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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. I watched at 4 pm as she’s on twice .. this is her territory. Guilty face .. she couldn’t hide it. She’ll lose most of the stars that have been loyal to her. She’s toast. Cher will be on it. What does her servants (Norman and Suzanne think about that one. The most disgusting thing I’ve heard in a long time. The audience won’t be affected .. it’s for free. Tiaras and ridiculous clothing rubbing off.
  2. Maybe the comment went to the lawyers already as we speak. Freedom of speech might save her, so she only lost half of her viewers. That was a low blow and shows no class at all. The thing I thought was endearing in the beginning when she started is annoying to me now. She is a real diva, but she pretends that she’s one of us. She drinks her tea like she’s with us cozy in our living room. She smacks her lips, tears up when needed and burps like she’s comfortable with us to do so, and like one of us. Now, lately, she embarrassed someone in the audience for whatever reason. I’m watching now to see if she addresses the Phoenix issue. Now she’s talking about a Jeffrey something .. who the fuck is he? Anyhow, she came out with a guilty look on her face .. you could tell. She won’t go there. She’s now talking about taxes and this guy, whoever he is. BTW, she has the mermaid blonde hair on again. Be yourself Wendy. She is not a person to talk about anyone. Big Kev must be very happy now, and I could see why. Today, so far, Wendy looks guilty as hell. P.s. Another fire sale sweater on today with those sneakers. PPSS. I don’t think she’s anyone’s type. Larry David is her friend???? Shit Show. Guilty. Another football guest on. Anyone know him? I am OUT except for this thread. I truly feel sorry for her parents. They must be in hiding. Pardon me as I’m rambling as I’m watching and typing for the las time (watching I mean). Oh, “hottest food” coming up. Get out the hot sauce. Her mouth will be full. A baggie to go for later. Hot sauce on lasagna??? My husband is Italian, and he would never. She is nuts. Good nite, hahaha.
  3. I read that story in today’s New York papers. Cher and others are furious and I don’t blame them. How dare Wendy make fun of Phoenix’s lip? I love his acting, especially in the Johnny Cash movie where he should have won best actor. That’s why I can’t stand the Academy. They vote for their own. Anyhow, I’m not watching Wendy anymore. My husband, who’s retired hates her and walks out of the room if I have it on. She’s knocking everyone one by one. Go back to radio. The audience is changing. They are probably pulling people off the street who are passing by.
  4. No. I never watch any award show ever. They are actors voting for and celebrating themselves. What’s the point? The money they spend on these outrageous gowns could go to a good cause like animal rescue, sick kids and other charities. I know they contribute to charities too, but I still think they are a waste and phony.
  5. So, is this it? Are they finished for good? I don’t think so. He’ll be back. I doubt that nut job will not miss her chance to come to America and have a baby with him.
  6. Yes, there is food delivery, BUT, she has to tip. There lies the problem. She likes things for FREE.
  7. Hahahaha .. you are too much. I think you should take over the show. Anyhoo, I only eat half the bread on a sandwich too. I didn’t lose an ounce,
  8. Ha, you said everything I think. Does anyone here think the show will make it? I don’t know. She has fewer guests, She talks about people we don’t know. She talks all about her life. It’s getting boring. Same ole thing. Ask Wendy is stupid. Who is she to give advice? She can’t even keep her own business in order. She should go back to radio. There’s not enough on her show to hold an interest. She’s too opinionated about everything and everyone. People are hating on her because she’s too outspoken and rude.
  9. It was on Episode 9 and I don’t know why. I was going nuts trying to find it too. It wasn’t on the title in the guide.
  10. Hmmm .. nothing. She had a black couple on that have ten kids between them, but Wendy took over the conversation and was talking their business, which I don’t think they liked, but nothing else out of the ordinary. Wendy wore her usual very tight sweater that looked ridiculous of course. That’s it I think. Nothing else, unless I missed something. I missed Hot Topics tho. Doctors appt.
