the Golden Gate Bridge to suspend my disbelief for that.
  22. Someone [i'm presuming Charles at this point] bonked Ali with a rock. Mrs. D, in a drug addled haze, dug a hole and buried her alive. The Grunwald pulled her out of that grave Someone [could be Charles again, could be Big A, could be Tipi the bird for all I know] cracked Bethany with a shovel Melissa came along, assumed Spencer had done it, and buried Bethany (also still alive) in the same hole that Ali crawled out of.
  23. As I said in the episode thread, it looks to me like the Show is setting Charles up as another patsy being manipulated by his "Friend and Ally" so while they may capture Charles, Big A is still going to be out there mysterious, unidentified and motivationless. My guess at the pertinent events: 1. Mrs. D faked Charles's death at age 16 for... reasons. She kept him at Radley, possibly under the alias "Freddie" and visited him regularly where she began having an affair with Bethany young's father. 2, Someone, probably Charles, pushed Marion Cavanaugh off the roof for... reasons. Bethany saw it, maybe became aware of Mrs. D covering it up, and started hating her and drawing pictures of her as the devil. 3. Freshman year, MonA begins terrorizing Alison. 4. Labor Day of a Thousand Yellow Tops: a. Bethany and Charles both escape from Radley. Maybe Big A helped for ... reasons. b. Charles clocks Ali on the head, Mrs D buries her alive, etc. 5. Big A kidnaps Sara Harvey and stashes her in the dollhouse for ... reasons. (Okay, I give up on trying to figure out motivations for any of this) 6. Mrs D hides Charles at Dead Aunt's house. 7. Big A kills Mrs D, liberates Charles from Dead Aunt's House, and sets in motion the whole frame-everyone-so-they-can-be-kidnapped plotline that's been going on since season 5B. Other than showing up where required (at the fake prom, at that creepy arcade to meet Jason, etc), Charles actually does very little. It's all been Big A acting in his name. 8. 6A will end with Charles in custody, and he'll get a visit from someone wearing black gloves, a red coat, or possibly dressed as the Black Widow. Whether the PLLs think "it's finally over" or realize that there's a bigger fish out there is questionable. The police and parents certainly will think it's over, just like they did when MonA was captured.
  24. I see what you're doing, Show. "Your Friend and Ally" -- seriously? They'll capture Charles in the finale, but he'll turn out just to be another patsy, and the Real A will still be out there. This is a rehash of MonA: Charles will be caught, go to prison / a mental ward, and get a black-gloved visitor... I had to mute the Sara / Emily / Sara's friend scenes. The whole bit with Toby's accidental OD was a ridiculous plot contrivance. "We were so close! If only Spencer had bothered to tell her supplier that she was back in AA and not needing pot-based consumables!" Loved the Aria / Mike scenes, though I really think he should have sat down next to her and put his arm around her. No words exchanged, just being there for her since her parents are either off-screen or behind the camera.
  25. That's what I'm thinking too. The Nemeton was dormant until Young!Derek killed his girlfriend there and it became active enough to save Jennifer(?) and turn her into the Darach. When Scott and company did their death ritual to find the kidnapped parents, they fully awoke the damn thing. Maybe the Nemeton is the ultimate villain of the series. They need to get out to the forrest with some dynamite and a stump grinder, stat.
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