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270 Excellent-
Just watched it (East coast time). Just wanted to share my (final!) thoughts: - I think overall, I am happiest with May's arch, not just this season, but this series. I was a bit concerned that her new empathy powers would negate her history as the the strong fighter she has always been. Her new path as an instructor at the Academy builds on everything she was and became. As a teacher and mentor she will be the cornerstone of the future of SHIELD. - FitzSimmons family - even though I saw it coming, I teared up. My only wish is that we saw had more Fitz this season. Also, Deke could be old but alive- felt there should have been a moment there. For a season that ruminated on finding a path, and the value of family, the absence of Deke was a flaw to me. - Deke - he found a place for himself, a "family" so to speak. I knew he would be left behind the second it was discussed. If there was a character I was rooting for this season above all others, it was Deke- our orphan desperate to belong, our misfit desperate to be valued. His ending wasn't perfect for me, but it was as good as I could hope. - Daisy: I'm grateful she wasn't set up as the only 'savior' of everything, but a member of the team as a whole with a part to play. I've been up and down over the years with how the writers have written this character, but this season was solid for me. Even the Cora story line, though extremely rushed, fit a larger theme of finding one's place in the world, and setting up Daisy as the Coulson to Cora. I felt we saw a maturity to the character necessary to the plot. - Mack & YoYo: I think their ending made sense. Overall, to me, their ending felt a bit flat- yes they are enjoying great professional success, as they should, but I was always hoping for something more for Mack in particular (the story of his daughter always pierced my heart). I don't know what exactly I wanted, but it was something more. - Coulson: I actually liked the ambiguity of his ending, because I have (likely unrealistic) hope that he may still have a future MCU appearance. Overall, I liked the ending more than I wanted to, though the best parts of this season wasn't the final 3 episodes.
Enoch's death was very touching. The Tin Man gave his 'heart' to save everyone without a moment of hesitation. No I don't think Fitz is dead. My theory: And I need a happy ending for Deke as much as I need one for everyone else. His story has always been his need to be loved and accepted. I don't need him to get a romance (women are not prizes), but I need his story to end with him finding that he belongs and is loved.
If she did become a US citizen, she would have to pay US income tax for the rest of her life, even if she leaves the US. A lot of companies counsel younger workers (if visa renewals are not a problem) to wait until they know for sure they plan to reside in the US forever. Most other countries don't tax your outside income. It's why my husband waited so long to apply for US citizenship - we joked about how I knew he was 'really serious' when he was taking on lifelong income tax if we ever end up moving again.
As someone who worked outside of the US, I don't think Yuko could do much before actually getting 'hired' by the DCC, so she was stuck flying back and forth during training camp. Typically you need your employer to do some of the paperwork for your visa.
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(Hair is a very personal decision, and I'm uncomfortable that Kat's hair always appears to be so heavily debated as though Kat's opinion and needs are not what is solely important. All of the cheerleaders should have the freedom to style their hair as they please, and it's extremely suspect of management that we don't see natural hair representation on the squad. But I don't think Kat should bear the burden as the poster child of this issue, and I can't imagine how she feels about people constantly saying that one style is better than the other on her- it's her (beautiful) head!. The issue is management, not Kat.) If there is a new lock-down that prevents training camp, I wonder if Charlotte is going to reduce the squad number this year to a limited number veterans and just move on. I'll be sad if we don't get a new MTT season, but I just think management will be at a point to 'fish or cut bait' on squad size and members if training camp can't go forward. In general I can't see the cheerleaders being hired for personal appearances this next year or running clinics, and I wonder if this isn't already be discussed by the higher-ups.
All Past Seasons of the Late Lamented Show
IrishJig replied to ByTor's topic in Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders: Making The Team
I wonder if KaShara has PTSD flashbacks of wearing the wrong rehearsal outfit to the first day of Training Camp. I do, and I wasn't there. 🤣 (Seriously. I don't recall most of the details anymore of past seasons, but I remember vividly watching that for the first time. When I was a dancer I used to have nightmares of showing up at a performance without my costume or shoes, and that episode brought those fears back all over again.) -
There a few careers that accept an MLS as advanced degree, such as court administration and legal compliance officers. To my knowledge a MLS is not required for those jobs but can be helpful. You don't need it for a JD. It was trendy to market MLS degrees to people who wanted to apply for a JD and had poor undergraduate grades. (Normally I would say just pay for a good LSAT prep, but with LSAT possibly not being administered the next year grades may be more important.) It may also qualify for part of a paralegal training certificate in some states. (A paralegal does limited legal work supervised by an attorney). (sorry to go off topic, rarely is there a question pertaining to my career field).
