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Everything posted by Peanut

  1. At one point during the roadblock, did Burnie take something, "to make it harder for the other teams"? I thought that might come into play, but since they were last, maybe it didn't. Or maybe he thought better of that and put whatever it was back? I didn't DVR this, so I can't go back and check.
  2. But I don't get how this crew (with the possible exception of Our Favorite Junkie) are so freaking calm around zombies. It's been....three weeks? Maximum? since the start, and here we are casually throwing clothes around on the beach, etc. Or is it that they just haven't been around that many, with the exception of horde at the CDC detention center? It says a lot to me that the show uses The Talking Dead to explain stuff. As others have said, and I have as well, I should be able to understand the show on its own merits. And that they decided to make Abigail a woman means they aren't plotting this show out very far. I know Gimple has said TWD is plotted out several years, but I am skeptical. I think they write a season at a time and just wing stuff. (Hello cheesemaker episode!)
  3. Is Travis going to totally fuck up the boat in his effort to fake this guy out?
  4. Are we on another of our very casual search missions? Let's wander around aimlessly!
  5. Strand cutting the rope is the most interesting thing that happened on this show. But yes, let's get rid of an intriguing character.
  6. Let's hug a long time before we get on the boat. And Nick has figured out the guts trick. Well done. Let's hug a long time before we get on the boat. And Nick has figured out the guts trick. Well done.
  7. Oh, really? You're going to take down a herd with your little gun???? STUPID. OMG I CAN'T EVEN RIGHT NOW
  8. JUST TAKE THE BAG OF DRUGS. You don't have to empty it. WHY IS EVERYONE SO STUPID?
  9. Oh. My. Ceiling Cat. Chris is even stupider than my most clueless freshman student.
  10. Why are they standing around on the beach? Just start opening the damn suitcases.
  11. Um. Shouldn't they have been prepared for it to be a zombie blocking the water intake? That would've been my first guess. I'm guessing Travis is unarmed. So even if a random shark rolled up, he'd be toast. And yeah, the crispy guy is the kid from the plane. Too bad. I liked him.
  12. I was more interested in the plight of the plane people than I am of most of the rest of our hardy band of morons.
  13. I would've stayed on the island. I think there was a chance to get something going there, and I'd rather that than drown or be eaten by sharks. Or floating zombies. Maybe the military is in Nebraska, at SAC Headquarters. Sorry, Cold War kid here, at STRATCOM. Wasn't that the rumored safe space in TWD? Re: Jonestown. About two years ago, when I taught at-risk kids, some of the things I could get them to actually read were accounts of Jonestown and similar places. Maybe it's macabre, but as long as they were reading and then discussing (eagerly!) what they'd read, I couldn't really shoot that down. So it wouldn't surprise me that druggie boy was familiar with Jonestown.
  14. My sister was offered a position at The Sail. Dubai is incredibly expensive. Dana's meltdown was...impressive. I'm bummed they didn't come in last after that, even with a non-elimination leg.
  15. When Madison went on the bridge to look for him, I thought she was going to try to take over the boat. And it wouldn't surprise me at some point if one of them tried, with, of course, disastrous consequences. I didn't think the show was as bad as some - I teach high school, so the two teens acting like idiots isn't a surprise at all. Though the one jumping in the water was clearly not thinking of sharks or floating zombies. And for a few minutes there, I wondered if EVERYONE was going to jump in the water, because, well...it's very dramatic to fling off your coat and dive in, I guess? Thank you for reminding me that the extra person was Ofelia, the daughter. I couldn't remember who she was. I thought maybe she was some random nurse had come along with them from the detention center. I agree with others that it seems a little early in the apocalypse for gangs of bad guys to get together and randomly shoot up a ship and kill people for no reason, but this is Kirkman's universe, and there are apparently shitty people everywhere, so...
  16. I plan to hate watch it, but I promise to try to keep the snarkiness down for those who do genuinely enjoy the show. I think, like so many, I was disappointed because 1. This was not the show we were promised and 2. The characters were just so unlikable, I was rooting for the zombies. If it turns out to actually be good, I promise to say nice things.
  17. Thanks, guys. I don't know why that scene (sort of vaguely, obviously) popped into my head. If he had said, "it might be my last day on earth," I was going to have to go back and change my vote in the poll.
  18. So wait. After Glenn and Maggie hook up in the pharmacy, and later Rick asks him what he was thinking, what was his reply? Was it I was thinking I might die tomorrow or was it I was thinking it might be my last day on earth?
  19. I couldn't figure out who the dude in the blue shirt was. Then I realized it was Maggie....
  20. I think there was no speed bump because it was a continue racing leg. I want to ride that weird train and I really want to visit Georgia. And Armenia.
  21. Has anyone gone online to see what happens? I'm so irked at the main show for ending on a cliffhanger, and then they couldn't even wrap up this mess for me? Meh.
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