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  1. If she's just going to keep walking around with that bandage on her head, someone should give her a fife to play and two drummers to walk with her.
  2. "I'm actually full. I'll eat more of the salad later." She's hoping the scale heard that.
  3. I wanted to share a picture of Lenny and Squiggy. They showed up at our house around Thanksgiving and we have since taken them in. They have both have vet visits and are healthy, vaccinated, and neutered.
  4. What on Earth is she baking in that pan for three hours???
  5. Oh, that pesky old malfunctioning scale! The villain of the piece, always!
  6. It wasn't the worse thing I've seen on TLC. Just another one of those shows that will probably be gone in a season.
  7. That's what I kept saying while I watched "Baylen Out Loud."
  8. I keep thinking they're calling the dog Fizbo.
  9. I don't think getting fast food through Door Dash is on de diet.
  10. My grandmother had terrible anxiety. Only she didn't call it that. When she'd stay in her bed, the family came to call it "one of her spells."
  11. Little Therapist, Big Clients
  12. He's disgusting. I hope they take him to the cleaners.
  13. Stay away from grapes!
  14. How's everybody doing? My eating habit tonight was Olive Garden chicken pasta.
  15. Speaking of brats in commercials, there's one for Outback Steakhouse advertising the chain's "steak-cation." At the end of the ad, a family is playing a board game when the daughter gets up and says, "I thought this was going to be a steak-cation, not a stay-cation!" And she flips over the game board.
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