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Everything posted by Peanut

  1. Rick has terrible taste in music. All righty then.
  2. I've seen him four times, and the man knows how to put on a show. That said, his second album was terrible and that probably doomed him. His new one is pretty good, though.
  3. Better than any in service day I've had to suffer through. Also, Maggie? When Glen is trying to draw the zombies away, quit screaming his name.
  4. I don't blame Carol for the kid's death. He should've gone with FPP. Also, Rick's plan to go to the quarry sucked. Lots of blame to go around. And where the hell is Daryl and gang?
  5. Okay, so the armory is too far, but the quarry isn't? And now it's dark????
  6. I still can't believe they got out of the damn truck.
  7. I can't decide if I'm watching to see what happens, or if I'm now hate-watching this like I did with FTWD. Surprise me, writers.
  8. I live with my two cats in a 756 sq ft condo, and I do have a lot of space. There are some units in my building that are 450 sq ft and I've seen people do incredible things with them. Though the couple with the great Dane sold their place when they had a kid and moved to the burbs, so I don't think that tiny is good for someone with a family. I had also at one point considered lofting my bed, but I just had surgery and realize that this would've been a terrible idea. I already have a high bed with drawers and storage underneath and getting in and out of that was painful. I also need a bathroom with a door that closes. I did see the episode with the bathroom with just the curtain, and no, I could not do that if anyone was over. I do miss the show Small Space, Big Style. It was on when I bought my condo and was really helpful in helping me make some choices. Oh, and another reason I couldn't have a tiny house - I have framed band posters all over my walls. (this makes me an adult...as a teenager, I just taped them to the walls....) Where would I put them in a 200 sq ft box???
  9. According to friends who have been stationed on Guam, NO ONE comes to visit you. They wait until you are stationed somewhere more cool, like Korea or England. Speaking of England, there was an episode on recently about a young couple from Texas (maybe?) relocating to London and they were shocked that their budget barely got them more than a studio. They wound up in Notting Hill, which is cool but there was a second flat with a kind of interesting outdoor space that I would've chosen, because outdoor space in London? Awesome.
  10. I thought maybe Phyllis was Geronimo, and maybe she is and wouldn't that be a twist? The Resistance killed Geronimo! I don't think this show would go there, though. The tutor is definitely onto Lori and her not very well thought through plans. I like that she essentially got her whole neighborhood in trouble. That's so Lori. I agree with Accidental Martyr that the bar seemed to be open very late. Or maybe it's winter and the sun is setting at 5 pm. But either way, we need some mention of curfew..."oh curfew is in a half hour, last call everyone!" Or have we just dropped the fact that there is a curfew at all?
  11. I was an expat for a total of ten years in three different places: Italy, Germany and China. The one place where some Americans really couldn't deal was not China, but Germany, which I loved. At the time I lived there, stores were only open late on Thursdays and not at all on Sundays and I know that can be inconvenient, but it wasn't a deal breaker to me. I thought the couple in Helsinki should've chosen the unfurnished condo or the second place with the weird furniture, what with them being closer to the city and public transportation. Being close to public transportation is so awesome and shouldn't be underestimated. Especially in winter.
  12. I just watched and I got really annoyed with Lori doing Lori things. As mentioned above, leaving your two children minutes before curfew to go look for your missing husband is just about the most Lori thing ever. I'm surprised she didn't overturn a car, but I suppose tipping over a bicycle and hiding under a tank (?) is close enough. Speaking of that scene, was the guy who saw her one of the resistance? I couldn't tell if they were meant to recognize one another or not. I'm intrigued by the premise, but I'm not sure how much Lori I can take.
  13. I liked Citizen Z's background, as a Snowden type hacker/spy. Really well done. Also, I like how so much information was conveyed in so little time. (I'M LOOKING AT YOU, WALKING DEAD) Roberta's story was good, too. I like that she immediately realized the zombie threat and just started aiming for the head. She's so awesome. It was nice to Mac again. I also like that 10K was kind of a nerd. Appropriate. He's adorable even in flaming nerdom. "Ten minutes then GTFO." I love you Roberta. :-)
  14. I like Roberta and Murphy's relationship. I like that he made sure she didn't get a dose of the "vaccine," even though we know he doesn't necessarily want to be the savior of humanity and often tries to get away from her. And then they got into the same El Camino at the end. That was a nice touch. Nat Zang's line delivery was much better this episode. He's fine as long he doesn't have soliloquys. I mean, he's always fine, but, well, you get what I'm saying...
  15. The additional 25 was the time they saved by taking the Kowloon ferry.
  16. Okay. What the hell. If you can't see the fish while on the surface, go down deeper. I get that it was hard to see under there (I think Diana said that), but everyone else got it on the first try. And, no, partner girl, she didn't "got this." How many times did it take her? Four? I've only seen like four episodes this season because I keep forgetting it's on. I hope the next season has a more memorable cast.
  17. I prefer to snark along live. Otherwise, I'd be screaming at the teevee and I might scare the cats and neighbors.
  18. No, you aren't alone. We have another deranged lunatic about to enter the story and we have all of our characters acting stupidly. I can't show. I just can't.
  19. meh. Negan. Another deranged asshole. I may pass on the second half. Okay, I won't. But I'm starting to hate watch this show like I did with Fear, and that's not good. The first three episodes this season were so good. Even the Morgan/Tabitha/Cheesedude episode was good, just misplaced. But now everything sucks.
  20. Welp. I think that's about how I had the wolf situation go down.
  21. TEEN ANGST. Seriously. All we need now is some bad poetry.
  22. Glenn, I teach teenagers. You can usually get the stubborn ones to come around, but it takes longer than you have.
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