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Rachel RSL

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Everything posted by Rachel RSL

  1. ???????? I'm pretty sure Adam and Jay are very good friends. Plus, I don't recall Jay being a bully at all. If anything, he seemed to completely grasp the concept that Survivor is a game and never seemed to take anything too personally. He could be smug at times for sure but I don't recall any incidents where he bullied anybody.
  2. I would imagine a lot of people are in the same boat as me, in that this trailer is the first they've ever heard of this show.
  3. I don't think anyone who watched the trailer would expect that.
  4. Man, I don't know how I feel about this. I was obsessed with Archie comics when I was a kid and still have tons of those little digests at home. Archie comics are happy and sugary sweet and relatively innocuous. I don't know that I like them darkening my Archie like this. I'll give it a shot though.
  5. Part of the difference is that Hannah had a chance of winning, depending on who she was sitting next to in the final 3. Russell had absolutely no chance of winning in any season he played, no matter who he was sitting next to in the finals.
  6. We really don't have to look that hard though. She's shown strategizing with people before almost every vote.
  7. Semantics. He ate the food and commented on the food while sitting next to Padma so, whatever that's called, Bret did it. And Lamb18 is correct, it was from episode 2 of the Boston season. I have no desire to go back and re-watch it to see if Bret was douchey or not though.
  8. That I'm not sure of. Even if it was just a few votes, in his mind it was clearly long enough that he felt the need to voice concern over it.
  9. I'm just going by what Adam himself said. Right before that confessional, there is a scene with Adam & Hannah discussing who to vote for and Adam actually asks her "What do you want me to do?" Did he "let" her pick the last few boots? I'm not sure but that's pretty much the same thing as her running the show. She was making decisions and Adam was going along with them. I get the impression that a lot of people don't want to give Hannah credit for literally anything. Maybe she's not a strategic mastermind but to say that she was ineffectual and might as well not even have been on the show is overkill, IMO.
  10. I believe it was during the rock draw episode. He said he needed to start making some moves because he'd been sitting back and letting Hannah run the show.
  11. Except that Adam himself said that, for a large part of the time he was aligned with Hannah, she was the one "running the show". Those were his exact words, not mine. So, I think what most people here have been saying is correct, it all came down to how the jury perceived them. I agree. (Mostly with the shut it, Zeke!) Back in the early seasons, a provider, hard worker and challenge beast like Ken would have been a leading contender to win it all. But those days are long gone.
  12. It makes sense to me unless I'm misinterpreting it. Ken (or Jessica) could have given the LA to anybody at any time during the game but that person wouldn't have been allowed to open it until Day 36 and could only use it at the next TC .
  13. Her reaction annoyed me. She almost seemed irritated that Ken got such a great advantage (not that he needed it) instead of her. Well, suck it up, buttercup. Pick the correct rock next time.
  14. Russell could have been in the finals with a bottle of ketchup and the ketchup would have won. He was a vile human being who was a complete dick to everyone yet he still expected them to vote for him. He had zero social game.
  15. I don't find his exit interviews (the ones I've read, anyway) to be that different than the impression I got of his personality while watching the show. Maybe they edited out the part where Ken recounted when he was kidnapped by a Pygmy tribe who tried to eat his ass and took turns beating him with a club. Oh Coach...good times!
  16. The man lives in Denver! Why is he a Pats fan? Ugh! Oh well, they can't all be perfect ;)
  17. Did we know that Bret was once a guest judge on Top Chef? (I didn't.)
  18. Heh. That's ok. We need a sarcasm font. I agree about Will's maturity. Lord knows I was nowhere near that mature when I was 18. (It's possible I'm still not.)
  19. I was being sarcastic. Still, it would be cool if it hasn't happened yet. He'd end up 8 feet tall and be able to summon demons from the Underworld with his voice.
  20. Yeah, imagine after he goes through his growth spurt and his voice changes!
  21. If I were a cartoon, this is the part where my eyes would pop out of my head all ah-OOH-ga ah-OOH-ga! I don't even mind that his legs are an entirely different colour than his upper body.
  22. Jay is probably the first person ever to look exactly the same both on and off the island.
  23. I'm a weirdo because I don't like most of the modeling pics. I like when he's all scruffed up.
  24. I think their was a lot of Bret's personality that was edited out. At one point when they were debating voting him out, I think it was David (?) who said that Bret was the most likable person out there and Hannah immediately responded "That's true!" I might be misremembering that scene but I'm almost positive it was Bret they were talking about because I remember thinking: "Really???"
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