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  1. And offers coming over the phone....
  2. Bini listing his jobs makes me think of that In Living Color skit when the Jamaican family all have about ten jobs each.
  3. The only one I'm rooting for is Shaeeda for now. And her mother for sure.
  4. This is different...a sensible mom giving practical advice and a daughter listening and really thinking about the situation. Trust your gut Shaeeda---RUN!!!
  5. Shaeeda is too good for him. What does she see in him again?
  6. Or Chris Isaak. I loved when Phoebe said he needed to pick a masculine note when they sang it.
  7. This Reunion reminded me of how much I loved Ross. Funny how the creators wrote the character with him in mind and he was the first one casted. The Routine is one of my favorite episodes so I'm glad they showed that clip. Ross dancing makes me laugh hysterically. TOW with Joey's Fridge has one of the best ending credits scenes:
  8. As Kevin said, he definitely has that douchey side to him. And Kane poking at Drew, saying Kelly wanted more @#alal, that was pretty idiotic. Kane likes to instigate...he encouraged Christine to wear that necklace to Anna's party. Really like Anna. I have no idea what she trying to do with that sledgehammer in her closet. There's so much more to her than meets the eye. With as much money as she has, i think she never thinks about it and has a generous heart but don't cross her.
  9. Hayley didn't think that Grace would show up with Jonathan after her performance on the stand, did she?! They didn't think he'd be a flight risk after that little show, when Grace left the courtroom with her father and Sylvia? Eeeesh. I'm pretty disappointed. And especially mad that Miguel was put on the stand for no apparent reason.
  10. I'm pissed that Grace didn't drop off Henry at school. You'd think that she'd do that as her priority. WTF.
  11. That's the direction I'm heading also. She had an affair with Jonathon, he dumped her for Elena. He never "hired" her for any legal advice, that's how she was able to tell Grace that she knew he was fired. She was digging for info from Grace when she whisked her away from the school in the waiting cab. She's friendly with the prosecutor to ensure Jonathan goes away forever. As for how Henry got the hammer in his violin case I'm at a dead end.
  12. Sylvia's waving to the prosecutor in the court room and then hugging Grace...yeah, that's not weird at all.
  13. My sister came up with this idea that Elena is Frank's daughter (offspring of one of his many affairs). Miguel would then be his grandson and the receiver of the "scholarship" that he probably sponsored. Elena has been blackmailing him and Jonathan having an affair and child with her (and in effect, hurting Grace) pushed Frank to have Elena murdered. Wild speculation!
  14. That was a long ass kiss. Shudder. Another smothered couple. I loathe Charlie and Chuck. This has carried on way too long... this one night is three episodes too long and it's sickening to watch. Angela, just go home. You could never carry a baby and pressuring Mykul to decide to end the relationship, knowing he wants children, is just mean. Go away. TLC, drop her please.
  15. That's what I believe about Asuelu's family---they want that TLC money! I'm sick of Libby forgetting that she's married and that maybe her husband and baby come first. Why she lets her family continue to badmouth Andrei (they didn't want her marry him in the first place and she did), they should shut up, accept he's the choice she made. Seeing how they rely on Chuck's money to survive, she lets this happen. I'm sick of their rudeness and waiting to be with his close friends and family to ask these stupid questions. They've had plenty of time in Florida to do this. Enjoy this trip to Moldova and soak it up instead of acting like ugly Americans!
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