  11. Having kids is wonderful, when they are kids. If you’re lucky, they will remain wonderful when they grow up and leave the nest. Then, you have to let go, and it’s hard. Some keep a steady relationship with parents, and some don’t. At a certain point, they become the boss and you become the child as they think they know more than you. It’s like they have power over the parent. Like a good friend of mine told me, in order to have a good relationship with adult kids, “ keep your mouth shut and your pocketbook open”. As long as you don’t tell them what to do, all is fine. They know more than you .. they think. I have one adult boy who knows more than me and two daughters. As long as I compliment them and don’t tell them what to do, all is fine. My son does more for us than the daughters. I love them all the same.
  12. Monday .. Wendy CANNOT interview. Faith somebody was on and Wendy was being a smart ass. She asked the woman questions, then she answered her herself. Faith couldn’t get a word in. All she did was blab, blab, blab. Then she was picking on Faiths husband who was in the audience like a real smart ass. Theguylooked either annoyed or embarrassed. She was talking about his personal life, and I don’t think he liked it .. all the kids he has, etc. ... private stuff. They are all going to dinner tonight. If I were them, I would cancel. She’s got a big mouth and I wouldn’t trust her with my business with a ten foot pole. BTW, she probably went home with all those freebies today.
  13. She HAD to have help. Either a nanny, Big Kev, or her parents. I’ll bet Big Kev.
  14. Yikes. I won’t feel better until Mike is up in the air on that plane back to the states. I thought he would cave.
  15. I cannot see her staying home every night with a baby. She’s a swinger party girl, and drinker. I don’t see that marriage working out at all.
  16. My parents had an arranged marriage. They came from Europe. My Father was a gentle lovely handsome man. My Mother was never happy.
  17. Syringe is a dope to put up with Tanias shit. Natalie is insane.
  18. Oh, right. 47. Cameron won’t be the average mother. She will have nannies, probably cooks, cleaning service, etc. she’ll do all the fun stuff and probably sleep all night, not get up with the baby every three hours. That’s a killer I remember. You walk around like a zombie.
  19. Is this “Choose Me”? That’s what it says on the guide. I don’t know who I dislike more. Maybe all of them, especially that nut Natalie. Go home Mike and don’t look back. Not one of them is there for the right reason .. maybe Angela.
  20. I freakin hate snakes. On clothes, bags, gloves, shoes, anywhere. How are they considered pretty?
  21. What I can’t stand is Wendy getting freebies. Besides taking food off the table that a chef makes, she takes the rest home for herself. Plus, people send her things, like she needs stuff. The best so far is when she complimented an audience member on her snakeskin dress. The lady sent it to her and told her she only wore it twice, so get it cleaned. Wendy did, and wore it proudly this week. WTF ? I could never. She needs a stylist pronto, and we don’t have to be exposed to her thighs when she sits down and pulls her skirt up. Is she on t.v., or at the Club?
  22. Was there a fire sale on low cut tight sweaters in all colors lately? Very appropriate for morning t.v. Why am I even watching? Why am I watching? Maybe because I’m hoping the show will come back the way it was in the beginning, with good guests that we all know, Wendy being nice and not bashing everyone, and not a continuous string of has beens, rockers we don’t know, and snarking from her about just everyone she knows? Besides, there’s nothing else on in that time slot.
  23. It was on t.v. Suddenly. She had a baby girl with the guy she’s married to for five years ..Benji something. She’s 43 yrs old, and they don’t say how she had the baby, but they are both thrilled. They want to keep her private, so no pictures. Now that’s news. I watched “ The Holiday” twice this week as I love Cameron.
  24. I think his job depends on making Wendy happy. The girlfriend probably doesn’t like it, but it’s his bread n butter.
  25. After that display, I turned the channel. Besides I don’t know any of her guests or who she’s talking about anymore. She has made enemies of them all. Is Honey BooBoo the best she can do? How about some dirt about Cameron Diaz and her new baby? That I would like. Not those has been rockers I don’t know.
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