FWIW, back in the late 90's/early 2000's, learning choreography by video, and submitting auditions via VHS was normal in many dance communities. I remember learning choreo that way several times, a lot of cruise lines did preliminary auditions via video submissions, and I think you had to submit a tape for certain Rockette auditions. I feel like this is very retro!
DCC Q&A: Mysteries of the DCC World
IrishJig replied to bigskygirl's topic in Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders: Making The Team
Yes, this is something that makes me both sad for the cheerleaders, and a little frustrated. I completely understand the DCC wanting to guard its brand and image, and social media today makes that a massive uphill battle. And I think that some (not all) of the cultist behavior stems from the fact that the squad members now really do represent the DCC 24/7 because their personal life now can be easily shared. But, no matter how long squad members want to stay, they can't to do this for their entire lives. They can't even do this as their only job unless they have personal wealth (which I don't think is the situation for most). And like athletes, they are one injury away from retirement at any moment. So when persons complain that someone is using DCC as a stepping stone, or is only a 'one and done'- I'm personally thinking "Good! Have a 10 year plan! Use this and grow!". Because the squad won't hesitate to cut a vet if they aren't up to it's standard. So the vets should also put their futures first too.- 2.0k replies
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All Past Seasons of the Late Lamented Show
IrishJig replied to ByTor's topic in Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders: Making The Team
Yes, though I don't think Kelli or Kitty know the other definition of "facials" 😱😲 (my mom wouldn't). Also, it's still a common term in cheerleading- seen it on score sheets. (I've watched since Season 1, and for many seasons did not know what Kelli meant by "she's a locker room favorite." On my college and high school squads, that meant something . . . not so good. I thought she was saying they were super sexy(?) since they have a non fraternization clause + Kelli meant it as a positive attribute. Then I finally was watching one day, realized that couldn't even mean "super sexy" with who she was talking about, 💡 that she means "loved by all the cheerleaders." I'm an idiot.) -
All Past Seasons of the Late Lamented Show
IrishJig replied to ByTor's topic in Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders: Making The Team
If I was still dancing, I would 100% want Kitty to coach me and critique me . . . but I would really prefer not go though it in a group setting. (I'm a wimp, I don't know how there hasn't been more tears on camera during some seasons). I think that 99% of the time she is completely right factually, but how she delivers it is terrifying. Combining that with the pressure of training camp- I don't blame the candidates for looking faint when she walks in the door. -
Whose to say she hasn't always been openly bisexual with her friends and family? It's not like the DCC posts each squad members' sexual orientation in their online bio. It was her job, and I only talk about my love life with co-workers that I'm actually friends with outside of the office. Same sex marriage is legal in Australia. my guess- they fell in love in Dallas, and both lived in Dallas for many years. Perhaps it's sentimental. Jinelle is going to be a stunning bride!
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DCC Q&A: Mysteries of the DCC World
IrishJig replied to bigskygirl's topic in Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders: Making The Team
@ShellyB is the new uniform (shorts and midriff we saw on MTT) intended for regular game use? (I’m just old enough to remember the “star” outfits!) (loved your all star pic with young Dayton) -
(One past season they showed Kelli and Judy immediately pick the swimsuit calendar photos the day after they sent the vets back to Texas. Though that may have been dramatized a bit for TV, I’m sure it has to go to print relatively quickly. Anyway I personally find it insightful as I think it matters to Kelli). Since I always look up the final roster before the end of MTT, I always know the final cuts in advance. I’m not usually too surprised or emotionally attached (let’s be honest, it’s typically not a big surprise but someone who has been struggling, or just can’t get the kicks in time). I don’t know why this year, but I’m dreading Shaina’s cut. If I didn’t know, I would think Lily is to be cut because facial expressions are a big deal (understandably) to Kelli.
Thank you!!!