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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. My Father died at 95. Smoked Unfiltered cigarettes since a kid, ate bacon & fried eggs everyday, ate fatty food, never exercised and drank hard liquor. Died from a fall in the yard. Go figure. The only thing I can think of is he never got nervous over anything. Always calm as a cucumber. Never got excited. Me, I get nervous over the slightest thing and my blood pressure is usually up there. They both came from Europe and worked hard their whole lives. My Mother told me, “ when you feel blue, scrub the kitchen floor on your hands and knees” and you won’t feel blue or depressed anymore. She didn’t believe in pills, tranquilizers or antidepressants.
  2. All that plastic surgery did her no favors. She was pretty before. Waste of money she could have sent to her kids. That’s if she remembers who they are. She’s too busy primping to get a rich American and live the high life while we have several jobs to keep afloat with mortgages, car payments and schooling for our kids.
  3. The Flashdance soundtrack is the best I think. I have it on my I pad and blast it with the headphones. Grease also. They are all good tho. I don’t like or understand the music of today.
  4. Yep.. they seem like a team who got together on a whim to maybe promote their Realty companies? There’s no emotion there. They are just void. He’s very prissy. He needs a couple of Big Macs and some fries, or maybe he’s a model too? Who knows.
  5. Why does Connie giggle after everything Jonny says? It’s really getting annoying. Is it nerves or what?
  6. I don’t know what the rules are on this show, but if a guy told me he wasn’t attracted to me, I’d be out in a flash. He’s had enough time to decide if he wants to go ahead. Steve is physically fit and probably wants a younger slimmer girl, and Michel is not. If I were her, I’d go to a hotel and forget about it all. Three of these guys have had it already and they started out great. I thought for sure Kathy was set with him, but no. Also, the pony tail guy looks like he’s finished too. WTF? How big lips went back with Michael is beyond me after he had sex with Miss Tatoo. She said she loves him? Yeah, right. What happened with the Ukrainian guy? They all got matched and are already finished? They didn’t even get to the hard part of marriage yet and they are finished? It’s a joke. But I still love to watch. Being they talk differently, I wish they would speak slower and closer to the camera. Half the time, I can’t understand them. P.s. The women sure wear much more makeup than the Americans, or they can’t put it on properly. Too much mascara. The clothes aren’t too stylish either. I feel bad for Cathy. He reports everything to Mama. Who does that?
  7. Well, I love it. It takes awhile to understand what they are saying, but you have to give it a chance to get rolling. I just found this thread today and am thrilled. Michele and the barber are the oldest couple and he doesn’t seem to like her. She’s 47,a teacher, and very attractive, but I think he wanted younger and skinnier. Then there’s one with big lips who has two little boys, and her husband cheated with another girl on the show right away. She was nuts anyway and got booted off. Once you get to know them, you will be hooked. Give it a chance. It’s on demand. I’m so happy I found this thread as I’m disgusted with the Housewives shows. They are all pretentious and drunk.
  8. Definitely an actor. I don’t know of any doctor that gives you that much time. Plus, if the news is good, a nurse might give you a call. That “Doctor” had her ten minutes of fame.
  9. I’m new here but I have to say that the people on this thread are so nice and truly caring even tho you just met them. There’s no judgement. A true friend is hard to find. They are with you in highs and lows. We all have troubles at one time or another, and it’s good to know that somebody cares. That is this thread and you don’t even know them. I know what you mean about our kids. We don’t want to burden them as they are growing up their own families, and have their own problems. If we whine to them, they pull back. We just have to suck it up. Everyone is testy with this damn virus, and we don’t know when it’s going away. Everyday is the same. We all are restricted. All I do is shop for groceries a little, go to doctors and watch tv, but, I guess some people have it worse with illness and other things. I just hope the electricity doesn’t go out .. then what do we do, lol. Nothing, God forbid. Tomorrow is a better day. I’m sure lots of people feel like you. It’s probably the norm now. Xoxo
  10. Yes we did, and the fireplace too. We didn’t go in the champagne glass tho. Wouldn’t you know, I got the period on the second day we were there, so that ended that, lol.
  11. Yes .. that’s why I don’t know what’s real and what is just producer driven and for the camera. I want to believe it’s all real. It’s like we are being cheated. But then again, a lot of the couples have made it, had kids and are very happy in their marriages. So, I guess it’s a little real and a little fake. I think I just answered my own question, lol.
  12. Only two years too, but maybe that’s long. I don’t know.
  13. Yep, it stays in for a week if you want. Low maintenance. My girls get it done every time they go to Jamaica or Cancoon. They also get colored beads put in here and there. I love that look, besides I think Karen is gorgeous. He is too. P.s. I hate snakes too. I live in the woods and it’s been known garden snakes have come into the homes. I think I would have a heart attack. I’d run out and go to a hotel until it was found. Last year, I got bit by a little spider and got cellulitis and wound up in hospital for 8 days on penicillin.
  14. Don’t read as I’m going to spill the beans. Last nite, the Dallas couple who moved to Miami are still together after one year. They had a Bday party for her with relatives and friends on both sides. The snobs on his side didn’t take too kindly to her side. The Vegas couple is still apart, but he wants her back. Seems like she doesn’t want to. Guess her girlfriends got to her. I forgot their names as I’m confused still by Married at First Sight which precedes this show. So many shows, so many names to remember, so many reality shows lately. During this virus, I’m binging on N.Y. Housewives, Seasons 1 to 11 on Hulu. The Best.
  15. Started last night, August 5th at 10 pm (eastern time) on Lifetime. It follows “ Married at First Sight”. Lifetime is channel 45 here on Long Island, N.Y.
  16. Yep .. good advice. My niece took home a scorpion in her luggage. I don’t unpack and close the zipper, then put it on one of those luggage racks. I only hang dresses and the husbands jacket.
  17. I don’t care what the experts or anyone else says about marriage. If you know the person for two minutes or two years, you still don’t know them until you live together. Then all the quirks come out. Good or bad. After one year of marriage, I said to myself “ is this it”? Meanwhile, we’ve been married forever. Plus, these couples missed the thrill of courtship, where you can’t get enough of each other. It’s the best time in your life, I think anyhow. I still reminisce about those days .. so romantic. Corny, I know, lol.
  18. If his new wife ( already forgot her name) was smart, she’d see he is very nervous, and try to get him out of his shell. Other than his shyness, he seems like a good guy. That’s “if she’s interested”.
  19. Damn. Just told the husband wish we went to Mexico on the honeymoon. In those days, most honeymooners went to the Poconos, Pa.
  20. Me too. It’s only shorts and tops. Toiletries in the bathroom.
  21. Wake up Henry! This guy needs a few drinks. It’s Mexico.
  22. Wow, I think I just had that for my eye surgeries. I was awake, but didn’t feel anything. Weird.
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