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Rachel RSL

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Everything posted by Rachel RSL

  1. In all fairness, this isn't a unilateral decision on Sandra's part. Obviously her tribemates all agree that sitting her out is the best thing to do.
  2. Ok, I guess I'm the one who's going to be a straight-up bitch lol. I'm trying really really hard to have empathy for Nico but I just can't. He came into the house cocky, arrogant and obnoxious and only "broke down" when he found out that Canada hadn't kept him safe. (Probably because he was, you know, cocky, arrogant and obnoxious.) Things didn't go his way and he threw in the towel immediately. I'm really trying to feel bad for him but you just know that if he hadn't been in trouble this week, he almost certainly would have continued to be insufferable. I appreciate Arisa telling people to be kind but.....GAH....I just can't. I wish him well but I won't miss him. Minh-Li looks so much like Chrissy Tiegen, it distracts me sometimes. She must really be a pain to live with if Kyle is already flipping out on her. He may have been a little loud about it but I noticed that nobody jumped to her defense so maybe she needed to be taken down a peg.
  3. One of the more annoying moments though was after Arissa announced the results and Vanessa said “I can’t imagine being in this house without you!!!” Really? You’ve known her for like 2 hours.
  4. She would totally stay. I don’t think quitting would even enter her thought process. I remember on one of her seasons, they were doing an endurance challenge and Jeff asked her about the pain and, I don’t remember her exact words, but she said something typically Sandra-esque like: “This is nothing! I gave birth, didn’t even take an aspirin!”
  5. As someone who neither loves nor adores Rob (but does enjoy his personality and thinks he's a great player), I can totally understand that he's not everybody's cup of tea. No law saying that everybody has to like him and there are definitely plenty of people who don't. But there's a big difference between saying "I think Rob is an asshole and I don't like him" and saying "Rob is a bully". Very big difference. Nah! No way does this happen. Has there ever been anything in any of her seasons to indicate that Sandra is a quitter? I feel like, if anything, we'd get a confessional from her saying something like: "If I can't win Survivor, I will be the Queen of EoE!" followed by scenes of the others building a brand new Sandra statue to go with the old one lol.
  6. Agreed. I don’t see how Rob having a conversation where he was a) calm & friendly and b) telling the truth, makes him a bully.
  7. Based on her previous win, I knew that Natalie was really smart and good at the strategy part of Survivor but I actually had no clue she was such a beast physically. It just makes me even sadder that she was booted so early.
  8. You can easily be both. (See: Boston Rob) People would rather be in an alliance with Sandra than go against her and, if she's in your alliance, odds are the other side will be gunning for her before they gun for you. But she's kicking ass at the mental tasks too so it's not just that she has a physical advantage.
  9. I really wanted to like Angela when she was talking about being a superfan and making the other superfans proud but then, in the very next breath, she talked about how she couldn't wait to get into a showmance. Uh....isn't that the #1 thing NOT to do? Something a superfan should know.
  10. Sandra always seems to get prettier the longer she's out there. Her skin just gets this natural island glow that I'm very jealous of. I don't believe for a second that Tyson didn't know Sophie's name. I think he just momentarily forgot who the other person in the alliance was and then was being tongue-in-cheek when he made the comment about not even remembering her name. I really wonder why they don't put Wendell on the puzzle part of the challenges. He was really good at them in his season and it always seems like he's dying to jump in and help with them this season. This has been answered already just a few posts above yours.
  11. I didn't watch any of the intro videos online but I wasn't surprised at 3 of the people who ended up with the fewest votes. They were, by far, the most obnoxious people at the start of the show so I imagine their online videos were just as bad. (I was surprised though that the Italian girl ended up in danger, she didn't seem that bad to me. I thought Mr. "Ya Feel Me" would have gotten fewer votes.) Girl power or not, I really wanted Minh-Li (sorry, not sure of the spelling yet) to go. There is nothing I hate more than women who seem proud that they're bitches and boast as if being arrogant and narcissistic is a good trait. Ditto for men too, I guess. (Also, have they never watched BB Can before? The audience always votes for something and we never vote for the assholes!) So far my early fave is Carol, not because I necessarily think she'll win, but so far she seems like the type of person I'd be friends with. ("I wasn't gonna tell you my age because you assholes always vote out the old person first" LMAO)
  12. I know this won’t last but all my faves are in a good spot right now and every time Sandra survives a TC, it both astonishes and delights me. I love her! She proudly sits out challenges and she openly says she’ll vote for anyone as long as it isn’t her yet they all love her. Her social game is killer! Other than watching Natalie continue to be a beast, I could do with 95% less EoE. I mean, I really like him, but I didn’t need the epic saga of Ethan going up a hill. At least Rob’s wizard puzzle skills finally kicked in. WTF? He put that thing together like he knew instantly where every piece went.
  13. I seem to remember Russell's brother was on Big Brother a few years ago and he got expelled from the house for physical violence so I don't care what the FBI says, clearly it's genetic and everyone in that family is batshit.
  14. I could never hold anything against Dreamz when he was the one who was instrumental in making the infamous Edgardo boot happen! Man, all these years later and I can still see those smug smiles disappear.....good times!
  15. I enjoy this show simply because there's absolutely nothing else like it on tv. Even though I spend most of the episode confused, I'm ok with it because I feel like we're supposed to be just as confused as the actual characters. I love Simone! But I'm most excited to see Fredwynn's episode. He's hilarious!
  16. I enjoyed it and am very much hoping it turns out like Twin Peaks (awesome!) and not a waste of time like LOST (still pissed!) Although it was depressing to watch the first few minutes and realize that I'm 100% Peter.
  17. Using paint, charcoal, or mud to camouflage one's face is a standard military technique and has absolutely nothing to do with blackface. There's so much racist crap in this world, it's disheartening when people try to find racism even when there clearly isn't any.
  18. I don’t think it means more to him than all the rest of them put together. Saying that is basically discounting everyone else’s life. Everybody has a story that could break your heart. Everybody has a reason for being there.
  19. Ethan got married a few years ago. I’d like to think that made him feel like he was back in the land of the living.
  20. Even back when Fairplay’s season first aired and I couldn’t stand him, I always thought his dead grandma scheme was impressive. Not saying it’s something I personally would have done but when you look at it from a game point of view, he came up with a plan before he was even on the island and executed it perfectly.
  21. If this is the definition, then almost everyone who has ever been on a reality show is a bully.
  22. I wondered about that. I remember that, towards the end of the challenge, he looked like he was about to lose his mind, telling them where the pieces were supposed to go. It looked like it was killing him to not just jump in and do it.
  23. Yes, all those reasons have all been mentioned several times in this thread. I still think it was a bad decision.
  24. Literally just had to Google Vince and I still don’t remember him. 😂
  25. Honestly, why are those things still there? Are TPTB hoping that one day, centuries from now, future generations will flock to the mysterious runes of the red-shirted woman and the square-headed guy? Wendell and Yul for me please. All day, every day, and twice on Sundays! That wasn't Tony and it wasn't their tribe's boat. It's just a random Survivor employee who drives them over, probably the same guy who delivered people to IOTI last season. I'm still waiting for someone to give an actual example of Rob bullying someone. Last I checked, being good at reading people and manipulating people in a game that is all about strategy, isn't bullying. I really think people in general, especially grown adults, need to stop throwing the word "bully" around every time someone does something they don't like.
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