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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. Or at least off the “thinking heads”. She’s not funny. Put Tinsley on. That will get them all in one shot.
  2. I was watching something on t.v. tonight which rang true. He said something like “Don’t keep thinking of what you lost .. think about what you have.” This certainly applies to Dorinda, or anyone I assume. I think someone Billy Bush was interviewing tonight said it.
  3. There’s no comparison to death and divorce, but when Ramona divorced Mario, I did not remember her crying the blues every minute for years. That was a big blow, and she handled it pretty good for a marriage of twenty years. Then again, she doesn’t seem to be a whiner. She doesn’t look for sympathy.
  4. I wonder what Dorinda’s Mother and Sister think about all of this. Hmmmmn.
  5. I can’t get last nights episode out of my head. Was it all scripted and for the camera, or was Dorinda’s meltdown real? Either .. or .. it was disgusting and not pleasurable to watch. Very disturbing to say the least.
  6. Great post. One thing .. Dorinda is not grieving Richard .. she is grieving the LIFE she had with Richard. Just because she said she loved him doesn’t mean she did. How would we know? Lots of women stay with their husbands not out of love, but what they have because of them. Maybe she was rough with Richard too. We don’t know, and she’ll never tell. Look how she treats John and all her friends. She has a vicious mouth, and probably always had. This episode gave me such a freakin headache.
  7. She wouldn’t find a guy. I meant “if”. She should have considered herself lucky to have had John. I only hope he doesn’t cave and want her back. She did insinuate she could do better after evaluating her life. He would be a fool. Now she’s going to say his business was so good because of her, lol.
  8. @BUTTERQUEEN .. My heart is breaking for you. 😪 Love, Silver Bells
  9. There are people who do things from their heart and expect nothing in return. Dorinda makes it nice at Bluestone Manor, throws a couple of chickens in the oven, gets dresses for people from a designer, then thinks she owns you and throws favors in your face, forever. She didn’t lose a husband, she lost her identity of being married to a worldly guy who traveled the world and associated with important people. That is what’s gone, her life, not Richard. I’m not a shrink, but the woman is having a nervous breakdown clearly. If she would now find a guy with the same credentials as Richard had, she would do a 180 back to normal and be happy again. She hates her life as it is now. I have a feeling John had enough of being used and dumped her. Does Bravo think this is entertaining?
  10. Can anyone see Kyle or Dorit pull down their pants and pee in a cornfield? One up for BH i see.
  11. What’s it going to take to get this maniac off my t.v.? Enough is enough already. One minute she’s crying hysterically, the next she’s laughing and joking like nothing happened. Typical of a woman that needs help.
  12. Who goes into someone’s home and says they need a bigger coffee table? What balls. Leah is a single Mom on her own, and rents are high in the village. La Countessa has no class or heart.
  13. I was thinking the same thing today. No more dinners at the apartments and houses. Everything is being filmed outside. That alone takes away from the show.
  14. Speaking of Beverly Hills. They must be laughing their asses off at this shit show tonight.
  15. Dorinda has a very high opinion of herself. She thinks she’s so intelligent and worldly and better than anyone. Tinsley can put her in her back pocket.
  16. O.k. Contessa LuAnn. Leahs apartment isn’t to your taste. She gave her child the big bedroom and has a small coffee table. So what? Apartments in the City are expensive. STFU, you snob. Next time, stay home.
  17. Drunken Dorinda and all of her “sayings”. She reminds me of an old lady.
  18. Why were they babying Drunken Dorinda? She didn’t have it any worse than some people. The Richard saga has worn thin. I’m sick of hearing about it.
  19. Whoever thought it would be funny is a moron. It was GROSS.
  20. These are supposidely sophisticated New York women? I’m ashamed for them. They acted like they never saw an orchard or farm before. They are all over upstate N.Y. and Long Island. Money don’t buy you class is right.
  21. Horrible. She gave him no credit. Maybe he had enough and dumped her. She made him seem like a nobody. The woman has to go to a rest home with therapy three times a day.
  22. Beautiful ! How about the number with her in the white dress that had all the feathers all over it that flew around while she was dancing? I think it was “Dancing in the Dark”. Sorry, it was “Heaven” from “Top Hat”. Just looked on u tube.
  23. I have “Flying Down to Rio” with Delores Del Rio on a tape. The music/dance scene was what Otto Preminger decided to become a Director, or something to that affect. Amazing dance number. I love Ginger Rogers also and Fred Astaire of course. She was the best dancer I ever saw.
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