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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. I don’t know much about “ the Club”. I went one time when my office had a party at the Playboy Club. Wendy probably gets dressed to the nines, with wig, eyelashes andan outrageous outfit with her boobs to the floor. I’m wondering what kind of sneakers will go with the outfit?
  2. What if a guy wants to run his fingers thru her hair while making love? Will his fingers get stuck ? You know they love long silky hair.
  3. Don’t you know? They are the BEST family in the entire universe. Plus, they love their children more than anybody else. I can’t stand her and that phony silly laugh, and her creepy husband. Go away Brownstone and take that Mother with you.
  4. FYI .. hmmm , just read Meghan King Edwards getting a divorce after five years. Is it true? Maybe she’ll be back. He filed Friday.. what a surprise.
  5. Maybe that technicolor old bag wants to take Vikies place.
  6. I can barely wear a bra much less a wig. If I have a dark color top on, I’ll go bra less like that slut Brownstone. I also hate tight waistbands. I should have been a nudist, lol.
  7. I know what Ryan needs, and it isn’t therapy or a job. He has to go into the service and be a Soldier. That will straighten his ass out. He needs discipline, working out and orders. He has to learn to be a MAN. Being he’s so patriotic. Problem solved.
  8. My son is divorced 14 years now. My Grandson told me if he could have anything in this world, it would be that they were a family again. Breaks my heart. It’s still bothering him. Guess many people are in the same boat. Marriage is fucking hard. Don’t know what happened here .. a double post?
  9. My son is divorced 14 years now. My Grandson told me if he could have anything in this world, it would be that they were a family again. Breaks my heart. It’s still bothering him. Guess many people are in the same boat. Marriage is fucking hard.
  10. My sister had two in her forties. I’ve had two also. The after surgery isn’t that bad. I don’t know how she rode that horse with Brownstone with that pain.
  11. I’m itching just hearing about it. This same ole wig style is enough already. Everyone’s hair looks the same. Long curls hanging down the back n front. How about some new hairstyles with just the real hair, if they all have any hair left. A cute bob or shorter real hair would look nice for a change.
  12. Now she’s going back n forth with Billy Bush. He’s catching her in lies she’s reporting about Massimo and what’s her face about their marriage. Can’t screw with Billy as he knows his stuff. He can catch her every day on her reporting. Funny. She better get her facts straight. She’ll throw it on Poor Norman.
  13. Swollen ankles that she needs a machine. Everyone knows that anchovies and sardines are full of salt. Those alone will swell the ankles.
  14. And, BTW, she’s now ranking on New Jersey. Jersey isn’t good enough for her being he’s there. What nerve. People from New Jersey come to see her show. That was a stupid remark. I guess she’s now the 5th Sex and the City chick. Wonder if she’s got an apartment uptown where the housewives or downtown in the Village where the cool stars live. I just can’t see her walking around there. She’s too recognizable with that hair and a bodyguard with her, being she’s so important.
  15. You are ON FIRE today! Hold on .. I have to put on a pair of Depends.
  16. @Chenoa .. you’re killing me. Now stop. Lol where have all the people with these crazy names been? I don’t know one of them. Crazy hair, makeup galore, jewels galore, boobs hanging out. Nice bunch.
  17. Haha .. strip clubs. I thought she says she just LOVES to stay home in her robe and eat sardines while lying on her bed. She’s a stay at home gal. Ring, ring, ring, it’s six pack or one of her good girlfriends or Nene telling her to get dressed and go to the club. Or one of those crazy named people that just came out of the woodwork all of a sudden. Hahaha. I’ve never heard of these Z listers in my life until now. Where’s the Dr. is right. He saw her minus wig, eyelashes and makeup, and ran for the hills.
  18. Jealously perhaps? I can’t think of any other reason. Well, that’s good to know, That’s not good, right? Today, was everyone laughing because she kept burping? If it was, who in hell eats eggs and anchovies for breakfast? I never heard of that. I remember Kelly Ripa saying she never eats before a show except coffee for fear of either indigestion or having to go to the bathroom. That’s smart. Wendy should chew a Tums or something. This board has gotten very small since everything.
  19. If Sean doesn’t go next week, Hanna better go. I am so sick of that phony smiley face on t.v. Get them both off. They’re sickening already. Now that I know it’s fixed, what’s the sense of watching? Phony show! Sick ofLen and Bruno with his theatrics too.
  20. This is not a who’s the best dancer contest. This is a popularity contest. Poor Sailor. Who needs Judges? Spicer can’t dance for shit.
  21. I hope Ramona never changes. That goes for N.Y. too. Stay the same as you all are. You’re my only hope.
  22. Watching for a second time as I don’t catch everything the first time. Did Gina say her husband wants to go to councelling and get back together? I can’t believe Brownstone had no bra on, then put on that white dress. WTF ? Show is getting raunchy.
  23. I said that out of the blue about Ryan. I didn’t even get to your post yet, as I was reading backwards and catching up. Sorry you mistook it. 😀
  24. OMG .. “nor do I twat”. THAT, should win a prize. I can’t stop laughing.
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