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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. They change houses and apartments like we change our shoes. She loooved it so much.
  2. I feel so sorry for these kids working at the windows. They are taking orders, managing the money, then sometimes get rude customers yelling at them. I couldn’t do that job, and give them credit.
  3. Yep, and I meant Carolyn, not Caroline, who’s John John’s sister. I guess people in the Family didn’t want too much revealed about the Prince and his Mother.
  4. In “What Remains”, I felt that Carole spoke more about her and Caroline Kennedy than her and her husband the Prince.
  5. I have a feeling she will come back sober to keep her job. We already know how mean she was, but she will be contrite and win some followers over, but never me. The way she treated Tinsley was deep and raw and she meant every word. She may keep her followers by making it nice again, but does a leopard change its spots? I don’t think Bravo will allow a next victim. She shouldn’t even be let back as she ruined the whole season.
  6. I loved, loved the old gang, Jill, Beth, Simons wife ( forgot her name) and all the husbands. What a difference from then to now. All we have is drunk women fighting and wrecking the joints. The away vacations were nice to see with the shops and all.
  7. What about Sonja always feeling someone up? Or grabbing them from behind like it’s a joke. Now, Leah is her easy target. Gross.
  8. Well that is truly tragic. I know when a polar vortex is coming they are always telling you to leave a faucet dripping so the pipes don't freeze. Too bad her family didn't get over there for Dorinda and prepare the house a little pre-vortex. Still, don't take it out on Tinsley. It says a lot about Dorinda that she goes for the gentlest, tiniest person to take her rage out on. Glad I'm alone in not greatly disliking Sonja. She is crude and attention-seeking and a sexual harasser. If a man said half the things she says to the help/waiter/repairman he'd be cancelled. Every time she's on screen I'm trying to figure out why everyone thinks she's such a great beauty. Old Man Morgan and his new wife must watch this show and cackle.
  9. I can’t understand why Carole came on a reality show in the first place, being she was married to a Prince and cousin of John Kennedy, Jr. She brought that up frequently.
  10. More money. You would think she has enough by now. I used to buy her non alcoholic drinks in the bottle which were very good. After about a month or two, I couldn’t find them anywhere. The manager said they were a good seller, but he couldn’t get them anymore for some reason.
  11. Hmmm .. but Sonja and Ramona are a package deal. Who’s going to fight over the rooms?
  12. They were still co workers. That is very snooty of Carole. I’m not surprised.
  13. Here in New York, it’s on TLC at 8 p.m. if that’s any help. That’s basic cable here.
  14. What trouble finding tonight’s episode. There are too many. Anyhow, I just watched a little. Larissa looks like an alien .. horrible. No green card yet, no job, but had a lot of work done on her body. WTF? Where is she getting the money? Just asked her Father for five thousand .. what nerve. She better start hooking. I noticed they all are very made up. Angela got heavier, and way too much makeup on. Still puffing her brains out at 10 bucks a pack. There’s so many segments for this show, I don’t know where and what to look for. Very confusing. I’m going to catch up on here, it’s easier.
  15. It’s funny how all these people, especially Carole, sponge off other people. Sonja wants to horn in at Ramona’s party, La Contessa took dresses for the cabaret, etc. The more they have, the cheaper they are.
  16. Now, that would be great t.v. Hear that Andy, or whoever ?
  17. Wow .. thanks. I thought she was in some kind of business deal with some guy and wouldn’t come back ever. Knowing her tho, she flits from one thing to another, so maybe she would for the right price. Thanks for answering. Even tho lots of people don’t like her, she would be more interesting than Dorinda.
  18. Come to think of it, that is true. Vanderpump Rules, Below Deck, etc. N.Y. is Ramona, Sonja and Luann, but minus Dorinda maybe? I for one, couldn’t take another season of her, unless she does a 180, which I doubt.
  19. Too much booze, too little good food. Plus menopause to boot. I think she’s in a funk. No rich partner on the horizon. Where’s Rocco and all her boyfriends from the Regency? I’m sure she went on a cleansing diet to get ready for her debut on the new Cabaret Act with LuAnn. I guess it won’t start for awhile because this virus won’t allow a packed house anywhere. That might be a while yet, maybe in the fall? Until then, I don’t have Instagram, so don’t know what’s going on with any of them.
  20. OMG .. So, what do you see when you swipe up .. her pu..y? I can’t believe this, haha. Knowing her, I think I believe it.
  21. Exactly. Like a new “Sex in the City”. Now that would be interesting. Girls getting along and actually liking each other. This show has had it. It’s not working anymore.
  22. I was thinking the same thing. Why all the sequins on all of them?
  23. They need some love interests, like men on the show. All they do is go to restaurants and bars and get smashed and argue. The haunted house scene and LuAnn’s cabaret are just fillers. Nothing of interest going on at all. BORING !
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